- 所属
- 日本獣医生命科学大学 応用生命科学部 食品科学科 教授
- 学位
- 農学博士(東京大学)
- 201601000957354266
- researchmap会員ID
- B000250962
- 外部リンク
2013年4月 - 現在
2009年4月 - 2013年3月
2006年4月 - 2009年3月
2001年4月 - 2006年3月
1999年10月 - 2001年3月
1979年4月 - 1981年3月
- 1979年3月
2018年7月 - 現在
2011年10月 - 現在
2005年4月 - 現在
2014年4月 - 2018年6月
2013年10月 - 2018年6月
Microbiology Resource Announcements 2022年9月22日In this study, the genome sequences of two Basidiomycetous yeasts, Tremella yokohamensis and Tremella fuciformis , which have very similar morphological characteristics, were determined. The genomic sequence data obtained will be useful for understanding the taxonomy and metabolic-related genes of basidiomycete yeasts.
Journal of food protection 85(9) 1258-1264 2022年6月10日Wild boar meat containing radioactive cesium (Cs) of approximately 1000 Bq/kg (134Cs+137Cs) was processed into bacon, sausage, and ham. In order to understand the concentration and quantity change of radioactive Cs, processing factor (Pf) and food processing retention factor (Fr) were calculated. The radioactive Cs quantity in the meat did not reduce during smoking. The dehydration-related meat mass reduction during smoking without decrease of radioactive Cs led to Cs condensation in the bacon compared with the raw rib meat before processing, resulting in a Pf of 1.18. Soaking in liquid, such as pickling in liquid and desalting or boiling in water, effectively removed radioactive Cs by leakage into water. Therefore, the Fr value of the boiled ham produced from a loin meat block through the above-described three liquid-soaking processes was 0.27. The Pf value of the boiled ham was 0.30 due to the meat block mass reduction after boiling as the result of dehydration along with the protein thermal denaturation-related muscle tissue shrinkage. The steamed ham Fr value was 0.53 since the removal of the radioactive Cs was less efficient by steaming than by boiling. The Pf value of the steamed ham was 0.54, almost the same as the Fr value, as the mass decrease rate was the same as the radioactive Cs decrease rate by steaming. The Fr and the Pf values of the boiled sausage, of which processing did not include soaking in the pickling liquid, were 0.64 and 0.62, respectively. The steaming of the sausage meat did not remove radioactive Cs during the dehydration-related mass reduction leading to Fr and Pf values of 1.01 and 1.17, respectively. As the result of this study, processing to boiled ham was the most effective measure for reducing both radioactive Cs quantity and concentration in raw meat. Processing to bacon and steamed sausage showed no Cs quantity reduction with the moisture loss resulting in Cs condensation compared to the raw material.
Carbohydrate Research 108626-108626 2022年6月
Food chemistry 373(Pt B) 131462-131462 2022年3月30日 査読有り筆頭著者In this study, we investigated the possibility of the geographical origin discrimination between Japanese and Mexican kabocha pumpkin using δ13C and δ18O in lyophilized raw flesh. Kabocha harvested in Hokkaido, the major kabocha production area in Japan, could be discriminated against not only that grown in Mexico but also that in New Zealand. However, seasoning after cooking or processing affected the δ13C and the δ18O values. Crude fiber extraction eliminated the effect of seasonings and enabled the adoption of the δ13C and δ18O values in crude fiber for the geographical origin verification of kabocha even after cooking and processing. The usage of δ13C and the δ18O in crude fiber would extend the application possibilities of stable isotope analysis in the geographical origin determination of various cooked and processed vegetables and fruits as well as raw materials.
日本食生活学会誌, 26(2) 55-58 2015年9月 招待有りAcrylamide, a probable human carcinogen, is found in a wide range of high-temperature processed and/or cooked foods. Acrylamide is formed mainly from asparagine in Maillard reaction in the presence of reducing sugar such as fructose and glucose. While this compound can be metabolized to glutathione conjugates, it is also oxidized to glycidamide, a genotoxic compound. Glycidamide forms DNA adducts. Acrylamide is also known to have genotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and reproductive and developmental toxicity. The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) evaluated health risk of acrylamide in food. The major contributing foods to total intake of acrylamide were found to be French fries, potato chips, coffee, pastry and sweet biscuits, and bread and rolls/toasts. The committee concluded based on national estimates that an intake of 1μg/kg bw per day of acrylamide could be taken to represent the average for the general population. The Committee selected 0.18mg/kg body weight per day as the most sensitive carcinogenicity estimate from animal study data. The margin of exposure (MOE) for the general population was thus calculated to be ca. 200, which is low for carcinogen and indicates human health concern. The Code of Practice for the Reduction of Acrylamide in Foods was published by Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2009 based on scientific analytical data obtained worldwide. Although acrylamide level in foods is decreasing owing to mitigation measures taken by food industry, the MOE is considered to be still staying less than 1000.
JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 94(10) 1938-1940 2014年8月 査読有り招待有りJapanese food self-sufficiency was only 39% on the basis of kcal in 2012, so Japan relies heavily on imported food. Hence the necessity of having international rules on the regulation of food contaminants is important especially for countries like Japan that depend on food imports. A One-Stop-Testing system is desired, in which the test result obtained from a single testing laboratory is accepted as valid worldwide. To establish this system, laboratory accreditation under international standards is a necessary step. Furthermore, the importance of supply of reference materials for internal quality control and proficiency testing for external quality control of each laboratory's analytical system is reviewed in connection with the experience of radioactive nuclide contamination resulting from the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in March 2011. (C) 2013 Society of Chemical Industry
日本獣医生命科学大学研究報告 62(62) 8-16 2013年12月 査読有り招待有り2002年に高温加熱加工・調理食品中にアクリルアミドの存在が確認されて以来,食品におけるアクリルアミドの生成,様々な食品中の濃度,食品からの摂取量推定に関する研究・調査が進められてきた。日本においても,トータルダイエットスタディに加えて,日本やアジア特有の食品を含めた市販加工品や,炊飯米を含めた調理食品の分析が行われた。アクリルアミドの毒性と摂取量とをあわせて考えると,食品中のアクリルアミドの人の健康に対するリスクは無視できず,低減の努力が必要と考えられる。そこで,食品規格に関する政府間機関Codexでも,2009年にじゃがいも加工品と穀物加工品に関するアクリルアミド低減のための実施規範が採択された。食品におけるアクリルアミドの生成抑制や,食品中のアクリルアミドのリスク管理のためには,簡易迅速な分析方法の確立が望まれていたところ,2011年にアクリルアミドのEIA検出キットが開発された。また,アクリルアミドの分析の精度管理に関しては,加熱食品をマトリクスとした標準物質や分析の技能試験も供給されており,利用しやすい状況になっている。
JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-NIPPON SHOKUHIN KAGAKU KOGAKU KAISHI 59(9) 478-483 2012年 査読有り招待有りWater is a principle factor determining the texture and quality of food. Water distribution in spaghetti during cooking and standing. and in rice grains during water soaking, were investigated using M RI. Formation of a moisture gradient was observed in a cross-section of boiled spaghetti strands, as a result of water diffusion from the surface to the core with starch gelatinization. Homogenization of water distribution was observed during standing of the boiled spaghetti. Water distribution in five types of cooked spaghetti was compared using MR images and water distribution profiles, enabling quantitative analysis of water diffusion. As for milled rice grains, water first penetrated the embryo attachment site and the surface of the ventral side of the endosperm. then migrated along the central line and transverse cracks, and finally diffused to all parts of the endosperm. The central part of the endosperm allowed more water to penetrate. In milled rice grains of the cultivar Yamadanishiki, which has a white core, water quickly infiltrated into the cracks or chalky parts on the dorsiventral line and then diffused to the lateral side of the grain. The route, pattern and speed of water penetration are determined by the morphological structure, crack formation and hardness distribution associated with the filling of starch granules in the grains. (Accepted Jun. 25, 2012)
計測と制御 = Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 49(10) 732-737 2010年10月10日
日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集 (56) 57-57 2010年9月7日
日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集 (54) 98-98 2008年9月9日
日本植物病理學會報 74(3) 249-249 2008年8月25日
農林水産省農林水産技術会議事務局研究成果 (445) 167-171 2008年1月18日
日本醸造協会誌 = Journal of the Brewing Society of Japan 103(1) 10-16 2008年1月15日日本においては, 炊飯前に米を水に浸けることが習慣となっている。これにより米粒の中に水が浸透し, 加熱されたときに米粒の中心までデンプンが充分に糊化して米がふっくら炊きあがる。弥生時代の昔から米を栽培し, 米食に親しんできた日本人のやり方である。日本酒の醸造においても, 麹菌を生育させる米は, 蒸す前に水に浸す。浸漬時の米粒内への水の浸透とその結果である粒内水分分布は, 炊飯後, 加工後の米やその加工品の品質を決定する重要な要因である。そこで, 水の分布を画像化できる磁気共鳴画像法 (magneticresonanceimaging, MRI) を用いて, 浸漬過程における米粒中の水分分布変化を追ってみたところ, 水の浸透経路や水分分布は, 米の胚乳のデンプン細胞の粗密や並び方を反映し, 炊飯用の品種コシヒカリと, 酒米用の品種山田錦とでは, 水の浸透パターンが異なっていた。このことから, MRIにより米粒内への水の浸透を観察することで, その米の加工適性の一面を評価できるのではないかと期待される。
天然有機化合物討論会講演要旨集 (49) 277-279 2007年8月24日Iron acquisition is a vital process for bacteria to survive, since indispensable proteins such as chytochromes require iron to function properly. In aqueous solution, iron exists as two charged ionic form Fe(II) or three charged one Fe(III). These ferric ions are constantly insufficient in natural environments because the solubility of ferric ion is as low as 10-18M in water of biological pH, while optimum growth of one bacterial cell needs 1um of iron. In order to utilize such a low concentration of ferric ion in natural habitats, bacteria excrete low molecular compounds called siderophores, which have the ability to chelate ferric ion. Streptomycetes are gram-positive bacteria which are important as a source of bioactive compounds. In the soil where Streptomycetes dwell, it is competitive to acquire enough amount of iron to grow. Recently new kind of the peptide siderophore, coelichelin, was found in Streptomyces coelicolor by the combination of genome-mining and chemical analysis. This finding prompted us to explore the diversity of the siderophore among streptomycetes and accomplish the screening in search for new siderophore. On the course of the screening, we found new peptide siderophore named antichelin. By several separation steps, the compound was isolated with high purity. The structure of antichelin was determined by analyses of NMR and TOF-MS spectral data. As a result, antichelin was turned out to be the related compound to known siderophores such as foroxymithine and antichelin. Previously, we found that the inoculation of foroxymithine caused rapid aerial formation to S. coelicolor. There is the possibility that this kind of siderophore may function as a signal for deficiency of iron. We are interested in the biological role of this class of siderophores for the cell of streptomycetes besides iron uptake, and the further investigation to pursue this possibility will be continued.
CHEMISTRY AND SAFETY OF ACRYLAMIDE IN FOOD 561 405-413 2005年Acrylamide concentrations in processed foods sold in Japanese markets were analyzed by LC-MS/MS and GC-MS methods. Most potato chips and whole potato-based fried snacks showed acrylamide concentration higher than 1000 mu g/kg. The concentrations in non-whole potato based Japanese snacks, including rice crackers and candied sweet potatoes, were less than 350 mu g/kg. Those in instant precooked noodles were less than 100 mu g/kg with only one exception. The effect of storage condition of potato tubers on acrylamide concentration in potato chips after frying was also investigated. Sugar content in the tubers increased during cold storage, and the acrylamide concentration increased accordingly. The concentrations of asparagine and other amino acids, however, did not change during the cold storage. High correlations were observed between the acrylamide content in the chips and glucose and fructose contents in the tubers. This fact indicated that the limiting factor for acrylamide formation in potato chips is reducing sugar, not asparagine content in the tubers. Effects of roasting time and temperature on acrylamide concentration in roasted green tea are also described.
内閣府食品安全委員会 食品健康影響評価技術研究 2015年7月 - 2016年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2006年 - 2009年