
福澤 光啓

フクザワ ミツヒロ  (Mitsuhiro FUKUZAWA)


成蹊大学 経営学部 総合経営学科 教授




  • Jin Shi, Youngwon Park, Ryosuke Sugie, Mitsuhiro Fukuzawa
    Sustainability 14(10) 6376 2022年5月23日  査読有り
    <jats:p>This study aimed to reveal the actual state of Japanese firms’ logistics outsourcing, and examine their relationship with LSPs. This study addressed the following issues by conducting a case study of six leading manufacturing firms. First, it clarified the characteristics of Japanese-style logistics outsourcing as: the outsourcing of the total activities, the consigning to a single LSP, and the development of advanced information systems. Moreover, it examined the logistics outsourcing performance from a sustainable perspective, and concluded that Japanese-style logistics management enables firms to achieve high performance in all the economic, environmental, and social dimensions. Second, this study confirms that the traditional Japanese business practice of long-term partnerships is still maintained in logistics outsourcing management. Third, this study also explored how long-term partnerships create sustainable competitive advantages. Finally, based on these findings, a theoretical framework illustrating the relationship between Japanese-style logistics outsourcing and firms’ sustainable competitive advantage is presented. Our findings may encourage companies to develop a long-term partnership with their logistics service providers, and to put environmental and social indicators into their KPI system to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage by balancing the economy, environment, and society.</jats:p>
  • Mitsuhiro Fukuzawa, Ryosuke Sugie, Youngwon Park, Jin Shi
    Sustainability 14(5) 2708 2022年2月25日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    <jats:p>This study investigates the objectives, approval process, decision criteria, metrics, and performance of the Internet of Things (IoT) system investment in four Japanese manufacturing firms through exploratory case analysis. This study conducted semi-structured interviews and several workshops with practitioners to collect, confirm, supplement, and verify the interviews data and the researcher’s interpretations. The study clarifies the actual status of investment activities in IoT systems and the essential common issues. In addition, this study shows that IoT investments in Japanese companies improve production activities’ efficiency. However, collaboration among divisions and departments other than production is not sufficient. This paper also contributes to constructing an analytical framework for comprehensively clarifying IT system investment decision-making and investment effects. These findings will be one of the reference points of the IoT system investment project and will contribute to the recent digital transformation movement in many manufacturing firms.</jats:p>
  • Mitsuhiro Fukuzawa
    Annals of Business Administrative Science 20(6) 269-282 2021年12月15日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Mitsuhiro Fukuzawa
    Annals of Business Administrative Science 2020年11月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Mitsuhiro Fukuzawa
    Annals of Business Administrative Science 19(5) 207-225 2020年10月15日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 福澤光啓, 椙江亮介, 朴英元, 石瑾
    The Journal of Japanese Operations Management and Strategy 10(1) 18-34 2020年3月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    近年,日本のものづくり企業を巡る環境は目まぐるしく変化している.IoT,Industry 4.0,AI,ビッグデータなど新しいコンセプトと技術が次々と登場し,その対応に追われている.とくに,IoT をはじめとする近年の IT システムは従来の設計情報の流れの両軸であるエンジニアリングチェーンとサプライチェーンに直接的に影響を与えている.本研究の目的は,IT システムがエンジニアリングチェーンとサプライチェーンを統合したバリューチェーンにどのような影響を与える かについてその実態を分析することであり,日本国内にある 4 工場を対象として,「ものと情報の流れ図」に沿って各社の IT システムの活用状況の比較事例分析を行った.本稿の意義は,IT システム分析に「ものと情報の流れ図」のフレームワークを用いることを提案し,企業のバリューチェーンにおける IT の活用の実態を詳細に明らかにしたことである.
  • Mitsuhiro Fukuzawa
    Annals of Business Administrative Science 18(5) 149-170 2019年10月15日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Mitsuhiro Fukuzawa
    Annals of Business Administrative Science 18(3) 85-101 2019年6月  査読有り
  • 都留 康, 徳丸 宜穂, 福澤 光啓, 中島 賢太郎
    経済研究 69(1) 35-54 2018年1月  査読有り
  • Fukuzawa, M, Inamizu, N
    Annals of Business Administrative Science 16(5) 229-241 2017年10月  査読有り
  • Inamizu, N, Fukuzawa, M
    Annals of Business Administrative Science 16(4) 149-163 2017年8月  査読有り
  • Mitsuhiro FUKUZAWA
    Annals of Business Administrative Science 14(4) 217-230 2015年8月  査読有り
    This study employs data collected from a questionnaire survey of 97 business operations (factories) in Japan&#039;s electric and electronics industry to measure gemba-level and market-level competitiveness based on the framework of Fujimoto (2003). In addition, the employment situations within these sites were surveyed. The results of these surveys revealed that, as strengths of the electric industry gemba in Japan, 1) these gemba are superior in all metrics of competitiveness except for manufacturing cost, relative to overseas sites in the same companies; and 2) the high level of responsiveness to customers is the major source of market-level competitiveness. Nevertheless, the primary issue faced by these gemba is the skewed age composition of the full-time employees. There are few workers to carry forward necessary skills into future, and the labor costs of the veteran workers are increasing. Japan&#039;s manufacturing gemba must develop manufacturing competencies and improve design and development capabilities, in addition to nurturing younger personnel, to gain and sustain competitive advantage.
  • ダニエル・ヘラー, 福澤光啓, 唐津裕一, 山下徹
    赤門マネジメント・レビュー 14(1) 1-24 2015年1月  査読有り
  • Mitsuhiro FUKUZAWA
    Annals of Business Administrative Science 14 83-96 2015年  査読有り
    Beginning in the latter half of the 1990s through the early 2000s, research on dynamic capability (DC) emerged. Teece, Pisano, and Shuen (1997) were famous for being quoted even while only having a working paper, which was subsequently published. They were followed by Eisenhardt and Martin (2000). Then, researchers such as Zollo and Winter (2002) studied routines and organizational learning with a focus on the keyword “capability.” These three influential papers cited the following concepts as elements that comprise DC: 1) the level of environmental change; 2) organizational processes or routines; 3) resource configuration; 4) the role of managers (for example, decision making with regard to resource investment); and 5) learning mechanisms. Later, many researchers adopted a resource-based view (RBV) and presented their studies as incorporating DC if they contained the keywords “change,” “competitive advantage,” or “capability” even though they were merely descriptions of static resource states and discussions of their changes. By casually labeling research on R&amp;D, acquisitions, or alliances as DC theory, these later studies a) caused ambiguity and confusion with regard to what “dynamic” means and b) lost sight of the essence of DC theory with various solutions concerning whether the concept can be explained with the stable characteristic of capability.
  • 新宅純二郎, 稲水伸行, 福澤光啓, 鈴木信貴, 横澤公道
    赤門マネジメント・レビュー 13(10) 371-406 2014年10月  
  • Inamizu, N, Murata, K, Fukuzawa, M, Iwao, S, Suzuki, N, Shintaku, J, Fujimoto, T
    Proceedings of 21st. EurOMA Conference (Operations Management in an Innovation Economy). Palermo-Italy. 1-10 2014年6月  査読有り
  • 佐藤秀典, 福澤光啓, 藤本隆宏
    赤門マネジメント・レビュー 13(4) 145-166 2014年3月  査読有り
  • Nobuyuki Inamizu, Mitsuhiro Fukuzawa, Takahiro Fujimoto, Junjiro Shintaku, Nobutaka Suzuki
    Purpose - This study aims to describe how a work team adapted to its fluctuated and severe environment by changing from "lean" to "over-lean" mode. To do this, the author investigated the relations among productivity, the vertical division of labor, and group leaders' behavior in a Japanese automobile assembly plant. Design/methodology/approach - The authors conducted field study at an assembly plant for five months. They collected three plant-level data to investigate the capability of its shop floor: transition of production volume; transition of the number of workers; and productivity. And they collected two types of workforce data: skill map and work shift. Moreover, they videotaped the behavior of group leaders on several days and analyzed them through a time study. Findings - The work team of this study achieved high productivity even in its tough environment. However, the authors' time study of group leaders showed that the group leaders, who usually engage in some management activities outside of the production line, did many tasks within the line. This indicates the team had a weakness toward the change of team members. Changing to this over-lean mode enabled the team to survive in a short-run, but maintaining the mode has a weakness in enhancing long-term competitiveness. Originality/value - This study proposes a balance between the two modes is required for organizations if they are to survive their severe and fluctuating environments.
  • 都留康, 徳丸宜穂, 中島賢太郎, 福澤光啓
    経済研究 65(4) 362-380 2014年  査読有り
  • 服部 泰宏, 伊達 洋駆, 福澤 光啓, 舘野 泰一, 安斎 勇樹
    組織学会大会論文集 2(1) 113-119 2013年  
    Social scientists credit science with stimulating technological invocation and with it economic growth. We management theorist also believe that theories do help us organize our thoughts, generate explanations, and improve our predictions. In American/Western context, however, many researchers in our field point out that the gap between science and practice is so persistent and pervasive that our theory has been lost its relevance. Over the past decade, several attempts to deal with such problem have evolved in the form of movements toward &quot;evidence-based management: EBM.&quot; In response to EBM movement, in this &quot;theme session&quot; we try to rethink about the problems of researcher-practitioner linkage (RPL) in Japanese context. Our session consists of three separate parts. In the first part, based on the result of survey research we discuss about diffusion of management theory. In this part we try to develop a framework that will guide us in taking steps necessary for increasing the probability that practitioners will implement our findings. This may enable us to understand how transfer of knowledge (management theory) occurs and why. In the second part, we theoretically and empirically discuss about inter-organizational trust. As prior studies have suggested, the existence of inter organizational trust decrease uncertainty in inter-organizational exchanges and can enhance the performance of both practitioner and researchers. And our empirical research supports this. And finally, in the third part we think about RPL from the perspective of educational technology. Discussing about &quot;evidence-based education&quot; and analyzing data from some academic-industrial collaboration projects we try to draw some implication about RPL.
  • 福澤光啓
    東京大学ものづくり経営研究センターDiscussion Paper Series No.393 1-43 2012年3月  
  • 福澤光啓, 稲水伸行, 鈴木信貴, 佐藤祐樹, 村田香織, 新宅純二郎, 藤本隆宏
    組織科学 46(2) 75-94 2012年  査読有り
    This study examines how a work organization adapts to severe environmental fluctuation, focusing on group leaders at an automotive assembly plant. Group leaders, who are the most skillful workers in their line, are usually dedicated to &quot;kaizen.&quot; The field observation and the time study of group leaders indicate that the organization in this study adapted to severe environmental fluctuation by altering what the group leaders had to do. At the expense of their time for &quot;kaizen,&quot; in particular, they moved around and busily engaged in preventing the production line from stopping. Finally, we discuss whether short-term adaptation enabled by remarkable organizational capability will be possible in the long-term performance.
  • 福澤 光啓
    組織学会大会論文集 1(2) 29-37 2012年  査読有り
  • 朴英元, 天野倫文, 宋元旭, 福澤光啓
    組織科学 45(2) 43-59 2011年12月  招待有り
  • 福澤光啓
    赤門マネジメント・レビュー 10(12) 831-850 2011年12月  
  • 藤本 隆宏, 陳 晋, 葛 東昇, 福澤 光啓
    国際ビジネス研究 2(2) 35-46 2010年9月  査読有り
  • 新宅純二郎, 呉在烜, 朴英元, 天野倫文, 善本哲夫, 福澤光啓, 藤本隆宏
    赤門マネジメント・レビュー 9(2) 103-114 2010年  
  • 新宅純二郎, 呉在烜, 朴英元, 天野倫文, 善本哲夫, 福澤光啓, 藤本隆宏
    赤門マネジメント・レビュー 8(10) 615-629 2009年  
  • 福澤光啓
    赤門マネジメント・レビュー 8(3) 129-140 2009年  
  • 佐藤秀典, 福澤光啓, 浜松翔平
    Journal of Strategic Management Studies 1(2) 90-100 2009年  査読有り
  • 福澤光啓
    赤門マネジメント・レビュー 7(7) 535-544 2008年  
  • FUKUZAWA Mitsuhiro
    Annals of Business Administrative Science 7 1-18 2008年  査読有り
    In this article, we focus on the firmware development process that has recently become larger and more complex in the context of digitalization. From a case study involving the development of the firmware for a digital multifunction peripheral (MFP), the firmware architecture have changed alongside the change in organizational structure. As a result, some suggestions are made for the generation and selection process of a product architecture suitable for multi-functionalization, as well as for the ideal form of interdepartmental coordination in an organization. Moreover, the limits of the existing arguments about the development of product architecture are revealed and a new viewpoint is proposed to investigate the dynamics of product architecture.
  • 福澤光啓, 新宅純二郎
    赤門マネジメント・レビュー 6(9) 381-412 2007年  
  • 新宅純二郎, 天野倫文, 小川紘一, 中川功一, 大木清弘, 福澤光啓
    赤門マネジメント・レビュー 6(6) 217-242 2007年  
  • 福澤光啓
    映像情報メディア学会技術報告 30(56(ENT2006 18.21-29)) 9-12 2006年11月8日  




  • 福澤光啓 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:第3章 ソニー美濃加茂)
    有斐閣 2024年6月 (ISBN: 9784641166288)
  • 福澤光啓 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:第10章 新たな価値をいかにして創り出すのかーイノベーション・製品開発ー)
    法律文化社 2022年4月 (ISBN: 4589041987)
  • 福澤光啓 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:第7章 「神の手」のDX変革:ワコール)
    碩学舎 2022年3月11日 (ISBN: 4502410918)
  • Nobuyuki INAMIZU, Mitsuhiro FUKUZAWA (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:The Effectiveness of Group Leaders in the Lean Production System: Time Study and Agent-Based Model of Leaders’ Behavior)
    Springer 2018年
  • 福澤光啓 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:経営戦略(第4章)、イノベーションと製品開発(第6章))
    多賀出版 2015年9月



