
大山 淑之

オオヤマ ヨシユキ  (Yoshiyuki Ohyama)


東京女子大学 現代教養学部 数理科学科 数学専攻 教授
博士(理学)(1992年3月 早稲田大学)
理学修士(1987年3月 早稲田大学)





  • Yoshiyuki Ohyama, Migiwa Sakurai
    Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 46(1) 19-31 2023年6月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Yoshiyuki OHYAMA, Migiwa SAKURAI
    Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 73(3) 2021年7月27日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Yoshiyuki Ohyama, Migiwa Sakurai
    Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 28(12) 1950074-1950074 2019年10月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Satoh and Taniguchi introduced the [Formula: see text]-writhe [Formula: see text] for each non-zero integer [Formula: see text], which is an invariant for virtual knots. The [Formula: see text]-writhes give the coefficients of some polynomial invariants for virtual knots including the index polynomial, the odd writhe polynomial and the affine index polynomial. It is obvious that the virtualization of a real crossing is an unknotting operation for virtual knots. The values of [Formula: see text]-writhes changed by some local moves are calculated. However for the virtualization, it is unknown. In this paper, we show that for any given non-zero integer [Formula: see text] and any given integer [Formula: see text], there exists a virtual knot whose unknotting number by the virtualization is one and the value of the [Formula: see text]-writhe equals [Formula: see text]. Namely, the virtualization of a real crossing changes the value of [Formula: see text]-writhe by any given integer [Formula: see text].
  • Sumiko Horiuchi, Yoshiyuki Ohyama
    We consider a local move, denoted by., on knot diagrams or virtual knot diagrams. If two (virtual) knots K-1 and K-2 are transformed into each other by a finite sequence of lambda moves, the lambda distance between K-1 and K-2 is the minimum number of times of lambda moves needed to transform K-1 into K-2. By Gamma(lambda)(K), we denote the set of all (virtual) knots which can be transformed into a (virtual) knot K by lambda moves. A geodesic graph for Gamma(lambda)(K) is the graph which satisfies the following: The vertex set consists of (virtual) knots in Gamma(lambda)(K) and for any two vertices K-1 and K-2, the distance on the graph from K-1 to K-2 coincides with the lambda distance between K-1 and K-2. When we consider virtual knots and a crossing change as a local move lambda, we show that the N-dimensional lattice graph for any given natural number N and any tree are geodesic graphs for Gamma(lambda)(K).
  • Sumiko Horiuchi, Yoshiyuki Ohyama
    A local move called a C-n-move is closely related to Vassiliev invariants. The C-n-distance between two knots K and L, denoted by d(Cn) (K, L), is the minimal number of C-n-moves needed to transform K into L. In the case of n >= 3, we show that for any pair of knots K-1 and K-2 with d(Cn) (K-1, K-2) = 1 and for any given natural number m, there exist infinitely many knots J(j) (j = 1, 2,...) such that dC(n) (K1, J(j)) = d(Cn) (J(j), K-2) = 1 and they have the same Vassiliev invariants of order less than or equal to m.


  • Sumiko Horiuchi, Yoshiyuki Ohyama
    Adams et al. introduce the notion of almost alternating links; non-alternating links which have a projection whose one crossing change yields an alternating projection. For an alternating knot K, we consider the number Alm(K) of almost alternating knots which have a projection whose one crossing change yields K. We show that for any given natural number n, there is an alternating knot K with Alm(K) >= n.
  • Yasutaka Nakanishi, Yoshiyuki Ohyama
    HIROSHIMA MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 39(3) 443-450 2009年11月  
    After the works of Kauffman-Banchoff and Yamasaki, it is known that a local move called the pass move is strongly related to the Arf invariant, which is equivalent to the parity of the coefficient of the degree two term in the Conway polynomial. Our main result is the following: There exists a pair of knots such that their Conway polynomials coincide, and that the sets of Conway polynomials of knots obtained from them by a single pass move do not coincide.
  • Yasutaka Nakanishi, Yoshiyuki Ohyama
    Hiroshima Mathematical Journal 39(3) 443-450 2009年  
  • Yoshiyuki Ohyama, Harumi Yamada
    It is shown that two knots can be transformed into each other by C-n-moves if and only if they have the same Vassiliev invariants of order less than n. Consequently, a C-n-move cannot change the Vassiliev invariants of order less than n and may change those of order more than or equal to n. In this paper, we consider the coefficient of the Conway polynomial as a Vassiliev invariant and show that a Cn-move changes the nth coefficient of the Conway polynomial by +/- 2, or 0. And for the 2mth coefficient (2m > n), it can change by p or p + 1 for any given integer p.
  • Yasutaka Nakanishi, Yoshiyuki Ohyama
    Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 15(9) 1215-1224 2006年11月  
    By the works of Gusarov [2] and Habiro [3], it is known that a local move called the Cn move is strongly related to Vassiliev invariants of order less than n. The coefficient of the zn term in the Conway polynomial is known to be a Vassiliev invariant of order n. In this note, we will consider to what degree the relationship is strong with respect to Conway polynomial. Let K be a knot, and KCn the set of knots obtained from a knot K by a single Cn move. Let ∇K be the set of the Conway polynomials {∇K(z)}K∈K, for a set of knots K. Our main result is the following: There exists a pair of knots K1, K2 such that ∇K1 = ∇K2, and ∇K1 Cn ≠ ∇K2 Cn. In other words, the Cn Gordian complex is not homogeneous with respect to Conway polynomial. © World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Y Nakanishi, Y Ohyama
    It is well-known that the coefficient of z(m) of the Conway polynomial is a Vassiiev invariant of order m. In this paper, we show that for any given pair of a natural number n and a knot K, there exist infinitely many knots whose Vassiliev invariants of order less than or equal to n and Conway polynomials coincide with those of K.
  • Yasutaka Nakanishi, Yoshiyuki Ohyama
    Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 15(2) 205-215 2006年2月  
    It is well-known that the coefficient of zm of the Conway polynomial is a Vassiiev invariant of order m. In this paper, we show that for any given pair of a natural number n and a knot K, there exist infinitely many knots whose Vassiliev invariants of order less than or equal to n and Conway polynomials coincide with those of K. © World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Y Ohyama
    Hirasawa, and Uchida defined the Gordian complex of knots which is a simplicial complex whose vertices consist of all knot types in S-3 by using "a crossing change". In this paper, we define the C-k-Gordian complex of knots which is an extension of the Gordian complex of knots. Let k be a natural number more than 2 and we show that for any knot K-0 and any given natural number n, there exists a family of knots {K-0, K-1,..., K-n} such that for any pair (K-i, K-j) of distinct elements of the family, the C-k-distance d(Ck) (K-i, K-j) = 1.
  • Yoshiyuki Ohyama
    Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 15(1) 73-80 2006年1月  
    Hirasawa and Uchida defined the Gordian complex of knots which is a simplicial complex whose vertices consist of all knot types in S3 by using "a crossing change". In this paper, we define the C ke-Gordian complex of knots which is an extension of the Gordian complex of knots. Let k be a natural number more than 2 and we show that for any knot K0 and any given natural number n, there exists a family of knots {K0, K1 ,..., Kn} such that for any pair (Ki, Kj) of distinct elements of the family, the C k-distance dCk,(Ki, Kj) = 1. © World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Y Nakanishi, Y Ohyama
    In this note, we will study Delta link homotopy, which is an equivalence relation of ordered and oriented link types. Previously, a necessary condition was given by a pair of numerical invariants derived from the Conway polynomials for two link types to be Delta link homotopic. In this note, we will show that, for two component links, if their pairs of numerical invariants coincide then the two links are Delta link homotopic.
  • Yasutaka Nakanishi, Yoshiyuki Ohyama
    Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 55(3) 641-654 2003年  
    In this note, we will study Delta link homotopy, which is an equivalence relation of ordered and oriented link types. Previously, a necessary condition was given by a pair of numerical invariants derived from the Conway polynomials for two link types to be Delta link homotopic. In this note, we will show that, for two component links, if their pairs of numerical invariants coincide then the two links are Delta link homotopic. © 2003 Applied Probability Trust.
  • Y Ohyama
    By the same way for knots, it can be proved that if a link L is transformed into L' by a C-n-move, the difference of the Vassiliev invariants of order n between L and L' is equal to the value of the one-branch tree diagram corresponding to the C-n-move. In this paper we show that a C-n-move for a link whose one-branch tree diagram has a cut edge cannot change the Vassiliev invariant of order n. And from this, we can give some examples of links that have the same Vassiliev invariants of order less than n and cannot be transformed into each other by C-n-moves.
  • Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 11(4) 515-526 2002年6月  
  • Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 11(3) 353-362 2002年5月  
    Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 25(1) 17-31 2002年  
  • Yoshiyuki Ohyama
    Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 11(4) 507-514 2002年  
    By the same way for knots, it can be proved that if a link L is transformed into L′ by a Cn-move, the difference of the Vassiliev invariants of order n between L and L′ is equal to the value of the one-branch tree diagram corresponding to the Cn-move. In this paper we show that a Cn-move for a link whose one-branch tree diagram has a cut edge cannot change the Vassiliev invariant of order n. And from this, we can give some examples of links that have the same Vassiliev invariants of order less than n and cannot be transformed into each other by Cn-moves.
  • Yoshiyuki Ohyama, Harumi Yamada
    Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 11(4) 515-526 2002年  
    In this paper, we show that when any nonnegative integer n and any knot K are given, there exist infinitely many unknotting number one knots Jm (m = 1, 2, ⋯) such that their Vassiliev invariants of order less than or equal to n coincide with those of K and each Jm satisfies the following: The delta unknotting number of Jm is determined by the order two Vassiliev invariant of K and for almost cases, the clasp-pass distance between Jm and the twist knot with the same order two invariant is determined by the order three invariant of K.
  • Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 25(1) 17-31 2002年  
  • Yasutaka Nakanishi, Yoshiyuki Ohyama
    Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 11(3) 353-362 2002年  
    In this note, we will study Δ link homotopy (or self Δ-equivalence), which is an equivalence relation of ordered and oriented link types. Previously, a necessary condition is given in the terms of Conway polynomials for two link types to be Δ link homotopic. A pair of numerical invariants δ1 and δ2 classifies all (ordered and oriented) prime 2-component link types with seven crossings or less up to Δ link homotopy. We will show here that for any pair of integers n1 and n2 there exists a 2-component link κ such that δ1(κ) = n1 and δ2(κ) = n2 provided that at least one of n1 and n2 is even.
  • Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 10(7) 1041-1046 2001年11月  
  • Yasutaka Nakanishi, Yoshiyuki Ohyama
    Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 10(7) 1041-1046 2001年11月  
    We show that for any given pair of a natural number n and a knot Κ, there are infinitely many knots Jm (m = 1, 2, . . .) such that their Vassiliev invariants of order less than or equal to n coincide with those of K and that each Jm has Ck-distance 1 (k ≠ 2, k = 1, . . . , n) and C2-distance 2 from the knot Κ. The Ck-distance means the minimum number of Ck-moves which transform one knot into the other.
  • Pacific Journal of Mathematics 200(1) 191-205 2001年9月  
  • Pacific Journal of Mathematics 200(1) 191-205 2001年  
  • Y Ohyama
    Recently it has been proved by K. Taniyama, S. Yamada and the author that for any natural number n and any knot K, there are infinitely many unknotting number one knots, ail of whose Vassiliev invariants of order less than or equal to n coincide with those of K. In this paper we give another proof of this result by using web diagrams.
  • Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifcations 9(5) 693-701 2000年  
  • Y Ohyama, T Tsukamoto
    Recently it has been proved by Habiro that two knots K-1 and K-2 have the same Vassiliev invariants of order less than or equal to n if and only if K-1 and K-2 can be transformed into each other by a finite sequence of Cn+1 -moves. In this paper, we show that the difference of the Vassiliev invariants of order n between two knots that can be transformed into each other by a C-n-move is equal to the value of the Vassiliev invariant for a one-branch tree diagram of order n.
  • Journal of Knot Theory and its Applications 8(1) 15-26 1999年  
  • Y Ohyama
    TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 75(3) 201-215 1997年2月  
    In this paper, we restrict the Vassiliev invariants of order at most n to a twist sequence. And we study the dimension of the space of them and the topological information that the Vassiliev invariants give on a twist sequence.
  • Proceedings of Applied Mathematics Workshop (KAIST) 8, 219-225 1997年  
  • Proceedings of Applied Mathematics Workshop(KAIST) (8) 219-225 1997年  
  • Topology and its Applications 75 201-215 1997年  
  • Y Ohyama
    We extend a notion, an unknotting operation for knots, to a spatial embedding of a graph and study local moves on a diagram of a spatial graph.
  • Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 15(2) 265-277 1996年  
  • Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computings 18, 3-10 1995年  
    We show that for any knot K and any natural number n, we can construct infinitely many knots, all of whose finite type invariants of order at most n coincide with those of K.
  • Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing (18) 3-10 1995年  
  • Yoshiyuki Ohyama
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 123(1) 287-291 1995年  
    We show that for any knot K and any natural number n, we can construct infinitely many knots, all of whose finite type invariants of order at most n coincide with those of K. © 1995 American Mathematical Society.
  • Revista Matematica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid 7(2) 289-305 1994年  
  • Revista Matematica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid 7(2) 247-277 1994年  
  • Revista Matematica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid 7(2) 289-305 1994年  
  • Revista Matematica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid 7(2) 247-277 1994年  
    In this paper we prove an inequality that involves the minimal crossing number and the braid index of links by estimating Murasugi and Przytycki's index for a planar bipartite graph.
  • Canadian Journal of Mathematics 45(1) 117-131 1993年  
  • Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 15(2) 357-363 1992年  
  • Yoshiyuki Ohyama
    Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 15(2) 357-363 1992年  
    TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 37(3) 249-255 1990年12月  
    In this paper, we define a new numerical invariant of knots induced from their regular diagrams, and connect it with the Conway polynomials.
  • Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 13(1) 179-190 1990年  
  • Yoshiyuki Ohyama, Yasuko Ogushi
    Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 13(1) 179-190 1990年  
  • Yoshiyuki Ohyama
    Topology and its Applications 37(3) 249-255 1990年  
    In this paper, we define a new numerical invariant of knots induced from their regular diagrams, and connect it with the Conway polynomials. © 1990.
  • Kobe journal of Mathematics 6, 1-22 1989年  




  • 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2021年4月 - 2025年3月
    大山 淑之
  • 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2016年4月 - 2021年3月
    大槻 知忠, 金信 泰造, 伊藤 哲也, 谷山 公規, 藤原 耕二, 逆井 卓也, 大山 淑之, 山下 靖, 茂手木 公彦, 森藤 孝之, 玉木 大, 志摩 亜希子
  • 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2015年4月 - 2020年3月
    作間 誠, 島田 伊知朗, 古宇田 悠哉, 土井 英雄, 秋吉 宏尚, 茂手木 公彦, 谷山 公規, 大山 淑之, 石川 昌治, 新國 亮, 三松 佳彦
  • 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2012年4月 - 2017年3月
    大槻 知忠, 谷山 公規, 平澤 美可三, 大山 淑之, 鎌田 聖一, 葉廣 和夫
  • 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2012年4月 - 2017年3月
    河内 明夫, 金信 泰造, 田山 育男, 森内 博正, 鎌田 聖一, 作間 誠, 中西 康剛, 谷山 公規, 大山 淑之, 茂手木 公彦, 合田 洋, 下川 航也, 寺垣内 政一, 佐藤 進, 田中 利史, 岩切 雅英, 鄭 仁大, 岸本 健吾, 大槻 知忠, 清水 理佳

