1994年4月 - 1998年3月
1988年4月 - 1994年3月
Animals : an open access journal from MDPI 12(23) 2022年12月2日The objectives of this study were to assess the sequential dynamics of the endometrial polymorphonuclear cells (PMN) after calving by endometrial cytology, and clarify the factors that cause prolonged endometrial inflammation in lactating dairy cows. A total of 33 lactating Holstein dairy cows were used from -4 to 8 wk relative to calving (0 wk: the calving week). Endometrial samples were obtained sequentially from 2 to 8 wk. Body condition score and backfat thickness were obtained weekly from -4 to 8 wk. Blood samples collected from -4 to 8 wk were analyzed for indicators of energy status, hepatic function, systemic inflammation, and calcium. Blood amino acids were measured at 2 wk. Daily milk production was determined between 5 and 65 d postpartum. Based on the sequential cytological analysis, the endometrial inflammation threshold was set at ≥5.0% PMN, and the median wk of PMN% lower than 5.0% was 4.5 wk in this study; therefore, we classified the cows into the early group (cows with endometrial inflammation converged within 4 wk: n = 17) and the late group (cows with endometrial inflammation converged at or after 5 wk: n = 16). There were no differences in daily milk production, energy status, hepatic function, blood calcium concentration, and systemic inflammatory response. The late group had lower body condition scores and backfat thickness during the experimental period, and a higher blood concentration of 3-methyl histidine, indicating muscle breakdown, was observed in the late group at 2 wk. Our findings indicated that the lack of body fat reservation during the peripartum period and the increased muscle breakdown after calving were risk factors for prolonged endometrial inflammation.
Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research 66(2) 63-70 2018年5月 査読有り© 2018, Hokkaido University. All rights reserved. We investigated changes in cortisol (COR) concentration, which is well known as an index of stress in the serum of dairy cattle. The COR concentrations in serum obtained from dairy cattle were collected during practical training of first-year students on a farm attached to the Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University. Mean COR concentration in serum determined after practical training was significantly higher (P <0.001) than that in serum collected before training. Discriminant analysis was used to classify the relation between COR concentration of serum collected before and after practical training. In conclusion, the data was bipartite according to the percentage of rise (rise rate) of COR concentration. Although the percentage of the rise was more than 300% in the high-rise-rate group, there was a significant negative correlation (P < 0.05) between age and COR concertation. It was thought that the high-rise-rate group has a chance to decrease stress after more experience. In contrast, the low-rise-rate group included 3 cattle indicating high COR concentration before and after practical training. Those 3 cattle were thought to be stressed easily. It is suggested that there was individual difference to stress.
Research in Veterinary Science 114 163-169 2017年10月1日 査読有り© 2017 Anion-exchange (AEX)–high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for measurement of cholesterol can be used to separate serum lipoproteins (high-density lipoprotein (HDL); low-density lipoprotein (LDL); intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL); very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)) in humans. However, AEX–HPLC has not been applied in veterinary practice. We had three objectives: (i) the validation of AEX-HPLC methods including the correlation of serum cholesterol concentration in lipoprotein fraction measured by AEX–HPLC and gel permeation–HPLC (GP–HPLC) in healthy dogs and those with hypercholesterolemia was investigated; (ii) the reference intervals of lipoprotein fractions measured by AEX–HPLC from healthy dogs (n = 40) was established; (iii) lipoprotein fractions from the serum of healthy dogs (n = 12) and dogs with hypercholesterolemia (n = 23) were compared. Analytic reproducibility and precision of AEX–HPLC were acceptable. Positive correlation between serum concentrations of total cholesterol (Total-Chol), HDL cholesterol (HDL-Chol), LDL cholesterol (LDL-Chol) + IDL cholesterol (IDL-Chol), and VLDL cholesterol (VLDL-Chol) was noted for AEX–HPLC and GP–HPLC in healthy dogs and dogs with hypercholesterolemia. Reference intervals measured by AEX–HPLC for serum concentrations of Total-Chol, HDL-Chol, and LDL-Chol were determined to be 2.97–9.32, 2.79–6.57, 0.16–3.28 mmol/L (2.5–97.5% interval), respectively. Furthermore, there was significant difference in lipoprotein profiles between healthy and dogs with hypercholesterolemia. These results suggest that AEX–HPLC can be used to evaluate lipoprotein profiles in dogs and could be a new useful indicator of hyperlipidemia in dogs.
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 78(8) 1277-1281 2016年8月 査読有り© 2016 The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science. Density gradient ultracentrifugation (DGUC) and gel electrophoresis are conventionally used to obtain lipoprotein profiles of animals. We recently applied high-performance liquid chromatography with a gel permeation column (GP-HPLC) and an on-line dual enzymatic system to dogs for lipoprotein profile analysis. We compared the GP-HPLC with DGUC as a method to obtain a feline lipoprotein profile. The lipoprotein profiles showed large and small peaks, which corresponded to high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), respectively, whereas very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and chylomicron (CM) were only marginally detected. This profile was very similar to that of dogs reported previously. Healthy cats also had a small amount of cholesterol-rich particles distinct from the normal LDL or HDL profile. There was no difference in lipoprotein profiles between the sexes, but males had a significantly larger LDL particle size (P=0.015). This study shows the feasibility of GP-HPLC for obtaining accurate lipoprotein profiles with small sample volumes and provides valuable reference data for healthy cats that should facilitate diagnoses.
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 14(2) 147-150 2012年2月 査読有りA 9-year-old spayed female domestic shorthair cat presented with a skin lesion of the left tarsus. The lesion was biopsied and, based on the microscopic appearance and immunohistochemical characteristics, histiocytic sarcoma was diagnosed. Amputation was performed with improved demeanor seen postoperatively. However, between 44 and 60 days following the surgery, relapse of skin lesions appeared in multiple locations, including at the previous amputation site, and euthanasia was elected. This is the first report of a histiocytic sarcoma treated with amputation in a cat. © 2011, International Society of Feline Medicine and American Association of Feline Practitioners. All rights reserved.
ペット栄養学会誌 20(1) 30-38 2017年4月イオン交換高速クロマトグラフィー(AEX-HPLC)法は近年、ヒト領域で開発され、血清リポ蛋白質を高密度リポ蛋白質(HDL)、低密度リポ蛋白質(LDL)、中間密度リポ蛋白質、および超低密度リポ蛋白質に分けて測定することが可能となった。しかしながら、今までウシでは測定されていない。本試験の目的として、ウシの血清を用いてAEX-HPLC法による測定が可能か、AEX-HPLC法と超遠心法およびゲルろ過高速液体クロマトグラフィー(GP-HPLC)法との相関性を調査し、さらに1酪農家で飼養された泌乳ステージの異なったウシ24頭を用いてリポ蛋白質分画を評価した。AEX-HPLC法の再現性は良好な結果が得られ、超遠心法およびGP-HPLC法との測定値比較において、総コレステロール、HDL、およびLDLで有意な正の相関が得られた。また、泌乳ステージの異なる成乳牛のリポ蛋白質分画は、HDLおよびLDLともに泌乳初期から泌乳中期まで上昇し、その後乾乳期にかけて低下した。以上の結果から、AEX-HPLC法は乳牛のリポ蛋白質分画を評価するのに優れた方法であることが示唆された。
獣医畜産新報 69(7) 485-491 2016年7月牛の臨床検査技術の中で、昨今、最も着目されているものの1つに超音波画像診断がある。技術の進歩によって、装置の小型・省電力化が進み、牛臨床でも取り回しの良い携帯性を持った小型機種が急速に普及していることがその背景にある。さらに、最近では、小型機器の機能を大幅に強化した上位機種も次々に上市されるようになり、牛における超音波画像診断の利用範囲はますます拡大している。本稿では、上位機種に搭載されているドプラを始めとする様々な機能を紹介するとともに、その適用について概説した。(著者抄録)
ペット栄養学会誌 18(1) 18-24 2015年4月δアミノレブリン酸(以下ALA)は、近年のラットでの研究で脂質代謝に影響を及ぼし、エネルギー代謝を亢進する可能性があることが報告されており、肥満のイヌでも同様の影響が認められるかを検討した。8頭のビーグル(雄2頭、雌6頭)を高脂肪フードで肥満状態にし、高脂肪フードにALAを72mg/kg添加した群をALA給与群、添加しない群を対照群として4頭ずつに分け、36日間のALA給与試験を行った。試験中、約2週間毎に体重、体脂肪率、体尺を測定した。また、糞を採取し、水分含量、粗脂肪含量、pH、脂肪酸組成を測定した。体重及び体脂肪率増加量は共に、ALA給与群で、ALA給与開始から26日目、36日目に有意に低い値を示した(p<0.05)。36日目に採取した糞中の飽和脂肪酸濃度は、C16:0はALA給与群が高く(p<0.05)、C18:0ではALA給与群で高い傾向が見られた(0.05≦p<0.10)。これにより、ALA給与で脂肪の消化率が低下した可能性が示唆された。以上の結果、ALAの給与でエネルギー代謝の亢進と、脂肪の消化率低下の可能性が示唆され、体重と体脂肪率の増加が抑えられたものと考えられた。
Clinic note : journal of clinical daily treatment for small animals 10(10) 28-34 2014年10月
動物臨床医学 23(2) 048-053 2014年6月高脂血症の治療の第一歩は、高脂血症の摘発である。そのためには、日常の診療の中で、疑わしい症例に対して、可能な限りスクリーニング検査を実施することである。高中性脂肪血症は血清の目視によって肉眼的に診断が可能であるが、高コレステロール血症は生化学的測定を行わない限り摘発が難しい。また、高脂血症を摘発した場合は、その原因が原発性であるか二次性であるかを鑑別し、適切な治療を行う必要がある。二次性の高脂血症はもとになる疾病のコントロールが最も重要なポイントとなる。高脂血症の治療には非薬物療法と薬物療法が有り、食事療法などの非薬物療法を先行して行った上で、それでもコントロール出来ない場合は、適切な薬剤による薬物療法を実施する。(著者抄録)
Clinic note : journal of clinical daily treatment for small animals 9(10) 16-23 2013年10月