Curriculum Vitaes


  (時田 昇臣)

Profile Information

Faculty of Applied Life Science, School of Animal Science, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University

researchmap Member ID

Research Interests


Committee Memberships





  • N. Tokita,, I. Yoshimura, T. Tokita
    Indian Journal of Animal Research, 54(of) 327-330, Mar 26, 2019  Peer-reviewedLead author
    We investigated the intake and digestibility of different reed canarygrass (RCG) growth stages by sheep. RCG was cultivated in an experimental field and harvested at the first and second cuts at each pre-blooming stage. Feeding behavior was monitored on adult female sheep, fed 3 kg each of fresh RCG three times daily. While the crude protein content and dry matter digestibility of RCG were significantly higher in leaf than in stem tissue of both first and second cut in harvesting times, neutral and acid detergent fiber contents were higher in stem than in leaf. The dry matter intake of RCG at the second cut (296.1g) was significantly higher than at the first cut (214.1 g). The eating time for consumption of RCG on dry matter at the second cut (54.9 min) was shorter than at the first cut (69.4 min). Consequently, at the second cut, the rate of biting (54.6 bites/min) was lower than at the first cut (64.8 bites/min). Bite size, expressed as dry matter intake per bite, ranged from 0.05 g at first cut to 0.10 g at second cut.
  • 濱部浩一, 時田昇臣, 石井哲次
    日本土木学会誌, 73(2) 70-80, 2017  Peer-reviewed
  • Ryoichi Sakata, Yumi Miki, Masahiro Waga, Norio Tokita
    61st International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, 1-3, Aug, 2015  Peer-reviewed
  • 奈良井, 金山, 朝子, 時田昇臣, 船山敦子, 麻生慶一
    日本食品科学工学会誌, 60(3) 148-152, Apr, 2013  Peer-reviewed
  • Reika Sakurai, Norio Tokita, Kengo Furubayashi
    Wildlife and Human Society, 1(1) 21-28, 2013  Peer-reviewed
    To determine how fruit ripening influences fruit removal by birds, we investigated the relationships among fruit color, nutrition value, and avian fruit removal during the fruit ripening period of Prunus jamasakura. Fruit maturing process was divided into 4 phases on the basis of fruit color: green, green-red, red, and black. Green and green-red fruits were smaller, with lower sugar content (i.e., fructose, glucose, and sucrose) and energy levels than those of red and black fruits. Most of the fruits removed by birds were red and black fruits and birds especially preferred black fruits. Black fruits contained more sugars and energy than red fruits. Differences in sugar concentration and energy between them were approximately 4.6% and 0.4kJ, respectively. Gray starlings Sturnus cineraceus and brown-eared bulbuls Hypsipetes amaurotis were the predominant birds visits to the focal tree. The number of gray starling visiting the focal tree increased during the period of the bicolored display from the contrasting colors of ripe and unripe fruits. However, the number of brown-eared bulbul did not appear to change throughout the fruiting period. These results indicate that the bicolored display serves as an effective means of attracting birds; however the effect differed between bird species.



Books and Other Publications

  • 時田昇臣 (Role: Contributor, ジビエの現状と課題(1) ニホンジカおよびイノシシの個体数と農林業被害)
    中央畜産会, Jun, 2018
  • 羽山・三浦, 梶, 鈴木 編 (Role: Contributor, 第20章 食性ならびに栄養分析法)
    文永堂出版, Jul, 2016
  • 時田昇臣, 時田光明 (Role: Joint author)
    栄和印刷, Mar, 2015
  • 松木洋一 (Role: Contributor, 第5節 犬と猫の食事と健康)
    養賢堂, Nov, 2012
  • 鈴木ほか (Role: Contributor, 第18章 食性ならびに栄養分析法)
    文永堂, May, 2012



Teaching Experience


Research Projects
