
中出 麻紀子

ナカデ マキコ  (MAKIKO NAKADE)


兵庫県立大学 環境人間学部 准教授



  • Etsuko Kibayashi, Makiko Nakade
    International journal of environmental research and public health 21(7) 2024年6月29日  査読有り
    Few young Japanese adults regularly consume a well-balanced diet composed of staples, main courses, and sides. We hypothesised that adopting the recommended planetary health diet with regular breakfast consumption would promote well-balanced diets among young Japanese male undergraduates. This study aimed to examine the structural association between the planetary health diet with regular breakfast consumption and a well-balanced diet intake. This cross-sectional study included 142 male engineering undergraduates who completed a 2022 online questionnaire via Google Forms at a public university in Hyogo Prefecture. The planetary health diet comprises the consumption of the recommended eight items. A covariance structure analysis was performed in a hypothetical model with factors (regular breakfast consumption and eight items) potentially associated with the intake of a well-balanced diet at least twice daily. After excluding chicken dishes and nuts from the eight recommended items of the planetary health diet, goodness-of-fit became acceptable. Frequent consumption of the remaining six recommended items (fish, eggs, soybeans/soybean products, dairy foods, vegetables, and fruits) was significantly positively correlated with regular breakfast consumption and a significant positive path to a well-balanced diet. Among male university students, regular breakfast consumption and the planetary health diet may lead to a well-balanced diet.
  • 福井 涼太, 中出 麻紀子
    日本健康教育学会誌 32(Suppl.) 153-153 2024年6月  査読有り
  • Mai Matsumoto, Kentaro Murakami, Xiaoyi Yuan, Fumi Oono, Riho Adachi, Ryoko Tajima, Emiko Okada, Makiko Nakade, Satoshi Sasaki, Hidemi Takimoto
    Journal of Nutritional Science 13 2024年2月12日  査読有り
    Abstract This scoping review aimed to identify questionnaire-based dietary assessment methods for use in the National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHNS) in Japan. The search was conducted in three databases (PubMed, Web of Science, and Ichushi) to identify questionnaire such as food frequency questionnaire and dietary history questionnaire validated against dietary recalls or food records for the intakes of both food groups and nutrients among Japanese adults. Study quality was assessed based on previously developed criteria. We extracted the questionnaire characteristics and the design and results of the validation studies. We identified 11 questionnaires, with the number of food items ranging from 40 to 196, from 32 articles of good quality. In the validation studies, participants were aged 30–76 years and 90% of the articles used ≥3 d dietary records as reference. The number of nutrients and food groups with a group-level intake difference within 20% against the reference method ranged from 1 to 30 and 1 to 11, respectively. The range of mean correlation coefficients between questionnaire and reference methods were 0.35–0.57 for nutrients and 0.28–0.52 for food groups. When selecting a survey instrument in the NHNS from the 11 existing questionnaires identified in this study, it is important to select one with high group-level comparison and correlation coefficient values on the intended assessment items after scrutinizing the design and results of the validation study. This review may serve as a reference for future studies that explore dietary assessment tools used for assessing dietary intake in specific representative populations.
  • Etsuko Kibayashi, Makiko Nakade
    Nutrients 16(4) 2024年2月7日  査読有り
    This study comprehensively examined the associations between shokuiku (food and nutrition education) during school years, current well-balanced diets, and current eating and lifestyle behaviours of Japanese female university students. A hypothetical model was developed using factors potentially associated with well-balanced diets. A simultaneous multipopulational analysis was performed according to the living arrangements of 148 female Japanese students (48.6% living alone) from a registered dietitian course. The analysis showed acceptable goodness of fit and a significant positive path from shokuiku during school years (living alone: standardised estimate 0.29, p = 0.004; with family: 0.32, p = 0.006) and a negative path from eating out frequency (-0.19, p = 0.039; -0.24, p = 0.017) towards a well-balanced diet. A significant negative path was identified from late bedtimes (-0.45, p < 0.001) and home meal replacement use frequency (-0.24, p = 0.010) in those living alone and from late-night snacking frequency (-0.27, p = 0.007) in those living with family. Well-balanced diets in female university students may be positively associated with shokuiku during school years and limited by a late bedtime, eating out, and home meal replacement use in those living alone, and by late-night snacking and eating out in those living with family.
  • 福井涼太, 河村春香, 河村春華, 北川奈実, 星野萌, 八谷彩音, 坂本薫, 中出麻紀子
    日本健康教育学会誌 32(1) 3-14 2024年2月  査読有り
  • Emiko Okada, Makiko Nakade, Fumiaki Hanzawa, Kentaro Murakami, Mai Matsumoto, Satoshi Sasaki, Hidemi Takimoto
    Nutrients 15(22) 4739-4739 2023年11月9日  査読有り
    Development of an accurate and efficient dietary method is required for national nutrition surveys. Some countries conduct dietary surveys and combine 24-h dietary records or 24-h dietary recalls with dietary questionnaires. This scoping review aimed to summarize studies that used results from national surveys that combined detailed dietary surveys (dietary records or 24-h dietary recall) and dietary questionnaires and identify the purpose of combining the two methods. The PubMed database and manual searches were used for the literature review. We extracted 58 articles from 16 national nutrition surveys from 14 countries. Most studies used 24-h dietary recall for detailed dietary surveys and the food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) or food propensity questionnaire (FPQ) for questionnaire surveys. Among 37 studies from eight countries, the purpose of combining the two dietary survey methods was to estimate energy and nutrient intakes from detailed dietary surveys and habitual food intake from questionnaires. These findings are useful as a reference when introducing new dietary survey methods in future national nutrition surveys.
  • 中出麻紀子, 森本 雅和, 新居 学, 中西 永子, 笹嶋 宗彦, 小野 博史, 河野 孝典, 谷田 恵子, 坂下 玲子
    Phenomena in Nursing 7(1) R10-R19 2023年  査読有り
  • 木林 悦子, 中出 麻紀子, 諸岡 歩
    栄養学雑誌 80(6) 295-306 2022年12月1日  査読有り
  • 中出麻紀子, 中村こころ, 福井涼太, 松下眞子, 藤城美穂
    日本健康教育学会誌 30(3) 207-217 2022年8月  査読有り
  • 中出麻紀子, 坂本薫, 内田勇人
    日本学校保健学会誌 64(2) 127-134 2022年7月  査読有り
  • 木林 悦子, 中出 麻紀子, 諸岡 歩
    栄養学雑誌 80(3) 149-157 2022年6月  査読有り
  • 中出 麻紀子, 木林 悦子, 諸岡 歩
    日本栄養・食糧学会誌 74(5) 265-271 2021年10月  査読有り
  • 中出 麻紀子, 岩城 なつ美, 中村 優花, 黒谷 佳代
    日本健康教育学会誌 29(1) 51-60 2021年2月  査読有り
  • 木林 悦子, 中出 麻紀子, 諸岡 歩
    栄養学雑誌 78(6) 243-253 2020年12月  査読有り
  • 中出 麻紀子, 木林 悦子, 諸岡 歩
    日本健康教育学会誌 28(3) 198-206 2020年8月  査読有り
  • Makiko Nakade, Yuya Shiozawa, Naomi Aiba
    Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology 66(Supplement) S406-S411 2020年  査読有り
    In Japan, the amount of vegetable intake in young adults, especially at breakfast, is low. We aimed to examine the factors associated with vegetable intake at breakfast among young adults. In 2016, a self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted at a Japanese university. The questionnaire measured the frequency of ≥70 g vegetable intake at breakfast, lifestyle, eating habits, environmental factors, knowledge and attitudes (including the variable "Perceived behavior control (PBC)", from the Theory of Planned Behavior). The data of 1,455 male students who usually ate breakfast were analyzed. They were divided into two groups based on the median of the frequency of vegetable intake and the above factors were compared using a chi-squared test by living condition. The significant factors were subsequently entered into a logistic regression analysis as independent variables. Eating breakfast with family or friends and PBC were positively associated with vegetable intake in students living with their family. Often doing one's own cooking, having knowledge about a well-balanced diet, and PBC were positively associated with vegetable intake in students living alone. Along with PBC, different factors pertaining to an individual's living condition may need to be considered to increase vegetable intake at breakfast.
  • Eri Imai, Makiko Nakade
    ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION 28(2) 276-284 2019年6月  査読有り
    Background and Objectives: Information about an association between animal food intakes and risk of anemia is still limited. This study aimed to investigate the association between fish and meat intake and anemia risk in the Japanese elderly. Methods and Study Design: A nationally representative sample of 6,469 aged 65 years and over was obtained from pooled data of annual National Health and Nutritional Survey in Japan during 2002-2011. Anemia was defined as hemoglobin concentrations <13.0 g/dL in males and <12.0 g/dL in females. Logistic regression analysis, with the lowest intake tertile as the reference, was applied to estimate anemia risk for each nutrient and food group. Results: After adjustment for putative confounding factors, males in the highest tertile of animal protein intake had significantly lower risk of anemia than those in the lowest tertile (odds ratio (OR): 0.77; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.63, 0.95; p for trend=0.017). These associations were not seen in females (OR: 0.72, 95% CI: 0.49, 1.06; p for trend=0.100). Multivariate analyses revealed that anemia risk (OR: 0.80; 95% CI: 0.65, 0.97; p for trend=0.002) was lower for males in the highest tertile of fish intake than in the lowest tertile; this effect was also observed for females (OR: 0.64; 95% CI: 0.45, 0.92; p for trend=0.014). In both sexes, the highest tertile of meat intake was not associated with lower anemia risk in the multivariate-adjusted models. Conclusions: The current cross-sectional study in Japanese elderly males suggests that higher animal protein, specifically the high protein content of fish may be associated with a lower prevalence of anemia.
  • Nakade M, Morita A, Watanabe S, Aiba N
    Diabetes Res Open J 5(1) 1-7 2019年  査読有り
  • 黒谷 佳代, 中出 麻紀子, 瀧本 秀美
    栄養学雑誌 76(4) 77-88 2018年8月  査読有り
  • 中出 麻紀子, 村上 晴香, 宮地 元彦, 饗場 直美, 森田 明美, 霜田 哲夫, 渡邊 昌
    運動疫学研究: Research in Exercise Epidemiology 19(1) 44-53 2017年3月  査読有り
  • Makiko Nakade, Megumi Tsubota-Utsugi, Eri Imai, Nobuyo Tsuboyama-Kasaoka, Nobuo Nishi, Hidemi Takimoto
    ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 29(2) 102-113 2017年3月  査読有り
    A cross-sectional study was conducted among 7593 adults to clarify lifestyle and psychosocial characteristics of breakfast skippers with different intention and self-efficacy toward eating breakfast. Data were obtained from Japan's national survey in 2009. Multinomial logistic regression analyses were performed to examine the characteristics of each breakfast skipper (having intention and self-efficacy toward eating breakfast [IS], having intention but not self-efficacy [INS], and not having intention to eat breakfast [NI]) compared with breakfast eaters. IS men were less likely to demonstrate understanding of healthy eating. INS and NI men were more likely to eat alone. INS and NI women were less likely to demonstrate understanding of healthy eating. NI men and women were less likely to report weight management behavior. Current smoking and being sleep-deprived were commonly associated with breakfast skipping in both sexes. Our results suggested the need for approaches considering type of breakfast skippers (eg, different intention and self-efficacy).
  • Nakade M, Aiba N, Morita A, Miyachi M, Deura K, Soyano F, Watanabe S
    Diabetes Res -Open J 3(2) 20-30 2016年  査読有り
  • Tsuchihara K, Tsukamoto R, Kikuchi M, Nakade M, Hattori T
    3D Image Conference 2016 67-70 2016年  
  • Imai E, Nakade M, Kasaoka T, Takimoto H
    J Nutr Food Sci Vitaminol 6(4) 1-9 2016年  査読有り
  • Hisako Tanaka, Shino Imai, Makiko Nakade, Eli Imai, Hidemi Takimoto
    Background and Objectives: Survey items of the Japan National Nutrition Survey (J-NNS) have changed over time. Several papers on dietary surveys have been published; however, to date, there are no in-depth papers regarding physical examinations. Therefore, we investigated changes in the survey items in the physical examinations performed in the J-NNS and the National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHNS), with the aim of incorporating useful data for future policy decisions. Methods and Study Design: We summarized the description of physical examinations and marshalled the changes of survey items from the J-NNS and NHNS from 1946 to 2012. The physical examination is roughly classified into the following six components: some are relevant to anthropometric measurements, clinical measurements, physical symptoms, blood tests, lifestyle and medication by interview, and others. Results: Items related to nutritional deficiency, such as anaemia and tendon reflex disappearance, and body weight measurements were collected during the early period, according to the instructions of the General Headquarters. From 1989, blood tests and measurement of physical activity were added, and serum total protein, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, blood glucose, red blood corpuscles and haemoglobin measurements have been performed continuously for more than 20 years. Conclusions: This is the first report on the items of physical examination in the J-NNS and NHNS. Our research results provide basic information for the utilization of the J-NNS and NHNS, to researchers, clinicians or policy makers. Monitoring the current state correctly is essential for national health promotion, and also for improvement of the investigation methods to apply country-by-country comparisons.
  • Akiko Kuwabara, Makiko Nakade, Hiroshi Tamai, Nobuyo Tsuboyama-Kasaoka, Kiyoshi Tanaka
    Recently, there has been an increasing concern about noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), in which oxidative damage plays a role. In this paper, we have re-analyzed the data from the National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHNS) 2007 to study the relationship between an NCD (e.g. hypertension) and the dietary intake of vitamin E, a potent antioxidative vitamin. The inclusion criteria were those aged 40 and over, excluding pregnant or lactating women, and data from 1,405 males and 2,102 females were analyzed. The mean ages were 63.5 and 62.4, respectively. Nutrients intake was evaluated from a semi-weighted, 1-d household dietary record. When the subjects were categorized into tertiles based on their vitamin E intake, higher vitamin E intake was associated with a lower percentage of subjects with hypertension (p for trend=0.01). Subjects with higher vitamin E intake had higher energy intake-adjusted intake of other nutrients which have been considered to be related to hypertension such as potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C. Logistic regression analysis was done with the low tertile of vitamin E intake as the reference. The medium and high tertiles of vitamin E intake were associated with a significantly lower odds ratio for hypertension, 0.73 (95% CI; 0.62-0.87) for the former and 0.81 (95% CI; 0.69-0.96) for the latter. Additional analyses, one adjusted for the indices associated with hypertension and one excluding the subjects with vitamin E supplementation, have yielded the similar results. In summary, re-analysis of data from NHNS has revealed that higher vitamin E intake was significantly associated with lower prevalence of hypertension.
  • 吉村 英一, 高田 和子, 長谷川 祐子, 村上 晴香, 野末 みほ, 猿倉 薫子, 中出 麻紀子, 窪田 哲也, 三好 美紀, 坪田 恵[宇津木], 井上 真理子, 由田 克士, 奥田 奈賀子, 宮地 元彦, 笠岡 宜代[坪山], 西 信雄, 横山 由香里, 八重樫 由美, 坂田 清美, 小林 誠一郎, 徳留 信寛
    岩手公衆衛生学会誌 25(2) 7-14 2014年3月  査読有り
    本研究は、仮設住宅に居住している東日本大震災被災者の食物摂取状況を把握することを目的とした。対象者は、18歳以上の岩手県釜石市H地区の仮設住宅居住者72名(男性22名、女性50名)であった。調査は2011年10月に実施した。1日の食物摂取状況は24時間思い出し法(24HR)を用いて評価した。また、対象者には、東日本大震災被災者健康調査の食事に関する9項目の質問票(FFQ-H)への回答を依頼した。FFQ-Hの質問項目は、数日間を振り返った1日あたりの食事回数と、8つの食品群(主食、肉、魚介類、卵、豆類、野菜、果物、乳製品)の1日あたりの摂取回数(0、1、2、3、4回以上)とした。24HRによって評価した1日あたり栄養素および食物摂取状況の中央値[25-75パーセンタイル]は、エネルギー量1903kcal[1493-2238]、総たんぱく質70.7g[47.4-84.7]、ビタミンB1 0.8mg[0.6-1.4]、ビタミンB21.3mg[0.9-1.9]、ビタミンC 86mg[50-144]、食塩相当量12.1g[8.2-14.3]、野菜類220g[158-329]、果物122g[0-161]であった。エネルギー、栄養素、群別食品の摂取状況を2009年国民健康・栄養調査の性・年齢階級別摂取量の結果と比較すると、72名中、ビタミンC48名、野菜53名、果物42名で低値であった。24HRとFFQ-Hによる食物摂取回数間の相関係数は0.03〜0.43の範囲であった。本研究の対象者である岩手県釜石市H地区の仮設住宅居住者は、2009年国民健康・栄養調査の結果と比較して、ビタミンC、野菜、果物の摂取量が少ないことが示唆された。(著者抄録)
  • Megumi Tsubota-Utsugi, Makiko Nakade, Eri Imal, Nobuyo Tsuboyama-Kasaoka, Miho Nozue, Keizo Umegaki, Takeshi Yoshizawa, Nagako Okuda, Nobuo Nishi, Hidemi Takimoto
    This study was performed to: (1) assess the prevalence of dietary supplement and fortified food use, (2) examine the differences in vitamin E intake with and without dietary supplementation and/or fortified food use, and (3) determine whether some individuals consume vitamin E above the tolerable upper intake level (UL). Data were obtained from 64,624 individuals (age, >= 1 y; 47.4% males) who completed a 1-d household dietary assessment that was part of the National Health and Nutrition Survey conducted in Japan, 2003-2009. The survey also obtained information on the brand or generic name of each dietary supplement or fortified food reported, including their ingredients, through dietary assessment. The prevalence of a potential risk of excess was estimated by the proportion of persons above the age-/sex-specific ULs provided by the Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese 2010. Supplement use was reported by 5.8% of men and 7.7% of women, whereas fortified food consumption was reported by only 2.9% of men and 3.6% of women. Use of dietary supplements was most common among older women, whereas use of fortified foods was most common among younger women. Both dietary supplement and fortified food use accounted for maximum vitamin E intake; however, the use of dietary supplements and fortified foods had little effect on the median and 95th percentile intake values. None of the subjects consumed nutrients above the UL. The collected data confirm that the use of both dietary supplements and fortified foods contributes a small amount to nutrient intake in Japanese subjects.
  • Nobuyo Tsubyama-Kasaoka, Asuka Takizawa, Megumi Tsubota-Utsugi, Makiko Nakade, Eri Imai, Akiko Kondo, Kazue Yoshida, Nagako Okuda, Nobuo Nishi, Hidemi Takimoto
    The Adequate Intake (AI) values in: the Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese (DRIs-J) 2010 were mainly determined based on the median intakes from 2 y of pooled data (2005-2006) from the National Health and Nutrition Survey-Japan (NHNS-J). However, it remains unclear whether 2 y of pooled data from the NHNS-J are appropriate for evaluating the intake of the population. To clarify the differences in nutrient intakes determined from 2 and 7 y of pooled data, we analyzed selected nutrient intake levels by sex and age groups using NHNS-J data. Intake data were obtained from 64,624 individuals (age: >= 1 y; 47.4% men) who completed a semi-weighed 1-d household dietary record that was part of the NHNS-J conducted annually in Japan from 2003 to 2009. There were no large differences between the median intakes calculated from 2 or 7 y of pooled data for n-6 or n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), vitamin D, pantothenic acid, potassium, or phosphorus. When the AI values and median intakes were compared, there was no large difference in the values for n-6 or n-3 PUFAs, pantothenic acid, or phosphorus. Conversely, the AI values for vitamin D and potassium differed from the median intakes of these nutrients for specific sex and age groups, because values were not based on NHNS-J data. Our results indicate that 2 y of pooled data from the NHNS-J adequately reflect the population's intake, and that the current system for determination of AI values will be applicable for future revisions.
  • Megumi Tsubota-Utsugi, Eri Imai, Makiko Nakade, Teruki Matsumoto, Nobuyo Tsuboyama-Kasaoka, Nobuo Nishi, Yoshitaka Tsubono
    The Japanese population routinely consumes iodine-rich seaweed, thereby probably making Japan the nation with the highest iodine intake worldwide. The present study aimed to estimate the duration of dietary records (DRs) needed to calculate the usual iodine intake and to ascertain the frequency of iodine intakes above the tolerable upper intake level (UL) in the Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese. Four 3-d DRs for the 4 seasons within a year were collected for 55 men and 58 women. On the basis of analysis of variance, the total variance in iodine intake was classified into inter-individual and intra-individual components. The frequency of appearance for high iodine intakes was estimated. The most commonly consumed types of iodine-containing food items were seaweed, milk and milk products, fish and shellfish, and tofu. The percentage contribution of intra-individual variance was markedly greater than that of inter-individual variance, and the excessive iodine intake was intermittent rather than continuous. The duration for which dietary records were required to assess the usual intake of iodine within 10% of their true mean was 6,276 d for men and 4,953 d for women. The period that transpired until a value was exceeded once was 6.3 d/occurrence for values above UL (2,200 mu g), 8.5 d/occurrence for values above 3,000 mu g, 9.8 d/occurrence for values above 4,000 mu g, 11.2 d/occurrence for values above 5,000 jig, and 16.7 d/occurrence for values above 10,000 mu g. To avoid errors in interpretation, it is inappropriate to assess the habitual nutrient intake of a nutrient that is intermittently consumed at maximal levels. It is important to assess the iodine intake in consideration of the range of the nutrient intake and of the time period in which the upper limit is exceeded.
  • 今井 絵理, 坪田 恵[宇津木], 中出 麻紀子, 笠岡 宜代[坪山]
    栄養学雑誌 71(記念特別号) S15-S25 2013年4月  
    本研究では、栄養に関連するガイドラインを作成するためのガイダンスが公開されている国内外の研究機関等(WHO、コクラン共同計画、米国Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality、Medical Information Network Distribution Service診療ガイドライン選定部会)を対象に、レビューシステムについて体系的分類を行い、「日本人の食事摂取基準(2010年版)」との比較を行った。対象とした4つのガイダンスにおいて、作成手順は研究機関によって大きな違いがなく、「PICO形式を用いた疑問の定式化」、「情報源としてプライマリーデータベースと非出版物を使用」、「研究デザインは出来る限りランダム化比較試験とし、観察研究をも含む」は、共通していた事項であった。エビデンスの質、推奨度を判断するスケールは、「日本人の食事摂取基準(2010年版)」では決まったものは公表していなかったが、「GRADEシステム」を推奨しているガイダンスが多くみられた。本研究では、系統的レビューに基づいて策定されている国内外のガイドラインのガイダンスから、作成と手順、レビューシステムについて調査し、共通する部分を明らかにした。今後、「日本人の食事摂取基準」を策定する上で、目的に応じた系統的かつ網羅的なレビューシステムのさらなる構築が期待される。(著者抄録)
  • Nobuyo Tsuboyama-Kasaoka, Megumi Tsubota-Utsugi, Eri Immi, Makiko Nakade, Masato Kasuga
    Although nutritional standards for Japanese were published by national organizations until the 1940s, the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for Japanese was officially established in 1969 by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (presently Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare). These RDAs were revised every five years until 2005, when they were established as Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese (DRIs-J). The nutrients included in RDAs and DRIs-J were changed according to the health condition and eating habits of Japanese. The current version, DRIs-J 2010, comprises reference values for energy and 34 nutrients.
  • Kazuhiko Yamada, Nobuyo Tsuboyama-Kasaoka, Toshinao Goda, Kyoko Saito, Toshikazu Yamanuchi, Tetsuji Yokoyama, Osamu Chonan, En Imai, Makiko Nakade, Seiichiro Aoe
    The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) of carbohydrates and dietary fiber were determined for Japanese. The estimated average requirement (EAR) and recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for carbohydrates were not determined because of insufficient data. The tentative dietary goal for preventing lifestyle-related diseases (DG) for children aged 1 y and above was determined for carbohydrates (% energy). In addition, the DG for adults aged 18 y and above was determined for dietary fiber. Dietary fiber intake is associated with myocardial infarction; therefore, the DG was determined on the basis of the results of a meta-analysis and the median dietary fiber intake of Japanese. The DG for alcohol was not determined because of insufficient data.
  • Makiko Nakade, Eri Imai, Megumi Tsubota-Utsugi, Nobuyo Tsuboyama-Kasaoka, Hidemi Takimoto
    In Asia, the concept of dietary reference values is shifting from recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) to dietary reference intakes (DRIs). To assist Asian countries that are planning to develop or revise their own DRIs, this study summarizes the scientific literature used in the development of the latest DRIs for the Japanese (DRIs-J 2010): it aims to clarify critical issues on- and discuss figure prospects for DRIs in Asia. The criteria and studies used to determine reference values in DRIs-J 2010 in adults were extracted from the DRIs-J 2010 report, systematically classified, and summarized for each nutrient in tables according to the type of DRIs. The classification categories were as follows: criteria, subject ethnicity, year of publication, type of study and study design, number of subjects, and study content. In all, 184 studies were extracted and some issues in DRIs-J 2010 were clarified: 1) some nutrients were lacking in studies based on native populations; 2) only a few and relatively old studies determined tolerable upper intake levels for some nutrients; 3) with the same DRIs, there were inconsistencies among the nutrients in the study criteria These were considered common issues when determining DRIs in other Asian countries. When establishing DRIs, these issues should be considered, in addition to population health status and country-specific needs.
  • 中出 麻紀子, 古谷 華菜子, 川上 純子, 石原 淳子, 君羅 満, 饗場 直美
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 71回 544-544 2012年10月  
  • 西 信雄, 中出 麻紀子, 猿倉 薫子, 野末 みほ, 坪田 恵, 三好 美紀, 卓 興鋼, 由田 克士, 吉池 信男
    厚生の指標 59(4) 10-15 2012年4月  査読有り
    目的 国民健康・栄養調査のデータは健康日本21の最終評価等に活用され,健康増進施策の推進,評価のために貴重な資料となっている。本研究は,国民健康・栄養調査の調査地区が国民生活基礎調査の調査地区から抽出されることを利用して,世帯および個人単位で国民健康・栄養調査の協力率とそれに関連する要因を検討することにより,統計学的な代表性を評価することを目的とした。方法 平成15年から19年の国民健康・栄養調査の調査地区について,国民生活基礎調査と国民健康・栄養調査のレコードリンケージを行った。世帯単位の協力率については,世帯単位でレコードリンケージを行い,国民健康・栄養調査の協力率および協力率に関連する要因を検討した。個人単位の協力率については,国民生活基礎調査に協力した世帯の20歳以上の世帯員を対象に個人単位でレコードリンケージを行い,国民健康・栄養調査の協力率を身体状況調査およびその一部の血液検査と,栄養摂取状況調査,生活習慣調査の各々について検討した。結果 世帯単位の協力率は平成15年から19年の平均で66.4%であり,世帯人員が1人の世帯,特に男性の単独世帯で低かった。個人単位の協力率は身体状況調査が53.2%,血液検査が34.4%,栄養摂取状況調査が61.3%,生活習慣調査が63.1%であり,身体状況調査,特に血液検査で低かった。性別にみると,いずれの調査も男性より女性の協力率が高く,特に身体状況調査と血液検査で男女の差が大きかった。年齢階級別にみると,いずれの調査も20歳代が最も低く,男性では60歳代と70歳以上が,女性では60歳代が高かった。配偶者の有無別にみると,男女のいずれの年齢階級でも配偶者なし(未婚・死別・離別)の者に比べて配偶者ありの者の協力率が高かった。結論 世帯や個人の特性により国民健康・栄養調査の協力率に差がみられたことは,統計学的な代表性が損なわれてきている可能性を示唆している。また,調査の種類によっても協力率に大きな差がみられた。今後,国民健康・栄養調査の協力率を向上させるためには,調査の種類ごとに対象者の特性に応じた方法を検討する必要があると考えられる。(著者抄録)
  • Makiko Nakade, Naomi Aiba, Akemi Morita, Shaw Watanabe
    Weight Change: Patterns, Risks and Psychosocial Effects 127-136 2012年2月  
    Purpose To examine the factors related to successful body weight reduction. Methods The subjects were 111 middle-aged men and women who participated in a one-year weight loss program by changing their lifestyle in 2006. The subjects were classified into two groups by the amount of body weight loss during the program: 1) moderate or no weight loss (MNWL) (loss of less than 5% body weight) group and 2) successful weight loss (SWL) (loss of more than 5% weight) group, and their eating behaviors, thoughts about losing weight, and the proportions of subjects who had obstacles to weight loss, stress and support at the start of the program were compared. Results The subjects showed significant loss of weight after the program (mean -5.6±5.7% from initial body weight). A total of 53 subjects were classified into the MNWL group and 58 were classified into the SWL group. The SWL group showed significantly lower scores of "irregularity of eating"and "perception gap about feeling of fullness and hunger" than the MNWL group. The proportions of subjects who stated that losing weight was important and that their health depended on themselves, and the subjects who did not think that this was going to end well were almost 100% in both groups. The proportions of the subjects who were confident about losing weight, who had some obstacles to losing weight and who could receive any support from people around them were also not significantly different between the groups. On the other hand, significantly more MNWL subjects felt stress in losing weight than SWL subjects. The main reasons for the stress were job-related for men, and related to surroundings (taking care of their family), job and food restrictions in women. Conclusion Less obesity-related eating behavior and less stress were suggested as key determinants of successful body weight reduction. Consideration of the life context of a participant before treatment might be important for enhancing a weight loss program's effect. © 2012 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 春山康夫, 武藤孝司, 中出麻紀子, 山崎章子, 樽見文子
    日本公衆衛生雑誌 59(10) 731-742 2012年  査読有り
  • Makiko Nakade, Naomi Aiba, Naomi Suda, Akemi Morita, Motohiko Miyachi, Satoshi Sasaki, Shaw Watanabe
    This study evaluated effects of a behavioral approach which placed emphasis on tailored behavior counseling, diet, weight loss and weight maintenance. A one-year randomized controlled trial was conducted among 235 overweight/obese adults in Japan. The intervention group (n=119) received individual-based counseling using a behavioral approach and the changes made in the diet and physical activity were dependent on each participant as much as possible. One year later, the intervention group lost significantly more weight than the control group (-5.0 kg vs. 0.1 kg for men and -3.9 kg vs. -0.2 kg for women). Compared to the control group, the male intervention group reduced overall energy, cereals and dairy products consumption significantly, while increasing green and yellow vegetable intake, and the female intervention group significantly reduced intake of dairy products. Regarding behaviors, both male and female intervention groups increased the number of walking steps and women improved their irregular eating habits compared to those in the control groups. Behavior changes were related to weight loss; participants who maintained the action/maintenance stage or moved to later stages lost significantly more weight than participants who remained in the pre-contemplation/contemplation/preparation stages or regressed to earlier stages. After one-year follow-up, the intervention group maintained significantly lower weights, lower energy intakes and improvements in irregular eating habits. Our behavioral approach led to diet and behavior modification, weight loss and maintenance. Because modified variables differed between men and women, gender-specific approaches may be necessary.
  • Makiko Nakade, Naomi Aiba, Akemi Morita, Motohiko Miyachi, Satoshi Sasaki, Shaw Watanabe
    Journal of obesity 2012 202037-202037 2012年  査読有り
    Purpose. To examine behavioral factors related to successful weight maintenance. Methods. Subjects were 90 middle-aged participants who attended a weight loss program and were followed for one year. The subjects were classified into either successful weight maintainers (maintained a weight loss of 5% or more from their initial weight for one year) (SWM) or unsuccessful weight maintainers (USWM), and weight control practice, stress, obstacles, support, and self-efficacy during the program and follow-up period were compared. Results. SWM had mean loss of 12% from their initial weight during the program. They showed a greater improvement in their regularity of eating, walked more, and felt less stress regarding their increased physical activity than the USWM. During the follow-up period, significantly more SWM participants had self-efficacy (for measuring weight, practicing dietary objective, and assessing the practice and keeping records), actually kept records and measured weight more than the USWM participants. In contrast, more USWM participants felt stress about measuring weight. Conclusion. In addition to a substantial initial weight loss due to an increased amount of physical activity, having a higher self-efficacy and consistently keeping records of one's activities, as well as regularly weighing themselves, may be important for successful weight maintenance.
  • Hiroko Fujii, Takashi Muto, Yasuo Haruyama, Makiko Nakade, Emiko Kobayashi, Kaori Ishisaki, Akiko Yamasaki
    TOHOKU JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 220(4) 307-318 2010年4月  査読有り
    Lifestyle modification is the cornerstone of preventive management for people with cardiovascular disease risks, such as obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes. This study investigated the effect of a 27-month community-based lifestyle intervention on the reduction of cardiovascular disease risks in middle-aged Japanese. Of 549 participants with cardiovascular disease risk factors of overweight, hypertension, dyslipidemia or diabetes enrolled in this non-randomized controlled study, 397 participants aged 39-71 years old completed all 3 serial surveys at baseline, 15 months and 27 months. For the intervention group (39 males and 174 females), 31 specific interventions including individual counselling and group sessions were conducted. The control group (64 males and 120 females) only received 7 newsletters providing health information and results of health checkups. Multiple logistic regression analysis adjusted for sex, each baseline risk category and age category showed that the proportion of those who were overweight or showed dyslipidemia risk were significantly lower in the intervention group only at 27 months [Odds ratio (OR): 0.43 (95% CI 0.20-0.94), OR: 0.43 (95% CI 0.21-0.87), respectively] and the proportion of those showing diabetes risk was significantly lower in the intervention group at both 15 months [OR: 0.42 (95% CI 0.18-0.97)] and 27 months [OR: 0.56 (95% CI 0.32-0.99)]. In conclusion, the 27-month community-based lifestyle modification of cardiovascular disease risks shows significant reductions in risks of diabetes, overweight and dyslipidemia in middle-aged Japanese.
  • 中出 麻紀子, 廣田 晃一, 江崎 治, 饗場 直美
    日本健康教育学会誌 17(2) 97-108 2009年5月  査読有り
  • Makiko Nakade, Jung Su Lee, Kiyoshi Kawakubo, Kanae Kondo, Katsumi Mori, Akira Akabayashi
    OBESITY RESEARCH & CLINICAL PRACTICE 3(2) 85-98 2009年5月  査読有り
    Recently, food intake pattern analysis associated with body weight has been conducted instead of traditional dietary analysis focusing on a single nutrient or food group, but there have been few studies examining the association between change in food intake patterns and body weight loss. In this study, short- and tong-term relationships between changes in food intake patterns and body weight loss were examined. Subjects were 506 overweight/obese men and women who participated in a 12-week health promotion program and a follow-up check 9 months later. Diet was assessed with a FFQ and food intake patterns named "Plant foods and seafood" and "Sweets, meats, dairy products and alcohol" were derived by cluster analysis using the intake of 17 food groups at the baseline. During the program, body weight* toss of the subjects changed pattern from "Sweets, meats, dairy products and alcohol" to "Plant foods and seafood" (SP group) was significantly Larger than that of the subjects who showed an opposite pattern change (PS group) or the subjects who maintained "Sweets, meats, dairy products and alcohol" pattern after adjusting for age, sex, body weight at the baseline, changes in energy intake and exercise habit. Body weight loss of the SP group was also significantly greater than that of the PS group during the follow-up period. Changes in food intake patterns were related to body weight loss and changing the pattern from "Sweets, meats, dairy products and alcohol" to "Plant foods and seafood" was most effective for short- and long-term body weight loss. (C) 2009 Asian Oceanian Association for the Study of Obesity. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Hiroko Fujii, Makiko Nakade, Yasuo Haruyama, Hiroshi Fukuda, Michiyo Hashimoto, Tadashi Ikuyama, Hironobu Kaburagi, Eri Murai, Masahiko Okumura, Toshimi Sairenchi, Takashi Muto
    INDUSTRIAL HEALTH 47(3) 333-341 2009年5月  査読有り
    To examine the effectiveness of a computer-tailored support tool for lifestyle modification developed for employees, we conducted an intervention study of pre-post test design. The program was based on principles of behavior science referring to goal setting processes, self monitoring, and feedback. The program of the support process was fully automated. A total of 650 participants of four workplaces in Japan completed the baseline assessment, 185 (28.5%) of those returned for the post-test assessment 4 months later. There were significant improvements in lifestyle behaviors between baseline and post-test: In men, low energy intake (p<0.01) and exercise frequency (p<0.05), and in women, low salt intake (p<0.05) and exercise frequency (p<0.05). Furthermore, significant improvements were shown in the stage of change between baseline and post-test: Low salt intake (p<0.01) and regular exercise in men (p<0.01). Our results suggest a possibility that the program, utilizing a computer-tailored lifestyle modification support tool developed for use by employees, had a positive effect on participants' lifestyle behaviors in Japanese workplaces. The degree to which our results generalize to effects of the program is unclear but examination to develop more efficient and effective programs is warranted.
  • Yasuo Haruyama, Takashi Muto, Makiko Nakade, Emiko Kobayashi, Kaori Ishisaki, Akiko Yamasaki
    TOHOKU JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 217(4) 259-269 2009年4月  査読有り
    Morbidity and mortality associated with cardiovascular disease remain primary public health problems in Japan. We developed a large-scale community-based 15-month intervention program, and evaluated its long-term effects on improving lifestyle and cardiovascular risk. Of 549 participants, 436 (46 males and 186 females in intervention group and 72 males and 132 females in control group) completed the study. The intervention program consisted of a 6-month program including 15 sessions, with one lecture and individual counseling, two workshops and nutrition educations, and nine exercises (total 29 hours) and a 9-month maintenance program including 4 sessions of individual counseling, workshop, nutrition, and exercise (total 7 hours). Changes from the baseline to 15 months were significantly different between intervention and control groups by gender: the proportion of subjects who walked more than 6,000 steps/day (+39% vs. +2% for males; +17% vs. +1% for females), exercised more than 20 min/day and 3 times/week (+22% vs. +1% for males; +22% vs. +8% for females), ate vegetables at every meal (+18% vs. +4% for females), and consumed less salt (+9% vs. +3% for females); and the changes in body weight (-1.0 vs. -0.1 kg for males; -1.8 vs. -0.6 kg for females). Other changes detected only in females were body mass index (-0.8 vs. -0.3 kg/m(2)), systolic blood pressure (-6.6 vs. -2.4 mmHg), total cholesterol (-2.2 vs. +1.5 mg/dl), and the total risk scores (-0.5 vs. -0.1 points). The 15-month intervention program effectively improves and maintains lifestyle and cardiovascular risk, with greater effects of the long-term intervention in females.
  • 近藤 香奈恵, 李 廷秀, 川久 保清, 中出 麻紀子, 森 克美, 赤林 朗
    肥満研究 13(2) 143-153 2007年8月  査読有り
  • Makiko Nakade, Jung Su Lee, Kiyoshi Kawakubo, Yuki Amano, Katsumi Mori, Akira Akabayashi
    OBESITY RESEARCH & CLINICAL PRACTICE 1(2) 79-89 2007年5月  査読有り
    The patterns of food intake change which are effective for weight loss have not been clearly researched yet. The objective of this study was to examine the correlation between food intake change patterns and body weight loss. One hundred and two overweight women completed a 2-day dietary record before and after a 12-week weight-reduction program, and 28 food groups were classified. Patterns of food intake change were derived by cluster analysis, and compared with the changes of physical measurements and nutrition intake. As a result, decreasing Japanese foods pattern (DJP), increasing healthy foods pattern (IHP) and changing staple foods pattern (CSP) were classified. DJP and CSP mainly changed staple food intake. IHP decreased sugars, oils, beans except soybeans and meat intake, and increased fruits and seafood intake. DJP decreased fat and carbohydrate intake most but CSP showed least change. IHP also decreased fat and carbohydrate intake but maintained protein intake. Although no significant differences were seen in the change of energy intake between IHP and DJP or CSP, subjects of IHP showed the largest reduction in mean body weight, BMI, %body fat, waist circumference and serum triacylglycerol after adjusting for age and baseline values. Body weight, BMI and %body fat maintained their significance further adjusting for changes in energy intake and the number of walking steps.Food intake change patterns affected the magnitude of body weight loss independent of energy intake. In addition to energy intake, assessment of food intake change patterns could be useful for effective weight loss. (c) 2007 Asian Oceanian Association for the Study of Obesity. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Hiroshi Fukuda, Yasuo Haruyama, Makiko Nakade, Takashi Muto
    INDUSTRIAL HEALTH 45(1) 56-61 2007年1月  査読有り
    The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between lifestyle and change of cardiovascular risk factors based on a five-year follow up. The subjects were 307 employees participating in annual health check-ups in Tokyo, Japan from 1998 to 2003. Personal health checkup data were collected on their systolic/diastolic blood pressure (SBP/DBP), serum total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), fasting serum glucose (FSG), uric acid (UA), body mass index (BMI), questionnaire on medication history and Breslow's lifestyle. Over five years, cardiovascular risk factors such as SBP/DBP, TC, TG, FBG, UA and BMI have become worse; however, some of these risk factors were significantly different after 5 yr among lifestyle groups. TG in the poor lifestyle group was significantly higher than in good or moderate lifestyle groups after adjusting for age in men. In women, SBP and BMI in poor lifestyle group were significantly higher than those in good or moderate lifestyle groups after adjusting for age and baseline values. These results show that aging is the major influencing factor of cardiovascular risk factor deterioration. At the same time, lifestyle conditions are related to changes in some cardiovascular risk factors among Japanese employees.







