
吉田 充

ヨシダ ミツル  (Mitsuru Yoshida)


日本獣医生命科学大学 応用生命科学部 食品科学科 教授




  • Kazuhiro Chiku, Ai Yamada, Yui Shibasaki, Yoshiki Makino, Taidoh Komatsuzaki, Mitsuru Yoshida
    Food Safety 2023年  
  • Kazuhiro Chiku, Shiori Sugiyama, Kona Akimoto, Mitsuru Yoshida
    Microbiology Resource Announcements 2022年9月22日  
    In this study, the genome sequences of two Basidiomycetous yeasts, Tremella yokohamensis and Tremella fuciformis , which have very similar morphological characteristics, were determined. The genomic sequence data obtained will be useful for understanding the taxonomy and metabolic-related genes of basidiomycete yeasts.
  • Mitsuru Yoshida, Mayumi Hachinohe, Takayuki Miura, Yusuke Sugizaki, Ryusuke Fujimoto, Kazuhiro Chiku, Shioka Hamamatsu
    Journal of food protection 85(9) 1258-1264 2022年6月10日  
    Wild boar meat containing radioactive cesium (Cs) of approximately 1000 Bq/kg (134Cs+137Cs) was processed into bacon, sausage, and ham. In order to understand the concentration and quantity change of radioactive Cs, processing factor (Pf) and food processing retention factor (Fr) were calculated. The radioactive Cs quantity in the meat did not reduce during smoking. The dehydration-related meat mass reduction during smoking without decrease of radioactive Cs led to Cs condensation in the bacon compared with the raw rib meat before processing, resulting in a Pf of 1.18. Soaking in liquid, such as pickling in liquid and desalting or boiling in water, effectively removed radioactive Cs by leakage into water. Therefore, the Fr value of the boiled ham produced from a loin meat block through the above-described three liquid-soaking processes was 0.27. The Pf value of the boiled ham was 0.30 due to the meat block mass reduction after boiling as the result of dehydration along with the protein thermal denaturation-related muscle tissue shrinkage. The steamed ham Fr value was 0.53 since the removal of the radioactive Cs was less efficient by steaming than by boiling. The Pf value of the steamed ham was 0.54, almost the same as the Fr value, as the mass decrease rate was the same as the radioactive Cs decrease rate by steaming. The Fr and the Pf values of the boiled sausage, of which processing did not include soaking in the pickling liquid, were 0.64 and 0.62, respectively. The steaming of the sausage meat did not remove radioactive Cs during the dehydration-related mass reduction leading to Fr and Pf values of 1.01 and 1.17, respectively. As the result of this study, processing to boiled ham was the most effective measure for reducing both radioactive Cs quantity and concentration in raw meat. Processing to bacon and steamed sausage showed no Cs quantity reduction with the moisture loss resulting in Cs condensation compared to the raw material.
  • Kazuhiro Chiku, Ayaka Ohfuji, Nozomi Ohtake, Mitsuru Yoshida, Hiroshi Ono, Motomitsu Kitaoka
    Carbohydrate Research 108626-108626 2022年6月  
  • Mitsuru Yoshida, Ayane Tabata, Takumi Niino, Kazuhiro Chiku, Rumiko Nakashita, Yaeko Suzuki
    Food chemistry 373(Pt B) 131462-131462 2022年3月30日  査読有り筆頭著者
    In this study, we investigated the possibility of the geographical origin discrimination between Japanese and Mexican kabocha pumpkin using δ13C and δ18O in lyophilized raw flesh. Kabocha harvested in Hokkaido, the major kabocha production area in Japan, could be discriminated against not only that grown in Mexico but also that in New Zealand. However, seasoning after cooking or processing affected the δ13C and the δ18O values. Crude fiber extraction eliminated the effect of seasonings and enabled the adoption of the δ13C and δ18O values in crude fiber for the geographical origin verification of kabocha even after cooking and processing. The usage of δ13C and the δ18O in crude fiber would extend the application possibilities of stable isotope analysis in the geographical origin determination of various cooked and processed vegetables and fruits as well as raw materials.


  • 吉田 充
    日本農薬学会誌 16(3) 545-554 1991年  
    ^<13>C and ^1H NMR spectroscopy were applied on fungicide pharmacology in cellular level, and two-dimensional ^1H NMR spectroscopy in molecular level. Mycelia of Pyricularia oryzae were incubated with [methyl-^<13>C]methionine, and ^<13>C NMR spectrum of the intact mycelia was measured. After 3 hr incubation, N-methyl signal of choline appeared at 54.9ppm showing that methyltransfer from methionine into choline can be observed by the ^<13>C NMR. Treatment with 350μM iprobenfos inhibited the choline biosynthesis. Isoprothiolane also inhibited the methyltransfer at the concentration of 140μM. The observed spin-spin relaxation time (T_2) of intracellular water protons reflects the membrane water permeability. Effects of various types of fungicides on the membrane were, then, investigated by using the T_2 of the water protons in the mycelial cells of Botrytis cinerea. Treatment of the cells with ionophores remarkably increased the membrane water permeability, which suggests that the water molecules exchange through the ion channels of the ionophores. Phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis inhibitors, as well as ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors, slightly increased the membrane water permeability. This result indicates that phosphatidylcholine and ergosterol have no direct relation to the membrane water permeability though some secondary effects were observed through the change in the membrane structure. Some SH inhibitors increased the membrane water permeability probably by binding to the proteins at ion channels. The structure of the complex of a deoxyoctanucleotide, d(GCAATTGC)_2, and berenil, a trypanosidal drug, was analyzed by two-dimensional ^1H NMR spectroscopy. The nuclear Over-hauser effects (NOE) between the two molecules and the ring current shifts revealed that berenil binds in the minor groove of d(GCAATTGC)_2 retaining the overall B conformation of the octanucleotide duplex. It is likely that the complex has hydrogen bonds between the berenil amidine protons and the carbonyl oxygen of the external thymine or the purine nitrogen of the internal adenine.
  • 渡辺 恒雄, 吉田 充
    日本植物病理學會報 49(2) 137-142 1983年4月25日  
    Pythium aphanidermatum の胞子のうと遊走子の個数を定量するため素寒天培養浸漬法を考案した。この標準的な方法は, 12ml の素寒天培地 (WA) (9cm のシャーレ当たり) 上に接種源 (直径 4mm の PDA 培養打ち抜き) を置き, 4mlの間接発芽用の浸漬液を無菌的に加え, 30Cに24時間放置する。その後浸漬液を新しい液と交換してさらに5時間放置し, その液を遊走子検定用の WA プレートに移す。胞子のう数は接種源附近の3か所を選び, 一視野, 0.5mm^2 当たりの平均個数を測定し, 遊走子数は WA プレート上の任意の5か所を選び, 一視野, 12.6mm^2 当たりの平均個数を測定した。浸漬液として, Petri 液 (PS), Wills液, 土壌浸出液と蒸留水を供試したところ, 胞子のう数および遊走子数は, PS 処理により最も増大した。なお, 胞子のう形成は30C中が最も盛んで, 次いで25C, 20Cの順であった。54菌株を PS で処理したところ, 全菌株が3日以内に間接発芽を行ったが, 菌株によっては, 処理後24時間以内に間接発芽が認められた。





