
原田 泰典

ハラダ ヤスノリ  (Yasunori Harada)


兵庫県立大学 大学院 工学研究科 機械系工学専攻 教授
工学博士(1990年11月 広島大学)









  • Y. Harada, L. Wang, H. Matsumoto, N. Matsuo
    Materials Science Forum 2004年
  • L. Wang, T. Kobayashi, Y. Harada, K. Tsuchiya
    Materials Science Forum 2004年
  • Y. Harada, M. Ohmori, L. Wang
    Materials Science Forum 2004年
  • Y. Harada, K. Mori, S. Maki, L. Wang
    Materials Science Forum 2004年
  • S. Maki, Y. Harada, K. Mori
    Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2003年12月20日
    Feasibility of sinter-joining method making use of resistance heating with an adiabatic feature was examined. Modeled experiments were conducted using pure metal powders of chromium, iron, nickel, copper and aluminum with a wide variety of melting points or sintering temperatures. All pairs of green compacts were sinter-joined varying compacting pressure and electrifying voltage at fixed electrifying time of 1s, and their sinter-joining performances were rated by visual inspection and optical microscope observation of vertical section across the joining interface. The results were as follows. Most of the pairs were successfully sintered and joined under properly arranged conditions of electrifying voltage and compacting pressures, but in the combination of chromium and aluminum with a large melting point difference, the aluminum compact melted and infiltrated into the openings of the chromium compact, and in the combinations of chromium and iron with copper with high thermal conductivity, the sintered compacts of chromium and iron had both a porous structure near the joining interface. Those undesirable phenomena were, however, suppressed considerably by employing more rapid heating measures. It was concluded that the sinter-joining method using resistance heating has not a little feasibility. ? 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Y. Harada, M. Ohmori, S. Maki, K. Mori
    Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2003年12月20日
    A sandwich-rolling, in which the workpiece sandwiched between two mild steel sheets is rolled, is tried to enhance the rolling workability for sintered compacts of pure chromium. In a conventional rolling, many thin cracks occur on the surfaces of workpiece rolled at higher temperatures than 1373K. These cracks are supposed to occur by the rapid cooling of the workpiece surfaces in contact with the cold work rolls. The sandwich-rolling is very effective to prevent the occurrence of surface cracks since the mild steel sheets on both sides of the rolling workpiece interrupts the temperature decrease of the surfaces. The ductile-to-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) of sintered chromium was strongly lowered by a combination of large rolling reduction and high temperature annealing. ? 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
  • 河本 直哉, 松尾 直人, 浜田 弘喜, 原田 泰典
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SDM, シリコン材料・デバイス 2003年12月12日
    固相成長(solid phase crystallization, SPC)の後エキシマ・レーザ・アニーリング(excimer laser anneal, ELA)、及びELAの後SPCを行うことにより形成された多結晶Si(polycrystalline-Si, poly-Si)の結晶性について調べた。内部応力の緩和がELAの前後にSPCを行うことにより生じた。また、欠陥密度はELAのみELAの後SPC、SPCの後ELAの順で小さくなった。590℃のSPCを300分行った後ELAを行うことにより低内部応力かつ低欠陥密度のpoly-Siを実現した。
  • F. Matsumoto, F. Matsumoto, K. Shimada, Y. Harada, Y. Naitoh
    BJU International 2003年12月1日
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the renal growth pattern in patients with primary vesico-ureteric reflux (VUR) using long-term measurements of split renal function with99mTc-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scintigraphy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In all, 712 children aged < 16 years (466 boys and 246 girls) with primary VUR were referred to our hospital from July 1991 to December 2000. VUR was diagnosed by voiding cystourethrography. The patients were treated either surgically (group 1) or conservatively (group 2) and followed with serial99mTc-DMSA scintigraphy for up to 10 years. There were 942 examinations in 367 of 712 patients who had repeat scintigraphy. Patients with secondary VUR, VUR to a solitary or fused kidney, or upper urinary tract obstruction, were excluded. Five of 298 patients (1.7%) who had ureteric reimplantation had a febrile urinary tract infection (UTI) soon after surgery but none recurred (recurrence is an indication for surgery in children with VUR); there was no febrile UTI in the 69 patients in group 2. Planar scintigraphy with99mTc-DMSA was used to assess the absolute uptake (AU) of each kidney measured as a percentage of the injected dose, and the relative uptake (RU = AU of each kidney/AU of both kidneys) calculated. The initial examination was at least 4 weeks after any febrile UTI in most patients. Serial studies were conducted 1 year after surgery and then biannually in group 1. In group 2 the DMSA scan was repeated every 2-3 years. The change in split renal function was compared with the RU of the right kidney. RESULTS: The RU of the right kidney at the initial scan correlated closely with those on repeated scans in both groups. The correlation coefficients were 0.99 in group 1 and 0.94-0.97 in group 2 at every study. The change of RU remained within 0. 05 in all patients after treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Under strict control of UTI, split renal function in children with primary VUR does not change. There may be no possibility of accelerated or compensatory growth of the kidney with reflux nephropathy, but no concern about deterioration and atrophy either.
  • 原田 泰典
    材料力学部門講演会講演論文集 2003年9月23日
  • 原田 泰典
    材料力学部門講演会講演論文集 2003年9月23日
  • 原田 泰典, 宇治 橋諭, 森 謙一郎
    材料とプロセス : 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集 = Current advances in materials and processes : report of the ISIJ meeting 2003年9月1日
  • 原田 泰典, 森 謙一郎, 村尾 卓児
    材料とプロセス : 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集 = Current advances in materials and processes : report of the ISIJ meeting 2003年9月1日
  • 森 謙一郎, 原田 泰典, 村尾 卓児
    材料とプロセス : 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集 = Current advances in materials and processes : report of the ISIJ meeting 2003年9月1日
  • Kazuo Nishimura, Huei Ju Ting, Yasunori Harada, Takashi Tokizane, Norio Nonomura, Hong Yo Kang, Hong Chiang Chang, Shuyuan Yeh, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Masaru Shin, Katsuyuki Aozasa, Akihiko Okuyama, Chawnshang Chang, Chawnshang Chang
    Cancer Research 2003年8月15日
    The partial agonist effect of antiandrogens has been well documented, and such effect is amplified by derived mutant androgen receptors (ARs) in prostate cancer cells. Here we report the identification of gelsolin (GSN) as an AR-associated protein. Hydroxyflutamide (HF), as well as androgens, can promote the interaction between AR and GSN in a dose-dependent manner. GSN interacts with AR DNA-binding domain and ligand-binding domain via its COOH-terminal domain. Immunolocalization studies show that GSN interacts with AR during nuclear translocation. Functional analyses additionally demonstrate that GSN enhances AR activity in the presence of either androgen or HF. Two peptides representing partial regions of the AR DNA-binding domain and the ligand-binding domain can block the GSN-enhanced AR activity. The expression of GSN is enhanced in LNCaP cells, LNCaP xenografts, and human prostate tumors after androgen depletion. Increasing expression of GSN enhances the AR activity in the presence of HF. Together, these data suggest that the weak androgenic effect of HF may be amplified by increasing the amount of GSN after androgen ablation treatment. Therefore, blockage of the interaction between AR and GSN could become a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of prostate cancer.
  • 福田 泉, 田中 裕一, 段本 智則, 原田 泰典
    日本機械学会論文集. A編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. A 2003年7月25日
    Sintered molybdenum plate was rolled in one pass at 873 K to specimens with four degrees of 0, 10, 25 and 50% in thickness reduction. Tensile tests for the smooth and notched specimens were carried out to examine the effects of the level of plastic deformation and the edge notch on the change of ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT). The specimens were pulled at various temperatures between 163 K and 473 K and at a strain rate of 5.5&times;10-3s-1. Consequently, molybdenum could be deformed without any detectable defect up to 50% reduction in thickness by the rolling. For both of the smooth and notched specimens, the ductile-brittle transition temperatures were monotonously lowered with increasing the thickness reduction. The presence of an edge notch caused an increase of transition temperature by about 120 K to 160 K in a thickness reduction range of 0% to 50%.
  • Izumi Fukuda, Yuichi Tanaka, Tomonori Danmoto, Yasunori Harada
    Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, A Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part A 2003年7月1日
    Sintered molybdenum plate was rolled in one pass at 873 K to specimens with four degrees of 0, 10, 25 and 50% in thickness reduction. Tensile tests for the smooth and notched specimens were carried out to examine the effects of the level of plastic deformation and the edge notch on the change of ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT). The specimens were pulled at various temperatures between 163 K and 473 K and at a strain rate of 5.5 × 10-3s1. Consequently, molybdenum could be deformed without any detectable defect up to 50% reduction in thickness by the rolling. For both of the smooth and notched specimens, the ductile-brittle transition temperatures were monotonously lowered with increasing the thickness reduction. The presence of an edge notch caused an increase of transition temperature by about 120 K to 160 K in a thickness reduction range of 0% to 50%.
    J. Materials Processing Tech. 2003年6月30日
    Sandwich rolling, in which the workpiece is sandwiched between two mild steel sheets, is tried to enhance the rolling workability for sintered compacts of pure chromium. In conventional rolling, many thin cracks occur on the surfaces of workpiece rolled at higher temperatures than 1373K. These cracks are supposed to occur by the rapid cooling of the workpiece surfaces in contact with the cold work rolls. Sandwich rolling is very effective in preventing the occurrence of surface cracks, since the mild steel sheets on both sides of the rolling workpiece interrupt the temperature decrease of the surfaces. This method is also very superior in workability to conventional rolling. The behavior of ductile-to-brittle transition and recrystallization were also examined in the rolled specimens. The ductile-to-brittle transition temperature is lowered in a specimen taken from a workpiece subjected to a large rolling reduction. The Vickers hardness of a specimen rolled at 973K is considerably greater than that rolled at 773K. The recrystallization temperature of the sintered compacts is almost the same to that of cast material. ? 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 牧 清二郎, 中川原 大助, 森 謙一郎
    塑性と加工 2003年6月25日
  • 原田 泰典, 小杉 仁, 森 謙一郎, 牧 清二郎
    塑性と加工 2003年4月25日
  • Seijiro Maki, Yasunori Harada, Hiroyasu Makino
    Materials Science Forum 2003年4月21日
    Feasibility of mushy state forming of magnesium alloys making use of resistance heating was examined. Magnesium alloys, AZ31, AZ61 and AZ91, were taken up as experimental materials and cylindrical billets with a diameter of 15mm and a height of 20 mm were used for both resistance heating and forming experiments. Input heat control was applied to the billet heating and insertion of thin discs of austenitic stainless steel with a low thermal conductivity between the billet and copper electrodes was attempted in order to improve the efficiency of the billet heating. Results were summarized as follows. (1) Resistance heating by input heat control was successful to heat the billets to their respective mushy state. (2) Insertion of the discs was very helpful in heating the billets and realized the heating in a couple of seconds. (3) The force applied to the electrodes to ensure the electrical contacts being too small, sparks occurred and welds arose between the billets and discs. Contact pressure more than 19.6MPa was needed to avoid the welding. (4) Mushy state upsetting in a container with an inside diameter 20mm and extrusion with a right angle die with a hole of 5mm in diameter were both performed with fair success using input heat control.
  • Y. Harada, H. Kosugi, S. Maki, M. Umemura, E. Nagashima
    Materials Science Forum 2003年4月21日
    To improve the surface properties of magnesium alloy, a lining process using shot peening was carried out. The lining of magnesium alloy with metals such as titanium and nickel is useful in heightening the corrosion and wear properties for the components. In the shot peening experiment, the foil set on the magnesium workpiece is pelted with many shots at a high velocity. The foil is bonded to the surface of the workpiece due to plastic deformation induced by the collision of the shots. A pure aluminum foil is inserted between the hard foil and magnesium workpiece to assist the bonding. To heighten the bondability, the foil and workpiece are heated and the flow stresses of the metals are reduced. In this experiment, a centrifugal shot peening machine with an electrical heater was employed. The workpieces were commercially magnesium alloys AZ31B and AZ91D, and the foils were commercially pure aluminum, pure titanium and pure nickel. The effects of collision speed and the processing temperature on the bondability were examined. It was found that the foils were successfully bonded to the surface of workpieces by the shot peening process.
  • 原田 泰典
    日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集、材料とプロセス 2003年3月1日
  • 原田 泰典, 小杉 仁, 森 謙一郎
    材料とプロセス : 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集 = Current advances in materials and processes : report of the ISIJ meeting 2003年3月1日
  • 森 謙一郎, 牧 清二郎
    材料とプロセス : 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集 = Current advances in materials and processes : report of the ISIJ meeting 2003年3月1日
  • 原田 泰典, 森 謙一郎, 藤岡 武洋, 牧 清二郎
    塑性と加工 2003年2月25日
  • 松本 佳久, 安部 暢, 安藤 誠悟, 原田 泰典
    大分工業高等専門学校紀要 2003年2月
  • 村尾 卓児, 森 謙一郎, 原田 泰典, 大久保 不二男
    塑性と加工 2003年1月25日
  • Proc. 8th International Conference on Shot Peening, ICSP 2003年
  • Proc. 3rd International Conference on Thermomechanical Processing 2003年
  • Key Engineering Materials 2003年
  • 福田泉, 田中裕一, 段本智則, 原田泰典
    日本機械学会誌 2003年
  • 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集、材料とプロセス 2003年
  • 日本溶接協会貴金属ろう部会、技術委員会、先端材料接合委員会 2003年
  • K. Mori, T. Murao, Y. Harada
    Annals of the CIRP 2003年1月1日
    Long pure titanium cups were formed by multi-stage cold deep drawing using commercial coloured titanium sheets for preventing seizing. The titanium sheets have sufficient ductility and high r-value for the deep drawing, whereas the seizure tends to occur during the deep drawing due to high reactivity with die materials. The coloured pure titanium sheets were treated by electrochemical coating so as to get oxide surface layer effective for preventing the seizing. By the use of commercial coloured sheets, the investment of coating machines can be avoided in sheet metal forming makers and the quality of the oxide layer can be controlled. The effects of the thickness of the oxide layer, die materials and lubricants on the occurrence of seizure in multi-stage deep drawing were examined. It was found that the coloured pure titanium sheets have sufficient ability in preventing the seizure in multi-stage deep drawing processes.
    Materials Letters 2003年1月1日
    The present paper provides details on the thermomechanical treatment of chromium-nickel alloys with high content of chromium, which leads to considerable improvement of their mechanical properties. The investigated alloys were prepared from Cr-Ni powder mixtures containing 50% and 80% of chromium in mass. They were formed by a particular sequence of cold and hot isostatic pressing. The as-sintered compacts were essentially brittle at room temperature, while they have exhibited considerable ductility after the special thermomechanical treatments. The treatment consisted of a sequence of repeated rolling and annealing operations, which is relatively simple and applicable in the industrial production. It is found that the treatments led to a more homogeneous, better alloyed structure and enhanced interdiffusion of the component metals. ? 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Y. Harada, M. Ohmori, K. Mori, S. Maki
    Key Engineering Materials 2002年12月1日
    The workability of cast pure chromium was investigated through the study of rolling and isothermal upsetting. The present cast block produced by means of a high energy induction slag melting (HESM) process was 99.99% mass purity and this material had large crystal grains elongated along the solidification direction. The ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) of small specimens taken from the block was found to be about 500 K in a tension strained at 0.024 s-1. Considerable workability appeared in upsetting at 400 K, at which the small workpiece could be deformed to 25% in height reduction without cracking on the piece wall. The upsetting workability increased rapidly with increasing temperature, that is, the piece was deformed up to 80% at 773 K and more than 90% at higher temperatures than 873 K. At all temperature, cracks occurred in the as-cast specimen deformed by a conventional rolling. In addition, cracks occurred slightly in the specimen even in a sandwich rolling by which sintered chromium was successfully deformed. Cracking in the as-cast specimen was mainly due to the coarse structure with large crystal grains. Once the coarse grain structure in the cast material was changed to a finer one by upsetting and successive annealing treatment, the present chromium could be successfully rolled to a thin sheet at temperatures above 673 K.
  • 大澤 悟, 太和田 聡, 五日市 剛, 牧 清二郎, 原田 泰典
    全国講演大会講演論文集 2002年11月14日
    J. Materials Processing Tech. 2002年9月9日
    The feasibility of mushy state forming of aluminium alloy making use of resistance heating was examined. Aluminium alloy (A357) was used as an experimental material and billets of rectangular prism with a cross-section 10mm2and height 20mm were used for heating and forming experiments. Input heat control was applied to the billet heating and the insertion of thin discs of austenitic stainless steel with a low thermal conductivity between the billet and copper electrodes was used in order to improve the efficiency of the billet heating. Results were summarised as follows. (1) Insertion of the discs was very helpful in heating the billet to its mushy state. (2) The force applied to the electrodes to ensure the electrical contacts being too small, sparks occurred and welds arose between the billet and discs. Contact pressure of more than 19.6MPa was needed at the start of electrification to avoid the welding. (3) Mushy state upsetting in a container and forming with a shaped die were both successfully performed using input heat control. ? 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
    J. Materials Processing Tech. 2002年9月9日
    A lining of light metals with hard powders using shot peening was carried out. The hard powders are bonded to the surface of the workpieces due to the collision with many shots. To fix the hard powders on the surface of the workpiece, the powder is placed on the uneven surface, and the surface is covered with a pure aluminium foil during the shot peening. To make the fixing of powders easy, the lining of workpiece with the powders sandwiched in between two aluminium foils was also tried. In this experiment, a centrifugal shot peening machine with an electrical heater is employed. The workpieces are aluminium and magnesium alloys, and the hard powders are commercially pure chromium, ceramics and cemented carbide. The effects of collision speed and the processing temperature on the bondability were examined. The wear resistance was evaluated by wear test. The hard powders are successfully bonded over the surface of workpieces by raising the processing temperature. ? 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 原田 泰典, 小杉 仁, 森 謙一郎, 牧 清二郎, 長島 悦一, 瀬野尾 和久
    東海支部地区講演会講演論文集 2002年8月24日
  • 牧 清二郎, 柴田 剛志, 原田 泰典, 森 謙一郎, 牧野 泰育
    東海支部地区講演会講演論文集 2002年8月24日
  • 村尾 卓児, 森 謙一郎, 原田 泰典, 大久保 不二男
    東海支部地区講演会講演論文集 2002年8月24日
  • 村尾 卓児, 森 謙一郎, 原田 泰典, 加藤 幸司, 大久保 不二男
    塑性と加工 2002年5月25日
  • 原田 泰典, 大森 正信
    日本金屬學會誌 2002年5月20日
  • 村尾 卓児, 森 謙一郎, 原田 泰典, 加藤 幸司, 大久保 不二男
    塑性と加工 2002年4月25日
    J. Materials Processing Tech. 2002年3月28日
    Chromium is known to have limited room-temperature ductility but to exhibit apparent ductile-to-brittle transition behaviour at temperatures ranging from 150 to 300°C. In this paper, the deformation behaviour of a chromium sheet was investigated in roll-compression and laser bending. Tensile tests and three-point bending tests were performed also to determine the basic mechanical properties of the chromium sheet. The ductile-to-brittle transition temperature of the chromium determined by the tensile test was found to be 180°C. While the sheet could be bent to 90° at a temperature of 130°C in three-point bending, it was possible to bend the sheet to the same bending angle at a lower temperature (100°C) in roll-compression bending, the presence of compressive stress in roll-compression bending being considered to be the reason for the difference in the temperatures. A finite element stress analysis was also conducted to reveal the stress distribution of the chromium sheet in roll-compression bending. Laser bending was demonstrated to be a possible process to deform chromium sheets. A threshold laser power of 40W is observed, below which bending is unlikely to occur. The bending angle was found to increase with increasing laser power and number of irradiations, and decreasing scanning velocity. ? 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 原田 泰典, 藤岡 武洋, 森 謙一郎, 牧 清二郎
    材料とプロセス : 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集 = Current advances in materials and processes : report of the ISIJ meeting 2002年3月1日



