
高野 温子

Atsuko Takano


兵庫県立大学 自然・環境科学研究所 教授
兵庫県立人と自然の博物館 自然環境・評価研究部 主任研究員







  • Atsuko Takano, Theodor C. H. Cole, Hajime Konagai
    Scientific Reports 14(1) 2024年1月2日  査読有り筆頭著者
    Abstract Digital extraction of label data from natural history specimens along with more efficient procedures of data entry and processing is essential for improving documentation and global information availability. Herbaria have made great advances in this direction lately. In this study, using optical character recognition (OCR) and named entity recognition (NER) techniques, we have been able to make further advancements towards fully automatic extraction of label data from herbarium specimen images. This system can be developed and run on a consumer grade desktop computer with standard specifications, and can also be applied to extracting label data from diverse kinds of natural history specimens, such as those in entomological collections. This system can facilitate the digitization and publication of natural history museum specimens around the world.
  • Mei‐Zhen Wang, Jing Wu, Sheng‐Lu Zhang, Li‐Mi Mao, Tetsuo Ohi‐Toma, Atsuko Takano, Yong‐Hua Zhang, Kenneth M. Cameron, Pan Li
    Cladistics 2023年11月20日  査読有り
    Abstract Species delimitation has long been a subject of controversy, and there are many alternative concepts and approaches used to define species in plants. The genus Amana (Liliaceae), known as ”East Asian tulips” has a number of cryptic species and a huge genome size (1C = 21.48–57.35 pg). It also is intriguing how such a spring ephemeral genus thrives in subtropical areas. However, phylogenetic relationships and species delimitation within Amana are challenging. Here we included all species and 84 populations of Amana, which are collected throughout its distribution range. A variety of methods were used to clarify its species relationships based on a combination of morphological, ecological, genetic, evolutionary and phylogenetic species concepts. This evidence supports the recognition of at least 12 species in Amana. Moreover, we explored the complex evolutionary history within the genus and detected several historical hybridization and introgression events based on phylogenetic trees (transcriptomic and plastid), phylonetworks, admixture and ABBA‐BABA analyses. Morphological traits have undergone parallel evolution in the genus. This spring ephemeral genus might have originated from a temperate region, yet finally thrives in subtropical areas, and three hypotheses about its adaptive evolution are proposed for future testing. In addition, we propose a new species, Amana polymorpha, from eastern Zhejiang Province, China. This research also demonstrates that molecular evidence at the genome level (such as transcriptomes) has greatly improved the accuracy and reasonability of species delimitation and taxon classification.
  • 髙野温子, 朝井健史, 松本修二
    植物地理・分類研究 71(1) 51-55 2023年5月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Masato Shirai, Atsuko Takano, Takahide Kurosawa, Masahito Inoue, Shuichiro Tagane, TOmoya Tanimoto, Tohru Koganeyama, Hirayuki Sato, Tomohiko Terasawa, Takehito Horie, Isao Mandai, Takashi Akihiro
    Scientific reports 12(1) 2022年5月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Abstract Herbarium specimens are dried plants mounted onto paper. They are used by a limited number of researchers, such as plant taxonomists, as a source of information on morphology and distribution. Recently, digitised herbarium specimens have begun to be used in comprehensive research to address broader issues. However, some specimens have been misidentified, and if used, there is a risk of drawing incorrect conclusions. In this study, we successfully developed a system for identifying taxon names with high accuracy using an image recognition system. We developed a system with an accuracy of 96.4% using 500,554 specimen images of 2171 plant taxa (2064 species, 9 subspecies, 88 varieties, and 10 forms in 192 families) that grow in Japan. We clarified where the artificial intelligence is looking to make decisions, and which taxa is being misidentified. As the system can be applied to digitalised images worldwide, it is useful for selecting and correcting misidentified herbarium specimens.
  • Hiroshi IKEDA, Bo-Mi NAM, Nobuko YAMAMOTO, Hidenobu FUNAKOSHI, Atsuko TAKANO, Hyoung-Tak IM
    Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 51(1) 100-102 2021年3月31日  査読有り
  • 髙野温子, 堀内保彦, 青木滉太, 藤本悠, 三橋弘宗
    植物地理・分類研究 68(2) 103-119 2020年11月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Atsuko Takano, Shota Sakaguchi, Pan Li, Ayumi Matsuo, Yoshihisa Suyama, Guo-Hua Xia, Xi Liu, Yuji Isagi
    Plants 9(9) 1159-1159 2020年9月8日  査読有り筆頭著者
    Meehania montis-koyae Ohwi (Lamiaceae), which has been considered a narrow endemic and endangered species in Japan, was found in eastern China in 2011. China and Japan belong to the same floristic region and share many plant species, but it is very rare that Japanese narrow endemic species are newly found outside of the country. We examined herbarium specimens of both countries, and conducted analyses of molecular phylogenetics, population genetics, and divergence time estimation using two nuclear (ITS and ETS) gene regions and MIG-seq data. Chinese plants tend to become larger than Japanese, and they are different in leaf shape and floral features. Molecular phylogenetic analysis shows Chinese and Japanese M. montis-koyae are the closest relatives to each other. Population genetic analysis indicates no current gene flow between the Chinese and Japanese populations, and divergence time analysis shows they were separated during the late Miocene. We reach the conclusion that Chinese and Japanese M. montis-koyae have already become distinct biological entities, and a new taxon name Meehania zheminensis A. Takano, Pan Li, G.-H.Xia is proposed for the Chinese plants. A key to Asian Meehania species is provided.
  • 支倉千賀子, 高野温子, 黒崎史平, 池田博
    兵庫の植物 30 5-32 2020年6月  査読有り
  • 高野温子
    日本生態学会誌 70(1) 129-133 2020年3月  招待有り筆頭著者
  • 角野 康郎, 池田 博, 海老原 淳, 上赤 博文, 狩山 悛悟, 黒沢 高秀, 佐久間 大輔, 志賀 隆, 鈴木 浩司, 鈴木 まほろ, 瀬戸口 浩彰, 髙宮 正之, 高野 温子, 藤井 伸二, 藤川 和美, 持田 誠
    植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and taxonomy 67(2) 165-178 2019年11月  査読有り
  • 高野温子, 堀内保彦, 藤本悠, 青木滉太, 三橋弘宗, 高橋晃
    Phytokeys 118 1-14 2019年2月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Guo-Xiong Hu, Atsuko Takano, Bryan T Drew, En-De Liu, Douglas E Soltis, Pamela S Soltis, Hua Peng, Chun-Lei Xiang
    Annals of Botany 122(4) 649-668 2018年9月24日  査読有り
  • 高野温子, 織田二郎
    分類 17(2) 173‐178-178 2017年12月  査読有り
  • 牛島 清春, 牛島 富子, 高野 温子, 黒崎 史平
    兵庫の植物 = Plants of Hyogo (27) 13-20 2017年6月  
  • Atsuko Takano
    PhytoKeys 80(1) 80-87 2017年  査読有り
    Both Salvia akiensis and S. lutescens (Lamiaceae) are endemic to Japan. Salvia akiensis was recently described in 2014 in the Chugoku (= SW Honshu) region, and each four varieties of S.lutescens distributed allopatrically. Among varieties in S.lutescens, var. intermedia show a disjunctive distribution in the Kanto (=E Honshu) and Kinki (= W Honshu) regions. Recent field studies of S.lutescens var. intermedia revealed several morphological differences between the Kanto and Kinki populations. Here, I evaluated these differences among Salvia lutescens var. intermedia and its allies with morphological analysis and molecular phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ribosomal DNA (internal and external transcribed spacer regions) and plastid DNA (ycf1-rps15 spacer, rbcL, and trnL-F) sequences. Both morphological analysis and molecular phylogenetic analyses showed that S. lutescens var. intermedia from the Kinki region and var. lutescens were closely related to each other. However, var. intermedia from the Kanto region exhibited an association with S. lutescens var. crenata and var. stolonifera, which also grew in eastern Japan, rather than var. intermedia in the Kinki region. These results indicated that S. lutescens var. intermedia is not a taxon with a disjunctive distribution, but a combination of two or more allopatric taxa. Present study also suggested that S. akiensis was most closely related to S. omerocalyx.
  • Yen Yen Sam, Atsuko Takano, Halijah Ibrahim, Eliška Záveská, Fazimah Aziz
    PhytoKeys 75 31-55 2016年11月29日  査読有り
  • 高野温子, 黒崎史平, 黒崎史平, 植村修二
    分類 16(1) 59‐62-62 2016年2月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Here we report newly found alien herb in Japan, Moenchia erecta (L.) G., M. et Sch. (Caryophylla-ceae). The species is native to Europe and has been naturalized in Australia, Canada and United States. Since 2008, the species has been known its existence in Hyogo Prefecture, and also found from Mie Prefecture in 2014. Its small habit and short life cycle may prevent them find out from the other part of Japan, but the species may spread out throughout this country.
  • 山内健生, 高野温子
    人と自然(Web) (26) 71‐74 (WEB ONLY) 2015年12月  査読有り
  • 近藤眞由美, 高野温子, 黒崎史平
    兵庫の植物 (25) 7‐10-10 2015年6月5日  
  • 高野温子, 高見祐一
    兵庫の植物 (25) 1‐4-4 2015年6月5日  筆頭著者
  • 高野温子, 迫田昌宏, 黒崎史平
    分類 14(2) 161-168 2014年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
    絶滅危惧種オチフジ(Meehania montis-koyae Ohwi, シソ科)の複数の自生地集団において,複数年にわたり交配実験による繁殖様式の調査,及び送粉者の予備的な観察を行った.強制自花受粉した個体が高い結実率を示したことから,オチフジは自家和合性を持つことが明らかになった.自花の花粉を柱頭に付着させた例も観察されたが,袋かけのみを行った花の結実率は低いことから,オチフジは基本的に送粉動物により自花,自家或いは他家の花粉が柱頭に媒介されることによって結実すると考えられる.送粉者は調査地や年によって異なる結果となった.強制受粉した花の結実率が対照花よりも高いことから,送粉者の不足による花粉制限があると推察された.
  • 高野温子, 世羅徹哉, 黒崎史平
    Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 64(2) 99-104 2014年  査読有り筆頭著者
    A novel species, Salvia akiensis A.Takano, Sera & Kurosaki, from western Honshu, Japan, is described. Salvia akiensis occurs in Hiroshima and Shimane prefectures and flowers in May and June. Salvia akiensis is similar to S. isensis, S. lutescens sensu lato and S. omerocalyx in having long exerted stamens. However, the species can be distinguished from S. isensis by having much larger flowers, and from S. omerocalyx by having one pair of cauline leaves, long pilose hairs on the inside upper half of the calyx tube, multicellular hairs 1-2 mm long on the outside of the dorsal calyx lobe, and pale bluish-purple corollas. It can be distinguished from S. lutescens sensu lato by its smaller flowering shoots, the leaf apex roundish, flowering shoot with a single pair of cauline leaves and larger calyx and corolla.
  • 高野温子
    Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 63(3) 149-153 2013年  査読有り筆頭著者
    Gynodioecy and floral dimorphism in Salvia omerocalyx Hayata, an endangered species endemic to central Japan, is here reported for the first time. In three populations of flowering individuals, one population had approximately equal numbers of hermaphrodites (= individuals only with perfect flowers) and male sterile individuals, another population was composed entirely of hermaphrodites, and the third was hermaphroditic except for two individuals with perfect- and male sterile flowers. Examination of herbarium specimens suggested two other localities with male sterile individuals. Male sterile flowers are significantly smaller than hermaphroditic flowers, but there was no difference in seed set between the two floral morphs. Additional field surveys are needed to determine the exact sex expression of the species.
  • Atsuko Takano, Johnny Gisil, Monica Suleiman
    Plant Systematics and Evolution 299(5) 865-871 2013年  査読有り
    Floral size dimorphism, pollination, and genetic variation of Alpinia nieuwenhuizii (Zingiberaceae), a flexitylous ginger, were studied. This study revealed that floral size differed among habitats (i. e., roadsides/riversides vs. forest floors). The effective pollinators of small-flowered populations of the species on a forest floor were different from those of large-flowered populations along roadsides/riversides. Using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) PCR, considerable genetic differentiation was detected between small- and large-flowered populations. These results indicate that reproductive isolation in A. nieuwenhuizii owing to the differentiation of pollen vectors between two floral size morphs may lead to genetic differentiation between the two morphs. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Wien.
  • 三橋弘宗, 北村俊平, 山崎義人, 上田萌子, 田中哲夫, 加藤茂弘, 高野温子, 布施静香, 赤澤宏樹, 石田弘明
    展示学 52 132-133 2012年  査読有り
  • Atsuko Takano, Hiroshi Okada
    JOURNAL OF PLANT RESEARCH 124(2) 245-252 2011年3月  査読有り
    To determine evolutionary relationships among all Japanese members of the genus Salvia (Lamiaceae), we conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses of two chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) regions (rbcL and the intergenic spacer region of trnL-trnF: trnL-trnF) and one nuclear DNA (nrDNA) region (internal transcribed spacer, ITS). In cpDNA, nrDNA, and cpDNA+nrDNA trees, we found evidence that all Japanese and two Taiwanese Salvia species are included in a clade with other Asian Salvia, and Japanese Salvia species were distributed among three subclades: (1) S. plebeia (subgenus Sclarea), (2) species belonging to subg. Salvia, and (3) species belonging to subg. Allagospadonopsis. At the specific level our findings suggest: a close relationship between S. nipponica and S. glabrescens, no support for monophyly of S. lutescens and its varieties in cpDNA, nrDNA and cpDNA+nrDNA trees, and that S. pygmaea var. simplicior may be more closely related to S. japonica than to other varieties of S. pygmaea.
  • 高野温子, 迫田昌宏, 黒崎史平
    兵庫の植物 (20) 37-40 2010年6月5日  
  • Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation 6 1-20 2010年  査読有り
  • Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 60 56-59 2009年  査読有り
  • 藤本義昭, 布施静香, 黒崎史平, 高橋晃, 高野温子
    人と自然 19 161-217 2008年  査読有り
    Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation 4 67-80 2008年  査読有り
  • 高野温子, 布施静香, 橋本佳延, 坂田浩志, 三橋弘宗
    Nature and Human Activities 12 37-41 2007年  査読有り
  • Sabah Parks Nature Journal 8 69-76 2007年  査読有り
  • 高野温子
    Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 58(1) 1-17 2007年  査読有り
    Five new species of the genus Plagiostachys (Zingiberaceae) from Borneo, P. brevicalcarata, P. longicaudata, P. megacarpa, P. roseiflora, and P. viridisepala are described and illustrated. Of these, P. brevicalcarata, P. longicaudata, and P. viridisepala have mucilaginous inflorescences, while the inflorescences of the other two species are non-mucilaginous. A key to the Bornean species of Plagiostachys is also provided.
  • 高野温子, 永益英敏
    Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 58(1) 19-32 2007年  査読有り
    A new genus and species, Myxochlamys mullerensis (Zingiberaceae) from Central Kalimantan, Borneo is described. This new species is characterized by indistinct pseudostems; congested inflorescences with spirally arranged bracts; copious, highly viscous, axillary-pooled mucus secreted from glands on imbricate bracts; and flowers with a concave labellum, versatile anthers, and a groove formed by the inner surface of the corolla tube to envelope and hold the style. Parallel orientation of the plane of distichy of the leafy shoots, well-developed staminodes, and labellum not connate with the filament suggest that Myxochlamys belongs to the tribe Zingibereae. Among the genera in Zingibereae, Myxochlamys is similar to Scaphochlamys in that it lacks a distinct pseudostem and spiral inflorescence; it is distinct from Scaphochlamys, however, in that it has a groove within the corolla tube, concave labellum and versatile anthers. Phylogenetic analyses based on DNA sequences of the nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and maturase K (matK) of the chloroplast DNA show similarity with Distichochlamys, Myxochlamys, and Scaphochlamys. The similarities and differences between Myxochlamys and related genera are discussed.
  • TAKANO Atsuko, NAGAMASU Hidetoshi
    Act Phytotaxono Geobot 57(1) 75-79 2006年4月28日  査読有り
    A new species of ginger, Etlingera palangkensis (Zingiberaceae) is described from Borneo. Though similar to E. nasuta, the new species is clearly distinguished by the color of flowers and shape of labellum.
  • 高野温子, 永益英敏
    Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 57(75) 79 2006年  査読有り
  • A Takano, Y Kadono
    AQUATIC BOTANY 83(2) 108-118 2005年10月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Trapa L. (Trapaceae) is one of the most common aquatic plants in Japan. However, its taxonomic treatment has differed among authors. As a step toward a revision of Japanese Trapa, we analyzed allozymes in plant samples collected from 55 populations and tentatively classified into 6 taxa. Allozyme analysis indicated three distinct groups corresponding to the size class of the fruits: T. incisa (small), T. japonica group (medium), and T. natans group (large). The development of lower protuberances or spines and the presence or absence of tubercles had no correspondence to allozymic differentiation and thus are to be considered as variants within taxa. Fixed heterozygosity found in the T. japonica group indicates that the group might be of hybrid origin between T. incisa and plants of the T. natans group. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.
  • A Takano, J Gisil, M Yusoff, T Tachi
    PLANT SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION 252(3-4) 167-173 2005年5月  査読有り
    Flexistyly is a unique floral mechanism involving extreme curving of the style. It was first described in Chinese ginger (Amomum, Zingiberaceae). This is a pioneer report on flexistylous gingers of Malesia, where most species of this family grow. We observed the floral behaviour and flower visitors in Alpinia nieuwenhuizii Val., a Bornean endemic. Although the floral behaviour and effective pollinators (carpenter bees, Xylocopa) were similar between the Bornean species and the previously reported flexistylous Alpinia, the pollinator behaviour between them strikingly differed with regard to the visit frequency of the pollinators showing a bimodal pattern during the day. This was a better match for the floral behaviour of the flexistylous Alpinia. Some gender differentiation observed between the two types of morphs is also discussed in the present study.
  • 高野温子, 布施静香, 高橋晃
    分類 4(1) 63-67 2004年2月29日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • A Takano, H Okada
    SYSTEMATIC BOTANY 28(3) 524-546 2003年7月  査読有り
    All published information on Globba (Zingiberaceae) in Sumatra is summarized and augmented by our own data obtained by revision of herbarium materials and observations in the field. Sixteen species and five varieties of Globba are reported from Sumatra, including one new species, which belongs to sect. Globba, G. multifolia sp. nov. The difference between G. multifolia and allied species is discussed. A key to the species of Globba in Sumatra is provided.
  • A Takano, H Okada
    PLANT SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION 230(3-4) 143-159 2002年  査読有り
    Molecular phylogenetic analyses of the genus Globba, Zingiberaceae, using the trnK gene (including the matK.,gene) of chloroplast DNA and the internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS) sequence data, were carried out in order to understand whether triploid formation was a rare event in Globba. The topologies of both the trnK gene and the ITS trees were almost identical except the position of G. patens var. costulata. Triploids were scattered into several clades. These results suggest that multiple triploid formations had taken place and that such formations may be one of the most important force for speciation of Globba. The monophyly of both sects. Ceratanthera and Globba was not positively supported.
  • A Takano, H Okada
    NORDIC JOURNAL OF BOTANY 21(2) 161-164 2001年  査読有り
    A new variety of Globba atrosanguinea, var. sumatrana is described and illustrated. The difference from var. atrosanguinea is discussed. A key to varieties of G. atrosanguinea is provided.
  • 高野温子
    Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 52(1) 65-74 2001年  査読有り
    Somatic chromosome numbers in 19 taxa of sects. Ceratanthera and Globba in Globba (Zingiberaceae) were determined to be 32 or 48. Pollen fertility of some species was also studied. Pollen fertility of plants with 2n=32 was relatively high, while fertility of taxa with 2n=48 was relatively low. Results of this and former cytological studies indicate that the basic chromosome number of sects. Ceratanthera and Globba is 16.
  • A Takano, H Okada
    NORDIC JOURNAL OF BOTANY 20(1) 61-66 2000年  査読有り
    Four new Sumatran Globba species, G. fecunda, G. talangensis, G. flavibracteata and G. acehensis are described, and illustrated. Their relationships with allied species are discussed.
  • 荻沼 一男, 高野 温子, 角野 康郎
    植物分類,地理 47(1) 47-52 1996年  
    日本産ヒシ属(ヒシ科)4taxaについて, 若い葉の細胞を利用して調べた核形態を初めて報告する。ヒメビシ(Trapa incisa)及びオニビシ(T.natans var.japonica)は共に2n=48, ヒシ(T.japonica)は2n=96, コオニビシ(T.natans var.pumila)は2n=ca.96の染色体をもつことが明らかになった。間期核はいずれも単純染色中央粒型を示し, 中期染色体長は0.3-1.2μmと小さく, また, 染色体基本数はχ=24(或いはχ=12)であることが分かった。2n=96(或いは2n=ca.96)の染色体数をもつヒシ及びコオニビシは共に, 2n=48のヒメビシ及びオニビシとの雑種起源の複二倍体或いは複四倍体である可能性が示唆された。

















