
藤田 孝之

フジタ タカユキ  (Takayuki Fujita)


兵庫県立大学 先端医療工学研究所 教授 (副所長)
博士(工学)(2000年3月 姫路工業大学)



  • 室井 大和, 藤田 大輔, 小橋 昌司, 藤田 孝之
    バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会年次大会講演論文集 36回 5-8 2023年12月  
  • Takahito Yokota, Kensuke Kanda, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka
    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines 143(8) 256-261 2023年8月1日  査読有り
  • 神田健介, 梶山佳敬, 平田善明, 島倉泰久, 藤田孝之, 前中 一介
    143(6) 137-142 2023年6月1日  査読有り
  • Noriyasu Kondo, Daisuke Fujita, Syoji Kobashi, Takayuki Fujita
    Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 1652-1657 2023年  
    The incidence of falls in hospital facilities is high and can lead to a decrease in patients' quality of life and an increase in medical expenses. Therefore, the development of a system that can predict getting-up from a bed is necessary. This study proposes a get-up detecting sensor using 6-axis inertial sensor. This system can detect getting-up from a bed in real-time using machine learning with Edge AI. To evaluate the basic performance of the proposed system, a protocol was applied for four subjects, and data were collected. Alert accuracy rate and false alert rate were used as evaluation metrics, and a model was built using data from three of the subjects and evaluated with the remaining subject, which was repeated for all four subjects. For high-risk bed-leaving behavior, medium-risk pre-bed-leaving behavior, and low-risk get-up behavior, the alert accuracy rate (i.e., Recall) was 89.4%, 97.5%, and 86.3%, respectively, and the false alert rate (1-Precision) was 6.3%, 10.2%, and 0.0%, respectively. This confirmed the possibility of predicting rising behavior with high accuracy. Furthermore, as a proof of concept, a real-time get-up detection system was developed, and its practicality was demonstrated. Future challenges include reevaluating feature extraction and evaluating the performance of the proposed system with a diverse range of subjects of different ages, genders, and health statuses.
  • Noriyasu Kondo, Daisuke Fujita, Syoji Kobashi, Takayuki Fujita
    SMC 1652-1657 2023年  
  • Takahito Yokota, Kensuke Kanda, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) 2023-January 709-711 2023年  査読有り
    This paper reports on the improvement of the output power of piezoelectric energy harvesters (PEHs). A tapered thickness structure of a cantilever beam for uniform stress, tungsten proof mass, thick piezoelectric film, and series connection of the piezoelectric films are utilized for PEHs to increase the output power. The three-dimensional (3D) etching process of Si enables the formation of tapered thickness beam structure, which increases not only the output power, but the beam strength. The 3D shape allows to increase the weight of the proof mass, contributing to increase the output voltage and power. Furthermore, output voltage is enhanced by using series-connection of PZT cells to improve the circuit efficiency. The open-circuit output voltage and optimum power with resistance load of the fabricated harvesting device revealed 14.4 V0-P and 92 μW at an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2. The output power was improved by 8.9 times higher than that of the conventional model.
  • 室井 大和, 藤田 大輔, 高濱 和美, 小橋 昌司, 藤田 孝之
    バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会年次大会講演論文集 35回 np41-np44 2022年12月  
  • Yamato Muroi, Daisuke Fujita, Kazumi Takahama, Syoji Kobashi, Takayuki Fujita
    2022 Joint 12th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 23rd International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS) 2022年11月29日  
  • 武田 光平, 七里 愛, 神田 健介, 藤田 孝之, 前中 一介
    電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌) 142(4) 56-62 2022年4月1日  査読有り
  • Takahito Yokota, Kensuke Kanda, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka
    2022 21st International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications, PowerMEMS 2022 267-270 2022年  
    This paper reports thickness controls for cantilever beams of the piezoelectric energy harvester (PEH). The uniform stress structure for increasing output power and fillet structures for stress concentration relief of cantilever beams were fabricated by thickness controls using the micro-loading effect, resulting in a 46% increase in power generation and a nearly two-fold increase in fracture strength compared to typical cantilever beams.
  • Takayuki Fujita, Kohei Fujibe, Hiroki Uchida, Koki Yamamoto, Adrien Badel, Fabien Formosa, Kensuke Kanda, Kazusuke Maenaka
    Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 321 112399-112399 2021年4月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Koki Yamamoto, Takayuki Fujita, Adrien Badel, Fabien Formosa, Kensuke Kanda, Kazusuke Maenaka
    Sensors and Materials 32(7) 2493-2493 2020年7月31日  査読有り
  • S. Hirai, K. Kanda, T. Fujita, K. Maenaka
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1407(1) 2019年12月4日  査読有り
    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Multilayered piezoelectric MEMS energy harvesters based on sputtering depositions are designed and fabricated. To obtain high endurance and output power, the unimorph cantilever structure with totally 10 μm-thick multilayered PZT thin films and 80 μm-thick Si elastic layer is designed. In addition, the cantilever is designed to undergo a uniform stress on the PZT. The output power and voltage was 90 μW and 1.0 Vrms under the input acceleration of approximately 1.2 G (=11.76 m/s2) and optimum load resistance.
  • K. Kanda, S. Toyama, K. Takahara, T. Fujita, K. Maenaka
    IEEJ Trans. SM. 139(11) in press 2019年11月  査読有り
  • Mai Kondo, Takayuki Fujita, Kensuke Kanda, Kazusuke Maenaka
    Proceedings - International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2019-July 2019年7月  査読有り
    © 2019 IEEE. In this study, we aimed to develop a smart-cloth for workout. A flexible elastic electrode by using silicone rubber with special carbon black material, KETJENBLACK, was fabricated and tested. The flexible conductive electrode having an expansion ability of 100% or more was successfully fabricated. The compound of special carbon black, KETJENBLACK, can offer flexible electrodes and be suitable for wearable devices.
  • Koji Murai, Kohei Higuchi, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka, Tsunemasa Saiki, Yukako Takizawa
    2019 14th Annual Conference System of Systems Engineering, SoSE 2019 108-112 2019年5月  査読有り
    © 2019 IEEE. The ship navigation in a bay and harbor is one of the difficult situation for the congested sea area, and a coastal radio operator (port coordinator) usual supports a safe navigation by giving useful navigational information. The navigators make decision to avoid collision, and recognize the navigational situations from their information. In the other word, they manage the safe harbor traffic to control by giving the useful information. We think that their mental and physical workload shows the current and near future harbor traffic condition, and to monitor their workloads leads safe harbor control. In this study, we aim the development of monitoring system for port coordinators as the system of systems toward safe harbor traffic, and we measure ECG, body accelerations, and etc. The measured data read the mental and physical workload for the real situations of the harbor traffic. The results show the heart rate variability (R-R interval) and body accelerations read their mental and physical workload, and that displayed performance is well in the real time.
  • Hiroyuki Hongoh, Motoki Tsukiyama, Kensuke Kanda, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka
    2018 Joint 7th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision and 2nd International Conference on Imaging, Vision and Pattern Recognition, ICIEV-IVPR 2018 169-173 2019年2月12日  査読有り
    © 2018 IEEE. This paper describes the resonant type magnetic sensor completely compatible to the micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) batch fabrication process of SiGe. The resonant vibration of the sensor is excited by the Lorentz force that is proportional to the driving current and applied magnetic field. Since the sensitivity of the sensor reaches the order of geomagnetic field, the magnetic sensor can be incorporated into inertial measurement unit (IMU), which is fabricated with accelerometer and gyroscope. In addition, low deposition temperature of SiGe is advantageous to realize the monolithic integration of IMU combo sensors onto CMOS circuit. For inspection, the test device was fabricated with Si-SOI.
  • Yusuke Kitada, Jun Fujiwara, Nobumasa Hattori, Kensuke Kanda, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka
    Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2018 1305-1308 2019年1月16日  査読有り
    © 2018 IEEE. We have been developing a wearable device to observe the state of the human body and its circumstance. In previous studies, an ASIC (application specific integrated circuit) that provides heart rate from ECG (electrocardiogram) signal without the aid of a MPU(micro processing unit) processing was successfully developed. As a result, we drastically reduced the power consumption of the system to 2% compared with our previous system. In this study, a test model that integrates the ASIC and all other circuits including a low power MPU is constructed by using a FPGA to verify the operation of the complete system. The system operation of the test model mounted on the actual human body is confirmed on the PC based user interface software.
  • Mai Kondo, Takayuki Fujita, Kensuke Kanda, Kazusuke Maenaka
    In this study, we aimed to develop a smart-cloth for workout. A flexible elastic electrode by using silicone rubber with special carbon black material, KETJENBLACK, was fabricated and tested. The flexible conductive electrode having an expansion ability of 100% or more was successfully fabricated. The compound of special carbon black, KETJENBLACK, can offer flexible electrodes and be suitable for wearable devices.
  • Koji Murai, Kohei Higuchi, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka, Tsunemasa Saiki, Yukako Takizawa
    The ship navigation in a bay and harbor is one of the difficult situation for the congested sea area, and a coastal radio operator (port coordinator) usual supports a safe navigation by giving useful navigational information. The navigators make decision to avoid collision, and recognize the navigational situations from their information. In the other word, they manage the safe harbor traffic to control by giving the useful information. We think that their mental and physical workload shows the current and near future harbor traffic condition, and to monitor their workloads leads safe harbor control. In this study, we aim the development of monitoring system for port coordinators as the system of systems toward safe harbor traffic, and we measure ECG, body accelerations, and etc. The measured data read the mental and physical workload for the real situations of the harbor traffic. The results show the heart rate variability (R-R interval) and body accelerations read their mental and physical workload, and that displayed performance is well in the real time.
  • S. Hiari, Kanda, T. Fujita, K. Maenaka
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 58 SLLD07 2019年  査読有り
  • Koji Murai, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka, Kohei Higuchi, Midori Murai
    Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, CSCI 2017 1767-1770 2018年12月4日  査読有り
    © 2017 IEEE. The evaluation of simulator-based exercise in maritime society depends on specialists who have enough on-board experience like a master and/or a professor of maritime university. That is just subjective evaluation, and the reviewed data is performance of the operated vessel such as own ship course, speed, rudder angle, and their behavior on order, action, and so on. We propose that their inside response (mental workload) is also important data to evaluate their simulator-based exercise using physiological index; moreover, we have found the heart rate variability, facial (nasal) temperature, and saliva are efficient to read their mental workload. However, the evaluation was not real time yet, it is just off-line analysis. The real time data is available that the instructor gives trainee the useful advisements on the spot during the exercise. In this paper, we propose a monitoring system as an evaluation support system for simulator-based exercise using heart rate variability, and we confirm its possibility.
  • 藤田亮介, 江籠徳行, 神田健介, 藤田孝之, 前中一介
    電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌) 138(12) 539-544 2018年12月1日  査読有り
  • Kensuke Kanda, Shota Hirai, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka
    Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical 281 229-235 2018年10月1日  
    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. This study aims to report the design of high-performance piezoelectric MEMS energy harvesters using a full batch MEMS-fabrication process with a Si proof mass and multilayered Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) thin films without bonding of a proof mass and/or bulk piezoelectric ceramics. These devices contain sputtered multilayered PZT thin films with internal metal electrodes as a thick energy-conversion layer. The thickening of the piezoelectric layer by multilayer sputter deposition technique enabled the batch fabrication of high-performance piezoelectric MEMS harvesters. These fabricated device with the footprint of 10 × 10 mm2 was found to provide a high output power of 53.7 μW per gravitational acceleration. These results are expected to be useful for the future development of alternatives to batteries for autonomous sensor systems.
  • R. Nakanishi, K. Kanda, T. Fujita, I. Kanno, K. Maenaka
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1052(1) 2018年7月26日  
    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Piezoelectric MEMS energy harvesters based on multilayer (ML) Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) thin films with interdigitated electrodes (IDE) as their internal and top electrodes are proposed and designed. Thick PZT thin films with good piezoelectric characteristics can be deposited by using multilayer deposition technique. Furthermore, IDE is adopted to the harvester design in order to take advantage of the longitudinal piezoelectric effect, which typically has twice piezoelectric constant as large as transverse effect. The energy harvesters with two electrode configurations, parallel plate electrodes (PPE) and IDE, are designed and estimate these output power. According to the result of finite element analysis, the output power per gravitational acceleration is about 124 μW for the PPE configuration. On the other hand, the output power per gravitational acceleration for the IDE configuration is about three times as large as that for PPE. Moreover, the influence of IDE patterns and the number of PZT layers were investigated. The larger number of layers results in the larger output power.
  • Koki Yamamoto, Adrien Badel, Fabien Formosa, Ludovic Charleux, Takayuki Fujita, Kensuke Kanda, Kazusuke Maenaka
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1052(1) 2018年7月26日  
    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. In this study, we report the design and fabrication results of an optimized curved beam structure for low frequency, under one-hundred Hz, and non-linear operation of MEMS (Micro-Electromechanical Systems) vibration energy harvester. The optimization procedure for shape and dimension of the curved beam were established combining a FEM and a numerical analysis. Simulated curved beam with bi-stable motion was evaluated for wide bandwidth operation of a vibration energy harvester and preliminary fabrication process was confirmed.
  • Shoma Nakamoto, Ryo Sano, Kensuke Kanda, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka
    Electronics and Communications in Japan 101(4) 63-68 2018年4月  
    © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. In this study, we have fabricated membranes which are composed of two- and four-layer Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films with internal electrodes by using sputtering depositions. Electrical and driving characteristics as ultrasonic transducers of these membranes are evaluated. By increasing number of layers, the static displacement is reduced. However, for the multilayered membrane, the dynamic displacement became large because of the large mechanical Q factor in resonant vibration. The emitted sound pressure level and characteristics of the ultrasonic transducer are estimated.
  • Hiroyuki Hongoh, Motoki Tsukiyama, Kensuke Kanda, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka
    This paper describes the resonant type magnetic sensor completely compatible to the micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) batch fabrication process of SiGe. The resonant vibration of the sensor is excited by the Lorentz force that is proportional to the driving current and applied magnetic field. Since the sensitivity of the sensor reaches the order of geomagnetic field, the magnetic sensor can be incorporated into inertial measurement unit (IMU), which is fabricated with accelerometer and gyroscope. In addition, low deposition temperature of SiGe is advantageous to realize the monolithic integration of IMU combo sensors onto CMOS circuit. For inspection, the test device was fabricated with Si-SOL
  • Yusuke Kitada, Jun Fujiwara, Nobumasa Hattori, Kensuke Kanda, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka
    We have been developing a wearable device to observe the state of the human body and its circumstance. In previous studies, an ASIC (application specific integrated circuit) that provides heart rate from ECG (electrocardiogram) signal without the aid of a MPU(micro processing unit) processing was successfully developed. As a result, we drastically reduced the power consumption of the system to 2% compared with our previous system. In this study, a test model that integrates the ASIC and all other circuits including a low power MPU is constructed by using a FPGA to verify the operation of the complete system. The system operation of the test model mounted on the actual human body is confirmed on the PC based user interface software.
  • Koji Murai, Kohei Higuchi, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka, Tsunemasa Saiki, Yukako Takizawa
    In the maritime society, the training of a ship handling is carried out by a ship bridge simulator. The education using the simulator is popular worldwide because we are able to educate the same scenario, and repeat it for a lot of students until they can understand well. Moreover, we can make a scenario for the dangerous conditions and situations that we have never tried on the real vessel. The evaluation of simulator training is subjectively; it is professional subjective evaluation that comes from their experiences. In this paper, we propose a real time evaluation support system using a physiological index as the one of system of simulator systems. The system evaluates mental workload on the real time, and the system supports instructors to monitor student's mental workload during their training. The instructors understand not only their performance but also their mental workload to evaluate the training.
  • K. Kanda, K. Takahara, S. Toyama, T. Fujita, K. Maenaka
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57 11UF14 2018年  査読有り
  • Takayuki Fujita, Takefumi Kanda
    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines 138(5) 170-170 2018年  
  • Jun Fujiwara, Nobumasa Hattori, Kensuke Kanda, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka
    2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2017 2017-January 3058-3061 2017年11月27日  査読有り
    © 2017 IEEE. We have been developing a monitoring system to measure human information from human body. In the previous study, we developed a digital integrated circuit that enables acquisition of heart rate from ECG (Electrocardiogram) instead of MPU (Micro Processing Unit). This circuit reduced the power consumption of the MPU from 97 W to 19.7 W. In this research, we redesigned an MPU specialized for the human monitoring system to aim at further lowering power consumption and verified it with a test model. The designed MPU has fewer logic elements than the commercially available MPU and consumes 383 nW power consumption when using standard cell with low power consumption. This can be 98.0% lower than the conventional MPU.
  • Kensuke Kanda, Shingo Moriue, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka
    Smart Materials and Structures 26(4) 2017年3月9日  
    © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd. For the realization of piezoelectric microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) with multiple degrees-of-freedom, lead zirconate titanate thin films were deposited and micropatterned on the sidewalls of a pre-etched substrate with a feature depth of several hundred micrometers. The piezoelectric test structures, consisting of concave geometries and cantilevers with vertical and sloped sidewalls were successfully fabricated onto a 4 inch full sized wafer. Characterization of the fundamental properties of the lead zirconate titanate thin films indicated values comparable to those deposited on flat substrates. Actuation tests demonstrated that the triangular column cantilevers can be driven both in-plane and out-of-plane. The deposition of lead zironate titanate thin films onto a vertical sidewall created bimorph cantilevers composed of piezo/non-piezo/piezo structures in the horizontal direction. The use of microfabrication techniques to deposit lead zironate titanate thin films on pre-etched substrates gives MEMS actuators with multiple degrees-of-freedom and batch process compatibility.
  • 古賀 章浩, 藤田 孝之
    電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌) 137(6) 151-151 2017年  
  • Koji Murai, Kohei Higuchi, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka, Midori Murai
    The evaluation of simulator-based exercise in maritime society depends on specialists who have enough on-board experience like a master and/or a professor of maritime university. That is just subjective evaluation, and the reviewed data is performance of the operated vessel such as own ship course, speed, rudder angle, and their behavior on order, action, and so on. We propose that their inside response (mental workload) is also important data to evaluate their simulator-based exercise using physiological index; moreover, we have found the heart rate variability, facial (nasal) temperature, and saliva are efficient to read their mental workload. However, the evaluation was not real time yet, it is just off-line analysis. The real time data is available that the instructor gives trainee the useful advisements on the spot during the exercise. In this paper, we propose a monitoring system as an evaluation support system for simulator-based exercise using heart rate variability, and we confirm its possibility.
  • Kensuke Kanda, Takashi Okubo, Masami Shima, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka
    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines 137(9) 284-289 2017年  
    © 2017 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Novel miniaturized tactile devices, which provide a person with vibration stimulation, are proposed. The strategy is to hit the skin with a resonantly oscillating proof mass. The tactile devices consist of a Si proof mass and a beam formed by laminated thin-film PZT and polymer. The fabricated devices generated large displacement with high durability. Tactile experiments suggest that all examinees experienced vibration at displacement of 1.3 mm for a 4 mm × 4 mm device. For wearable monitoring systems of human activities, the energy consumption was estimated at 12 μW and the major energy loss was attributed to dielectric loss.
  • 吉井 真一, 山口 晃平, 藤田 孝之, 神田 健介, 前中 一介
    電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌) 137(8) 229-233 2017年  
  • 中本 翔満, 佐野 良, 神田 健介, 藤田 孝之, 前中 一介
    電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌) 137(10) 336-340 2017年  
  • 村井 康二, 北村 健一, 藤田 孝之, 前中 一介, 樋口 行平
    Proceedings of World Automation Congress 2016, International Forum on Multimedia and Image Processing 2016年8月  査読有り
  • Yuki Matsumoto, Tomoya Tanaka, Koji Sonoda, Kensuke Kanda, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka
    We designed and evaluated ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits) for a human activity monitoring system in order to reduce total power consumption. The ASIC extracts the HR from the measured electrocardiogram (ECG) raw signal. To create an ASIC with ultra-low power consumption, we used a novel algorithm based on fuzzy logic that is very simple and requires minimal processing power. The fabricated ASIC shows sufficient functionality and a power level as low as 2 mu W. A total of 85% of the power consumption in microprocessing unit (MPU) processing was cut by using the heart rate extraction ASIC.
  • 藤田孝之
    日本AEM学会誌 24(1) 9‐13-13 2016年3月10日  
  • N. Miwatani, T. Fujita, Y. Kitagawa, K. Kanda, K. Maenaka
    This paper reports an improvement of structure design of bipolar charged electret energy harvester to prevent an electrical discharge during a corona charging process on electret. We confirmed that differential output power of 33 mu W is obtained with 8.8 g at 350 Hz sinusoidal vibration from the developed device. By using a commercially available power management IC, regulated voltage of 1.8 V is properly obtained and can drive a load resistance more than 500 k Omega.
  • S. Yoshii, K. Yamaguchi, T. Fujita, K. Kanda, K. Maenaka
    This paper proposes collision-free structure using NdFeB thin-film magnet for vibration energy harvesters. By using stripe shaped NdFeB magnet array on the Si MEMS structure, we finally obtained 3 mN of magnetic repulsive force on 8 x 8 mm(2) specimen with 40 mu m air-gap.
  • Kohei Yamaguchi, Takayuki Fujita, Kensuke Kanda, Kazusuke Maenaka
    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines 136(3) 72-76 2016年  
    © 2016 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. This paper demonstrates an improvement in the generated power of a NdFeB electromagnetic vibration energy harvester by optimizing the device dimensions considering a mass-damper-spring system and the Lorentz force. The electromagnetic harvester follows a velocity-damped-resonant-generator (VDRG) model. When the electrical and mechanical attenuation coefficients are equivalent and the device is operated at a resonant state, the maximum power will be obtained. In this paper, we simulated and optimized the power generation considering a mass-damper-spring structure and the Lorentz force. From our simulation results, we determined an optimal design for 100 Hz and 3 μmp-p of sinusoidal external vibration to generate 0.42 μW of power from the device with a 10 × 10 × 0.5 mm3 active harvesting area and 50 of Q-factor. This exhibits power that is 43 times larger than the previous design.
  • 園田 晃司, 南 啓大, 三輪谷 直輝, 神田 健介, 藤田 孝之, 前中 一介
    電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌) 136(8) 323-329 2016年  
  • Shinya Toda, Takayuki Fujita, Kensuke Kanda, Kazusuke Maenaka
    2015 4th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision, ICIEV 2015 2015年11月20日  
    This paper describes flexible and stretchable wiring for human monitoring systems by using magnetic powder conductor buried in the hollow tube of the silicone rubber substrate. The conductor powder was coated with Au sputtering and Cu plating for improving conductivity. From preliminary results of fabrication and measurements, the wiring shows resistance of few kω for over 40% stretch ratio.
  • Ryo Sano, Jun-ichi Inoue, Kensuke Kanda, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka
    Multimorph structures composed of multiple thin-film piezoelectric layers and electrode layers were realized by sputtering deposition. Cantilevers with four layers of Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 (PZT) thin film are fabricated and evaluated. The electrical and piezoelectric characteristics of each PZT layer are very similar and are comparable to those of conventional single-layer PZT thin film. The piezoelectric constant d(31) is estimated to be -38.3pm/V from the relationship between tip displacement and applied voltage under the condition of driving four all piezoelectric layers. The generative force is also estimated from the tip displacement. It is confirmed that multimorph cantilevers have larger generative force than those of conventional unimorph and bimorph cantilevers for identical driving voltage. (C) 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
  • Takayuki Fujita, Yuji Suzuki, Kazusuke Maenaka
  • 村井 康二, Kenichi Kitamura, Takayuki Fujita, Kazusuke Maenaka
    Proceedings of the International Association of Institute of Navigation (IAIN) World Congress 2015 1-5 2015年10月  査読有り











