
浅野 雅子

アサノ マサコ  (Masako Asano)


成蹊大学 理工学部 理工学科 教授



  • 浅野 雅子
    Journal of High Energy Physics 1904(2019)(051) 2019年4月  査読有り
  • Masako Asan, Mitsuhiro Kato
    Nucl.Phys. B 910 178-198 2016年9月  査読有り
    © 2016 We construct a class of quadratic gauge invariant actions for extended string fields defined on the tensor product of open superstring state space for multiple open string Neveu–Schwarz (NS) sectors with or without one Ramond (R) sector. The basic idea is the same as for the bosonic extended string field theory developed by the authors [1]. The theory for NSnsector and NSn−1–R sector contains general n-th rank tensor fields and (n−1)-th rank spinor–tensor fields in the massless spectrum respectively. In principle, consistent gauge invariant actions for any generic type of 10-dimensional massive or massless tensor or spinor–tensor fields can be extracted from the theory. We discuss some simple examples of bosonic and fermionic massless actions.
  • Masako Asano, Mitsuhiro Kato
    Nuclear Physics B 877(3) 1107-1128 2013年12月21日  
    We propose a new gauge field theory which is an extension of ordinary string field theory by assembling multiple state spaces of the bosonic string. The theory includes higher-spin fields in its massless spectrum together with the infinite tower of massive fields. From the theory, we can easily extract the minimal gauge-invariant quadratic action for tensor fields with any symmetry. As examples, we explicitly derive the gauge-invariant actions for some simple mixed symmetric tensor fields. We also construct covariantly gauge-fixed action by extending the method developed for string field theory. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
  • Masako Asano
    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 868(1) 75-101 2013年3月  
    We propose a systematic procedure for extracting gauge invariant and gauge fixed actions for various higher-spin gauge field theories from covariant bosonic open string field theory. By identifying minimal gauge invariant part for the original free string field theory action, we explicitly construct a class of covariantly gauge fixed actions with BRST and anti-BRST invariance. By expanding the actions with respect to the level N of string states, the actions for various massive fields including higher-spin fields are systematically obtained. As illustrating examples, we explicitly investigate the level N <= 3 part and obtain the consistent actions for massive graviton field, massive 3rd rank symmetric tensor field, or anti-symmetric field. We also investigate the tensionless limit of the actions and explicitly derive the gauge invariant and gauge fixed actions for general rank n symmetric and anti-symmetric tensor fields. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • M. Asano, M. Kato
    JHEP 1209 1209 121 2012年1月1日  査読有り
    © SISSA 2012. We show that a-gauge, a class of covariant gauges developed for bosonic open string field theory, is consistently applied to the closed string field theory. A covariantly gauge-fixed action of massless fields can be systematically derived from a-gauge-fixed action of string field theory.
  • ASANO Masako
    Prog Theor Phys Suppl (188) 207-216 2011年5月24日  
  • Masako Asano
    We summarize the properties of the 1-parameter family of covariant gauges ('a-gauges') of bosonic open string field theory given in papers [M. Asano and M. Kato, Frog. Theor. Phys. 117 (2007), 569, hep-th/0611189; J. High Energy Phys. 01 (2007), 028, hep-th/0611190; Nucl. Phys. B 807 (2009), 348, arXiv:0807.5010]. In particular, we see that the Landau-type gauge and the Siegel gauge have characteristic properties compared to other gauges.
  • Masako Asano, Mitsuhiro Kato
    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 807(1-2) 348-372 2009年1月  
    A general class of gauges for open string field theory, for which the gauge fixing condition is given by linear equations with respect to string field, is investigated in detail. This class of gauges includes almost all known ones like Siegel gauge and its various extensions such as a-gauges proposed by the present authors as well as Schnabl gauge and linear b-gauges. A general form of propagators is determined and their common features are analyzed. A consistent procedure for calculating the amplitudes is given. Gauge independence of the on-shell physical amplitudes is explicitly shown. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • ASANO Masako, KATO Mitsuhiro
    Prog Theor Phys 117(3) 569-587 2007年3月25日  
    A single-parameter family of covariant gauge fixing conditions in bosonic string field theory is proposed. This is a natural string field counterpart to the covariant gauge in the conventional gauge theory, which includes the Landau gauge, as well as the Feynman (Siegel) gauge as special cases. The action in the Landau gauge is greatly simplified in such a manner that many of the component fields have no derivatives in their kinetic terms and appear in at most quadratic forms in the vertex.
  • Masako Asano, Mitsuhiro Kato
    Journal of High Energy Physics 2007 2007年1月1日  
    New gauge fixing condition with single gauge parameter proposed by the authors is applied to the level truncated analysis of tachyon condensation in cubic open string field theory. It is found that the only one real non-trivial vacuum solution persists throughout the well-defined region of the gauge parameter, while the other solutions are turned out to be gauge-artifacts. Contrary to the previously known singular behavior in the Feynman-Siegel gauge, tachyon potential is remarkably smooth enough around Landau-type gauge. © SISSA 2007.
  • M Asano, Y Sekino
    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 705(1-2) 33-59 2005年1月  
    We investigate the holographic correspondence between (p + 1)-dimensional (0 less than or equal to p less than or equal to 4) SYM theories with 16 supercharges and superstring theories on the near-horizon limit of Dp-brane backgrounds. We take an approach to holography based on the tunneling picture and study superstring with Euclidean world-sheet. We obtain the amplitude in a semi-classical approximation around a null geodesic which connects two-points on the boundary of the spacetime. As an extension of the analysis of hep-th/0308024, we study the fermionic sector of the superstring. For p not equal 3, we do not have world-sheet supersymmetry, and the energies of bosonic and fermionic fluctuations do not match. By interpreting the superstring amplitudes as correlators of gauge theory operators with large R-charge J, we obtain gauge theory two-point functions including those of fermionic operators. Our approach yields results consistent with the previous supergravity analysis for the D0-branes, including the subleading part in J. Our prediction from holography is that the two-point functions for the supergravity modes are power-law behaved, even for the non-conformal (p not equal 3) SYM theories. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Masako Asano, Mitsuhiro Kato, Makoto Natsuume
    Journal of High Energy Physics (11) 835-846 2005年  
    We re-examine physical state representations in the covariant quantization of bosonic string. We especially consider one parameter family of gauge fixing conditions for the residual gauge symmetry due to null states (or BRST exact states), and obtain explicit representations of observable Hilbert space which include those of the DDF states. This analysis is aimed at giving a necessary ingredient for the complete gauge fixing procedures of covariant string field theory such as temporal or light-cone gauge. © SISSA 2005.

