
中野 和也

ナカノ カズヤ  (Kazuya Nakano)


成蹊大学 理工学部 理工学科 准教授
千葉大学 フロンティア医工学センター  特別研究准教授
博士(工学)(2013年3月 東京工業大学)




  • Masafumi Minakawa, Md Abdul Wares, Kazuya Nakano, Hideaki Haneishi, Yoshihisa Aizu, Yoshio Hayasaki, Tetsuo Ikeda, Hajime Nagahara, Izumi Nishidate
    Journal of biomedical optics 28(10) 107001-107001 2023年10月  
    SIGNIFICANCE: Evaluation of biological chromophore levels is useful for detection of various skin diseases, including cancer, monitoring of health status and tissue metabolism, and assessment of clinical and physiological vascular functions. Clinically, it is useful to assess multiple different chromophores in vivo with a single technique or instrument. AIM: To investigate the possibility of estimating the concentration of four chromophores, bilirubin, oxygenated hemoglobin, deoxygenated hemoglobin, and melanin from diffuse reflectance spectra in the visible region. APPROACH: A new diffuse reflectance spectroscopic method based on the multiple regression analysis aided by Monte Carlo simulations for light transport was developed to quantify bilirubin, oxygenated hemoglobin, deoxygenated hemoglobin, and melanin. Three different experimental animal models were used to induce hyperbilirubinemia, hypoxemia, and melanogenesis in rats. RESULTS: The estimated bilirubin concentration increased after ligation of the bile duct and reached around 18  mg/dl at 50 h after the onset of ligation, which corresponds to the reference value of bilirubin measured by a commercially available transcutaneous bilirubin meter. The concentration of oxygenated hemoglobin and that of deoxygenated hemoglobin decreased and increased, respectively, as the fraction of inspired oxygen decreased. Consequently, the tissue oxygen saturation dramatically decreased. The time course of melanin concentration after depilation of skin on the back of rats was indicative of the supply of melanosomes produced by melanocytes of hair follicles to the growing hair shaft. CONCLUSIONS: The results of our study showed that the proposed method is capable of the in vivo evaluation of percutaneous bilirubin level, skin hemodynamics, and melanogenesis in rats, and that it has potential as a tool for the diagnosis and management of hyperbilirubinemia, hypoxemia, and pigmented skin lesions.
  • Chen Ye 0001, Mami Kawasaki, Kazuya Nakano, Takashi Ohnishi, Eizo Watanabe, Shigeto Oda, Taka-Aki Nakada, Hideaki Haneishi
    Sensors 22(21) 8471-8471 2022年11月  査読有り
  • Kazuya Nakano, Hiroyuki Suzuki
    Applied Optics 61(30) 9010-9019 2022年10月18日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Double random phase encoding (DRPE) is vulnerable to known-plaintext attacks (KPAs) based on phase retrieval algorithms. We previously analyzed DRPE resistance to KPA cryptanalysis with multiple known plaintext–ciphertext image pairs and obtained secret keys at a higher probability rate than when performing KPA cryptanalysis using one known image pair. However, the robustness of KPA in the presence of noise or occlusion in DRPE is unclear. We analyzed KPA properties in relation to DRPE when white Gaussian noise was gradually added to the Fourier amplitude or phase of a known ciphertext complex amplitude image. Additionally, we analyzed KPA properties when the Fourier phase of the known ciphertext image was gradually occluded by zero-valued pixels. The results showed that KPAs performed using multiple known plaintext–ciphertext image pairs were largely affected by noise added to the Fourier phase and thus are not always a strong tool for DRPE cryptanalysis.
  • Tin Tin Khaing, Takayuki Okamoto, Chen Ye, Md Abdul Mannan, Gen Miura, Hirotaka Yokouchi, Kazuya Nakano, Pakinee Aimmanee, Stanislav S. Makhanov, Hideaki Haneishi
    Artificial Life and Robotics 27(1) 70-79 2022年2月  査読有り
    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of genetic disorders, characterized by degeneration of photoreceptor cells which is the main cause of choroidal thinning. It is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. Thus, an investigation of choroidal changes is required for a better understanding of disease and diagnosis of RP. In this paper, we propose an automatic technique for measuring the choroidal parameters in optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of eyes with RP. The parameters include the total choroidal area (TCA), luminal area (LA), stromal area (SA), and choroidal thickness (CT). We applied our recently proposed, dense dilated U-Net segmentation model, called ChoroidNET, for segmenting the choroid layer and choroidal vessels for our RP dataset. Choroid segmentation is an important task since the measurement results depend on it. Comparison with other state-of-the-art models shows that ChoroidNET provides a better quantitative and qualitative segmentation of the choroid layer and choroidal vessels. Next, we measure the choroidal parameters based on the segmentation results of ChoroidNET. The proposed method achieves high reliability with an intraclass correlation coefficient (0.961, 0.940, 0.826, 0.916) for TCA, LA, SA, and CT, respectively.
  • Tin Tin Khaing, Takayuki Okamoto, Chen Ye, Md. Abdul Mannan, Hirotaka Yokouchi, Kazuya Nakano, Pakinee Aimmanee, Stanislav S. Makhanov, Hideaki Haneishi
    IEEE ACCESS 9 150951-150965 2021年11月3日  査読有り
    Understanding the changes in choroidal thickness and vasculature is important to monitor the development and progression of various ophthalmic diseases. Accurate segmentation of the choroid layer and choroidal vessels is critical to better analyze and understand the choroidal changes. In this study, we develop a dense dilated U-Net model (ChoroidNET) for segmenting the choroid layer and choroidal vessels in optical coherence tomography (OCT) images. The performance of ChoroidNET is evaluated using an OCT dataset that contains images with various retinal pathologies. Overall Dice coefficient of 95.1 +/- 0.4 and 82.4 +/- 2.4 were obtained for choroid layer and vessel segmentation, respectively. Comparisons show that among state-of-the-art models, ChoroidNET, which produces results that are consistent with ground truths, is the most robust segmentation framework.
  • Morio Kawabe, Takashi Ohnishi, Kazuya Nakano, Hideyuki Kato, Yoshihiko Ooka, Hideaki Haneishi
    IEEE Access 9 36356-36367 2021年3月1日  査読有り
  • Mami Kawasaki, Kazuya Nakano, Takashi Ohnishi, Masashi Sekine, Eizo Watanabe, Shigeto Oda, Taka-Aki Nakada, Hideaki Haneishi
    Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 11631 2021年  
    Microcirculation plays an important role by supplying oxygen and nutrients to maintain our lives. It is known that, as pathogenesis of sepsis, the microcirculation is impaired at the early stage of sepsis. In this case, it is expected that thrombomodulin alfa (TM alfa) works for the recovery of microcirculation. Direct observation of the impairment and recovery of microcirculation related to sepsis may give us clear understanding of those phenomena. In this study, we conducted experiments to observe microcirculation of septic model rats with an optical system. In these experiments, by attaching a chamber to the back of each rat, the same region of the microcirculation was consecutively monitored. Then, these rats were divided into three groups: control model rats (sham group), septic model rats (diseased group), and septic model rats to which TM alfa was administered (treated group). Each group includes five rats. In the diseased group smaller vessels disappeared and larger vessels became thinner. On the other hand, the treated group showed at first the degradation of microcirculation then the recovery. This may indicate effectiveness of TM alfa. We also estimated the blood velocity and blood vessel diameter from the acquired motion pictures to evaluate condition of the microcirculation. As a result, we quantitatively confirmed while blood velocity and blood vessel diameter of the diseased group decreased, that of the treated group decreased and then recovered. It should be noted that the set of motion pictures obtained in these experiments has potentially useful information for further analysis and is to be open to relevant researchers.
  • Yoko Kurabuchi, Kazuya Nakano, Takashi Ohnishi, Toshiya Nakaguchi, Shinsuke Akita, Markku Hauta-Kasari, Hideaki Haneishi
    Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 11631 2021年  
    In plastic surgery, free tissue graft procedures are an essential part of fixing tissue-lack injuries or diseases. However, tissue necrosis caused by vascular occlusions or poor vascular anastomosis is a severe problem for prognosis. Follow-up surgery in the early-stage of necrosis caused by congestion or ischemia is essential to salvage the tissue, but making a diagnosis is difficult because of the slight features of these states. Therefore, a diagnosis support system that can capture the features of blood circulation of the skin flap is required to improve prognosis. We focused on system design and analysis by using spectral characteristics of blood circulation of a skin flap for this purpose. The system to be constructed is composed of a two-channel narrow-band illuminant and a color camera and can capture six-channel spectral signals. The narrow-band illuminant is designed by combining 13 kinds of light-emitting diode (LED) spectra. In this study, we first measured reflectance spectra of the early-stage skin flap necrosis of the rat model to design the narrow-band illuminant spectra. We blocked the flow of the target vessel and observed necrosis progression. A prototyped skin flap chamber was used for stable observation of spectral reflectance measurements. An evaluation experiment was conducted using a color camera and the spectrally tunable light source. Skin flap images were captured under the designed-illuminants and a conventional illuminant reproduced by the spectrally tunable light source. We confirmed the effectiveness of the designed system by improvements in necrosis region detection.
  • Kazuya Nakano, Yu Saito, Yoko Kurabuchi, Takashi Ohnishi, Satoshi Ota, Masaya Uesato, Hideaki Haneishi
    IEEE Access 8 216043-216054 2020年11月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Kazuya Nakano, Hiroyuki Suzuki
    Optics and Lasers in Engineering 134 106300-106300 2020年11月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Daniel McDuff, Izumi Nishidate, Kazuya Nakano, Hideaki Haneishi, Yuta Aoki, Chihiro Tanabe, Kyuichi Niizeki, Yoshihisa Aizu
    Scientific reports 10(1) 10884 2020年7月2日  査読有り
    Peripheral hemodynamics, measured via the blood volume pulse and vasomotion, provide a valuable way of monitoring physiological state. Camera imaging-based systems can be used to measure these peripheral signals without contact with the body, at distances of multiple meters. While researchers have paid attention to non-contact imaging photoplethysmography, the study of peripheral hemodynamics and the effect of autonomic nervous system activity on these signals has received less attention. Using a method, based on a tissue-like model of the skin, we extract melanin [Formula: see text] and hemoglobin [Formula: see text] concentrations from videos of the hand and face and show that significant decreases in peripheral pulse signal power (by 36% ± 29%) and vasomotion signal power (by 50% ± 26%) occur during periods of cognitive and psychological stress. Via three experiments we show that similar results are achieved across different stimuli and regions of skin (face and hand). While changes in peripheral pulse and vasomotion power were significant the changes in pulse rate variability were less consistent across subjects and tasks.
  • Izumi Nishidate, Masashi Minakawa, Daniel McDuff, Md Abdul Wares, Kazuya Nakano, Hideaki Haneishi, Yoshihisa Aizu, Kyuichi Niizeki
    Biomedical optics express 11(2) 1073-1091 2020年2月1日  査読有り
    We propose a simple and affordable imaging technique to evaluate transcutaneously multiple physiological parameters by using a digital red-green-blue camera. In this method, the RGB-values were converted into tristimulus values in the CIE (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage) XYZ color space, which is compatible with the common color spaces. Monte Carlo simulation for light transport in biological tissue was then performed to specify the relationship among the XYZ-values and the concentrations of oxygenated hemoglobin, deoxygenated hemoglobin, bilirubin, and melanin. The concentration of total hemoglobin and tissue oxygen saturation were also calculated from the estimated concentrations of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin. In vivo experiments with bile duct ligation in rats demonstrated that the estimated bilirubin concentration increased after ligation of the bile duct and reached around 22 mg/dl at 116 h after the onset of ligation, which corresponds to the ground truth value of bilirubin measured by a commercially available transcutaneous bilirubinometer. Experiments with rats while varying the fraction of inspired oxygen demonstrated that oxygenated hemoglobin and deoxygenated hemoglobin decreased and increased, respectively, as the fraction of inspired oxygen decreased. Consequently, tissue oxygen saturation dramatically decreased. We further extended the method to a non-contact imaging photo-plethysmograph and estimation of the percutaneous oxygen saturation. An empirical formula to estimate percutaneous oxygen saturation was derived from the pulse wave amplitudes of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin. The estimated percutaneous oxygen saturation dropped remarkably when a faction of inspired oxygen was below 19%, indicating the onset of hypoxemia due to hypoxia, whereas the tissue oxygen saturation decreased gradually according to the reduction of the faction of inspired oxygen. The results in this study indicate the potential of this method for imaging of multiple physiological parameters in skin tissue and evaluating an optical biomedical imaging technique that enables cost-effective, easy-to-use, portable, remotely administered, and/or point-of-care solutions.
  • Morio Kawabe, Yuri Kokura, Takashi Ohnishi, Kazuya Nakano, Hideyuki Kato, Yoshihiko Ooka, Tomoya Sakai, Hideaki Haneishi
    Communications in Computer and Information Science 141-149 2020年  査読有り
  • Kazuya Nakano, Makoto Adachi, Takashi Ohnishi, Yutaka Furukawa, Taka-Aki Nakada, Shigeto Oda, Hideaki Haneishi
    IEEE Access 7 155057 2019年10月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Yoko Kurabuchi, Kazuya Nakano, Takashi Ohnishi, Toshiya Nakaguchi, Markku Hauta-Kasari, Hideaki Haneishi
    IEEE Access 7 70733-70741 2019年5月  査読有り
  • Kazuya Nakano, Ryosuke Hirofuji, Takashi Ohnishi, Markku Hauta-Kasari, Izumi Nishidate, Hideaki Haneishi
    IEEE Access 7 56469-56479 2019年4月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Hashimoto R, Kurata T, Sekine M, Nakano K, Ohnishi T, Haneishi H
    Journal of biomedical optics 24(3) 1-8 2018年10月  査読有り責任著者
  • Yoko Kurabuchi, Kina Murai, Kazuya Nakano, Takashi Ohnishi, Toshiya Nakaguchi, Markku Hauta-Kasari, Hideaki Haneishi
    Artificial Life and Robotics 24(1) 1-7 2018年5月30日  査読有り
    When surgeons evaluate the condition of organs and make diagnoses, color difference is an important information despite its subtleness. Yielding clearer views of blood circulation holds the key to successful surgeries such as transplants and anastomosis. Optimization of surgical illuminant is one approach to clearer views. Our previous study focused on computer simulation to enhance color difference. In the present study, we improved the simulation method by applying a color appearance model CIECAM02 and we realized an optimized illuminant based on the simulation. In an evaluation experiment comparing the optimal illuminant with the conventional illuminant, 14 LEDs fixed to the light unit were spectrally adjusted to demonstrate the two illuminants. Using a rat cecum, we observed the color differences under two conditions: normal blood flow and restricted blood flow. The color difference under the optimal illuminant was greater than under the conventional illuminant and the effectiveness of the optimal illuminant was confirmed.
  • Kazuya Nakano, Masafumi Takeda, Hiroyuki Suzuki
    APPLIED OPTICS 56(15) 4474-4479 2017年5月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Double random phase encoding (DRPE) is a classical optical symmetric-key encryption method. DRPE prevents the key length from being determined because of its redundancy between encryption and decryption, unlike digital symmetric-key cryptographies. In our study, we numerically analyzed the key length of DRPE based on key-space analysis. We estimated the key length of DRPE by calculating the inverse value of the cumulative probability of the normal distribution that was estimated from samples of DRPE and then discuss security against brute-force attacks. (C) 2017 Optical Society of America
  • Kazuya Nakano, Yuta Aoki, Ryota Satoh, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Izumi Nishidate
    SENSORS 16(12) 2016年12月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    We propose the visualization of venous compliance (VC) using a digital red-green-blue (RGB) camera. The new imaging method, which transforms RGB values into VC, combines VC evaluation with blood concentration estimation from the RGB values of each pixel. We evaluate a non-contact plethysmography (NCPG) system for VC based on comparisons with conventional strain gauge plethysmography (SPG). We conduct in vivo measurements using both systems and investigate their differences by evaluating the VC. The results show that the two methods measure different blood vessels and that errors caused by interstitial fluid accumulation are negligible for the NCPG system, whereas SPG is influenced by such errors. Additionally, we investigate the relationship between VC and physical activity using NCPG.
  • Noriyuki Tanaka, Izumi Nishidate, Kazuya Nakano, Yoshihisa Aizu, Kyuichi Niizeki
    OPTICAL REVIEW 23(2) 323-331 2016年4月  査読有り
    We investigated a method to evaluate the arterial inflow and the venous capacitance in the skin tissue of streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetic rats from RGB digital color images. The arterial inflow and the venous capacitance in the dorsal reversed McFarlane skin flap are calculated based on the responses of change in the total blood concentration to occlusion of blood flow to and from the flap tissues at a pressure of 50 mmHg. The arterial inflow and the venous capacitance in the skin flap tissue were significantly reduced in type 1 diabetic rat group compared with the non-diabetic rat group. The results of the present study indicate the possibility of using the proposed method for evaluating the peripheral vascular dysfunctions in diabetes mellitus.
  • Kazuya Nakano, Ryota Satoh, Akira Hoshi, Ryohei Matsuda, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Izumi Nishidate
    OPTICAL REVIEW 22(2) 335-341 2015年4月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    We propose a technique for non-contact imaging of venous compliance that uses the red, green, and blue (RGB) camera. Any change in blood concentration is estimated from an RGB image of the skin, and a regression formula is calculated from that change. Venous compliance is obtained from a differential form of the regression formula. In vivo experiments with human subjects confirmed that the proposed method does differentiate the venous compliances among individuals. In addition, the image of venous compliance is obtained by performing the above procedures for each pixel. Thus, we can measure venous compliance without physical contact with sensors and, from the resulting images, observe the spatial distribution of venous compliance, which correlates with the distribution of veins.
  • Masafumi Takeda, Kazuya Nakano, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Masahiro Yamaguchi
    Optics and Photonics Journal Vol. 5(No. 1) 2015年1月13日  査読有り
  • Kazuya Nakano, Masafumi Takeda, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Masahiro Yamaguchi
    APPLIED OPTICS 53(28) 6435-6443 2014年10月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Classical double-random phase encoding (C-DRPE) is an optical symmetric-key encryption technique. C-DRPE is reported to be vulnerable to a known-plaintext attack (KPA) that uses a phase retrieval algorithm. However, although phase-only DRPE (PO-DRPE) is reported to be more resistant to KPAs than C-DRPE, it is not obvious yet that PO-DRPE is sufficiently resistant to a KPA under any condition, because the vulnerability to KPA varies depending on various factors, such as the number of the known plaintext-ciphertext pairs that are given for the KPA, or the gray level of the known-plaintext image (i.e., binary or multivalued image). In this paper, we investigate the resistance of C-DRPE and PO-DRPE to KPA under various conditions related to the number of known plaintext-ciphertext pairs and to the gray level of the known-plaintext image. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America
  • Kazuya Nakano, Masafumi Takeda, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Masahiro Yamaguchi
    APPLIED OPTICS 53(14) 2956-2963 2014年5月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    The security of important information captured by sensors and cameras is currently a growing concern as information theft via techniques such as side-channel attacks become increasingly more prevalent. Double random phase encoding (DRPE) is an optical encryption method based on optical Fourier transform that is currently being used to implement secure coherent optical systems. In this paper, we propose a new DRPE implementation for incoherent optical systems based on integral photography that can be applied to "encrypted imaging (EI)" to optically encrypt an image before it is captured by an image sensor. Because the proposed incoherent DRPE is constituted from conventional DRPE by rewriting the optical encryption via discretization and Euler's formula, its security level is the same as that of conventional DRPE. The results of an experiment in which we encrypted a plaintext image optically and then decrypted it numerically demonstrate that our proposed incoherent optical security system is feasible. (c) 2014 Optical Society of America
  • Kazuya Nakano, Masafumi Takeda, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Masahiro Yamaguchi
    APPLIED OPTICS 52(6) 1276-1283 2013年2月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Although initial research shows that double-random phase encoding (DRPE) is vulnerable to known-plaintext attacks that use phase retrieval algorithms, subsequent research has shown that phase-only DRPE, in which the Fourier amplitude component of an image encrypted with classical DRPE remains constant, is resistant to attacks that apply phase retrieval algorithms. Herein, we numerically analyze the key-space of DRPE and investigate the distribution property of decryption keys for classical and phase-only DRPE. We determine the difference in the distribution property of successful decryption keys for these DRPE techniques from the numerical analysis results and then discuss the security offered by them. (C) 2013 Optical Society of America
  • Kazuya Nakano, Masafumi Takeda, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Masahiro Yamaguchi
    Optics Communications 286(1) 91-94 2013年1月1日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    We propose a generalized model for double random phase encoding (DRPE) based on linear algebra. We defined the DRPE procedure in six steps. The first three steps form an encryption procedure, while the later three steps make up a decryption procedure. We noted that the first (mapping) and second (transform) steps can be generalized. As an example of this generalization, we used 3D mapping and a transform matrix, which is a combination of a discrete cosine transform and two permutation matrices. Finally, we investigated the sensitivity of the proposed model to errors in the decryption key. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Masafumi Takeda, Kazuya Nakano, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Masahiro Yamaguchi
    JOURNAL OF OPTICS 14(9) 2012年9月  査読有り
    It has been shown that biometric information can be used as a cipher key for binary data encryption by applying double random phase encoding. In such methods, binary data are encoded in a bit pattern image, and the decrypted image becomes a plain image when the key is genuine; otherwise, decrypted images become random images. In some cases, images decrypted by imposters may not be fully random, such that the blurred bit pattern can be partially observed. In this paper, we propose a novel bit coding method based on a Fourier transform hologram, which makes images decrypted by imposters more random. Computer experiments confirm that the method increases the randomness of images decrypted by imposters while keeping the false rejection rate as low as in the conventional method.
  • Nakano Kazuya, Suzuki Hiroyuki, Yamaguchi Masahiro, Obi Takashi, Ohyama Nagaaki
  • Kazuya Nakano, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Takashi Obi, Nagaaki Ohyama
    Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2010年  
    Double random phase encoding (DRPE) is a typical optical encryption technique, in which the cipher key is allowed to include redundancy between encryption and decryption. It has been shown that phase-only DRPE has the robust to known-plaintext attacks using a phase retrieval algorithm. In addition, it has been also shown that phase only DRPE can decrypt the encrypted image successfully with the singular key that is completely different from the encryption key. In this study, we analyzed the distribution of the key-space in the phase-only DRPE by means of calculating the Euclidean distance between the decryption key and the encryption key and counting the number of the correct decryption keys. As a result of the experiments, we confirmed that the distribution property of the correct keys in the phase-only DRPE is significantly different from the one in the conventional DRPE. © 2010 OSA/FiO/LS 2010.











