Bioscience of microbiota, food and health 42(1) 100-103 2023年 査読有り筆頭著者責任著者The effects of lactate and probiotic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) on intestinal fermentation were analyzed using a fecal batch culture. Lactate was efficiently metabolized to butyrate and propionate by butyrate-utilizing bacteria in fecal fermentation. Probiotic LAB could stimulate butyrate and propionate production through their lactate production in fecal fermentation. It was considered that 109 cfu/g or more of probiotic LAB would be required to stimulate butyrate and propionate production in the large intestine. Due to the low production of lactate, a larger number of heterofermentative LAB than homofermentative LAB would be required for this stimulation.
Bioscience of microbiota, food and health 38(2) 65-68 2019年4月 査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
Bioscience of microbiota, food and health 36(4) 151-154 2017年10月 査読有り筆頭著者責任著者<p>Antibiotic resistance genes in the feces of healthy young adult Japanese were analyzed with polymerase chain reaction using specific primers. Antibiotic resistance genes against macrolides (ermB, ermF, ermX, and mefA/E), tetracyclines (tetW, tetQ, tetO, and tetX), β-lactam antibiotics (blaTEM), and streptomycin (aadE) were detected in more than 50% of subjects. These antibiotic resistance genes are likely widespread in the large intestinal bacteria of young adult Japanese.</p>
PLOS ONE 12(8) e0181739 2017年8月 査読有りThe transition of intestinal microbiota with age has been well described in humans. However, the age-related changes in intestinal microbiota of cats have not been well studied. In the present study, we investigated the composition of intestinal microbiota of cats in 5 different age groups (pre-weanling, weanling, young, aged, senile) with a culture-based method. For lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, we also quantified with molecular-based method, real-time PCR. The results suggested that the composition of the feline intestinal microbiota changes with age, while the changes were different from those of humans and dogs. Bifido-bacteria which are predominant in human intestine or lactobacilli which are predominant in dog intestine, did not appear to be important in cat intestines. Enterococci, instead, seem to be major lactic acid producing bacteria in cats. We also identified lactobacilli and bifidobacteria at the species level based on 16S rRNA gene sequences and found that the species composition of Lactobacillus also changed with age.
Bioscience of microbiota, food and health 36(1) 33-37 2017年1月 査読有り<p>The influence of soymilk on the fecal microbiota, particularly Bifidobacterium species, and metabolic activities were investigated in eight healthy adult humans. During the soymilk intake period, the number of bifidobacteria in feces was significantly higher (p<0.05) on day 14 of the soymilk intake period than before the intake period, whereas that of Enterobacteriaceae was significantly lower (p<0.05) on days 7 and 14 of the soymilk intake period than before the intake period. In an investigation of Bifidobacterium at the species or group level, the numbers of all species and groups studied slightly increased during the soymilk intake period. These results show that the intake of soymilk may contribute to improving the intestinal environment.</p>
腸内細菌学雑誌 25(3) 165-179 2011年7月健常なヒトや動物の腸内には多種多様な細菌が存在している。これら細菌の生態や機能についての検討を行うに当たっては精度の高い検出法を用いることが基本である。現在まで、これら細菌叢を検索するためのEG寒天培地やBL寒天培地といった非選択培地および種々の高感度選択培地、ロールチューブ法、嫌気性グローブボックス、Plate-in-bottle法といった腸内に優勢に存在する高度嫌気性細菌検出のための手段が開発されてきた。一方、近年における分子生物学の進展に伴い、FISH法、PCR法、クローンライブラリー法、DGGE法、TGGE法、T-RFLP法、メタゲノム解析といった細菌遺伝子をターゲットにした腸内細菌叢検索法も用いられてきている。本稿では、腸内細菌叢検索手技の歴史的変遷と現状についてその概略を述べた。(著者抄録)
International Union of Microbiological Societies 2011 Congress and The 6th Asian Conferenceon Lactic Acid Bacteria 2011年9月