
村松 大吾

ムラマツ ダイゴ  (Daigo Muramatsu)


成蹊大学 理工学部 理工学科 教授
博士(工学)(2006年2月 早稲田大学)









  • Susumu Kikkawa, Fumio Okura, Daigo Muramatsu, Yasushi Yagi, Hideo Saito
    IEEE Access 11 19312-19323 2023年  査読有り
  • Ryosuke Hasegawa, Akira Uchiyama, Fumio Okura, Daigo Muramatsu, Issei Ogasawara, Hiromi Takahata, Ken Nakata, Teruo Higashino
    IEEE Access 10 15457-15468 2022年2月  査読有り
  • Daigo Muramatsu, Kousuke Moriwaki, Yoshiki Maruya, Noriko Takemura, Yasushi Yagi
    BIOSIG 2022 - Proceedings of the 21st International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group 213-220 2022年  査読有り
    CNN is a major model used for image-based recognition tasks, including gait recognition, and many CNN-based network structures and/or learning frameworks have been proposed. Among them, we focus on approaches that use multiple labels for learning, typified by multi-task learning. These approaches are sometimes used to improve the accuracy of the main task by incorporating extra labels associated with sub-tasks. The incorporated labels for learning are usually selected from real tasks heuristically; for example, gender and/or age labels are incorporated together with subject identity labels. We take a different approach and consider a virtual task as a sub-task, and incorporate pseudo output labels together with labels associated with the main task and/or real task. In this paper, we focus on a gait-based person recognition task as the main task, and we discuss the effectiveness of virtual tasks with different pseudo labels for construction of a CNN-based gait feature extractor.
  • Ryosuke Hasegawa, Akira Uchiyama, Fumio Okura, Daigo Muramatsu, Issei Ogasawara, Hiromi Takahata, Ken Nakata, Teruo Higashino
    Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 481-486 2022年  
  • Yasushi Makihara, Yuta Hayashi, Allam Shehata, Daigo Muramatsu, Yasushi Yagi
    2021 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB) 2021年8月4日  査読有り


  • 児玉幸多, 近藤 樹, 小方 博之, 村松 大吾
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, 2011 "2A1-M16(1)"-"2A1-M16(4)" 2011年  
    In this paper, we report an implementation of self-localization system for mobile robots running in outdoor environments where GPS data is sometimes not accurate enough. Our system is equipped with GPS, encoder and magnetic sensor. Data obtained by these sensors are integrated using Kalman filter. GPS observation is omitted when the robot is running through particular areas. These areas are determined based on standard deviation of the data observed in advance.
  • 村松大吾, 赤沢史嗣, 白土聡, 松本隆, 中村厚, 宗田孝之
    第1回バイオメトリクスと認識・認証シンポジウム 2011年  
  • T. Matsumoto, A.Nakamura, D.Muramatsu, T.Sota
    WCF 2011 37 2011年  
  • 森川 健一郎, 村松 大吾, 小方 博之
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 "2P1-D22(1)"-"2P1-D22(4)" 2010年  
    Face detection algorithm used in Adaboost and Haar-like features were detected using the kana-kanji area detection. Create a set of images for learning. It was made by changing the number of sheets of the correct answer image and non-correct answer image. Correct answer images has Grayscale images and binary font images. Font used MS Gothic and MS Mincho. Non-correct answer images using gray-scale images of characters not included. The detection algorithm was verified by using 15 images for the verification. Verification images used 11 images including characters, two images including correct answer images, and two images not including characters. Adaboost and Haar-like feature using kana-kanji detection algorithms were validated.
  • 藤ノ木 裕一, 小方 博之, 村松 大吾
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 "1A1-A25(1)"-"1A1-A25(4)" 2010年  
    Saffron pistils have been used, for example, as spice, dye and medicine from old days. But saffron pistils are considerably expensive, and are regarded to be luxury food. Saffron pistil is normally harvested by hand now. However, as the amount of pistils of one flower is very small, task of harvesting them is very hard. Therefore, in this paper, we discuss a method to automate harvesting saffron pistil using robot. We examine technique to detect cutting point and gripping point which are necessary for harvesting by online image processing. We verified the feasibility of our method through experiments.
  • 上條秀一, 宮島雄一, 松井淳, 中田洋平, 村松大吾, 松本隆
    画像電子学会誌 39(5) 571-579 2010年  
  • Satoshi Shirato, Daigo Muramatsu, Takashi Matsumoto
    WAC 2010 2010年  
  • 上原 啓, 松本 光司, 小方 博之, 鳥毛 明, 村松 大吾
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2009 "1P1-C02(1)"-"1P1-C02(3)" 2009年5月25日  
    Recently, cleaning robots for domestic use are developed. However, present algorithm cannot always sweep the workspace uniformly, and this causes the inefficiency of the algorithm. The best sweeping algorithm may depend on the shape of the room. To select the best algorithm, we examined a method to acquire the shape of a room in the last report. In this report, we adopt an actual robot model so that the robot can distinguish rooms in the real world.
  • 高野 晃, 小方 博之, 村松 大吾, 大谷 淳
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2009 "1A2-C03(1)"-"1A2-C03(4)" 2009年5月25日  
    All stigmas of saffrons which are used as a spice or a dye are harvested by hand. However, it is heavy work to gather an enough amount. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether harvesting saffron's stigmas automatically is possible by using image processing. As a process of harvesting saffron stigmas automatically, we conceieved an idea of cutting the root of flower and harvesting stigma which is hanging by turning it down. Features to harvest stigmas are detected by using color information. The feasibility of this method was shown by the experiment.
  • 村松 大吾, 阿部 貢士, 堀内 翔, 小方 博之
    電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界 = The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. A 92(5) 392-396 2009年5月1日  
  • 村松 大吾, 阿部 貢士, 堀内 翔, 小方 博之
    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 2009(2) "SS-86" 2009年3月4日  
  • 南 康文, 白土 聡, 安田 久美子, 村松 大吾, 松本 隆
    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 2009(2) "SS-82" 2009年3月4日  
  • 安田久美子, 白土聡, 村松大吾, 松本隆
    第16回バイオメトリックシステムセキュリティ研究発表会 9-16 2009年  
  • 南康文, 白土聡, 安田久美子, 村松大吾, 松本隆
    第16回バイオメトリックシステムソサエティ研究発表会 17-24 2009年  
  • 小石恭輔, 村松大吾, 松本隆
    第16回バイオメトリックシステムセキュリティ研究発表会 1-8 2009年  
  • Kyosuke Koishi, Shintaro Kinoshita, Daigo Muramatsu, Takashi Matsumoto
    J.Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 13(4) 447-456 2009年  
  • O.Henniger, D.Muramatsu, T.Matsumoto, I.Yoshimura, M.Yoshimura
    Encyclopedia of Biometrics、Li, Stan Z.(ed), 1196-1205 2009年  
  • 久保 有也, 橋本 雄太, 石田 博基, 小方 博之, 村松 大吾
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 "1A1-I03(1)"-"1A1-I03(2)" 2008年6月6日  
    The form of the putt swing is different among person. This suggests that an advice that can effectively improve a person's skill may differ between them. This paper describes a method to classify putt swing form aiming to develop an advisory system. We obtained motion data of subjects using a motion capture system. The putt swing form was appropriately classified using cluster analysis.
  • 田中 啓晶, 小林 誉裕, 小方 博之, 村松 大吾
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 "1A1-I04(1)"-"1A1-I04(4)" 2008年6月6日  
    We propose a technique that automatically estimates a sports skill of examinees. In our study, we are discussing the technique for golf putting. However, we have estimated the skill only from apart of the examinee's motion data. It became the problem that the arbitrariness characteristics occur when choosing sensor. In this study, we introduce ensemble leaning to treat the whole motion data with Recurrent Neural Networks as temporary estimate sports skill and unify these result. The experimental result suggested the effectiveness of our method.
  • 松本 光司, 小方 博之, 鳥毛 明, 村松 大吾
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 "1A1-D22(1)"-"1A1-D22(2)" 2008年6月6日  
    Recently, cleaning robots for domestic use have been actively developed. In our past studies, we introduced a new sweeping algorithm for cleaning robots, and verified its efficiency on a simulator. In this report, we mount the algorithm on a real robot, to compare the performance with the simulation result.
  • 齋藤誠, 上原 啓, 小方 博之, 鳥毛 明, 村松 大吾
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2008 2(1) "2P1-I05(1)"-"2P1-I05(2)" 2008年  
    Nowadays, home-use robots that clean floors automatically are developed. However, the efficiency of these robots is not so good. That is because the best way of cleaning room depends on the room's shape. If the robot knows which room it is cleaning now, it will be possible to make a robot cleaning the room more efficiently. Therefore we propose a method which the robot goes around the room with hug motion, to detect the outline of the room.
  • Kumiko Yasuda, Daigo Muramatsu, Takashi Matsumoto
    We propose a visual-based online signature verification system in which the signer's pen tip is tracked. The input module of the system consists of only low-cost cameras (webcams) and does not need special equipment such as an electronic tablet. Online signature data is obtained from the images captured by the webcams by tracking the pen tip. The pen tip tracking is implemented by the Sequential Monte Carlo method in real time. Then, the distance between the input signature data and reference signature data enrolled in advance is computed. Finally, the input signature is classified as genuine or a forgery by comparing the distance with a threshold. lit this paper, we consider two camera positions. We performed an experiment using private data consisting of 250 signatures from 10 subjects. The experimental results show that the proposed system is promising for signature verification.
  • Kyosuke Koishi, Shintaro Kinoshita, Daigo Muramatsu, Takashi Matsumoto
    SCIS & ISIS 2008 1635-1640 2008年  
  • Takashi Kaburagi, Daigo Muramutsu, Takashi Matsumoto
    Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 5(3) 669-692 2007年6月  
    A novel algorithm is proposed for predicting transmembrane protein secondary structure from two-dimensional vector trajectories consisting of a hydropathy index and formal charge of a test amino acid sequence using stochastic dynamical system models. Two prediction problems are discussed. One is the prediction of transmembrane region counts another is that of transmembrane regions, i.e. predicting whether or not each amino acid belongs to a transmembrane region. The prediction accuracies, using a collection of well-characterized transmembrane protein sequences and benchmarking sequences, suggest that the proposed algorithm performs reasonably well. An experiment was performed with a glutamate transporter homologue from Pyrococcus horikoshii. The predicted transmembrane regions of the five human glutamate transporter sequences and observations based on the computed likelihood are reported. © Imperial College Press.
  • 村松大吾, 木下伸太朗, 松本隆
    2007年 暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム (SCIS2007) 2007年  
  • 加藤雄大, 村松大吾, 松本隆
    第9回ユビキタスネットワーク社会におけるバイオメトリクスセキュリティ研究会 34-39 2007年  
  • 木下伸太朗, 村松大吾, 松本隆
    第9回ユビキタスネットワーク社会におけるバイオメトリクスセキュリティ研究会 48-51 2007年  
  • 村松大吾, 加藤雄大, 松本隆
    ヒューマンインターフェース学会論文誌 9(2) 191-200 2007年  
  • 村松大吾, 松本隆
    画像ラボ 18(10) 7-11 2007年  
  • 安田久美子, 村松大吾, 松井淳, 松本隆
    電子情報通信学会 信学技報 PRMU2007(145) 53-58 2007年  
  • Daigo Muramatsu, Takashi Matsumoto
    Many algorithms for online signature verification using multiple features have been proposed. Recently it has been argued that pen pressure, azimuth, and altitude can cause instability and deteriorate the performance. Algorithms without pen pressure and inclination features outperformed with them in SVC2004. However, we previously found that these features improved the performance in evaluations using our private database. The effectiveness of the features thus depended on the algorithm. Therefore, we re-evaluated our algorithm using the same database as used in SVC2004 and discuss the effectiveness of pen pressure, azimuth and altitude. Experimental results show that even though these features are riot so effective when they are used by themselves, they improved the performance when used in combination with other features. When pen pressure and inclination features were considered, an EER of 3.61% was achieved, compared to an EER of 5.79% when these features were not used.
  • 加藤雄大, 村松大吾, 松本隆
    2006年暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム予稿集 CD-ROM 2006年  
  • 本郷保範, 村松大吾, 松本隆
    2006年暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム予稿集 CD-ROM 2006年  
  • Yudai Kato, Daigo Muramatsu, Takashi Matsumoto
    IWFHR 10th International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition 467-472 2006年  
  • Yudai Kato, Daigo Muramatsu, Takashi Matsumoto
    A factor known as intersession variability in signatures causes deterioration of authentication performance. We propose a novel algorithm that includes a model updating scheme to correct for this variability. A model was provided for each user to calculate a score using fused multiple distance measures with respect to previous work. The algorithm consisted of an updating phase in addition to a training phase and a testing phase. In the training phase, the model's parameters were sampled using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method for each individual. In the testing phase, the generated model was used to determine whether a test signature was genuine. In the updating phase, the parameters were updated with test data using a Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) algorithm. Adoption of a hyper hyper parameter for automatically adjusting a hyper parameter in MC improved the authentication performance. Several experiments were performed on signatures from a public database. The proposed algorithm achieved an EER of 7.59%.
  • Shintaro Kinoshita, Daigo Muramatsu, Takashi Matsumoto
    Personal authentication is becoming increasingly important. Biometrics, that is, the use of biological information, is one of the most promising techniques for this application. This paper proposes an online signature verification system. A serious problem in online signature verification is the difficulty of collecting enough signature data to generate a reliable model. In this paper, we propose a user-generic fusion model to resolve this problem. In the model generation, we use available datasets composed of genuine and forged signatures of many signers. The model's parameters are trained using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. We report experimental results of our proposed algorithm using two public databases.
  • Y Hongo, D Muramatsu, T Matsumoto
    Biometric Technology for Human Identification II 5779 373-380 2005年  
    Authentication of individuals is rapidly becoming an important issue. The authors previously proposed a Pen-input online signature verification algorithm. The algorithm considers a writer's signature as a trajectory of pen position, pen pressure, pen azimuth, and pen altitude that evolve over time, so that it is dynamic and biometric. Many algorithms have been proposed and reported to achieve accuracy for on-line signature verification, but setting the threshold value for these algorithms is a problem. In this paper, we introduce a user-generic model generated by AdaBoost, which resolves this problem. When user- specific models (one model for each user) are used for signature verification problems, we need to generate the models using only genuine signatures. Forged signatures are not available because imposters do not give forged signatures for training in advance. However, we can make use of another's forged signature in addition to the genuine signatures for learning by introducing a user generic model. And Adaboost is a well-known classification algorithm, making final decisions depending on the sign of the output value. Therefore, it is not necessary to set the threshold value. A preliminary experiment is performed on a database consisting of data from 50 individuals. This set consists of western-alphabet-based signatures provide by a European research group. In this experiment, our algorithm gives an FRR of 1.88% and an FAR of 1.60%. Since no fine-tuning was done, this preliminary result looks very promising.
  • Takashi Kaburagi, Daigo Muramatsu, Shinichiro Hashimoto, Masahiro Sasaki, Takashi Matsumoto
    The Second Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference 35-42 2004年  
  • 村松大吾, 松本隆
    電子情報通信学会総合大会 D-12-24 185 2003年  
  • 村松大吾, 松本隆
    ユビキタスネットワーク社会におけるバイオメトリクスセキュリティ研究会、第一回研究発表会予稿集 1-5 2003年  
  • 近藤充, 村松大吾, 佐々木昌浩, 松本隆
    ユビキタスネットワーク社会におけるバイオメトリクスセキュリティ研究会、第一回研究発表会予稿集 7-12 2003年  
  • Mitsuru Kondo, Daigo Muramatsu, Masahiro Sasaki, Takashi Matsumoto
    IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications (SPPRA 2003) 269-273 2003年  
    Authentication of individuals is rapidly becoming an important issue. The authors have previously proposed a pen-input online signature verification algorithm. The algorithm considers writer's signature as a trajectory of pen-position, pen-pressure and pen-inclination which evolves over time, so that it is dynamic and biometric. In our previous work, genuine signatures were separated from forgery signatures in a linear manner. This paper proposes a new algorithm which performs nonlinear separation using Bayesian MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo). A preliminary experiment is performed on a database consisting of 1825 genuine signatures and 4117 skilled forgery signatures from fourteen individuals. FRR 0.81% and FAR 0.87% are achieved. Since no fine tuning was done, this preliminary result looks very promising.
  • M Kondo, D Muramatsu, M Sasaki, T Matsumoto
    Authentication of individuals is rapidly becoming an important issue. The authors have previously proposed a pen-input online signature verification algorithm. The algorithm considers writer's signature as a trajectory of pen-position, pen-pressure and peninclination which evolves over time, so that it is dynamic and biometric. In our previous work, genuine signatures were separated from forgery signatures in a linear manner. This paper proposes a new algorithm which performs nonlinear separation using Bayesian MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo). A preliminary experiment is performed on a database consisting of 1852 genuine signatures and 3170 skilled forgery signatures from fourteen individuals. FRR 0.81% and FAR 0.87% are achieved. Since no fine tuning was done, this preliminary result looks very promising.
  • Daigo Muramatsu, Takashi Matsumoto
    4th International Conference on Audio-and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication 233-241 2003年  
  • M Kondo, D Muramatsu, M Sasaki, T Matsumoto
    Authentication of individuals is rapidly becoming an important issue. This paper proposes a new nonlinear algorithm for pen-input on-line signature verification incorporating pen-position, pen-pressure and pen-inclinations trajectories. A preliminary experiment is performed on a database consisting of 1849 genuine signatures and 3174 skilled(dagger) forgery signatures from fourteen individuals. Since no fine tuning was done, this preliminary result looks very promising.
  • Mitsuru Kondo, Daigo Muramatsu, Masahiro Sasaki, Takashi Matsumoto
    Practical Bayesian Statistics 5 34 2003年  
  • D Muramatsu, T Matsumoto
    Authentication of individuals is rapidly becoming an important issue. On-line signature verification is one of the methods that use biometric features. This paper proposes a new HMM algorithm is for on-line signature verification. After preprocessing, input signature is discretized in a polar coordinate system. This particular discretization leads to a simple procedure for assigning initial state and state transition probabilities. This paper utilizes only pen position trajectories, no other information is used which makes the algorithm simple and fast. A preliminary experiment shows that the proposed algorithm appears to be promising.
  • D Muramatsu, S Hashimoto, T Tsunashima, T Kaburagi, M Sasaki, T Matsumoto
    A new algorithm is proposed for inferring the number of transmembrane regions of transmembrane proteins from two dimensional vector trajectories consisting of hydropathy index and charge of amino acids by stochastic dynamical system models. The prediction accuracy of a preliminary experiment is 94%. Since no fine-tuning is done, this appears encouraging.

