
髙瀨 将道

タカセ マサミチ  (Masamichi TAKASE)


成蹊大学 理工学部 理工学科 教授








  • Naohiko Kasuya, Masamichi Takase
    This note corrects an error in Theorem 5.2(c) of our paper "Generic immersions and totally real embeddings".
  • Naohiko Kasuya, Masamichi Takase
    We show that, for a closed orientable n-manifold, with n not congruent to 3 modulo 4, the existence of a CR-regular embedding into complex (n - 1)-space ensures the existence of a totally real embedding into complex n-space. This implies that a closed orientable (4k + 1)-manifold with non-vanishing Kervaire semi-characteristic possesses no CR-regular embedding into complex 4k-space. We also pay special attention to the cases of CR-regular embeddings of spheres and of simply-connected 5-manifolds.
  • Naohiko Kasuya, Masamichi Takase
    It is shown that every knot or link is the set of complex tangents of a 3-sphere smoothly embedded in the 3-dimensional complex space. We show in fact that a 1-dimensional submanifold of a closed orientable 3-manifold can be realised as the set of complex tangents of a smooth embedding of the 3 manifold into the 3-dimensional complex space if and only if it represents the trivial integral homology class in the 3-manifold. The proof involves a new application of singularity theory of differentiable maps.
  • Masamichi Takase, Kokoro Tanaka
    For each diagram D of a 2-knot, we provide a way to construct a new diagram D' of the same knot such that any sequence of Roseman moves between D and D' necessarily involves branch points. The proof is done by developing the observation that no sphere eversion can be lifted to an isotopy in 4-space.
  • Osamu Saeki, Masamichi Takase
    Journal of Gökova Geometry Topology 7 1-24 2013年  査読有り
  • Masamichi Takase
    MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT 272(1-2) 101-108 2012年10月  査読有り
    We give a formula to detect the oriented bordism class of a codimension one immersion of an oriented 7-manifold in terms of singularities of its singular Seifert surface, that is, a generic map from a compact 8-manifold which extends the given immersion. Our argument involves a study of a relative version of the Thom polynomials for certain singularities of generic maps from manifolds with non-empty boundaries.
  • Kenji Daikoku, Keiichi Sakai, Masamichi Takase
    INDIANA UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS JOURNAL 61(3) 1111-1127 2012年  査読有り
    For a knot diagram we introduce an operation which does not increase the genus of the diagram and does not change its representing knot type. We also describe a condition for this operation to certainly decrease the genus. The proof involves the study of a relation between the genus of a virtual knot diagram and the genus of a knotoid diagram, the former of which has been introduced by Stoimenow, Tchernov, and Vdovina, and the latter by Turaev recently. Our operation has a simple interpretation in terms of Gauss codes and hence can easily be computer-implemented.
  • Yoshihiro Hirato, Masamichi Takase
    FUNDAMENTA MATHEMATICAE 216(2) 119-128 2012年  査読有り
    According to Ando's theorem, the oriented bordism group of fold maps of n-manifolds into n-space is isomorphic to the stable n-stem. Among such fold maps we define two geometric operations corresponding to the composition and to the Toda bracket in the stable stem through Ando's isomorphism. By using these operations we explicitly construct several fold maps with convenient properties, including a fold map which represents the generator of the stable 6-stem.
  • Tobias Ekholm, Masamichi Takase
    A self-transverse immersion of the 2-sphere into 4-space with algebraic number of self-intersection points equal to-n induces an immersion of the circle bundle over the 2-sphere of Euler class 2n into 4-space. Precomposing these circle bundle immersions with their universal covering maps, we get for n > 0 immersions g(n) of the 3-sphere into 4-space. In this note, we compute the Smale invariants of g(n). The computation is carried out by (partially) resolving the singularities of the natural singular map of the punctured complex projective plane which extends g(n). As an application, we determine the classes represented by g(n) in the cobordism group of immersions which is naturally identified with the stable 3-stem. It follows in particular that g(n) represents a generator of the stable 3-stem if and only if n is divisible by 3.
  • Masamichi Takase
    MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT 256(1) 35-44 2007年5月  査読有り
    We show that for any given differentiable embedding of the three-sphere in six-space there exists a Seifert surface (in six-space) with arbitrarily prescribed signature. This implies, according to our previous paper, that given such a (6,3)-knot endowed with normal one-field, we can construct a Seifert surface so that the outward normal field along its boundary coincides with the given normal one-field. This aspect enables us to understand the resemblance between Ekholm-Szucs' formula for the Smale invariant and a formula in our previous paper for differentiable (6,3)-knots. As a consequence, we show that an immersion of the three-sphere in five-space can be regularly homotoped to the projection of an embedding in six-space if and only if its Smale invariant is even. We also correct a sign error in our previous paper: "A geometric formula for Haefliger knots" [Topology 43: 1425-1447 2004].
  • Masamichi Takase
    We give a formula for the bordism class of an immersion of an oriented 3-manifold in 4-space. It expresses the class in terms of the topology of a null-cobordism of the 3-manifold and certain singularities (the number of umbilic points) of a generic map of this null-cobordism. into 4-space which extends the immersion.
  • Dennis Roseman, Masamichi Takase
    ALGEBRAIC AND GEOMETRIC TOPOLOGY 7 359-377 2007年  査読有り
    Using spinning we analyze in a geometric way Haefliger's smoothlyknotted (4k-1)-spheres in the 6k-sphere. Consider the 2-torus standardly embedded in the 3-sphere, which is further standardly embedded in the 6-sphere. At each point of the 2-torus we have the normal disk pair: a 4-dimensional disk and a 1-dimensional proper sub-disk. We consider an isotopy (deformation) of the normal 1-disk inside the normal 4-disk, by using a map from the 2-torus to the space of long knots in 4-space, first considered by Budney. We use this isotopy in a construction called spinning about a submanifold introduced by the first-named author. Our main observation is that the resultant spun knot provides a generator of the Haefliger knot group of knotted 3-spheres in the 6-sphere. Our argument uses an explicit construction of a Seifert surface for the spun knot and works also for higher-dimensional Haefliger knots.
  • Masamichi Takase
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 17(8) 869-885 2006年9月  査読有り
    For smooth embeddings of an integral homology 3-sphere in the 6-sphere, we define an integer invariant in terms of their Seifert surfaces. Our invariant gives a bijection between the set of smooth isotopy classes of such embeddings and the integers. It also gives rise to a complete invariant for homology bordism classes of all embeddings of homology 3-spheres in the 6-sphere. As a consequence, we show that two embeddings of an oriented integral homology 3-sphere in the 6-sphere are isotopic if and only if they are homology bordant. We also relate our invariant to the Rohlin invariant and accordingly characterize those embeddings which are compressible into the 5-sphere.
  • Masamichi Takase
    TOPOLOGY 43(6) 1425-1447 2004年11月  査読有り
    Haefliger has shown that a smooth embedding of the (4k-1)-sphere in the 6k-sphere can be knotted in the smooth sense. In this paper, we give a formula with which we can detect the isotopy class of such a Haefliger knot. The formula is expressed in terms of the geometric characteristics of an extension, analogous to a Seifert surface, of the given embedding. In particular, the Hopf invariant associated to the extension plays a crucial role. This leads us to a new characterisation of Haefliger knots. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Osamu Saeki, András Szucs, Masamichi Takase
    Manuscripta Mathematica 108(1) 13-32 2002年  査読有り
    We give geometric formulae which enable us to detect (completely in some cases) the regular homotopy class of an immersion with trivial normal bundle of a closed oriented 3-manifold into 5-space. These are analogues of the geometric formulae for the Smale invariants due to Ekholm and the second author. As a corollary, we show that two embeddings into 5-space of a closed oriented 3-manifold with no 2-torsion in the second cohomology are regularly homotopic if and only if they have Seifert surfaces with the same signature. We also show that there exist two embeddings F0 and F8 : T3 right arrow-hooked R5 of the 3-torus T3 with the following properties: (1) F0#h is regularly homotopic to F8 for some immersion h : S3 right arrow, looped R5, and (2) the immersion h as above cannot be chosen from a regular homotopy class containing an embedding.
  • Osamu Saeki, Masamichi Takase
    We clarify the structure of the set of regular homotopy classes containing embeddings of a 3-manifold into 5-space inside the set of all regular homotopy classes of immersions with trivial normal bundles. As a consequence, we show that for a large class of 3-manifolds M-3, the following phenomenon occurs: there exists a codimension two immersion of the 3-sphere whose double points cannot be eliminated by regular homotopy, but can be eliminated after taking the connected sum with a codimension two embedding of M-3. This involves introducing and studying an equivalence relation on the set of spin structures on M-3. Their associated mu-invariants also play an important role.
  • Masamichi Takase
    PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 193(1) 249-256 2000年3月  査読有り
    Let F : M3 --> R-5 be an embedding of an (oriented) Z(2)-homology 3-sphere M-3 in R-5. Then F bounds an embedding of an oriented manifold W-4 in R-5. It is well known that the signature sigma(W-4) of W-4 is equal to the mu-invariant of M-3 modulo 16. In this paper we prove that sigma(W-4) itself completely determines the regular homotopy class of F.



