
山野井 瞳

ヤマノイ ヒトミ  (Hitomi Yamanoi)


成蹊大学 理工学部 理工学科 准教授



  • Jose Miguel G. Bautista, Jin Koda, Masafumi Yagi, Yutaka Komiyama, Hitomi Yamanoi
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 267(10) 2023年7月  査読有り
  • Bautista, Jose Miguel, Koda, Jin, Komiyama, Yutaka, Yagi, Masafumi, Yamanoi, Hitomi, Boissier, Samuel, Madathodika, Junais
    Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 54(6) 2022年7月  
  • Bautista, J., Koda, J., Yagi, M., Komiyama, Y., Yamanoi, H.
    Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53(1) 2021年1月  
  • Hitomi Yamanoi, Masafumi Yagi, Yutaka Komiyama, Jin Koda
    The Astronomical Journal 160(2) 87-87 2020年7月30日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Noumaru, Junichi, Winegar, Tom, Kyono, Eiji, Yamanoi, Hitomi, Schubert, Kiaina
    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVI ASP Conference Series 523 601 2019年10月  
  • Noumaru, Junichi, Winegar, Tom, Kyono, Eiji, Yamanoi, Hitomi, Schubert, Kiaina
    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVI ASP Conference Series 521 691 2019年10月  
  • Hiroaki Aihara, Robert Armstrong, Steven Bickerton, James Bosch, Jean Coupon, Hisanori Furusawa, Yusuke Hayashi, Hiroyuki Ikeda, Yukiko Kamata, Hiroshi Karoji, Satoshi Kawanomoto, Michitaro Koike, Yutaka Komiyama, Dustin Lang, Robert H Lupton, Sogo Mineo, Hironao Miyatake, Satoshi Miyazaki, Tomoki Morokuma, Yoshiyuki Obuchi, Yukie Oishi, Yuki Okura, Paul A Price, Tadafumi Takata, Manobu M Tanaka, Masayuki Tanaka, Yoko Tanaka, Tomohisa Uchida, Fumihiro Uraguchi, Yousuke Utsumi, Shiang-Yu Wang, Yoshihiko Yamada, Hitomi Yamanoi, Naoki Yasuda, Nobuo Arimoto, Masashi Chiba, Francois Finet, Hiroki Fujimori, Seiji Fujimoto, Junko Furusawa, Tomotsugu Goto, Andy Goulding, James E Gunn, Yuichi Harikane, Takashi Hattori, Masao Hayashi, Krzysztof G Hełminiak, Ryo Higuchi, Chiaki Hikage, Paul T P Ho, Bau-Ching Hsieh, Kuiyun Huang, Song Huang, Masatoshi Imanishi, Ikuru Iwata, Anton T Jaelani, Hung-Yu Jian, Nobunari Kashikawa, Nobuhiko Katayama, Takashi Kojima, Akira Konno, Shintaro Koshida, Haruka Kusakabe, Alexie Leauthaud, Chien-Hsiu Lee, Lihwai Lin, Yen-Ting Lin, Rachel Mandelbaum, Yoshiki Matsuoka, Elinor Medezinski, Shoken Miyama, Rieko Momose, Anupreeta More, Surhud More, Shiro Mukae, Ryoma Murata, Hitoshi Murayama, Tohru Nagao, Fumiaki Nakata, Mana Niida, Hiroko Niikura, Atsushi J Nishizawa, Masamune Oguri, Nobuhiro Okabe, Yoshiaki Ono, Masato Onodera, Masafusa Onoue, Masami Ouchi, Tae-Soo Pyo, Takatoshi Shibuya, Kazuhiro Shimasaku, Melanie Simet, Joshua Speagle, David N Spergel, Michael A Strauss, Yuma Sugahara, Naoshi Sugiyama, Yasushi Suto, Nao Suzuki, Philip J Tait, Masahiro Takada, Tsuyoshi Terai, Yoshiki Toba, Edwin L Turner, Hisakazu Uchiyama, Keiichi Umetsu, Yuji Urata, Tomonori Usuda, Sherry Yeh, Suraphong Yuma
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 70(SP1) 2018年1月1日  査読有り
    The Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP) is a three-layered imaging survey aimed at addressing some of the most important outstanding questions in astronomy today, including the nature of dark matter and dark energy. The survey has been awarded 300 nights of observing time at the Subaru Telescope, and it started in 2014 March. This paper presents the first public data release of HSC-SSP. This release includes data taken in the first 1.7 yr of observations (61.5 nights), and each of the Wide, Deep, and UltraDeep layers covers about 108, 26, and 4 square degrees down to depths of i similar to 26.4, similar to 26.5, and similar to 27.0 mag, respectively (5 sigma for point sources). All the layers are observed in five broad bands (grizy), and the Deep and UltraDeep layers are observed in narrow bands as well. We achieve an impressive image quality of 0.'' 6 in the i band in the Wide layer. We show that we achieve 1%-2% point spread function (PSF) photometry (root mean square) both internally and externally (against Pan-STARRS1), and similar to 10 mas and 40 mas internal and external astrometric accuracy, respectively. Both the calibrated images and catalogs are made available to the community through dedicated user interfaces and database servers. In addition to the pipeline products, we also provide value-added products such as photometric redshifts and a collection of public spectro-scopic redshifts. Detailed descriptions of all the data can be found online. The data release website is https://hsc-release.mtk.nao.ac.jp.
  • Satoshi Miyazaki, Yutaka Komiyama, Satoshi Kawanomoto, Yoshiyuki Doi, Hisanori Furusawa, Takashi Hamana, Yusuke Hayashi, Hiroyuki Ikeda, Yukiko Kamata, Hiroshi Karoji, Michitaro Koike, Tomio Kurakami, Shoken Miyama, Tomoki Morokuma, Fumiaki Nakata, Kazuhito Namikawa, Hidehiko Nakaya, Kyoji Nariai, Yoshiyuki Obuchi, Yukie Oishi, Norio Okada, Yuki Okura, Philip Tait, Tadafumi Takata, Yoko Tanaka, Masayuki Tanaka, Tsuyoshi Terai, Daigo Tomono, Fumihiro Uraguchi, Tomonori Usuda, Yousuke Utsumi, Yoshihiko Yamada, Hitomi Yamanoi, Hiroaki Aihara, Hiroki Fujimori, Sogo Mineo, Hironao Miyatake, Masamune Oguri, Tomohisa Uchida, Manobu M Tanaka, Naoki Yasuda, Masahiro Takada, Hitoshi Murayama, Atsushi J Nishizawa, Naoshi Sugiyama, Masashi Chiba, Toshifumi Futamase, Shiang-Yu Wang, Hsin-Yo Chen, Paul T P Ho, Eric J Y Liaw, Chi-Fang Chiu, Cheng-Lin Ho, Tsang-Chih Lai, Yao-Cheng Lee, Dun-Zen Jeng, Satoru Iwamura, Robert Armstrong, Steve Bickerton, James Bosch, James E Gunn, Robert H Lupton, Craig Loomis, Paul Price, Steward Smith, Michael A Strauss, Edwin L Turner, Hisanori Suzuki, Yasuhito Miyazaki, Masaharu Muramatsu, Koei Yamamoto, Makoto Endo, Yutaka Ezaki, Noboru Ito, Noboru Kawaguchi, Satoshi Sofuku, Tomoaki Taniike, Kotaro Akutsu, Naoto Dojo, Kazuyuki Kasumi, Toru Matsuda, Kohei Imoto, Yoshinori Miwa, Masayuki Suzuki, Kunio Takeshi, Hideo Yokota
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 70(SP1) 2018年1月1日  査読有り
    The Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) is an 870 megapixel prime focus optical imaging camera for the 8.2 m Subaru telescope. The wide-field corrector delivers sharp images of 0.'' 2 (FWHM) in the HSC-i band over the entire 1.degrees 5 diameter field of view. The collimation of the camera with respect to the optical axis of the primary mirror is done with hexapod actuators, the mechanical accuracy of which is a few microns. Analysis of the remaining wavefront error in off-focus stellar images reveals that the collimation of the optical components meets design specifications. While there is a flexure of mechanical components, it also is within the design specification. As a result, the camera achieves its seeing-limited imaging on Maunakea during most of the time; the median seeing over several years of observing is 0.'' 67 (FWHM) in the i band. The sensors use p-channel, fully depleted CCDs of 200 mu m thickness (2048 x 4176 15 mu m square pixels) and we employ 116 of them to pave the 50 cm diameter focal plane. The minimum interval between exposures is 34 s, including the time to read out arrays, to transfer data to the control computer, and to save them to the hard drive. HSC on Subaru uniquely features a combination of a large aperture, a wide field of view, sharp images and a high sensitivity especially at longer wavelengths, which makes the HSC one of the most powerful observing facilities in the world.
  • James Bosch, Robert Armstrong, Steven Bickerton, Hisanori Furusawa, Hiroyuki Ikeda, Michitaro Koike, Robert Lupton, Sogo Mineo, Paul Price, Tadafumi Takata, Masayuki Tanaka, Naoki Yasuda, Yusra AlSayyad, Andrew C Becker, William Coulton, Jean Coupon, Jose Garmilla, Song Huang, K Simon Krughoff, Dustin Lang, Alexie Leauthaud, Kian-Tat Lim, Nate B Lust, Lauren A MacArthur, Rachel Mandelbaum, Hironao Miyatake, Satoshi Miyazaki, Ryoma Murata, Surhud More, Yuki Okura, Russell Owen, John D Swinbank, Michael A Strauss, Yoshihiko Yamada, Hitomi Yamanoi
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 70(SP1) 2018年1月1日  査読有り
    In this paper, we describe the optical imaging data processing pipeline developed for the Subaru Telescope's Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) instrument. The HSC Pipeline builds on the prototype pipeline being developed by the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope's Data Management system, adding customizations for HSC, large-scale processing capabilities, and novel algorithms that have since been reincorporated into the LSST codebase. While designed primarily to reduce HSC Subaru Strategic Program (SSP) data, it is also the recommended pipeline for reducing general-observer HSC data. The HSC pipeline includes high-level processing steps that generate coadded images and science-ready catalogs as well as low-level detrending and image characterizations.
  • Hiroaki Aihara, Nobuo Arimoto, Robert Armstrong, Stéphane Arnouts, Neta A Bahcall, Steven Bickerton, James Bosch, Kevin Bundy, Peter L Capak, James H H Chan, Masashi Chiba, Jean Coupon, Eiichi Egami, Motohiro Enoki, Francois Finet, Hiroki Fujimori, Seiji Fujimoto, Hisanori Furusawa, Junko Furusawa, Tomotsugu Goto, Andy Goulding, Johnny P Greco, Jenny E Greene, James E Gunn, Takashi Hamana, Yuichi Harikane, Yasuhiro Hashimoto, Takashi Hattori, Masao Hayashi, Yusuke Hayashi, Krzysztof G Hełminiak, Ryo Higuchi, Chiaki Hikage, Paul T P Ho, Bau-Ching Hsieh, Kuiyun Huang, Song Huang, Hiroyuki Ikeda, Masatoshi Imanishi, Akio K Inoue, Kazushi Iwasawa, Ikuru Iwata, Anton T Jaelani, Hung-Yu Jian, Yukiko Kamata, Hiroshi Karoji, Nobunari Kashikawa, Nobuhiko Katayama, Satoshi Kawanomoto, Issha Kayo, Jin Koda, Michitaro Koike, Takashi Kojima, Yutaka Komiyama, Akira Konno, Shintaro Koshida, Yusei Koyama, Haruka Kusakabe, Alexie Leauthaud, Chien-Hsiu Lee, Lihwai Lin, Yen-Ting Lin, Robert H Lupton, Rachel Mandelbaum, Yoshiki Matsuoka, Elinor Medezinski, Sogo Mineo, Shoken Miyama, Hironao Miyatake, Satoshi Miyazaki, Rieko Momose, Anupreeta More, Surhud More, Yuki Moritani, Takashi J Moriya, Tomoki Morokuma, Shiro Mukae, Ryoma Murata, Hitoshi Murayama, Tohru Nagao, Fumiaki Nakata, Mana Niida, Hiroko Niikura, Atsushi J Nishizawa, Yoshiyuki Obuchi, Masamune Oguri, Yukie Oishi, Nobuhiro Okabe, Sakurako Okamoto, Yuki Okura, Yoshiaki Ono, Masato Onodera, Masafusa Onoue, Ken Osato, Masami Ouchi, Paul A Price, Tae-Soo Pyo, Masao Sako, Marcin Sawicki, Takatoshi Shibuya, Kazuhiro Shimasaku, Atsushi Shimono, Masato Shirasaki, John D Silverman, Melanie Simet, Joshua Speagle, David N Spergel, Michael A Strauss, Yuma Sugahara, Naoshi Sugiyama, Yasushi Suto, Sherry H Suyu, Nao Suzuki, Philip J Tait, Masahiro Takada, Tadafumi Takata, Naoyuki Tamura, Manobu M Tanaka, Masaomi Tanaka, Masayuki Tanaka, Yoko Tanaka, Tsuyoshi Terai, Yuichi Terashima, Yoshiki Toba, Nozomu Tominaga, Jun Toshikawa, Edwin L Turner, Tomohisa Uchida, Hisakazu Uchiyama, Keiichi Umetsu, Fumihiro Uraguchi, Yuji Urata, Tomonori Usuda, Yousuke Utsumi, Shiang-Yu Wang, Wei-Hao Wang, Kenneth C Wong, Kiyoto Yabe, Yoshihiko Yamada, Hitomi Yamanoi, Naoki Yasuda, Sherry Yeh, Atsunori Yonehara, Suraphong Yuma
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 70(SP1) 2018年1月1日  査読有り
    Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) is a wide-field imaging camera on the prime focus of the 8.2-m Subaru telescope on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii. A team of scientists from Japan, Taiwan, and Princeton University is using HSC to carry out a 300-night multi-band imaging survey of the high-latitude sky. The survey includes three layers: the Wide layer will cover 1400 deg(2) in five broad bands (grizy), with a 5 sigma point-source depth of r approximate to 26. The Deep layer covers a total of 26 deg(2) in four fields, going roughly a magnitude fainter, while the UltraDeep layer goes almost a magnitude fainter still in two pointings of HSC (a total of 3.5 deg(2)). Here we describe the instrument, the science goals of the survey, and the survey strategy and data processing. This paper serves as an introduction to a special issue of the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, which includes a large number of technical and scientific papers describing results from the early phases of this survey.
  • Masafumi Yagi, Jin Koda, Yutaka Komiyama, Hitomo Yamanoi
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 225(1) 11-11 2016年7月22日  査読有り
  • Jin Koda, Masafumi Yagi, Hitomi Yamanoi, Yutaka Komiyama
    The Astrophysical Journal 807(1) L2-L2 2015年6月24日  査読有り
  • Yoshihiko Yamada, Tadafumi Takata, Hisanori Furusawa, Yuki Okura, Michitaro Koike, Hitomi Yamanoi, Sogo Mineo, Naoki Yasuda, Steve Bickerton, Nobuhiko Katayama, Robert H. Lupton, Jim Bosch, Craig Loomis, Hironao Miyatake, Paul A. Price, Kendrick Smith, Dustin Lang
    Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems V 9149 2014年8月25日  
    Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) is the optical and near-infrared wide-field camera equipped on the Subaru Telescope. Its huge field of view (1.5 degree diameter) with 104 CCDs and the large mirror (8.2m) of the telescope will make us to study the Universe more efficiently. The analysis pipeline for ITSC data produces processed images, and object catalogs of each CCD and stacked images. For survey in next 5 years, the number of rows in the object catalog table will reach to at least 5 x 10(9). We show the outline of the database system of HSC data to store those huge data.
  • Michitaro Koike, Hisanori Furusawa, Tadafumi Takata, Yuki Okura, Yoshihiko Yamada, Hitomi Yamanoi, Soge Mineo, Naoki Yasuda, Steven Bickerton, Nobu Katayama, Robert Lupton, Paul Price, Jim Bosch, Craig Loomis
    Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems V 2014年8月6日  
  • Yamada, Y, Takata, T, Furusawa, H, Okura, Y, Koike, M, Yamanoi, H, Yasuda, N, Bickerton, S, Katayama, N, Mineo, S, Lupton, R, Bosch, J, Loomis, C, Miyatake, H, Price, P, Smith, K, Lang, D
    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIII, ASP Conference Series 485 243 2014年5月  
    Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) is the optical and near-infrared wide-field camera equipped on the Subaru Telescope. Its huge field of view (1.5 degree diameter) with 104 CCDs and the large mirror (8.2m) of the telescope will make us to study the Universe more efficiently. The analysis pipeline for ITSC data produces processed images, and object catalogs of each CCD and stacked images. For survey in next 5 years, the number of rows in the object catalog table will reach to at least 5 x 10(9). We show the outline of the database system of HSC data to store those huge data.
  • Michitaro Koike, Hisanori Furusawa, Tadafumi Takata, Paul Price, Yuki Okura, Yoshihiko Yamada, Hitomi Yamanoi, Naoki Yasuda, Steven Bjckerton, Nobu Katayama, Sogo Mineo, Robert Lupton, Jim Bosch, Craig Loomis
    We describe a web-based user interface to retrieve Hyper Suprime-Cam data products, including images and catalogs. Users can access data directly from a graphical user interface or by writing a database SQL query. The system provides raw images, reduced images and stacked images (from multiple individual exposures), with previews available. Catalog queries can be executed in preview or queue mode, allowing for both exploratory and comprehensive investigations.
  • YAGI Masafumi, SUZUKI Nao, YAMANOI Hitomi
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 65(1) 22-22 2013年2月25日  査読有り
  • Satoshi Miyazaki, Yutaka Komiyama, Hidehiko Nakaya, Yukiko Kamata, Yoshi Doi, Takashi Hamana, Hiroshi Karoji, Hisanori Furusawa, Satoshi Kawanomoto, Tomoki Morokuma, Yuki Ishizuka, Kyoji Nariai, Yoko Tanaka, Fumihiro Uraguchi, Yousuke Utsumi, Yoshiyuki Obuchi, Yuki Okura, Masamune Oguri, Tadafumi Takata, Daigo Tomono, Tomio Kurakami, Kazuhito Namikawa, Tomonori Usuda, Hitomi Yamanoi, Tsuyoshi Terai, Hatsue Uekiyo, Yoshihiko Yamada, Michitaro Koike, Hiro Aihara, Yuki Fujimori, Sogo Mineo, Hironao Miyatake, Naoki Yasuda, Jun Nishizawa, Tomoki Saito, Manobu Tanaka, Tomohisa Uchida, Nobu Katayama, Shiang-Yu Wang, Hsin-Yo Chen, Robert Lupton, Craig Loomis, Steve Bickerton, Paul Price, Jim Gunn, Hisanori Suzuki, Yasuhito Miyazaki, Masaharu Muramatsu, Koei Yamamoto, Makoto Endo, Yutaka Ezaki, Noboru Itoh, Yoshinori Miwa, Hideo Yokota, Toru Matsuda, Ryuichi Ebinuma, Kunio Takeshi
    Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV 8446 2012年10月5日  
    Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) is an 870 Mega pixel prime focus camera for the 8.2 m Subaru telescope. The wide field corrector delivers sharp image of 0.25 arc-sec FWHM in r-band over the entire 1.5 degree (in diameter) field of view. The collimation of the camera with respect to the optical axis of the primary mirror is realized by hexapod actuators whose mechanical accuracy is few microns. As a result, we expect to have seeing limited image most of the time. Expected median seeing is 0.67 arc-sec FWHM in i-band. The sensor is a p-ch fully depleted CCD of 200 micron thickness (2048 x 4096 15 mu m square pixel) and we employ 116 of them to pave the 50 cm focal plane. Minimum interval between exposures is roughly 30 seconds including reading out arrays, transferring data to the control computer and saving them to the hard drive. HSC uniquely features the combination of large primary mirror, wide field of view, sharp image and high sensitivity especially in red. This enables accurate shape measurement of faint galaxies which is critical for planned weak lensing survey to probe the nature of dark energy. The system is being assembled now and will see the first light in August 2012.
  • Hitomi Yamanoi, Yutaka Komiyama, Masafumi Yagi, Sadanori Okamura, Masanori Iye, Nobunari Kashikawa, Tadafumi Takata, Hisanori Furusawa, Michitoshi Yoshida
    The Astronomical Journal 144(2) 40-40 2012年8月1日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Michitoshi Yoshida, Masafumi Yagi, Yutaka Komiyama, Hisanori Furusawa, Nobunari Kashikawa, Yusei Koyama, Hitomi Yamanoi, Takashi Hattori, Sadanori Okamura
    The Astrophysical Journal 688(2) 918-930 2008年12月  査読有り
  • Hitomi Yamanoi, Masayuki Tanaka, Masaru Hamabe, Masafumi Yagi, Sadanori Okamura, Masanori Iye, Kazuhiro Shimasaku, Mamoru Doi, Yutaka Komiyama, Hisanori Furusawa
    The Astronomical Journal 134(1) 56-63 2007年7月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • H. Yamanoi, M. Tanaka
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 2(S235) 257-257 2006年8月  筆頭著者
    <title>Abstract</title>We examine the galaxy luminosity functions (LFs) in the Hydra I cluster (Abell 1060) at <italic>z</italic> = 0.0126, for which very faint galaxies (down to <italic>M</italic> ~ −10) have not been surveyed yet. We conclude that the total LF has a slightly steep slope (α ~ −1.6) at −20 &lt; <italic>M</italic> &lt; −10 in the <italic>B</italic>- and <italic>RC</italic>-bands. The numbers of galaxies at the faint end (<italic>M</italic> ≳ −14) differ in between the cluster center and the outskirts slightly. We divide the Hydra member galaxies into red/blue galaxies and find that the shape of LFs in the faint magnitude range is determined by red dwarf galaxies.
  • Masami Ouchi, Kazuhiro Shimasaku, Masayuki Akiyama, Kazuhiro Sekiguchi, Hisanori Furusawa, Sadanori Okamura, Nobunari Kashikawa, Masanori Iye, Tadayuki Kodama, Tomoki Saito, Toshiyuki Sasaki, Chris Simpson, Tadafumi Takata, Toru Yamada, Hitomi Yamanoi, Makiko Yoshida, Michitoshi Yoshida
    The Astrophysical Journal 620(1) L1-L4 2005年2月10日  査読有り
    We report the discovery of primeval large- scale structures ( LSSs) including two protoclusters in a forming phase at. We carried out extensive deep narrowband imaging in the 1 deg(2) sky of the Subaru/ XMM- Newton Deep at z = 5.7 Field and obtained a cosmic map of 515 Lyalpha emitters ( LAEs) in a volume with a transverse dimension of and a depth of similar to 40 Mpc in comoving units. This cosmic map shows filamentary LSSs, including 180 Mpc x 180 Mpc clusters and surrounding 10 - 40 Mpc scale voids, similar to the present- day LSSs. Our spectroscopic follow- up observations identify overdense regions in which two dense clumps of LAEs with a sphere of 1 Mpc diameter in physical units are included. These clumps show about 130 times higher star formation rate density, mainly due to a large overdensity, similar to 80, of LAEs. These clumps would be clusters in a formation phase involving a burst of galaxy formation.



