Izumi Fukuda, Yasunori Harada, Shunpei Ohtsuka
Procedia Engineering 2014年1月1日
? 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This paper deals with effect of temperature on stretchability of anisotropic AZ31(Mg-3%Al-1%Zn) magnesium alloy sheet. Results of stretching process test are compared with those of tensile test. The sheet has an anisotropic character for angle to hotextrusion direction(φ=0°, 45°, and 90°). Here, φ=0° means a direction of extrusion. Tensile specimens cut down to three directions of φ=0°, 45°, and 90° are a shape of 14mm in elongation, 3mm in width and 0.44mm in thickness. Test piece for investigating the limiting stretching stroke is a sheet of side length 90mm and 0.44mm in thickness. For the stretching process test, the punch head is a hemispheric shape of 20mm in diameter and the die is a cylindrical shape of 27mm in inside diameter. Both tension and stretching process tests were performed at four kinds of test temperature(T=293, 393, 473, and 573K) in a thermostatic chamber and at a crosshead speed(v) of 5 mm/min using an Instron-type testing machine. Comparing the limiting stretching stroke determined by the stretching test with elongation, r-value, and n-value obtained by the tensile test, it is confirmed that the limiting stretching stroke is qualitatively related to the elongation and r-value, and not to n-value.