Curriculum Vitaes

Akio Tomiya

  (富谷 昭夫)

Profile Information

Lecturer (Junior associate prof), Tokyo Woman's Christian University
博士(理学)(Mar, 2015, 大阪大学)

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2024.4-現在 東京女子大学、専任講師
2021.8-2024.3 大阪国際工科専門職大学、助教
2018.9-2021.7 理研BNL(出渕研)、アメリカにて基礎科学特別研究員
2015.10-2018.8 華中師範大学、武漢、中国にてポスドク
2015.5-2015.8  大阪大学理学研究科物理学専攻(特任研究員)
2015.3 博士(理学)、大阪大学大学院理学研究科物理学専攻
2012.4-2015.3 大阪大学大学院理学研究科物理学専攻 博士後期課程
2010.4-2012.3 大阪大学大学院理学研究科物理学専攻 博士前期課程
2006.4-2010.3 兵庫県立大学理学部物質科学科
2003.4-2006.3 兵庫県立宝塚北高校普通科


  • Akio Tomiya
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Mar 15, 2025  
  • Linlin Huang, Yuanyuan Wang, He-Xu Zhang, Shinya Matsuzaki, Hiroyuki Ishida, Mamiya Kawaguchi, Akio Tomiya
    Physical Review D, Mar 18, 2024  
    We argue that the axionic domain-wall with a QCD bias may be incompatible with the NANOGrav 15-year data on a stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background, when the domain wall network collapses in the hot-QCD induced local CP-odd domain. This is due to the drastic suppression of the QCD bias set by the QCD topological susceptibility in the presence of the CP-odd domain with nonzero $\theta$ parameter of order one which the QCD sphaleron could generate. We quantify the effect on the GW signals by working on a low-energy effective model of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio type in the mean field approximation. We find that only at $\theta=\pi$, the QCD bias tends to get significantly large enough due to the criticality of the thermal CP restoration, which would, however, give too big signal strengths to be consistent with the NANOGrav 15-year data and would also be subject to the strength of the phase transition at the criticality.
  • Akio Tomiya, Yuki Nagai
    Proceedings of The 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE2023), Dec 27, 2023  
    Machine learning, deep learning, has been accelerating computational physics, which has been used to simulate systems on a lattice. Equivariance is essential to simulate a physical system because it imposes a strong induction bias for the probability distribution described by a machine learning model. This reduces the risk of erroneous extrapolation that deviates from data symmetries and physical laws. However, imposing symmetry on the model sometimes occur a poor acceptance rate in self-learning Monte-Carlo (SLMC). On the other hand, Attention used in Transformers like GPT realizes a large model capacity. We introduce symmetry equivariant attention to SLMC. To evaluate our architecture, we apply it to our proposed new architecture on a spin-fermion model on a two-dimensional lattice. We find that it overcomes poor acceptance rates for linear models and observe the scaling law of the acceptance rate as in the large language models with Transformers.
  • Junichi Takahashi, Hiroshi Ohno, Akio Tomiya
    Proceedings of The 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE2023), Dec 27, 2023  
    We present our sparse modeling study to extract spectral functions from Euclidean-time correlation functions. In this study covariance between different Euclidean times of the correlation function is taken into account, which was not done in previous studies. In order to check applicability of the method, we firstly test it with mock data which imitate possible charmonium spectral functions. Then, we extract spectral functions from correlation functions obtained from lattice QCD at finite temperature.
  • Yuki Nagai, Akinori Tanaka, Akio Tomiya
    Physical Review D, Mar 8, 2023  
    In this paper, we develop the self-learning Monte-Carlo (SLMC) algorithm for non-abelian gauge theory with dynamical fermions in four dimensions to resolve the autocorrelation problem in lattice QCD. We perform simulations with the dynamical staggered fermions and plaquette gauge action by both in HMC and SLMC for zero and finite temperature to examine the validity of SLMC. We confirm that SLMC can reduce autocorrelation time in non-abelian gauge theory and reproduces results from HMC. For finite temperature runs, we confirm that SLMC reproduces correct results with HMC, including higher-order moments of the Polyakov loop and the chiral condensate. Besides, our finite temperature calculations indicate that four flavor QC${}_2$D with $\hat{m} = 0.5$ is likely in the crossover regime in the Colombia plot.


  • Yuki Nagai, Akio Tomiya
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Nov 15, 2024  
    Machine learning and deep learning have revolutionized computational physics, particularly the simulation of complex systems. Equivariance is essential for simulating physical systems because it imposes a strong inductive bias on the probability distribution described by a machine learning model. However, imposing symmetry on the model can sometimes lead to poor acceptance rates in self-learning Monte Carlo (SLMC). Here, we introduce a symmetry equivariant attention mechanism for SLMC, which can be systematically improved. We evaluate our architecture on a spin-fermion model (\textit{i.e.}, double exchange model) on a two-dimensional lattice. Our results show that the proposed method overcomes the poor acceptance rates of linear models and exhibits a similar scaling law to large language models, with model quality monotonically increasing with the number of layers. Our work paves the way for the development of more accurate and efficient Monte Carlo algorithms with machine learning for simulating complex physical systems.
  • Linlin Huang, Mamiya Kawaguchi, Yadikaer Maitiniyazi, Shinya Matsuzaki, Akio Tomiya, Masatoshi Yamada
    Nov 11, 2024  
    We work on the functional renormalization group analysis on a four-fermion model with the CP and P violation in light of nonperturbative exploration of the infrared dynamics of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) arising from the spontaneous CP violation models in a view of the Wilsonian renormalization group. The fixed point structure reveals that in the large-$N_c$ limit, the CP $\bar{\theta}$ parameter is induced and approaches $\pi \cdot (N_f/2)$ (with the number of flavors $N_f$) toward the chiral broken phase due to the criticality and the large anomalous dimensions of the $U(1)$ axial violating four-fermion couplings. This trend seems to be intact even going beyond the large-$N_c$ leading, as long as the infrared dynamics of QCD is governed by the scalar condensate of the quark bilinear as desired. This gives an impact on modeling of the spontaneous CP violation scenarios: the perturbatively irrelevant four-fermion interactions nonperturbatively get relevant in the chiral broken phase, implying that the neutron electric dipole moment becomes too big, unless cancellations due to extra CP and P violating contributions outside of QCD are present at a certain intermediate infrared scale.
  • Junichi Takahashi, Hiroshi Ohno, Akio Tomiya
    Oct 31, 2024  
    We present spectral functions extracted from Euclidean-time correlation functions by using sparse modeling. Sparse modeling is a method that solves inverse problems by considering only the sparseness of the solution we seek. To check applicability of the method, we firstly test it with mock data which imitate charmonium correlation functions on a fine lattice. We show that the method can reconstruct the resonance peaks in the spectral functions. Then, we extract charmonium spectral functions from correlation functions obtained from lattice QCD at temperatures below and above the critical temperature $T_{\mathrm{c } }$. We show that this method yields results like those obtained with MEM and other methods.
  • Yuanyuan Wang, Mamiya Kawaguchi, Shinya Matsuzaki, Akio Tomiya
    Oct 15, 2024  
    The decrease of the chiral pseudocritical temperature $T_{\mathrm{pc } }$ with an applied strong magnetic field has been extensively investigated by various QCD low-energy effective models and lattice QCD at physical point. We find that this decreasing feature may not hold in the case with a weak magnetic field and still depends on quark masses: when the quark masses get smaller, $T_{\mathrm{pc } }$ turns to increase with the weak magnetic field. This happens due to the significant electromagnetic-scale anomaly contribution in the thermomagnetic medium. We demonstrate this salient feature by employing the Polyakov Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with 2 + 1 quark flavors including the electromagnetic-scale anomaly contribution. We observe a critical point in a sort of the Columbia plot, $(m_{0c}, m_{sc}) \simeq (3, 30) \mathrm{MeV}$ for the isospin symmetric mass for up and down quarks, $m_0$, and the strange quark mass, $m_s$, where $T_{\mathrm{pc } }$ decreases with the magnetic field if the quark masses exceed the critical values, and increases as the quark masses become smaller. Related cosmological implications, arising when the supercooled electroweak phase transition or dark QCD cosmological phase transition is considered along with a primordial magnetic field, are also briefly addressed.
  • Yuki Nagai, Akio Tomiya
    Sep 4, 2024  
    We develop a new lattice gauge theory code set JuliaQCD using the Julia language. Julia is well-suited for integrating machine learning techniques and enables rapid prototyping and execution of algorithms for four dimensional QCD and other non-Abelian gauge theories. The code leverages LLVM for high-performance execution and supports MPI for parallel computations. Julia's multiple dispatch provides a flexible and intuitive framework for development. The code implements existing algorithms such as Hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC), many color and flavor, supports lattice fermions, smearing techniques, and full QCD simulations. It is designed to run efficiently across various platforms, from laptops to supercomputers, allowing for seamless scalability. The code set is currently available on GitHub

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