Katsuhiro Moriya
International Research Network Project "SYMMETRY, TOPOLOGY and MODULI", OCAMI-KOBE-WASEDA Joint International Workshop on Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems 2016年2月15日 Yoshihiro Ohnita(OCU, OCAMI Director), Wayne Rossman (Kobe University), Martin Guest (Waseda University & Visiting Professor of OCAMI), Masashi Yasumoto (Kobe University), Kentaro Saji (Kobe University), Shoichi Fujimori (Okayama University) 招待有り
A minimal surface in Euclidean space is a Willmore surface. A gauss map of a minimal surface and a conformal Gauss map of a Willmore surface are harmonic maps. Simple factor dressing of the Gauss map gives a new conformal harmonic map and that of the conformal Gauss map gives a new harmonic map. Then the existence of the corresponding transform of a minimal surface or a Willmore surface is expected.
A $\mu$-Darboux transform of a minimal surface is a Willmore surface. A special $\mu$-Darboux transform is a minimal surface. Then we have transforms of harmonic maps which are conformal Gauss maps or Gauss maps.
In this talk, I will explain the relationship of these transforms. We find an associated family of a minimal surface, the Goursat transform of a minimal surface and the Lopez-Ros deformation of a minimal surface in these transforms.
This is a joint work with Katrin Leschke.