- 所属
- 日本獣医生命科学大学 獣医学部 獣医学科 水族医学研究室 教授
- 学位
- 獣医学博士(日本獣医生命科学大学)
- 200901059359302650
- researchmap会員ID
- 1000093629
Microbiology Resource Announcements 2024年7月2日 査読有りABSTRACT Mycobacterium montefiorense , a nontuberculous mycobacterium, is a causative agent of mycobacteriosis in aquatic animals, its type strain M. montefiorense ATCC BAA-256 being isolated from a moray eel. In this study, we report the complete ATCC BAA-256 genome sequence with a 5,693,452-bp-containing circular chromosome, 65.2% GC content, and 5,407 coding sequences.
Microbiology resource announcements 12(3) e0113522 2023年3月16日 査読有りMycobacterium chelonae is a nontuberculous mycobacterium that causes infections in various animals, including humans. In this study, we report the draft genome sequence of M. chelonae subsp. bovis strain NJB1701, which was isolated from a Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica) in captivity in Japan.
Journal of fish diseases 46(5) 507-516 2023年2月2日 査読有りMycobacterium marinum is a slow-growing, photochromogenic nontuberculous mycobacterium, which can cause mycobacteriosis in various animals, including humans. Several cases of fish mycobacteriosis have been reported to date. Mycobacterium marinum has also been isolated from aquatic environmental sources such as water, sand, biofilms, and plants in the natural environments. Hence, we hypothesized that a wide variety of sources could be involved in the transmission of M. marinum. In this study, we tested this hypothesis by isolating M. marinum from various sources such as fish, invertebrates, seagrass, periphytons, biofilms, sand, and/or water in two aquaria in Japan and conducting a phylogenetic analysis based on single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using whole-genome sequences of the isolated strains. The analysis revealed that the strains from animal and environmental sources belonged to the same clusters. This molecular-based study epidemiologically confirmed that various sources, including fish, invertebrates, and environmental sources, could be involved in transmission of M. marinum in a closed-rearing environment. This is the first report where M. marinum was isolated from different sources, and various transmission routes were confirmed in actual cases, which provided essential information to improve the epidemiology of M. marinum.
Frontiers in veterinary science 10 1248288-1248288 2023年 査読有りINTRODUCTION: Mycobacterium montefiorense is one of the causes of non-tuberculous mycobacterial infections in moray eels and salamanders. Although M. montefiorense infection could be a threat to salamanders, little information is available regarding this pathogen and associated infection. This study aimed to provide fundamental information regarding M. montefiorense and its infection in salamanders. METHODS: Nine M. montefiorense strains isolated from three species of salamanders, namely, Japanese black salamander (Hynobius nigrescens), Hakuba salamander (H. hidamontanus), and Tohoku hynobiid salamander (H. lichenatus), between 2010 and 2018, were characterized based on phenotypic and genetic examination. We also pathologically observed salamanders infected with the M. montefiorense strains, including Hakuba salamanders and Tohoku hynobiid salamanders. RESULTS: The microbiological and chemical characteristics of the M. montefiorense salamander and an eel strain (reference strain) matched. Susceptibility testing for antimicrobials suggested that clarithromycin may be effective. Regarding disinfectants, phtharal, peracetic acid, glutaral, sodium hypochlorite, and benzalkonium chloride may be effective. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the strains isolated from salamanders in 2014 and 2018 were genetically closely related, which could indicate an outbreak. The main gross findings in infected salamanders include skin ulcerative lesions or nodules in the enlarged liver. Microscopically, multifocal to coalescent granulomatous lesions composed of massive macrophages containing numerous acid-fast bacilli were prominently observed in the liver. CONCLUSION: This study contributes to our understanding of the genetic diversity and phenotypic characteristics of M. montefiorense, as well as the pathology of the infection.
日本野生動物医学会誌 26(4) 103-111 2021年12月24日 査読有りクジラ型パラコクシジオイデス症 (paracoccidoioidmycosis ceti:PCM-C) は,イルカを宿主とし,難治性慢性肉芽腫性ケロイド状皮膚炎を特徴とする人獣共通真菌症である。原因菌は非培養性の Paracoccidioides brasiliensis var. ceti で,中南米を流行地とする高度病原性真菌症のパラコクシジオイデス症(PCM) の原因菌 P. brasiliensisと遺伝子型は同一である。確定診断は臨床症状と病理像での酵母細胞の証明であるが,遺伝子情報による診断も重要である。今回,遺伝子情報を欠くものの,PCM-Cが疑われていたイルカ皮膚病変生検組織よりnested-PCRで原因菌の特異的糖タンパク抗原遺伝子であるgp43が検出され,配列は既報のPCM-C国内第3症例目と98.9%相同であった。そこでPCMの診断用に設計されたLAMP法を応用したところ,PCRとLAMP法の組み合わせによりgp43の増幅に成功したことから,この手法は迅速診断法としての有用性が期待できる。
Mycoscience 35(6) 432-444 2010年
Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 15(1) 31-36 2010年
FISH PATHOLOGY 44(3) 151-153 2009年9月Examination via light and electron microscopy of juvenile summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus experiencing a subacute to chronic mortality revealed severe necrotizing hepatitis characterized by necrotic multinucleated giant cells (syncytia). The cytoplasms of syncytia contained paracrystalline arrays of reovirus-like particles, strongly suggesting that the epidemic was caused by the virus. This is the first report of a putative viral infection in summer flounder.
Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 14(2) 129-133 2009年
水産増殖 = The aquiculture 56(2) 231-235 2008年6月20日養殖ブリから分離されたMycobacterium marinumの病原性を確認するため人為感染試験を実施した。人為感染魚にみられた肉眼所見は養殖ブリのMycobacterium sp.感染症と一致し、菌接種後2週間および3週間で観察された病理組織学的所見は自然発生例にみられたものと同一であった。以上のことから、供試した菌株は自然発生例の原因菌であると判断された。
FISH PATHOLOGY 43(2) 89-91 2008年6月In 1998 and 1999, severe episodes of mortality, often reaching 90%, were recorded among cultured populations of ayu Plecoglossus altivelis reared in Japan. The diseased fish showed appetite reduction and abnormal swimming behavior. Histopathological examination revealed proliferative branchitis with enlarged and atypical epithelial cells. Abundant electron-dense, virus-like particles were observed within the cells under transmission electron microscopy. The particles had a cocoon-like shape and ranged in length from 200 to 300 nm, indicating a member of the poxvirus group. These findings suggest the possibility that the mortality events are related to infection of a poxvirus-like virus.
Japanese journal of zoo and wildlife medicine 13(1) 39-43 2008年3月2004年に沖縄美ら海水族館で飼育中の希少魚種であるリュウキュウアユ(Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis)に死亡するものが認められた。病魚は回転しながら遊泳,あるいは力なく遊泳し,体表に微細な出血点が散在していた。病魚の肝臓には様々な大きさの白色結節が認められ,数尾の魚では腎臓の顕著な腫大も観察された。最も顕著な病理組織学的所見は,体腎,脾臓,肝臓,心臓,鰓および脳膜にみられた肉芽腫性病変であった。これら肉芽腫性病変はマクロファージ様細胞が敷石状に配列する構造を呈していた。肉芽腫内には抗酸性を示す長桿菌が多数観察され,病魚から分離された菌株はMycobacterium marinumと同定された。
FISH PATHOLOGY 38(2) 49-52 2003年6月Conventional staining methods for fungal detection are time consuming, technically demanding, and instable dye-affinity in different fungal species, especially in aquatic fungi. In this study, Uvitex 2B [4, 4-BIS (2-di (2-hydroxyethyl)-amino-4- (3-sulfophenylamino)-l, 3, 5- triazine-6-ylamino)-stilbene-2, 2'- disulfonic acid, sodium salt] was applied to detect fungal elements in paraffin sections of some aquatic animals. As a result, it was found that Uvitex 213 was superior to Gomori's methenamine-silver nitrate Grocott's variation, periodic acid-Schiff reaction and Schmorl's method for staining aquatic fungi in tissue sections. In addition, Uvitex 213 required much shorter time and less specialized skills in the staining procedure than Grocott. Although it has been known that oomycete fungi are difficult to be detected in histopahological sections because of their unstable stainabilities with other staining methods, Uvitex 213 provided excellent results to detect them in tissues of aquatic animals.
動物用抗菌剤研究会報 = Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Antimicrobials for Animals 23 25-28 2001年12月25日
JOURNAL OF AQUATIC ANIMAL HEALTH 12(3) 224-229 2000年9月This study was conducted to investigate the antimycotic activities of eugenol, a major essential oil of clove, against some fish pathogenic species of Saprolegniaceae as well as to determine the toxicity of eugenol to selected cultured fish. Two eugenol solutions were used in this study, a 10% v/v (volume:volume) solution in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and FA 100, which contains 10% v/v eugenol. The fungal species investigated were Saprolegnia parasitica, S. diclina, S. ferax, S, salmonis, Achlya klebsiana, and Aphanomyces piscicida. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of eugenol in DMSO against Saprolegnia spp., ii. klebsiana, and A. piscicida were 500, 250, and 125 mug/mL, respectively, and the fungicidal concentrations (for complete kilting) were 1,000, 500, and 250 mug/mL, respectively. In contrast, the MICs of FA 100 against S. parasitica, other Saprolegnia spp., A. klebsiana and A. piscicida were 250, 125, 250, and 63 (mug/mL, respectively, and the fungicidal concentrations were I,1,000, 1,000, 1,000, and 63 mug/mL, respectively. Zoospores of the Saprolegnia spp. tested and of A. klebsiana could not germinate in the presence of a concentration of 250 mug/mL of either eugenol solution, while those of A. piscicida were killed by a concentration of 125 mug/mL of either eugenol solution. Eugenol was highly toxic to salmonids but less toxic to cyprinids.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 31(2) 259-261 2000年Infection with Cladosporium sp., a deuteromycete, caused a deep dermal ulcer that extended to bone in a cultured tomato clownfish (Amphiprion frenatus). The infection may have been secondary to immunosuppression resulting from transport or confinement-induced stress or may have resulted from chronic exposure to copper. Reports of fungal infections in tropical marine fish are rare.
CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 54(5) 467-475 1998年5月Three antibacterial proteins were isolated from acid extracts of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) skin by cation exchange chromatography and reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. The molecular masses of the proteins were 15.5, 15.5 and 30 kD as determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Mass spectrometry, amino acid composition and amino acid sequence data suggest that the most abundant protein is closely related to histone H2B. The H2B-like protein was inhibitory to Aeromonas hydrophila and Saprolegnia spp., which are important bacterial and fungal pathogens of fish. These findings suggest that histones may be important defensive molecules in fish.
水産増殖 46(2) 293-299 1998年転覆病は, リュウキンなどの丸い体型をしたキンギョに発生する疾病であり, 水中を不安定な姿勢で遊泳することを特徴としている。本病は, 水温が急激に低下した後や冬期に発生し, 病魚は徐々に衰弱して斃死する。本病罹病魚を, 肉眼的, 放射線学的および解剖学的に検査した結果, 病魚の鰾は健康魚と比較して顕著に下垂しており, 腹腟内で左右いずれかに変位している個体も観察された。さらに, 病魚は健康魚よりも有意に大きな鰾前室を有していた。以上の所見は, 不安定遊泳を発症するための重要な素因であると思われたが, これらのみでは説明不能な不安定遊泳を示す症例が多く観察されたことから, さらに他の要因が存在する可能性が示唆された。なお, 本論文は転覆病に関する初の科学的記載である。
FISH PATHOLOGY 31(2) 71-80 1996年6月Histopathological comparisons were made between ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) and carp (Cyprinus carpio) artificially infected with the causative fungus of mycotic granulomatosis, Aphanomyces piscicida NJM 8997. Ayu showed typical pathology of mycotic granulomatosis. On the other hand, in carp, no gross signs of inflammatory responses were observed during the experimental period of 20 days; however, mycotic granulomatous lesions were observed histologically in the inoculated site of the trunk muscles. It was considered histopathologically that carp responded to the inoculated fungus more quickly and intensively than ayu. In addition, the morphometrical features of fungal hyphae in the lesions of carp also suggested that fungal activities were suppressed by the inflammatory responses. Therefore, it was concluded that lesions in the trunk muscles of carp were restricted to a smaller area by their defense mechanisms, while the hyphae penetrated to the neighboring tissues in ayu because of weaker defense mechanisms.
FISH PATHOLOGY 30(2) 125-126 1995年6月
FISH PATHOLOGY 29(4) 229-237 1994年12月Histopathological study was made on an epizootic of systemic mycosis due to Aphanomyces sp. in an ornamental fish species, dwarf gourami (Colisa lalia), imported from Singapore in 1991 and 1992. In almost all cases, the external clinical signs in infected fish included erosions and/or ulcers on the body surface, and swelling of the abdomen. Histopathological examination of the fish revealed that the disease was characterized by systemic granulomatous lesions associated with Aphanomyces sp. In this paper, we describe detailed histopathological features of the mycotic lesions and compared the features with those of other mycoses, such as mycotic granulomatosis, ulcerative mycosis, red spot disease and epizootic ulcerative syndorome. The present case shared similar histopathological features including mycotic granulomatous lesions, with those of earlier reported mycoses.
日本獣医学雑誌 56(3) 551-553 1994年6月15日淡水飼育のトドに, 脱毛, 皮膚の錯角化症, 脱色, 発赤を伴う, 重篤な皮膚炎が認められたため, 皮膚のサンプリングをし, 検査を行った. その結果, この病変は, 組織学的には定型的慢性皮膚糸状菌症を呈しており, 表皮の角化層に隔壁を有するPAS陽性の菌糸が認められた. 培養の結果得られた真菌は, 集落所見, 形態的特徴から, Trichophyton mentagrophytesと同定された. 本症例の発生要因としては, 種差, 個体差, 環境要因などが考えられた.
FISHERIES SCIENCE 60(2) 129-131 1994年4月A pathological study was performed on wild spiny lobsters with cardiac disease found in captured and stored groups of such lobsters in the Minami-Izu region of Shizuoka Prefecture. The present study evaluated the microbiology and histopathology of 39 lobsters including animated and weakened individuals. Histopathological examination revealed that all the lobsters examined had cardiac lesions showing degeneration and necrosis of muscle fibers with haemocyte infiltration. No microorganisms were detected in the cardiac lesions on which histological and cultivating examinations were performed. From the results, it was considered that a disease characterized by degeneration and necrosis of cardiac muscles resulting in myocarditis would prevail in a cluster of free-living wild spiny lobsters.
Mycoscience 35(1) 99-104 1994年A fungal infection occurred in juvenile coonstripe shrimps, Pandalus hypsinotus, cultured at Hokkaido Institute of Mariculture, Hokkaido, Japan. The fungus was identified as Lagenidium myophilum, the same fungus that had previously been isolated from the abdominal muscle of adult northern shrimps, Pandaius borealis, and larvae of the coonstripe shrimp. Histopathologically, numerous nonseptate hyphae were observed in the lesions, and melanized hemocytes were present within the blackened areas. The optimum temperature for growth of the present strain was 25–30°C, and the optimum NaCI concentration for growth was 0.5–1.0%. Its biological characteristics were compared with those of Lagenidium myophilum isolated from diseased larval coonstripe shrimp and adult northern shrimp. The fungus was pathogenic toward shrimps of the genus Pandalus, which live in deep sea areas. The fungus could infect shrimps at various stages, from larva to adult. © 1994, Mycological Society of Japan. All rights reserved.
Mycoscience 35(3) 265-270 1994年A fungal disease in the abalone, Haliotis sieboldii, stocked in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan, showed external signs of infection of tubercle-like swelling on the mantle and melanized lesions on the peduncle. The fungus responsible was isolated by inoculating materials taken from the lesions onto PYGS agar with streptomycin sulphate and ampicillin, and incubation at 20°C. For morphological observation and spore formation study, the fungus was transferred respectively into PYGS broth and sterilized artificial seawater and incubated at 20°C. Resulting, hyphae were stout, irregular, branched, 16-140μm diam, sporadically consisting of dense cytoplasmic swollen hyphae. Sporangia were formed through the formation of septa and lateral or terminal discharge tubes which were wavy or coiled. Zoospores were pyriform, biflagellate and diplanetic. The encysted spore generally developed a hairlike filament with globular enlarged tip in PYGS broth. Direct germination without filament formation also occurred occasionally. This fungus was identified as belonging to the genus Atkinsiella, and was designated Atkinsiella awabi sp. nov. The fungus was exclusively a marine fungus and grew best in shrimp extract medium at 20°. Five chemicals were tested for their effects against fungal zoospores. © 1994, Mycological Society of Japan. All rights reserved.
JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES 29(4) 591-595 1993年10月A Napoleon fish (Cheilinus undulatus) was infected with both an acid-fast bacterium and an imperfect fungus. This is the first report of an acid-fast bacterial infection in Cheilinus undulatus, and the first observation of an imperfect fungus in the swim bladder of a tropical marine fish.
JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES 29(4) 587-590 1993年10月Histopathological and mycological studies were made on mycotic gastritis in juvenile ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis. The disease occurred 5 days after the transportation of fish from a hatchery pond to two rearing ponds of Tochigi Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station, Tochigi, Japan. The pyloric region of the stomach was red. Numerous fungal hyphae penetrated into the stomach wall. Seven fungal isolates were obtained from the lesions. Three isolates were identified as Saprolegnia diclina Type 1. Based on histology, hyphae were most numerous in the pyloric stomach, but also penetrated abdominal adipose tissue, the pancreas, spleen, kidney, swim bladder, gonad, and liver. In some cases, the hyphae penetrated trunk muscles.
FISH PATHOLOGY 26(3) 127-131 1991年9月Histopathological studies were made on cultured ayu with systemic, multiple granuloma. Examined fish were collected from a farm in Tochigi Prefecture in 1989 and 1990. Macroscopically the disease was characterized by discoloration of the body, severely protruded eyes, and numerous small nodules on the surface of many organs as follows; liver, kidney, spleen, heart and intestine. Histology showed that these nodules were granulomas composed of mononuclear cells and surrounded by the thin connective tissue. Granulomas were also found in gill filaments and trunk muscles. Gram-positive, selener, long rods were abundantly detected in the granulomas. Some of these long rods were also stained positively with Ziehl-Neelsen method for acid-fast bacteria and methenamine silver-nitrate stain (Grocott's variation). From the results, the case of these fish was diagnosed as "systemic, multiple granuloma caused by acid-fast bacteria".
FISH PATHOLOGY 26(2) 61-67 1991年6月Histopathological study was made on cultured striped jack, Caranx delicatissimus with yellow fat disease. The diseased fish were collected at a fish farm on Shikine Island, Tokyo in May, 1989. These fish showed black discoloration on the body surface and were emaciated. The adipose tissues in the abdomen and the inner side of the operculum had changed to a yellowish color, with discoloration and atrophy of the liver. Histologically, steatitis, fat necrosis, multinucleated syncytium formation, deposit of altered lipids, small granuloma formation and deposit of ceroid-like lipopigments in macrophage centres (MC) were observed in the adipose tissues. Lipopigments similar to those found in the adipose tissues were also observed in MC formed in the liver, in the intra-muscular connective tissue of the trunk muscle, in the lamina propria of the pyloric caeca and the intestine, and under the endothelium of the sponge layer of the cardiac muscle. Ceroid-like lipopigments were also found in the cytoplasm of the hepatic cells and melano-macrophage centers in the spleen and the kidney. Hemolytic anemia and myopathy of the trunk muscle were also found. From the results, it is suggested that the morbid state of this disease corresponds to that of the yellow fat disease reported in many species of mammals.
FISH PATHOLOGY 25(3) 175-176 1990年9月
FISH PATHOLOGY 24(4) 211-218 1989年12月
日本獣医畜産大学研究報告 38 32-37 1989年
The Bulletin of the Nippon Vet. and Zootech. College 38 1989年
国立研究開発法人 水産研究・教育機構 農林水産省戦略的プロジェクト研究推進事業 2019年4月 - 2023年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究 2014年4月 - 2017年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 国際学術研究 1996年 - 1998年
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A) 1994年 - 1994年
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A) 1992年 - 1992年