
高柳 妙子

Takayanagi Taeko


東京女子大学 現代教養学部 心理・コミュニケーション学科 特任准教授





  • Taeko Takayanagi
    International quarterly of community health education 272684X211004691 2021年3月31日  
    Aiming to understand how Maasai women use informal learning and literacy to access to health information and improve well-being of their family at the village level, this qualitative study explores the significance of village based informal learning and literacy in maintain good health among village women and girls in the male-dominated community in rural Kenya. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, informal conversations and observations. 15 Village women, 12 women's group leaders and 10 government officials were interviewed during an intensive six-month field study in Kenya. The information obtained from the interviews was analysed thematically and as narrative case studies. Results indicate that the village women initiate manageable health promotion activities to improve the well-being of their family and community via informal learning and literacy approaches. The study also concludes that the interviewed Maasai women developed their own effective communication mechanism to improve the situation of gender inequality in their community.
  • 高柳 妙子
    Global - E 1-4 2021年  査読有り
  • 高柳 妙子
    International Journal of African Development 5 37-52 2019年  査読有り
  • 藤崎 竜一, 高柳 妙子, 槇村 浩一
    医学教育 49(4) 341-346 2018年8月  
  • 小荒井 理恵, 高柳 妙子
    比較教育学研究 2017(55) 30-44 2017年  
  • Taeko Takayanagi
    INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF EDUCATION 62(6) 671-688 2016年12月  
    This study investigates the activities of a village-based literacy centre in Kenya and explores the benefits of community development activities on women's well-being in Africa. Through the analysis of the stories of two Maasai women who had experienced adult literacy learning, the author discovered that: (1) the literacy instructor had inadequate in-service teacher training support from the government; (2) these women were using a space generated by collaborative informal learning through the literacy centre to improve their families' and community's well-being; and (3) these women gained empowerment through community development activities organised by the literacy centre. The author concludes that grassroots literacy and informal learning have been effective in improving the quality of life for the village women, and should be encouraged and supported by external agencies.
  • Takayanagi Taeko
    This paper aims to challenge limited notions of literacy and argues for the recognition of Maasai women's self-determined learning in order to bring about human development in Kenya. It also seeks to construct a complex picture of literacy, drawing on postcolonial feminist theory as a framework to ensure that the woman's voice is heard. Through the analysis of narratives from three Maasai women, the author discovered that: (1) these `illiterate' women have their own literacy through which they read the world (their community); (2) these women use this self-determined literacy to raise critical awareness on community issues; and (3) these women have become ` organic intellectuals' in that they have the capacity to synthesise information and skills in order to solve community issues by themselves. This paper concludes that a literacy programme should be more centred on the women from the village and must acknowledge their traditions and culture.
  • Taeko Takayanagi, Takayuki Shimomura
    Prospects 43(3) 347-360 2013年9月  
    This paper addresses the life and educational experiences of Ainu women, using the framework of postcolonial feminist theory. It explores the extent to which two factors-gender and ethnic minority status-affect young Ainu women as they attempt to enter mainstream society. The authors analyse life history interviews from three Ainu women aged 25. These women face hardships in continuing their education because of unsupportive school atmospheres and family financial difficulties. Ainu women also face discrimination because of gender and ethnicity throughout their lifetimes, especially in employment. The authors suggest anti-discrimination education, more comprehensive policy reforms for indigenous peoples, support for the voices of indigenous women, and continuous advocacy on Ainu issues. Moreover, companies should have monitoring mechanisms to follow up on the gender equality policy, along with regular training programmes on gender and ethnicity. © 2013 UNESCO IBE.





