- 所属
- 日本獣医生命科学大学 獣医学部獣医学科(獣医内科学教室第二) 教授日本臨床獣医学フォーラム 学術顧問
- 学位
- 獣医学博士(日本獣医畜産大学)(BLANK)
- 200901046496925929
- researchmap会員ID
- 1000303666
- 外部リンク
- 1989年
- 1989年
2008年4月 - 現在
2008年4月 - 現在
2008年4月 - 現在
2008年4月 - 現在
2001年2月 - 現在
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25(11) 2024年6月An angiotensin receptor/neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI), a heart failure treatment, is a combination drug made up of sacubitril, a neprilysin inhibitor, and valsartan, a vascular receptor blocker. No human or veterinary studies regarding the effect of ARNI on renal haemodynamics in the absence of cardiac or renal issues exist. Therefore, we investigated the effect of ARNI on renal haemodynamics in five healthy dogs. ARNI was administered to all five dogs at an oral dose of 20 mg/kg twice daily for 4 weeks. Renal haemodynamics were assessed on the day before ARNI administration (BL), on Day 7, and on Day 28. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) significantly increased on Day 28 compared to BL and Day 7, whereas renal plasma flow increased on Day 7 and Day 28 compared to BL. Systolic blood pressure significantly decreased between BL and Day 28. Plasma atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) concentrations increased on Day 7 compared to BL. Additionally, ANP concentrations increased on Day 28 in three of the five dogs. Different ANP concentrations were observed in the remaining two dogs. Both urine output volume and heart rate remained relatively stable and did not exhibit significant change. In conclusion, ARNI may enhance renal haemodynamics in healthy dogs. ARNI could be a valuable drug for treating both heart and kidney disease in dogs.
Journal of Small Animal Practice 2023年6月22日
Open Veterinary Journal 13(5) 604-604 2023年Background: Plasma N-terminal pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (NT-proANP) and plasma N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) concentrations may be affected by the hydration status.Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of dehydration on plasma NT-proANP and NT-proBNP concentrations in healthy dogs. Methods: This prospective study included five clinically healthy dogs. Furosemide was administered intravenously at 2–4 mg/kg every 1–2 h until completion of the dehydration model. The dehydration model was considered complete when weight loss was ≥5% and findings of dehydration on physical examination were observed. Plasma NT-proANP and NT-proBNP concentrations were compared at three time points: before the dehydration model was created (point 1), at the completion of the dehydration model (point 2), and when dehydration was judged to have improved (point 3). Association between plasma NT-proANP and NT-proBNP concentrations, and each clinical variable (physical examination, blood pressure, blood chemistry, blood gases, and echocardiography) was assessed using linear regression analysis. Results: Plasma NT-proANP concentration decreased significantly from point 2 to point 1 (p < 0.05), whereas plasma NT-proBNP concentration showed a decreasing trend but did not differ significantly between points 1 and 2. Plasma NT-proANP concentration correlated significantly with body weight (R2 = 0.178) and plasma NT-proBNP concentration (R2 = 0.284) (p < 0.05, respectively), and plasma NT-proBNP concentration correlated significantly with electrolytes (sodium, R2 = 0.439; potassium, R2 = 0.444; chloride, R2 = 0.419), and echocardiographic parameters (diastolic left ventricular internal diameter [LVIDd], R2 = 0.519; weight-standardised LVIDd, R2 = 0.535) (p < 0.01, respectively). Conclusion: The plasma NT-proANP concentrations decreased with dehydration. However, the plasma NT-proBNP concentration did not change with mild dehydration and reflected left ventricular morphology.
Veterinary record open 9(1) e28 2022年12月BACKGROUND: Ivabradine is used to treat tachycardia; unlike atenolol, it does not affect blood pressure or myocardial contractility. This study compared the impact of ivabradine and atenolol on heart rate (HR) and HR variability (HRV) during a 24 h period, feeding and sleeping times, via a Holter electrocardiogram in healthy cats. We hypothesised that ivabradine and atenolol would lower the HRs equally well, even at times of excitement and rest, such as during feeding and sleep; that ivabradine, unlike atenolol, would have an effect on HRV. METHODS: Five clinically healthy cats were used in the prospective blinded crossover study receiving 3 days of ivabradine (0.30 mg/kg per os twice daily) followed by atenolol (6.25 mg/cat per os twice daily, range 1.3-2.0 mg/kg) or receiving atenolol followed by ivabradine. A placebo period was initiated before the start of the crossover test, data obtained during that period were used as a baseline (BL). Evaluation parameters included HR and HRV, for the whole 24 h period and for feeding and sleeping times, comparing the effect of ivabradine and atenolol with BL. RESULTS: The HR for the whole 24 h, feeding and sleeping times, were significantly lower with ivabradine and atenolol, compared to BL (p < 0.05). The HRV for the whole 24 h and sleeping time were significantly higher after ivabradine compared with BL and after atenolol. CONCLUSIONS: In healthy cats, ivabradine and atenolol significantly reduced the HR regardless of excitement and rest; their effects were comparable. Ivabradine significantly increased HRV in comparison to BL whereas atenolol did not.
Veterinary World 2072-2083 2022年8月27日Background and Aim: Electrocardiography (ECG) is an adjunct for cardiac enlargement diagnosis. However, its efficacy in assessing left cardiac remodeling (left atrial and left ventricular enlargement) in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) remains unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the association between ECG parameters and left cardiac remodeling and to investigate whether the rate of change in ECG waveforms in the same individual reflected left cardiac remodeling in dogs with MMVD.Materials and Methods: This retrospective study included 20 healthy dogs and 140 dogs with MMVD. Data on clinical variables were obtained through physical examination, thoracic radiography, and echocardiography. The ECG parameters were the P-wave duration, PR interval, QRS complex duration, P-wave amplitude, R-wave amplitude, and mean electrical axis. Dogs with examination data that could be obtained multiple times during the study period were classified into the non-progressive and progressive groups.Results: Only the P-wave and QRS complex durations were selected as significant variables associated with imaging test parameters (p < 0.05); they had a relatively higher discriminatory ability for the left cardiac remodeling than other ECG parameters. The rates of change in the PR interval and R-wave amplitude were significantly higher in the progressive group than in the non-progressive group.Conclusion: In dogs with MMVD, the P-wave and QRS complex durations were significantly correlated with the left cardiac remodeling indicators. Furthermore, an increased rate of change in the PR interval and R-wave amplitude in the same individual may indicate left cardiac remodeling.
日本産業動物獣医学会(九州)・日本小動物獣医学会(九州)・日本獣医公衆衛生学会(九州) 2007 98-101 2007年
ペット栄養学会誌 9 23-24 2006年イヌおよびネコの慢性腎疾患において,食餌療法が病態の進行を抑制できるかどうかを調査した。血漿イオヘキソール・クリアランスにより測定した糸球体濾過率(GFR)を腎疾患の病態の指標とした。その結果,調査した全例(ネコ1頭,イヌ3頭)で食餌療法によってGFRの低下が長期間抑制されていた。
ペット栄養学会誌 9 25-26 2006年心因性多飲症と診断されたイヌ3頭に対し,低用量のサイアザイド系利尿薬の内服と低ナトリウム食の併用による治療をおこなったところ,飲水量の有意な低下がみられた.
The journal of veterinary medical science 67(10) 1051-1053 2005年10月肛門嚢破裂を主訴に来院した4歳, 雌のシベリアン・ハスキーが, カルプロフェンおよびオルビフロキサシン(OBFX)の連日投与に反応せず, 13病日に外科処置を企画しメロキシカムを皮下投与された.術前検査で肝酵素の上昇が認められ支持療法を行った.14病日夕方にカルプロフェンおよびOBFXが再投与された.翌早朝に嘔吐および食欲不振を呈し, 16病日午後に死亡した.剖検で肝細胞の急性壊死が見られ, NSAIDに関連する肝細胞毒性と判断した.
獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 = Japanese journal of veterinary anesthesia & surgery 36 96-97 2005年6月20日
獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 = Japanese journal of veterinary anesthesia & surgery 36 98-99 2005年6月20日
獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 = Japanese journal of veterinary anesthesia & surgery 36 230-231 2005年6月20日
JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY 131(2-3) 166-175 2004年8月This report describes the development of pericardial mesothelioma in five golden retrievers with a long-term history of idiopathic haemorrhagic pericardial effusion (IHPE). These five dogs were treated with repeated pericardiocentesis for recurrent episodes of pericardial fluid accumulation; other than IHPE, all potential causes of this fluid accumulation were ruled out by the results of diagnostic imaging and cytology and bacterial or fungal culture of fluid obtained during pericardiocentesis. In three dogs that eventually underwent pericardiectomy, neoplastic lesions were not detected in any organs or tissues within the thoracic cavity during the surgical procedure, and the surgical biopsies were consistent with IHPE. In one of the three dogs, however, cytology of recurrent thoracic effusion revealed clusters of neoplastic mesothelial cells from I month after surgical intervention until death. The clinical course of the disease ranged from 30 to 54 months between the first visit and death, and on post-mortem examination pericardial mesothelioma was diagnosed in all five dogs. The clinical observations, together with the breed and age of the affected animals, suggested that the five dogs initially suffered from IHPE, which was then followed by the development of pericardial mesothelioma. It is possible that IHPE is associated with the development of pericardial mesothelioma in golden retrievers through a chronic inflammatory process. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 = Japanese journal of veterinary anesthesia & surgery 35 2004年6月20日
獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 = Japanese journal of veterinary anesthesia & surgery 35 2004年6月20日
The journal of veterinary medical science 66(4) 449-451 2004年4月門脈体循環シャントにおけるシャント率の測定は,放射性同位元素を用いて測定されているが日本では動物へ応用できない.そこで,並列回路の内蔵循環のモデルを用いてシャント血管抵抗および門派血管抵抗の比から血流量を求める式から,シャント率をシャント血管結紮前,そして一時的または完全結紮後の門脈圧から計算できる式を導いた.シャント率は完全結紮群(n=59)で48.2土16.9 %そして部分結紮群(n=48)で71.6土10.7 %であった.
ペット栄養学会誌 7 1-2 2004年自己免疫性疾患の1つであるリンパ管拡張症は,一般に臨床症状に基づき診断的にプレドニゾロンおよび低脂肪食による治療が開始されることが多い。しかし,今回我々は試験開腹して腸管の全層バイオプシーを実施し,確定診断を下した症例に遭遇した。さらに,市販のドッグ・フードとアザチオプリンの併用により,症状の劇的な改善を認めたので報告する。
ペット栄養学会誌 7 3-4 2004年部分的中枢性尿崩症と診断したイヌ(バセットハンド,雄,4ヶ月齢)に遭遇し,デスモプレッシン(1-デスアミノ-8-D-アルギニンバソプレッシン:DDAVP)の点眼による治療を開始したが,1日飲水量(治療前7L)は十分に低下しなかった。そこで,低ナトリウム食と低用量のサイアザイド系利尿薬の併用を開始したところ,1日飲水量は3-4Lに低下した。以上の結果から,尿崩症では補助療法として低ナトリウム食と低用量サイアザイド系利尿剤の併用は有効だと考えられた。
The journal of veterinary medical science 65(11) 1265-1267 2003年11月25日去勢済み雄の在来短毛種の猫(7歳,体重4.9kg)を各種臨床検査所見から肥大型心筋症(HCM)と診断した.死後の病理学的検索では,HCMに加え,僧帽弁の腱索および弁尖を巻き込んだ線維増生病変により交連部が癒合し,弁口が著しく狭窄している所見が認められた.今回の症例により,猫のHCMに付随して後天的な僧帽弁狭窄が生じることが示された.
The journal of veterinary medical science 65(6) 753-756 2003年6月14歳,雌のヨークシヤ・テリアが心雑音および痙攣発作を主訴に来院した.心エコー検査により僧帽弁の肥厚,左心房の拡大,そして左心室自由壁および心室中隔の過剰運動が確認された.その後,左心室壁の求心性肥大の進行および流出路閉塞が確認された.観察期間中,本症例は心不全に関連した臨床徴候を示さなかった.心臓の病理検査により,心室の高度な肥大,心筋細胞の配列異常および間質性心筋線経化が確認された.
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 1994年 - 1994年
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 1993年 - 1993年