Mizuki Higuchi, Kenichi Sorachi, Yutaka Hata
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E100D(8) 1634-1641 2017年8月 査読有り
Copyright © 2017 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. This paper analyzes the relationship between the changes of Body Mass Index (BMI) and those of the other health checkup data in one year. We divide all data of the subjects into 13 groups by their BMI changes. We calculate these variations in each group and classify the variations into gender, age, and BMI. As the result by gender, men were more influenced by the changes of BMI than women at Hb-A1c, AC, GPT, GTP, and TG. As the result of classification by age, they were influenced by the changes of BMI at Hb-A1c, GPT, and DTP by age. As the result of classification by BMI, inspection values such as GOT, GPT, and GTP decreased according to the decrement of BMI. Next we show the result on genderage, gender-BMI, and age-BMI clusters. Our results showed that subjects should reduce BMI values in order to improve lifestyle-related diseases. Several inspection values would be improved according to decrement of BMI. Conversely, it may be difficult for subjects with under 18 of BMI to manage them by BMI. We show a possibility that we could prevent the lifestyle disease by controlling BMI.