- 1991年
- 1991年
Veterinary medicine and science 10(3) e1456 2024年5月BACKGROUND: Few epidemiological studies on respiratory medicine and the relationship between clinical signs and various respiratory diseases in cats have been reported. OBJECTIVES: This retrospective study aimed to investigate the prevalence and breed predisposition to feline respiratory diseases in Japan and determine the association between clinical signs, duration and type of respiratory diseases. METHODS: The medical records of cats with feline respiratory diseases were examined to obtain information on age, sex, breed, final diagnosis, clinical signs and duration. The odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals were calculated to evaluate breed predispositions. Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests were used to assess the duration of clinical signs. RESULTS: This study included 540 cats with 615 respiratory diagnoses. The American Shorthair breed was predisposed to bronchopneumonia (BP; OR: 5.0) and pulmonary tumour (PT; OR: 3.6), while the Russian Blue breed exhibited a predisposition to inflammatory lower airway diseases (OR: 3.4), BP (OR: 6.1) and interstitial lung diseases (OR: 11.1). Similarly, the Scottish Fold breed displayed predisposition to PTs (OR: 5.8). The duration of clinical signs among nasal diseases, nasopharyngeal diseases and lower tracheal/bronchial and pulmonary diseases differed significantly (p = 0.001, p = 0.012, p < 0.0001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that some popular breeds in Japan are predisposed to feline respiratory diseases, especially the American Shorthair, Russian Blue and Scottish Fold breeds. The characteristics of occurrence, clinical signs and duration of each disease will aid in diagnosing, treating, preventing and elucidating the pathophysiology of feline respiratory disease.
Journal of Animal Clinical Medicine 32(4) 152-156 2023年12月 査読有り
Veterinary medicine and science 9(2) 638-644 2022年10月17日BACKGROUND: Few studies have investigated the incidence of respiratory diseases based on anatomical sites or the relationship between breed and these diseases. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of canine respiratory diseases among dogs in Japan, with relationship to the breed. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of dogs with respiratory symptoms and calculated the odds ratio (OR) to evaluate the relationship between breed and disease. RESULTS: A total of 1050 dogs with respiratory symptoms were included in this study. Miniature dachshunds were the most common breed affected by respiratory diseases. Among tracheobronchial diseases, there was a significant association between some small breeds and tracheobronchial collapse, miniature dachshunds (OR: 4.44, 8.43, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.17-6.22, 4.33-16.0) and chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis. Among nasal diseases, miniature dachshunds (OR: 27.2, 95% CI: 16.8-44.8) and golden retrievers (OR: 21.0, 95% CI: 6.43-69.3) were the most affected by non-infectious rhinitis and nasal aspergillosis, respectively. Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome was the most common disease among pharyngeal and laryngeal diseases, with a relationship with breed being found in some brachycephalic breeds, and Pomeranians (OR: 2.7, 95% CI: 1.42-5.17). CONCLUSIONS: Respiratory diseases in dogs are strongly correlated with popular breeds in Japan. Miniature dachshunds, in particular, are associated with many respiratory diseases, which may differ from international reports. Thus, this result may help in the early detection, prevention, treatment, and elucidation of the pathophysiology of canine respiratory diseases.
Journal of Animal Clinical Medicine 31(3) 106-111 2022年9月 査読有り
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Open Reports 8(1) 205511692210742-205511692210742 2022年1月<sec><title>Case summary</title> A 4-year-old castrated male domestic shorthair cat with a continuous cough was brought to a private veterinary clinic for detailed examination. Radiography of the thoracic cavity revealed a severe radiopaque region in the caudal lobe of the right lung. At 108 days after the initial visit, CT showed a mass of 27 × 23 × 18 mm in the caudal lobe of the right lung. At that time, no abnormalities in other organs except for the lung were detected on CT and peripheral blood and blood biochemistry tests. The mass in the caudal lobe of the right lung was resected by lobectomy; it had a white surface and was firm. Histopathologically, the mass was non-encapsulated, showing an unclear boundary with surrounding tissues. The mass comprised large, round or polygonal neoplastic cells arranged in a diffuse pattern. Immunohistochemically, neoplastic cells were diffusely positive for CD20, feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) p27 and FeLV glycoprotein 70 but negative for CD3, CD204 and E-cadherin. Based on these findings, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma associated with FeLV infection was diagnosed. Although the cat showed no clinical signs of gastrointestinal or respiratory injury, a routine ultrasonography revealed thickening in the jejunum wall 196 days after lobectomy, and subsequent fine-needle aspiration examination confirmed high-grade lymphoma. </sec><sec><title>Relevance and novel information</title> This is the first report of primary pulmonary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma associated with FeLV infection in a young cat. </sec>
動物臨床医学 30(3) 072-075 2021年9月犬の肝臓腫瘤切除術において、術中に中心静脈圧(CVP)を測定し、循環管理の指標としての有効性について調査した。2017年から2019年の間に肝臓腫瘤の治療として肝臓切除を実施した犬10頭について回顧的に調査した。ヘマトクリット値(Hct)は麻酔後に平均値が12%減少した。術中のCVPと他の測定値との間に有意な相関関係は認められなかった。CVPにおいて測定開始時や開腹術後と比較して術創閉鎖後に有意な低下を示した症例が認められた。術前と術後の値の変化について、CVPとHctの間に有意な相関が認められた(p=0.8087)。今回の結果から犬の肝臓切除時において術後のCVPの低下はヘマトクリット値の低下と相関することから、術中出血による循環血液量の低下を反映することが示された。(著者抄録)
2016年度第159回日本獣医学会学術集会 159th 2016年9月
日本獣医がん学会雑誌(Web) 1(1) 20-25 (J-STAGE)-25 2010年前立腺癌の犬3例に対し、緩和目的として低分割大線量放射線治療を実施した。その結果、症例1では照射後に血尿が消失した。照射前後の前立腺癌のサイズはRECIST基準で、PRが1頭、SDが2頭であった。さらに、前立腺周囲の腫瘍浸潤も改善された。フォローアップ中における寛解持続期間はそれぞれ12ヵ月、7ヵ月および3ヵ月であった。放射線障害は晩期障害として色素沈着のみであった。以上から、前立腺癌に対する緩和治療として低分割大線量放射線治療はその有用性が示唆された。
日本獣医生命科学大学研究報告 55 44-48 2006年12月1日2005年の4月に導入,同年8月末に稼働した医療用放射線治療装置(PRIMUS)は4MV(4000kV)のX線と7MeVの電子線を発生することが可能な装置である。従来,300kVの診断用X線装置を放射線治療に使用していたが対応とする腫瘍は主に表在性の腫瘍であった。何故なら最大吸収線量部位が体表になるため,体表より深部の腫瘍に照射すると時として慶襴や湿性剥離などの皮膚障害が起こり,QOL(Quality of life : 生活の質)の低下を招くことが原因であった。しかし,PRIMUSはBuild-up.効果により,体表より深部に最大吸収線量部位が存在するため,深部の腫瘍に対して重度な皮膚障害をもたらすことなく照射が可能であることから,鼻腔内腫瘍や下垂体腫瘍など深部の腫瘍に対しても有用な効果が見られている。今後,本大学付属動物医療センターにおいて外科療法,化学療法とともに抗ガン治療の3本柱になることであろう。
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2019年4月 - 2023年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2004年 - 2006年