

フェレイラ ダニエル  (DANIEL FERREIRA)


成蹊大学 国際教育センター 常勤講師
Bachelor of Arts(McGill University)
M.A. in English Language Teaching(University of Technology Sydney)
Doctor of Education(Northcentral University)


2015-2019: Northcentral University, Faculty of Education, Department of Education, Doctoral Research (Online)




  • Daniel Ferreira, Rab Paterson, Kaori Hakone
    Language Research Bulletin 32 20-31 2018年3月1日  査読有り
  • John Peloghitis, Daniel Ferreira
    Accents Asia 10(1) 17-26 2018年3月1日  査読有り
  • D. Ferreira
    Tokyo JALT Journal (4) 2017年6月  招待有り
    This case study reports on the language socialization and written performance of two first-year Japanese students at a liberal arts college in Tokyo. With a focus on the students’ learning experiences, this research triangulated the analysis of transcripts and interviews, field notes, and observations to explore how students from a 450-550 TOEFL cohort engaged in academic writing tutorials with their teacher. A report on the students’ use of short discourse markers, language display (e.g. gestures, facial expressions), and the use of external aids (e.g. manipulating a mouse pointer, writing notes) reveals a process where the end result is greater than the sum of its parts. That is, how students communicate what they retain at the time of the tutorial experience may not be as self-evident compared to the follow-up writing drafts. Through the implementation of verbal and non-verbal cues during student-teacher tutorials, the students were able to improve their writing skills.
  • Daniel Ferreira, George MacLean
    Language Research Bulletin 32 10-19 2017年3月1日  査読有り
  • Daniel Ferreira, Rab Paterson, Kaori Hakone
    Language Research Bulletin 32 20-31 2017年3月1日  査読有り
  • D. Ferreira
    Accents Asia 9(1) 2017年1月  招待有り
    The shift from the industrial-age model of learning to one driven by the global knowledge economy has placed a burden on institutions of higher education to modernize teaching methodology. Although iterations of modern technology continue to mark their presence to varying degrees in learning environments globally, linking the instructional use of modern affordances with enhanced learning outcomes remains an issue. More than ever, research in effective integration points to professional development as the linchpin for success. This essay reviews the latest research and proposes ideas for adapting some of the best practices for professional development today at the individual and institutional levels.
  • D. Ferreira
    Language Research Bulletin 31 8-15 2016年9月  招待有り
    Just as internet access has shifted from a 20th century novelty to a modern-day basic utility, so has the popularity of learning a specialization online become the norm and not the exception. Despite the growing demand for providing online courses/programs on a global scale, attrition rates remain unfavorably high compared to traditional face- to-fact learning. Although research related to online teaching methodology has made much progress, there remains a plethora of studies related to cultural barriers in the virtual world of learning. In this literature review of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Model, the implications of the framework’s four indexes—power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism-collectivism, and masculinity-femininity—are considered alongside with practical strategies for overcoming teaching methodological challenges.
  • 31 16-23 2016年9月  招待有り
    With the expansion of digital tools developed for language learning environments, new instructional practices are available that enable students to engage in more robust writing experiences. In the following paper, several instructional practices are introduced that enhance learning in a university level writing course. Digital tools such as Google Docs and Google Drive are highlighted to create better feedback opportunities; ones that allow students and teachers to be more efficient and collaborative when commenting on essays. Online reflective journals are introduced to illustrate how students and teachers can participate in a community of learning and inform each other to minimize redundancy and create better learning opportunities. If teachers can incorporate digital tools that encourage their learners to develop digital literacy skills, a more efficient and accessible learning environment can be created for students.
  • The Journal of Saitama City Educators 5(3) 12-17 2015年5月  招待有り
    Peer editing is an instrumental part of the writing process. Like any new skill, however, students need to be explicitly taught how how it works. Web 2.0 tools, such as Google Drive, now make it much easier for instructors to not only manage the writing process regardless of class size with relative ease but also to train students in the benefits of the peer editing process. This article will suggest ways on how to use Google Docs to create a writing e-Portfolio followed by tips on how to foster effective peer editing practices.
  • Caleb Prichard, Dan Ferreira
    TESOL Journal 5(1) 172-185 2014年  査読有り
    Presentation assignments for second language speakers can take several forms, such as a traditional class presentation or a poster presentation. Poster presentations, which are given repeatedly to small groups, seem to have several advantages, including increased speaking opportunities, more interaction between the speaker and the audience, and less anxiety for the speaker. However, these benefits have not been discussed critically in the literature, let alone researched in experimental studies. This article compares poster presentations and class presentations and their effects on 75 low-proficiency speakers of English at a Japanese college. Video-recorded data, two recall tests, and learner surveys were used to test the hypothesis that poster presentations would lead to an increased rate of speaking, more vocabulary retention, and better affective effects. The results confirm some of these hypotheses, and highlight several factors that second language instructors should consider when planning oral presentations.
  • Daniel Ferreira
    20 Years of EUROCALL: Leaning from the Past, Looking into the Future 86-92 2013年11月  査読有り招待有り
    Error correction in the EFL writing curriculum is a practice both teachers and students agree is important for writing proficiency development (Ferris, 2004; Van Beuningen, De Jong, & Kuiken, 2011; Vyatkina, 2010; 2011). Research suggests student dependency on teacher corrective feedback yields few long-term benefits for the developing writer. (Bruton, 2009; Lee, 2004). Encouraging the learners to manage grammatical mistakes, as part of the learning process, must be followed up with post-writing activities that help them become more accountable and more autonomous in developing accurate rewrites. In this project, technological resources combined with peer group support and teacher assistance were used to scaffold the learners approach to error correction that showed positive knock-on effects for writing accuracy.
  • Daniel Ferreira
    英文学会誌 1-34 2013年9月  
  • Language Education in Asia 4(1) 88-98 2013年9月  査読有り招待有り
    Developing communicative skills in English where it is a foreign language is a frustrating challenge for the L2 learner. Information and communication technologies (ICT) offer the possibility for L2 students to develop those skills collaboratively. The purpose of this article is to share the idea of building a student-centered community online where the students use the Internet as a creative space to develop their L2 identities. In this project, a first-year university class at a Japanese women’s college use blogging as a space to develop and communicate their learning experience in English. A second class uses video screen capture software to record a news report and then share their imagined L2 identities with the first class via the blog. The end of term revealed that the learners’ positive response to this project could be an instrumental approach to developing autonomous L2 communities beyond the classroom.
  • Dan Ferreira
    The Journal of Saitama City Educators 3(2) 5-12 2013年5月  査読有り招待有り
    Although free writing is an activity used for developing fluency in writing, unchecked errors can be counterproductive for the EFL writer yet correcting repetitive errors can be very time consuming. This article will show how I use technology and other resources in the classroom to provide corrective feedback to university students tasks such as free writing.
  • Ferris Studies 48 297-307 2013年3月  招待有り
  • The Journal of Saitama City Educators 2(1) 5-10 2012年4月  招待有り
    “Scaffolding”, in the educational sense, is about providing instructional support in a specialized area of second language use and/or acquisition. This article will discuss how a desktop screen capturing web tool can be used to scaffold the development of a student web blog community.
  • フェリス女学院大学文学部紀要 46 359-371 2011年4月  招待有り
  • Research Bulletin 14(1) 2010年4月  招待有り


  • P. Wadden, J, Peterson D. Ferreira
    FD Newsletter 22(1) 2017年7月  査読有り招待有り
    To cross borders in a globalized world, to participate in a shared liberal arts dialogue, to collaborate in writing with peers at another university, and to have some fun and enjoy a change of pace in our research and writing classes, the authors brought two groups of students together —at Stanford and International Christian University —in an online international exchange. This brief article is the one we wish someone else had written and which we could have read before we launched our own two-class interaction (scroll down for the promises, perils, and pitfalls).
  • D. Ferreira
    FD Newsletter 22(1) 2017年6月  査読有り招待有り
    Helping university learners to critically evaluate their own academic performance or engage in self- directed learning are the hallmarks of the student- centered approach. Traditionally, rubrics have been used by instructors to assess the quality of student performance on a learning event based on evaluation criteria. A set of indicators in the rubric provide detailed information that explains what a student has to do to demonstrate proficiency on particular skills. Recent research has shown that when students are involved in formative assessment, rubrics (especially e-rubrics) have the power to guide the learning process and promote self- directed learning.
  • Paul Wadden, Ed Rush
    Accents Asia 8(2) 135-142 2016年4月  査読有り
    This article describes the Global Academic Vocabulary (GAV) lexicon, lessons, and platform that was initially implemented at International Christian University in Tokyo and is now under significant further development at the University of Melbourne and NYU-Tokyo. Research by Na and Nation has shown that understanding of about 95% of the words in an academic text is required for learners to confidently comprehend its meaning. But exactly what words do university learners need to know to achieve such a level of coverage? The GAV provides one important answer to this question by combining the headwords from the three most significant long-standing corpus-based vocabulary studies to date: the University Word List (UWL), the Academic Word List (AWL), and the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) word lists, with a fourth, New Academic Word List (NAWL), now being added. This article provides the rationale behind the creation of the GAV.
  • Travis Cote, Brett Milliner, Simeon Flowers, Dan Ferreira
    PeerSpectives (12) 37-40 2014年3月  査読有り招待有り
    Close to 100% of tertiary students in Japan now own a mobile device. As language teachers, we may have considered using them for computer- assisted language learning; however, navigating the vast array of mobile applications can be a daunting task. Moreover, given that student ownership of iOS and Android devices is almost evenly split, a teacher is often unable to choose applications that are accessible to the entire class. This paper shows details of a 2014 study in mobile usage trends (among Japanese university students) and derives input from a panel of educators who investigated mobile use in education for language learning purposes. Panel discussion and floor interaction revealed similar challenges across platforms, and possible solutions to these problems in teacher education and administrative cooperation.


  • Robin Throne, Dan Ferreira (担当:共著, 範囲:Data collection and interpretation)
    Routledge handbook 2022年1月
  • FERREIRA DANIEL I (担当:共著, 範囲:p.109-114)
    Routledge 2018年11月1日 (ISBN: 9781351377270)
    Written by leading English-language educators in Japan, this Handbook provides an in-depth guide for the new generation of teachers at Japanese universities. In clear, accessible prose, it offers practical and detailed advice on effective classroom pedagogy, student motivation, learning styles, classroom culture, national language policy, career opportunities, departmental politics, administrative mindset, and institutional identity. Its four sections—The setting, The courses, The classroom, and The workplace—examine issues faced by university language teachers as well as challenges confronted by the increasing number of scholars teaching English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) courses.



