Saunders Max, Kai Eri, Inuma Kaori, Morita Kazuma, Isobe Satomi, Yamazaki Ryosuke
Correspondence : Hitotsubashi journal of arts and literature (4) 153-176 2019年
On October 1, 2018, two days after the one-day forum at Hitotsubashi University, five members of Correspondence, Eri Kai, Kaori Inuma, Kazuma Morita, Satomi Isobe, and Ryosuke Yamazaki, conducted an interview with Professor Max Saunders, a guest speaker at the forum, at the university. The main topic was his research on life-writing, which has been a major research interest of his from early on. As well as asking him about the background of his research, we discussed life writing with him in connection with our individual research topics.