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Journal of oral biosciences 2023年6月19日 査読有り筆頭著者責任著者OBJECTIVES: Histidine decarboxylase (HDC), a histamine synthase, is expressed in various tissues and is induced by proinflammatory cytokines such as TNFα. As they age, C57BL/6 mice show auto-antibody deposition and lymphocyte infiltration into various tissues, including salivary glands. However, the mechanism underlying cell infiltration and the change in HDC expression in salivary glands with aging remain unclear. Thus, we aimed to elucidate the relationship between histamine and inflammaging. METHODS: We investigated the change in histology and HDC expression in the major salivary glands (parotid, submandibular, and sublingual) of 6-week- and 9-month-old wild-type mice. We also determined the histological changes, cytokine expression, and anti-aging factor Klotho in the salivary glands of 9-month-old wild-type and HDC-deficient (HDC-KO) mice. RESULTS: Cell infiltration was observed in the submandibular gland of 9-month-old wild-type mice. Although most cells infiltrating the submandibular glands were CD3-positive and B220-positive lymphocytes, CD11c-positive and F4/80-positive monocyte lineages were also detected. HDC, TNFα, and IL-1β mRNA expression increased in the submandibular gland of 9-month-old wild-type mice. The expression of PPARγ, an anti-inflammatory protein, declined in 9-month-old wild-type mice, and Klotho expression increased in 9-month-old HDC-KO mice. Immunohistochemistry showed that Klotho-positive cells disappeared in the submandibular gland of 9-month-old wild-type mice, while Klotho was detected in all salivary glands in HDC-KO mice of the same age. CONCLUSION: Our findings demonstrate the multifunctionality of histamine and can aid in the development of novel therapeutic methods for inflammatory diseases such as Sjogren's syndrome and age-related dysfunctions.
Research in Veterinary Science 2023年4月 査読有り
Journal of Comparative Pathology 200 35-45 2023年1月 査読有り
International journal of hematology 113(3) 348-361 2021年1月4日 査読有り筆頭著者Histidine decarboxylase (HDC), a histamine synthase, is expressed in various hematopoietic cells and is induced by hematopoietic cytokines such as granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF). We previously showed that nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate (NBP)-treatment induces extramedullary hematopoiesis via G-CSF stimulation. However, the function of HDC in NBP-induced medullary and extramedullary hematopoiesis remains unclear. Here, we investigated changes in hematopoiesis in wild-type and HDC-deficient (HDC-KO) mice. NBP treatment did not induce anemia in wild-type or HDC-KO mice, but did produce a gradual increase in serum G-CSF levels in wild-type mice. NBP treatment also enhanced Hdc mRNA expression and erythropoiesis in the spleen and reduced erythropoiesis in bone marrow and the number of vascular adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1)-positive macrophages in wild-type mice, as well as increased the levels of hematopoietic progenitor cells and proliferating cells in the spleen and enhanced expression of bone morphogenetic protein 4 (Bmp4), CXC chemokine ligand 12 (Cxcl12), and hypoxia inducible factor 1 (Hif1) in the spleen. However, such changes were not observed in HDC-KO mice. These results suggest that histamine may affect hematopoietic microenvironments of the bone marrow and spleen by changing hematopoiesis-related factors in NBP-induced extramedullary hematopoiesis.
Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007) 304(5) 1136-1150 2020年10月9日 査読有り筆頭著者Histidine decarboxylase (HDC), histamine synthase, is expressed in hematopoietic stem cells and in lineage-committed progenitors in the bone marrow (BM). However, the role of histamine in hematopoiesis is not well described. To evaluate the role of histamine in hematopoiesis, we analyzed the changes in HDC expression at hematopoietic sites, the BM, spleen, and liver of 2-, 3-, and 6-week old wild-type mice. We also performed morphological analyses of the hematopoietic sites using HDC-deficient (HDC-KO) mice. In wild-type adults, HDC expression in the BM was higher than that in the spleen and liver and showed an age-dependent increase. Histological analysis showed no significant change in the adult BM and spleen of HDC-KO mice compared to wild-type mice. In the liver, HDC expression was temporarily increased at 3 weeks, and decreased at 6 weeks of age. Morphological analysis of the liver revealed more numerous hematopoietic colonies and megakaryocytes in HDC-KO mice compared to wild-type mice at 2 and 3 weeks of age, whereas no changes were observed in adults. Most of these hematopoietic colonies consisted of B220-positive B-lymphocytes and TER119-positive erythroblasts and were positive for the cell proliferation marker PCNA. Notably, these hematopoietic colonies declined in HDC-KO mice upon N-acetyl histamine treatment. A significant increase in the expression of hematopoiesis-related cytokines, IL3, IL7, EPO, G-CSF, and Cxcl12 was observed in the liver of 3-week old HDC-KO mice compared to wild-type mice. These results suggest that histamine-deficiency may maintain an environment suitable for hematopoiesis by regulating hematopoiesis-related cytokine expression in the liver of postnatal mice. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
The Journal of veterinary medical science 82(6) 745-753 2020年6月24日 査読有りVascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) is a principal regulator of hematopoiesis as well as angiogenesis. However, the functions of VEGF-A and its receptors (VEGFRs) in the differentiation of mast cells (MCs) in the skin remain unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the expression patterns of two VEGFRs (Flk1 and Flt1) in the skin MCs during development and maturation in rats. From the 17th days of embryonic development (E17) to 1 day after birth (Day 1), most of skin MCs were immature cells containing predominant alcian blue (AB)+ rather than safranin O (SO)+ granules (AB>SO MCs). AB>SO MC proportions gradually decreased, while mature AB<SO MC proportions increased from Day 7 to 28. Flk1+ MC proportions increased from E20 and reached to approximately 90% from Day 1 to 21, thereafter decreased to about 10% at Day 60 and 90. Flk1+ MC proportions changed almost in parallel with the numbers of MCs and Ki67+ MC proportions from E17 to Day 90. The proportions of MCs with both nuclear and cytoplasmic Flt1-immunoreactivity were markedly increased at Day 28, when the proportions of nuclear Flk1+, Ki67+, and AB>SO MCs had significantly decreased, and AB<SO MC proportions significantly increased. Considering that the main function of Flt1 is suppression of Flk1 effects, our results indicated that cross-talk between Flk1 and Flt1 regulates the proliferation and maturation of the skin MCs during late embryonic and neonatal development in rats.
炎症と免疫 27(6) 463-468 2019年10月 査読有り招待有り造血は出生後、骨髄で営まれる。したがって骨形成と造血は密接に関連し、その破綻は多くの疾患につながると考えられる。ビスフォスフォネート(BPs)は、非加水分解性のP-C-P構造をもつピロリン酸類似化合物である。BPsは骨に強く結合し、骨吸収の過程で破骨細胞に取り込まれ、骨吸収を強力にに持続的に抑制する。BPsには分子内に窒素をもつもの(N-BPs)ともたないもの(non-N-BPs)があり、N-BPsの骨吸収抑制作用はnon-N-BPsよりもはるかに強いが、発熱や消化管障害等の副作用が報告されている。筆者らはマウスへのN-BPs投与で、骨髄での赤血球造血の消失と赤血球造血の脾臓での亢進を見出した。また、コラーゲン誘導関節炎モデルへのN-BPs投与による骨破壊の亢進が誘導されることから、破骨細胞以外による骨破壊が起こることを示した。本稿では、N-BPsの造血動態と骨破壊に対する影響、ならびに造血動態の異常と骨破壊の関連性について、これまで筆者らが得たデータについて解説する。(著者抄録)
the 126th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists, the 98th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan, joint meeting 2021年3月28日
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 2022年4月 - 2025年3月
文部科学省 科学研究費助成事業:若手研究(B) 2017年4月 - 2019年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B) 2015年4月 - 2017年3月
文部科学省 科学研究費助成事業:研究活動スタート支援 2012年8月 - 2014年3月