Division of Mathematical Sciences

Hiroshi Yamauchi

  (山内 博)

Profile Information

School of Arts and SciencesDivision of Mathematical Sciences, Tokyo Woman's Christian University

Researcher number
researchmap Member ID

Mathematics/Algebra/Vertex operator algebras

Research Interests



  • Ching Hung Lam, Hiroshi Yamauchi
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 375(3) 2025-2067, Jan 7, 2022  
    <p>In this paper, we present a general construction of 3-transposition groups as automorphism groups of vertex operator algebras. Applying to the moonshine vertex operator algebra, we establish the Conway-Miyamoto correspondences between Fischer 3-transposition groups and and and Virasoro vectors of subalgebras of the moonshine vertex operator algebra.</p>
  • Hiromichi Yamada, Hiroshi Yamauchi
    Journal of Algebra, 573 451-475, May, 2021  
  • Tomoyuki ARAKAWA, Hiromichi YAMADA, Hiroshi YAMAUCHI
    Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 73(1) 185-209, Jan, 2021  
  • Hiromichi Yamada, Hiroshi Yamauchi
    Apr 23, 2018  
    We study simple current extensions of tensor products of two vertex operator<br /> algebras satisfying certain conditions. We establish the relationship between<br /> the fusion rule for the simple current extension and the fusion rule for a<br /> tensor factor. In some special case, we construct a chain of simple current<br /> extensions. As an example, we obtain a chain of simple current extensions<br /> starting from the simple affine vertex operator algebra associated with<br /> $\widehat{sl}_2$ at level a positive integer $k$. The irreducible modules are<br /> classified and the fusion rules are determined for those simple current<br /> extensions.
  • Cuipo Jiang, Ching Hung Lam, Hiroshi Yamauchi
    Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2018  Peer-reviewed
    We prove the uniqueness of the simple vertex operator algebra of OZ-type<br /> generated by Ising vectors of $\sigma$-type. We also prove that the simplicity<br /> can be omitted if the Griess algebra is isomorphic to the Matsuo algebra<br /> associated with the root system of type $A_n$.


  • Hiroshi Yamauchi
    Mar 9, 2002  
    We investigate a general theory of the Z_2-twisted representations of vertex<br /> operator superalgebras. Certain one-to-one correspondence theorems are<br /> established. We also give an explicit realization of the Ising model SVOA and<br /> its Z_2-twisted modules. As an application, we obtain the Gerald Hoehn&#039;s<br /> Babymonster SVOA VB and its Z_2-twisted module VB_{tw} from the moonshine VOA<br /> V^\nat by cutting off the Ising models. It is also shown in this paper that Aut<br /> (VB) is finite.

Research Projects
