
内田 勇人

ウチダ ハヤト  (Hayato Uchida)


兵庫県立大学 理事兼副学長
(兼任)環境人間学部 教授
博士(医学)(1996年6月 岡山大学)
体育学修士(1989年3月 日本体育大学)




  • 水落洋志, 内田勇人
    保育文化研究 18,19 51-61 2024年12月  査読有り
  • 水落 洋志, 内田 勇人
    日本幼少児健康教育学会誌 10 53-61 2024年12月  査読有り
  • 森 裕樹, 清野 諭, 山下 真里, 横山 友里, 植田 拓也, 小林 江里香, 内田 勇人, 藤原 佳典
    応用老年学 18(1) 23-35 2024年8月  査読有り
  • Takao Sato, Tomoka Nishino, Natsuki Kawaguchi, Hisashi Mori, Hayato Uchida, Kiichiro Murotani, Yuichi Kimura, Isao Mizukura, Syoji Kobashi, Orlando Arrieta
    Scientific reports 14(1) 17270-17270 2024年7月27日  査読有り
    Maximizing healthy life expectancy is essential for enhancing well-being. Optimal exercise intensity is crucial in promoting health and ensuring safe rehabilitation. Since heart rate is related to exercise intensity, the required exercise intensity is achieved by controlling the heart rate. This study aims to control heart rate during exercise by dynamically adjusting the load on a bicycle ergometer using a proportional-integral (PI) control. The choice of PI parameters is very important because the PI parameters significantly affect the performance of heart rate control. Since the dynamic characteristics of heart rate relative to work rate vary widely from subject to subject, the PI parameters for each subject must be determined individually. In this study, PI parameters are optimized directly from exercise data using a data-driven design approach. Thus, the proposed method does not require excessive exercise of the subject to model heart rate dynamics. Using the proposed method, the heart rate can be controlled to follow a designed reference model so that the heart rate is safely increased to the desired value. The quantitative evaluation of the control results of fifteen healthy volunteers confirmed that the proposed method improved the control error of the target heart rate trajectory by approximately 40%, regardless of gender or age. In addition, it was shown that control parameters from the exercise experiment also indicate that females are more likely than males to have an elevated heart rate at the same load.
  • 廣田 音奏, 内田 勇人, 河鰭 一彦
    大阪体育学研究 62(1) 11-18 2024年3月  査読有り
  • 瀬川 大, 菅沼 一平, 渡辺 裕生, 内田 勇人
    日本世代間交流学会誌 J-Stage 早期公開 2024年2月  
  • 村上 純子, 内田 勇人, 北山 真次
    小児の精神と神経 63(4) 339-344 2024年1月  査読有り
  • 瀬川 大, 渡辺 裕生, 内田 勇人
    運動とスポーツの科学 29(1) 49-56 2023年10月  査読有り
  • 水落 洋志, 内田 勇人
    保育文化研究 16,17 67-78 2023年9月  査読有り
  • 瀬川 大, 菅沼一平, 渡辺裕生, 内田勇人
    作業行動研究 27(2) 81-88 2023年9月  査読有り
  • Takeshi Ninchoji, Yuya Aoto, Natsuki Momo, Jun Maruyama, Hiroaki Ioi, Hayato Uchida
    Frontiers in pediatrics 11 1228681-1228681 2023年8月  査読有り
    This study investigated the status of children with obesity before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, and the effects of lifestyle guidance on weight loss among children in Japan. We analysed the data of patients who visited our hospital after check-ups for obesity and evaluated the efficacy of lifestyle guidance. The patients were divided into groups A, B, and C (year 2011, 2019, and 2021, respectively). There were no differences in body weight, obesity index (OI), blood pressure, or alanine transaminase (ALT) levels between the groups; however, aspartate transaminase (AST) level was the highest in Group C. In Group C, only OI increased between the primary and secondary screenings; however, OI and body mass index (BMI) improved during the second screening and more children in the weight loss group followed lifestyle guidance. OI/BMI did not change over the past decade; however, short-term weight gain was significant owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, and simple guidance was effective in reducing weight. Future challenges include identifying methods to achieve long-term weight loss.
  • 松本大佑, 松浦伸郎, 濵口郁枝, 濵口雅行, 内田勇人
    大阪体育学研究 61 9-18 2023年3月  査読有り
  • 西井 穗, 内田勇人
    日本世代間交流学会誌 12(2) 23-32 2023年3月  査読有り
  • 小野 くに子, 坂本 薫, 郡 俊之, 内田 勇人
    日本食育学会誌 17(1) 21-30 2023年1月25日  査読有り
  • 村上 純子, 内田 勇人, 井上 靖子, 芦田 宏
    日本音楽療法学会誌 22(1) 59-68 2022年9月  査読有り
  • 中出 麻紀子, 坂本 薫, 内田 勇人
    学校保健研究 64(2) 127-134 2022年7月20日  査読有り
  • 松本 大佑, 濵口 郁枝, 濵口 雅行, 内田 勇人
    日本世代間交流学会誌 11(1) 31-39 2021年9月  査読有り
  • 井上, 葉子, 西村, 和子, 内田, 勇人
    医療福祉情報行動科学研究 8 115-122 2021年3月26日  
  • 井上 葉子, 松村 あゆみ, 内田 勇人
    日本保健医療行動科学会雑誌 35(2) 23-29 2021年3月  査読有り
  • 小野 くに子, 坂本 薫, 内田 勇人
    日本食育学会誌 14(4) 227-236 2020年10月  査読有り
  • 松本 大佑, 濵口 郁枝, 濵口 雅行, 内田 勇人
    日本世代間交流学会誌 9(2) 13-19 2020年4月  査読有り
  • 矢野 真理, 作田 はるみ, 坂本 薫, 内田 勇人
    日本食生活学会誌 30(3) 123-131 2020年1月  査読有り
    <p> This study was to clarify how the program in which elderly people donated food at local events to high school students was affected by mental and physical health, images of the elderly, frequency of meeting the elderly and their interest in the local event foods of the high school students.</p><p> The participants were 80 high school students who attended a senior high school in Hyogo Prefecture. They were divided into the experimental group of 24 people who took part in the cooking program and the control group of 56 people who did not take part in the cooking program. The experimental group of high school students took part in the cooking program twice and they worked with the elderly in each program. Questionnaire surveys were conducted with the experimental group and the control group before and after the cooking programs.</p><p> The questionnaire included the following items: unidentified complaints, self-rated health, images of the elderly (Semantic Differential Scale: SD), considered age of the elderly, frequency of meeting the elderly people and their interest in local event foods.</p><p> Variations in each item of the questionnaire surveys before and after the cooking programs were compared between the experimental group and the control group using a two-way repeated measures analysis of variance.</p><p> The results showed that the scores of the images of the elderly such as "warm-hearted", "right", "easy to talk to", "fast", "big", "kind", "gentle" and "reliable" significantly increased in the experimental group.</p><p> After the cooking programs in which the elderly people donated food at local events to the high school students, the high school students' mental and physical health was not significantly improved, but the program improved their images of the elderly people. It is suggested that the intergenerational cooking program in which local event foods are donated to the younger generation improves the high school students' images of elderly people even if it takes place over a short period of time.</p>
  • 小野 くに子, 坂本 薫, 内田 勇人
    日本食育学会誌 13(4) 283-296 2019年10月  査読有り
    <p>A questionnaire survey on food (rice, milk, grilled chicken, miso soup, and stewed radish) waste during lunchtime, lifestyle habits, food education at home, and early childhood experience with school lunches/daycare meals was conducted on 418 third- and sixth-grade students (218 boys and 200 girls) of an elementary school and 567 students (281 boys and 286 girls) of a junior high school in Osaka City in December, 2017. The association of food waste during lunchtime with lifestyle habits, food education at home, and early childhood experience with school lunches/daycare meals was then examined.</p><p>Differences in food waste across all lunch menus were observed between elementary and junior high school students. Exercise habits showed a significant positive correlation with food waste for all lunch menus. There was a significant correlation of bedtimes with not finishing milk, grilled chicken, and stewed radish. Food education at home was high in those who finished their milk, and early childhood experience with daily school lunches/daycare meals was high in those who finished their rice. These results suggest that factors affecting waste differ depending on the ingredients used for school lunches, in addition to the factors affecting overall food waste at lunch.</p>
  • 矢野 真理, 作田 はるみ, 坂本 薫, 内田 勇人
    日本食生活学会誌 30(1) 21-28 2019年6月  査読有り
    <p> This study was made to clarify how the program, in which elderly women donated the local event foods to high school students, affected the psychosocial functions of elderly women.</p><p> The participants were 58 elderly women who lived in Hyogo Prefecture. They were divided into the experimental group of 19 people who took part in the cooking program and the control group of 39 people who did not take part in the cooking program. The experimental group of the elderly women took part in the cooking program twice and they worked with the high school students in each program. Questionnaire surveys were conducted with the experimental group and the control group before and after the cooking programs.</p><p> The questionnaire included the following items: Instrumental ADL; IADL, self-assessment for their health, short version of Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Type A behavior, participation in social activities, the frequency of meeting their friends, grandchildren or great-grandchildren, awareness of coexistence with local communities, frequency of going out, short version of Generativity scale, and their interest in local event foods and their spread.</p><p> Variations in each item of the questionnaire surveys before and after the cooking programs were compared between the experimental group and the control group using a two-way repeated measures analysis of variance.</p><p> The results showed that the score of the experimental group of their desire to take care of elderly persons who live alone on the item of awareness of coexistence with, local communities and the score of their desire to serve as a role model for a young person on the short version of the generativity scale significantly increased.</p><p> After the elderly women participated in the cooking programs, their awareness of coexistence with the local communities and consciousness of generativity increased. It suggests that the cooking programs to donate the local event foods is expected to raise the consciousness of the elderly women on generativity and awareness of the coexistence with local communities even if the program is over a short period of time.</p>
  • 坪内 伸司, 山本 章雄, 内田 勇人, 清水 教永
    大阪体育学研究 = Osaka research journal of physical education (57) 43-53 2019年3月  査読有り
  • Ryota Sakurai, Kenji Ishii, Naoko Sakuma, Masashi Yasunaga, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Yoh Murayama, Mariko Nishi, Hayato Uchida, Shoji Shinkai, Yoshinori Fujiwara
    International journal of geriatric psychiatry 33(2) e264-e272-E272 2018年2月  査読有り
    OBJECTIVES: A growing body of literature indicates that social engagements, such as intergenerational programs, are effective strategies to improve a range of cognitive abilities. The present study examined whether the intergenerational program-REPRINTS-prevents age-related hippocampal atrophy. METHODS: After comprehensive baseline assessment, participants were allowed to decide whether to participate in the REPRINTS intervention or in the control group, which required only completion of assessments. REPRINTS participants engaged in group activities that involved reading picture books to children at kindergarten and elementary schools, once every 1 to 2 weeks. A follow-up assessment was conducted after 6 years. Two MRI scans were performed, one immediately after baseline assessment and the other after 6 years. Volumes of the hippocampus, thalamus, and caudate nucleus were derived from automated segmentation. The analysis included 17 REPRINTS and 42 control-group participants. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in any variable of participants' characteristics at baseline between the REPRINTS and control groups. Hippocampal volume significantly declined in the control group but was maintained in the REPRINTS group. No significant differences between groups in thalamus or caudate nucleus volume were observed. Although cognitive function was unaffected by the program, greater decreases in hippocampal volume were significantly correlated with greater decreases in cognitive performance scores. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the REPRINTS intergenerational program has protective effects on age-related hippocampal atrophy in older adults. These changes precede improvements in cognitive performance, suggesting the validity of the concept of brain plasticity in later life following social engagement.
  • 矢野 真理, 作田 はるみ, 内田 勇人, 坂本 薫
    日本食生活学会誌 29(1) 53-63 2018年  査読有り
    <p> This study was to clarify awareness and interest in the local event foods between young people and older people in order to get basic ideas for creating programs in which the elderly can pass down the local event foods to the younger generations.</p><p> The participants were 399 elderly people living in Hyogo Prefecture and 270 first-year high school students in the same city.</p><p> Both of them were asked about their awareness of 51 local event foods, experiences of eating them, and their interest in the local event foods. Answers to the questions were compared between the elderly people and the high school students. The elderly people were divided into three groups in order to clarify the effect of their age. Group Ⅰ consisted of people aged 60 to 64. Group Ⅱ consisted of people aged 65 to 69. Group Ⅲ consisted of people aged over 70.</p><p> The high school students had significantly lower awareness and fewer experiences of many local event foods than the elderly people. The people aged 70 or over had significantly higher awareness of event foods such as Urabon, Tanabata and Otsukimi and more experiences of event foods such as higandango, somen, botamochi and konoshirosushi than the people who were in their sixties. While the elderly people named New Year's foods as local event foods which they wanted to pass down to the younger generations, the high school students did not name them. The results of a cluster analysis identified foods such as kinton, nanakusagayu and ohagi were the ones both the elderly people and the high school students were interested in as the local event foods which they wanted to pass down to younger generations.</p><p> This study found that the local event foods had not been passed down to the high school students while the elderly people knew a lot of about them. On the other hand, more than half of the high school students were interested in learning about local event foods. It suggests that we can create effective programs in which the elderly people can pass down the local event foods to younger generations based on the local events foods both the elderly people and the high school students were interested in. </p>
  • 寺西 雅之, 内田勇人
    日本国際教養学会論集 3 15-26 2017年3月  査読有り
  • Shinji TSUBOUCHI, Shinichi DEMURA, Yu UCHIDA, Yoshimasa MATSUURA, Hayato UCHIDA
    4(4) 98-102 2016年8月  査読有り
  • Ryota Sakurai, Masashi Yasunaga, Yoh Murayama, Hiromi Ohba, Kumiko Nonaka, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Naoko Sakuma, Mariko Nishi, Hayato Uchida, Shoji Shinkai, George W. Rebok, Yoshinori Fujiwara
    Background: Social engagement activities can help older adults maintain mental and physical functioning levels. This study examined the long-term effects of the intergenerational picture-book reading program "REPRINTS" (Research of Productivity by Intergenerational Sympathy) on older adults.Methods: After baseline assessment, participants were allowed to decide which condition they wanted to participate in: the REPRINTS intervention or control group involving only assessments. REPRINTS participants participated in group activities that involved playing a hand game and reading picture books to children at kindergartens, elementary schools, and public childcare centers, once every one-two weeks. A follow-up assessment, which focused on functional capacity (i.e., instrumental activities of daily living, intellectual activity, and social function), was conducted after seven years. The analysis included responses from 62 REPRINTS (mean age [SD] = 66.2 [5.7]) and 100 control-group participants (mean age [SD] = 68.0 [4.7]).Results: A logistic regression analysis examining intervention effects revealed that control-group participants were more likely to reduce intellectual activity and interactions with children compared to REPRINTS participants (p = .013 and .003, respectively). Furthermore, the REPRINTS group maintained greater functional reach compared to the control group (p < .001). However, the REPRINTS group was likely to stay indoors more often, compared to the control group (p = .045).Conclusion: The present study indicates that the REPRINTS intergenerational program has long-term, positive effects that help maintain and promote intellectual activity, physical functioning, and intergenerational exchange, although the effect of the increasing amount of physical activity is unclear. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 内田 勇人, 藤賀 彩花, 江口 善章
    日本世代間交流学会誌 5(1) 29-36 2015年9月  査読有り
  • 南 潮, 鈴木 宏幸, 倉岡 正高, 小林 江里香, 深谷 太郎, 内田 勇人, 藤原 佳典
    日本公衆衛生雑誌 62(6) 281-93 2015年  
    目的 急速な少子高齢化の進展に伴い高齢者就労の更なる促進が期待されている。55歳以上人口において就業を希望しながら職に就けていない人は7.7%に上る。本研究は社会参加の観点からの保健福祉施策として、既存の高齢者向け就労支援制度および施設の活動が、今後拡充し補完すべき方向性や機能を明らかにする。方法 東京都大田区で新たに開始された高齢者専用の就労支援施設「いきいきしごとステーション」運営事業について、利用者を対象とした縦断調査を行い、求職者の特徴とその利用実態について検証した。初来所の求職者に窓口で調査票を配布し、郵送で回答の返送を求めた。その後同一対象者に対して2週、4週、8週、12週後にも郵送で調査票を送付し、生活状況、健康状態等について明らかにするとともに、求職の状況について追跡を行った。調査期間は2013年1月末から2014年3月末の1年2ヵ月である。結果 初回調査では配布数180人に対して128人(平均年齢63.8歳)から回答が得られ、以後の追跡調査も概ね90%以上の回収率が得られた。内訳は男性82人、女性46人。全体の71.4%が高等学校卒業以下であり、世帯年収で300万円未満が68.0%、100万円未満も16.0%存在した。暮らし向きについて苦しい又は非常に苦しいと答えた割合は全体で56.3%。精神的健康状態では年齢が若いほど状態が悪い傾向がみられた。独居率も31.3%と高く、他の社会参加活動についても51.6%が行っていなかった。求職理由は全体の78.9%が生活のための収入を挙げており、経済的な理由が第一であった。生きがいを求める割合は女性および65歳以上で有意に多かった。希望する職種では、自分の能力や経験が活かせることが最も重視されており、男性では製造、保安職(警備員・誘導員)、運輸・通信職(自動車の運転)、女性では一般事務、調理を希望する者が有意に多かった。勤務形態ではすべての層でパートタイムの希望が多いものの、正規社員を希望する割合では男性および65歳未満に多かった。結論 来所求職者では経済的な理由から求職している割合が高く、とくに男性および65歳未満では、正規社員に近い就業形態を希望するものの精神的健康状態が良好でない傾向がみられた。就労に生きがいを求める割合は女性および65歳以上で、社会とのつながりを求める割合は男性よりも女性で高い傾向がみられた。(著者抄録)
  • Yoh Murayama, Hiromi Ohba, Masashi Yasunaga, Kumiko Nonaka, Rumi Takeuchi, Mariko Nishi, Naoko Sakuma, Hayato Uchida, Shoji Shinkai, Yoshinori Fujiwara
    Aging & mental health 19(4) 306-14 2015年  査読有り
    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to clarify the effect of an intergenerational program on elderly persons' symptoms of depressive mood and in improving their sense of coherence, which is an element for successful coping with stressors. METHOD: We evaluated an intervention research project (Research of Productivity by Intergenerational Sympathy [REPRINTS]), in which volunteers >65 years old read picture books to children in a school setting. The intervention group (REPRINTS) was recruited through intensive weekly training seminars for three months. The no-contact control group members were also recreated to participate in health checks and surveys for data collection purposes. Eventually, 26 participants in the intervention group and 54 in the control group were included for data analysis. RESULTS: The age or gender was not significantly different between the intervention and control groups. A two-way repeated-measures ANOVA shows a time × group significant interaction effects. Analyses of the simple main effects showed that sense of meaningfulness significantly increased for members of the intervention group at all terms, with no changes in the control group over time. Multiple mediation analysis revealed that participation in the intergenerational program was associated with a sense of manageability which was also significantly related to depressive mood. CONCLUSION: Intergenerational programs could serve as key health promoters among elderly people by decreasing the risk of social isolation and loneliness due to the greater sense of meaningfulness. However, given our limited sample size, generalizability was restricted and studies with larger cohorts are required to further validate our findings.
  • Ushio Minami, Mariko Nishi, Taro Fukaya, Masami Hasebe, Kumiko Nonaka, Takashi Koike, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Yoh Murayama, Hayato Uchida, Yoshinori Fujiwara
    PloS one 10(12) e0144069 2015年  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Working at old ages is regarded as a good way to keep one's health according to the idea of productive aging. However, there is not enough evidence yet whether retirement is good or bad, or the kind of effects it has on the health of older adults aged 65 and over. We examined it by using a recent data of Wako city, a suburb area near Tokyo in Japan. METHODS: One thousand seven hundred sixty-eight participants answered to 3 waves of survey questionnaires: 2008, 2010, and 2012, successively. We considered 3 indicators of health; self-rated health, mental health (GDS15) and HLFC (Higher-Level Functional Capacity: TMIG-IC). In cross-sectional analysis, we compared these 3 indicators by three groups: full-time worker, part-time worker, and non-worker. In longitudinal analysis, we compared these three indicators by two groups: subjects who successively worked in 2008, 2010, 2012, and subjects who worked in 2008 but retired before 2010. We used one-way and two way repeated measures ANCOVA for these analyses, respectively. RESULTS: It was significantly clear that retirement worsened both mental health and HLFC in people aged 65 years and over; especially, mental health worsened rapidly and HLFC gradually. However, these indicators didn't worsen in subjects who changed from full-time jobs to part-time jobs. Quitting from part-time jobs deteriorated mental health gradually and HLFC moderately compared to full-time jobs. CONCLUSION: The results support the activity theory that older adults who quit from full-time jobs deteriorated both mental health and HLFC, though at different speeds. If they make a transit to part-time jobs, the deterioration would be moderate. It shows that working is an effective way of social participation for older people aged 65 years and over in Japan.
  • 南 潮, 鈴木 宏幸, 倉岡 正高, 小林 江里香, 深谷 太郎, 内田 勇人, 藤原 佳典
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 73回 488-488 2014年10月  
  • 田路 秀樹, 小西 陽子, 香山 恭範, 荒木 香織, 内田 勇人, 西垣 利男
    体育・スポーツ科学 (23) 19-22 2014年6月  査読有り
  • 作田 はるみ, 尾ノ井 美由紀, 米倉 裕希子, 奥田 豊子, 下村 尚美, 内田 勇人, 北元 憲利
    小児保健研究 73(2) 300-307 2014年3月  
  • 矢野 真理, 内田 勇人, 西垣 利男
    日本世代間交流学会誌 4(1) 103-110 2014年3月  査読有り
  • 田路 秀樹, 福田 厚冶, 荒木 香織, 内田 勇人, 西垣 利男
    大学体育学 11 13-20 2014年  査読有り
  • 作田 はるみ, 東根 裕子, 奥田 豊子, 坂本 薫, 橘 ゆかり, 北元 憲利, 内田 勇人
    肥満研究 19(3) 186-194 2013年12月  
  • Ryota Sakurai, Yoshinori Fujiwara, Masami Ishihara, Takahiro Higuchi, Hayato Uchida, Kuniyasu Imanaka
    BMC geriatrics 13 44-44 2013年5月7日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Older adults could not safely step over an obstacle unless they correctly estimated their physical ability to be capable of a successful step over action. Thus, incorrect estimation (overestimation) of ability to step over an obstacle could result in severe accident such as falls in older adults. We investigated whether older adults tended to overestimate step-over ability compared with young adults and whether such overestimation in stepping over obstacles was associated with falls. METHODS: Three groups of adults, young-old (age, 60-74 years; n, 343), old-old (age, >74 years; n, 151), and young (age, 18-35 years; n, 71), performed our original step-over test (SOT). In the SOT, participants observed a horizontal bar at a 7-m distance and estimated the maximum height (EH) that they could step over. After estimation, they performed real SOT trials to measure the actual maximum height (AH). We also identified participants who had experienced falls in the 1 year period before the study. RESULTS: Thirty-nine young-old adults (11.4%) and 49 old-old adults (32.5%) failed to step over the bar at EH (overestimation), whereas all young adults succeeded (underestimation). There was a significant negative correlation between actual performance (AH) and self-estimation error (difference between EH and AH) in the older adults, indicating that older adults with lower AH (SOT ability) tended to overestimate actual ability (EH > AH) and vice versa. Furthermore, the percentage of participants who overestimated SOT ability in the fallers (28%) was almost double larger than that in the non-fallers (16%), with the fallers showing significantly lower SOT ability than the non-fallers. CONCLUSIONS: Older adults appear unaware of age-related physical decline and tended to overestimate step-over ability. Both age-related decline in step-over ability, and more importantly, overestimation or decreased underestimation of this ability may raise potential risk of falls.
  • 内田 勇人, 藤原 佳典, 西垣 利男
    日本世代間交流学会誌 3(1) 11-18 2013年2月  査読有り
  • 黒田 次郎, 内田 勇人
    運動とスポーツの科学 19(1) 91-98 2013年  査読有り
  • 桜井 良太, 藤原 佳典, 深谷 太郎, 齋藤 京子, 安永 正史, 鈴木 宏幸, 野中 久美子, 金 憲経, 金 美芝, 田中 千晶, 西川 武志, 内田 勇人, 新開 省二, 渡辺 修一郎
    日本公衆衛生雑誌 59(10) 743-54 2012年10月  査読有り
    目的 運動充足感の違いが高齢者の心身機能に与える影響と、運動を中心とした介入終了後の運動充足感による介入効果の違いを明らかにすることを目的とした。方法 介入研究に参加した地域在住高齢者260人(平均年齢±標準偏差=70.4±6.0歳)を解析対象とした。事前検査時に主観的な運動充足感と身体活動量(仕事などの生活活動と運動習慣から定義)を聴取し、それぞれを2水準(低・高)にまとめ、各運動充足感間における測定変数を多変量分散分析を用いて検討した。また、運動介入群(88人、平均年齢±標準偏差=70.3±6.2歳)の介入終了時の運動充足感を悪化群(介入後においても低運動充足だった者)と維持・改善群(介入後に高運動充足感だった者)に分け、これらの群を独立変数とした反復測定分散分析を行った。なお、介入は週2回、3ヵ月間の複合プログラム(運動・栄養教室、温泉入浴)を実施し、事後調査を行った。事前・事後検査時には精神的健康状態(WHO-5得点)、健康関連QOL(SF-8)、精神的自立性を質問紙によって聴取し、運動機能の検査(握力、歩行速度、開眼片足立ち、Timed Up & Go test)を行った。結果 運動充足感を独立変数とし、身体活動量を共変量とした多変量分散分析の結果、BMI、握力、最大歩行速度、WHO-5得点、SF-8下位8項目に有意な差が認められ、すべての項目において、高充足群は低充足群に比べ、値が良好である傾向が示された。また、各身体活動量群内での比較においても同様の傾向が認められた。介入終了時の運動充足感を独立変数とした反復測定分散分析の結果、通常・最大歩行速度、TUG、SF-8下位1項目に有意な期間の主効果が認められ、BMI、WHO-5得点、SF-8下位6項目、精神的自立性尺度に有意な群の主効果が認められた。結論 本研究から、身体活動量にかかわらず、主観的な運動充足感が高い高齢者ほど精神・心理的健康度が高いことが明らかとなった。また、運動を中心とした介入後に運動充足感が低い者においても、身体機能に対する一定の改善が認められたが、介入終了後に高運動充足感を有している者との間には、精神・心理的健康度に有意な差があることが示された。以上の結果は、運動充足感を得られる運動が高齢者の健康増進に寄与する可能性を示唆するとともに、健康教室などにおいて、運動充足感の向上に主眼を置いた、個々の能力・目的に応じた介入内容や、運動充足感の評価が有効であると推察される。(著者抄録)
  • 濱口 郁枝, 奥田 豊子, 内田 勇人, 大喜多 祥子, 福本 タミ子, 北元 憲利
    日本食育学会誌 6(3) 257-264 2012年7月  査読有り
  • 濱口 郁枝, 奥田 豊子, 内田 勇人, 大喜多 祥子, 福本 タミ子, 北元 憲利
    日本食育学会誌 6(3) 249-255 2012年7月  査読有り
  • 濱口 郁枝, 内田 勇人, 奥田 豊子, 作田 はるみ, 大喜多 祥子, 福本 タミ子, 北元 憲利
    小児保健研究 71(2) 304-315 2012年3月  査読有り
  • 内田 勇人, 藤原 佳典, 西垣 利男
    日本世代間交流学会誌 2(1) 33-39 2012年2月  査読有り









