Profile Information
- Affiliation
- Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Science, School of Veterinary Medicine, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
- Degree
- (BLANK)(Gifu University)
- 200901081039944616
- researchmap Member ID
- 1000254751
Research Interests
9Research Areas
4Research History
Apr, 2014 - Present
Apr, 2008 - Mar, 2014
Apr, 2006 - Mar, 2008
Oct, 1997 - Mar, 2006
Oct, 1996 - Sep, 1997
Apr, 1991 - Mar, 1995
Apr, 1985 - Mar, 1991
Committee Memberships
Dec, 2022 - Present
Apr, 2022 - Present
Apr, 2021 - Present
Sep, 2015 - Present
- Present
Research in Veterinary Science, Apr, 2023 Peer-reviewed
Journal of Comparative Pathology, 200 35-45, Jan, 2023 Peer-reviewed
Journal of biochemistry, Jul 11, 2022 Peer-reviewedAmyloid-β (Aβ) and tau pathologies are important factors leading to neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease (AD); however the molecular mechanisms that link these pathologies remain unclear. Assuming that important though as yet unidentified factors inhibit/accelerate tau pathology and neuronal cell death under amyloid pathology, we sought to isolate and identify tau-interacting proteins from mouse brains with or without amyloid pathology. Among the proteins that were identified, we focused on protein arginine methyltransferase 8 (PRMT8), which interacts with tau specifically in the absence of amyloid pathology. To investigate the role of PRMT8 in the pathogenesis of AD, we conducted Prmt8 gene deletion and overexpression experiments in AppNL-G-F/MAPT double-knock-in (dKI) mice and analyzed the resulting pathological alterations. PRMT8-knockout did not alter the AD pathology in dKI mice, whereas PRMT8-overexpression promoted tau phosphorylation, neuroinflammation, and vacuole degeneration. To evaluate if such a PRMT8-induced vacuole degeneration depends on tau pathology, PRMT8 was overexpressed in tau-KO mice, which were consequently found to exhibit vacuole degeneration. In addition, proteomic analyses showed that PRMT8 overexpression facilitated the arginine methylation of vimentin. Abnormal protein methylation could be involved in PRMT8-induced brain pathologies. Taken together, PRMT8 may play an important role in the formation of tau pathology and vacuole degeneration.
Journal of Ornithology, 161(4) 1021-1024, Oct 1, 2020 Peer-reviewedWe measured the regional saturation of oxygen of hemoglobin (rSO ) and the total hemoglobin index (HbI) in the brain and skeletal muscles of a conscious Harris’s Hawk by a near-infrared spectroscopy device (NIRS). The oxygenation levels of the breast were significantly lower than the cerebral parts. A flight exercise significantly increased the rSO and HbI of the breast. The breast surface temperature significantly increased in response to flight training by a thermography. NIRS enabled us to measure changes in the oxygenation levels of brain and skeletal muscles in a conscious Harris’s Hawk before and after a moving task. 2 2
The Journal of veterinary medical science, 82(6) 745-753, Jun 24, 2020 Peer-reviewedVascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) is a principal regulator of hematopoiesis as well as angiogenesis. However, the functions of VEGF-A and its receptors (VEGFRs) in the differentiation of mast cells (MCs) in the skin remain unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the expression patterns of two VEGFRs (Flk1 and Flt1) in the skin MCs during development and maturation in rats. From the 17th days of embryonic development (E17) to 1 day after birth (Day 1), most of skin MCs were immature cells containing predominant alcian blue (AB)+ rather than safranin O (SO)+ granules (AB>SO MCs). AB>SO MC proportions gradually decreased, while mature AB<SO MC proportions increased from Day 7 to 28. Flk1+ MC proportions increased from E20 and reached to approximately 90% from Day 1 to 21, thereafter decreased to about 10% at Day 60 and 90. Flk1+ MC proportions changed almost in parallel with the numbers of MCs and Ki67+ MC proportions from E17 to Day 90. The proportions of MCs with both nuclear and cytoplasmic Flt1-immunoreactivity were markedly increased at Day 28, when the proportions of nuclear Flk1+, Ki67+, and AB>SO MCs had significantly decreased, and AB<SO MC proportions significantly increased. Considering that the main function of Flt1 is suppression of Flk1 effects, our results indicated that cross-talk between Flk1 and Flt1 regulates the proliferation and maturation of the skin MCs during late embryonic and neonatal development in rats.
ペット栄養学会誌, 21(2) 102-105, Jul, 2018試験紙による尿中グルコース濃度(尿糖値)の測定は、獣医臨床における腎疾患および糖尿病の検査方法として一般的に用いられている。しかし、試験紙による尿糖値の定量は事実上不可能であるため、イヌならびにネコの尿糖値は現在でも未確定のままである。我々は、ヒト用デジタル尿糖計(UG-120-H;Tanita、Tokyo)を用いて、イヌ(233頭)とネコ(124頭)における尿糖値の計測を行った。健常個体において、イヌの尿糖値(36±17mg/dL)はネコの尿糖値(32±12mg/dL)よりも有意に高かった。また、イヌとネコ共に、尿糖値は加齢によって増加する傾向が認められた。デジタル尿糖計による本研究の測定結果は、健康なイヌならびにネコの尿糖値が30〜40mg/dLであることを示唆している。(著者抄録)
比較統合医療学会誌, 25(1) 1-11, Jul, 2017「オゾン療法」とは、酸素(95%以上)-オゾン(5%以内)混合ガスによる治療の総称である。医学においては、脊髄疾患、動脈循環障害、ウィルス性疾患、糖尿病、加齢性疾患、リウマチなどの難治性疾患やがんの補助療法として用いられている。また、殺菌、消毒、消臭などにも利用されている。小動物臨床では、糖尿病、慢性腎不全、腫瘍などの慢性疾患、特に椎間板ヘルニアや皮膚病の治療への効果が期待されている。本稿では、オゾン療法の作用機序、医学おけるオゾン療法、動物実験による効果を中心に解説する。最後に、獣医療におけるオゾン療法の実例についても紹介する。(著者抄録)
日本生化学会大会(Web), 90th ROMBUNNO.4LT02‐03(3P‐1093) (WEB ONLY)-1093)], 2017
化学物質の臨界期曝露による生殖内分泌機能の遅発影響に視床下部キスペプチンニューロンの部位特異的変化が果たす役割と閾値に関する研究 平成27年度 総括・分担研究報告書, 93‐99, 2016
Experimental Animals, 65(4) 447-454, 2016 Peer-reviewed肝臓の薬物代謝酵素シトクロムP450(CYP)の一部は性的二形性を示し、薬物の効果や副作用の性差の原因として臨床上重要な問題となっている。ラットにおいてCYPの性的二形性は下垂体成長ホルモン(GH)の分泌パターンの性差に強く依存するとされているが、詳細なメカニズムは明らかでない。我々は、以前にマウスアルブミンエンハンサー/プロモーターの制御下で、肝細胞特異的に蛍光タンパク質DsRed2遺伝子を発現するトランスジェニック(Alb-DsRed2 Tg)ラットを作製し、肝DsRed2発現が成熟雄ラットに限定される性的二形を示すことを報告した。本研究では、GH分泌パターンに依存する内因性CYP発現と性的二形性DsRed2発現の関連性を検討するために、本ラットのGH分泌パターンを雌雄で逆転させ、肝CYPおよびDsRed2発現を比較した。生後1日目に雌雄Alb-DsRed2 Tgラットの性腺を摘出し、雌には同時にテストステロンプロピオネートを投与した。従来の報告と一致して、実験的にGH分泌パターンを雌雄で逆転させるとCYPの性的二形性発現が逆転し、それと同期して本ラットのDsRed2発現の性的二形性が逆転した。肝DsRed2発現は性的二形CYP発現と強く相関し、本ラットはGH分泌パターンに依存する性的二形CYP発現の変化を簡便に評価できる有用なツールであることが明らかとなった。(著者抄録)
日本味と匂学会誌, 22(1) 57-58, Apr, 2015
日本獣医師会獣医学術学会年次大会講演要旨集, 2014 239, Jan 30, 2015
化学物質の臨界期曝露による生殖内分泌機能の遅発影響に視床下部キスペプチンニューロンの部位特異的変化が果たす役割と閾値に関する研究 平成26年度 総括・分担研究報告書, 99-112, 2015
化学物質の臨界期曝露による生殖内分泌機能の遅発影響に視床下部キスペプチンニューロンの部位特異的変化が果たす役割と閾値に関する研究 平成25年度 総括・分担研究報告書, 91-95,97-102, 2014
化学物質の臨界期曝露が神経内分泌・生殖機能へ及ぼす遅発型影響の機序解明と指標の確立に関する研究 平成24年度 総括・分担研究報告書, 93-103, 2013
Toxicology, 272(1-3) 52-8, Jun 4, 2010 Peer-reviewedEstradiol plays an essential role in sexual differentiation of the rodent hypothalamus. Endocrine disruptors with estrogenic activity such as bisphenol A (BPA) are reported to disturb sexual differentiation of the hypothalamus. The purpose of the present study was to examine in vitro effects of BPA on developing hypothalamic neurons by focusing on a presynaptic protein synapsin I and microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2). In cultured hypothalamic cells from fetal rats, treatment with BPA enhanced both dendritic and synaptic development, as evidenced by increases in the area of dot-like staining of synapsin I and MAP2-positive area. An estrogen receptor (ER) antagonist, ICI 182,780, only partially blocked BPA-induced increase in the synapsin I-area, while it suppressed the MAP2-area increased by BPA. A specific ERK inhibitor, U0126, reduced the synapsin I-area without affecting the MAP2-area. BPA significantly decreased protein levels of synapsin I phosphorylated at Ser-9 and Ser-603. These findings indicate that BPA-inducing effects on dendritic and synaptic development are mediated by different molecular pathways.
Books and Other Publications
12Teaching Experience
Apr, 2014 - PresentGeneral veterinary medicine (Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University)
Apr, 2014 - Present獣医学概論 (日本獣医生命科学大学)
Apr, 2014 - PresentCompanion Animal Species Theory (Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University)
Apr, 2014 - Present獣医倫理学 (日本獣医生命科学大学)
Apr, 2006 - Present獣医実験動物学 (日本獣医生命科学大学)
Professional Memberships
6Research Projects
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Apr, 2018 - Mar, 2022
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Apr, 2017 - Mar, 2020
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Apr, 2015 - Mar, 2018
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Apr, 2012 - Mar, 2015
科学研究費補助金, 2011 - 2013