
原田 泰典

ハラダ ヤスノリ  (Yasunori Harada)


兵庫県立大学 大学院 工学研究科 機械系工学専攻 教授
工学博士(1990年11月 広島大学)









  • 原田 泰典, 小杉 仁, 森 謙一郎, 牧 清二郎
    材料とプロセス : 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集 = Current advances in materials and processes : report of the ISIJ meeting 2002年3月1日
  • 金森 隆, 丸田 敏嗣, 松本 佳久, 原田 泰典, 村田 純教, 森永 正彦
    日本金屬學會誌 2002年1月20日
  • Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Tech. Plasticity, ICTP-2002 2002年
  • Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Tech. Plasticity, ICTP-2002 2002年
  • Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Tech. Plasticity, ICTP-2002 2002年
  • Proc. 22nd Biennial Congress and Working Group Meetings, IDDRG-2002 2002年
  • 日本塑性加工学会春季講演論文集 2002年
  • 日本塑性加工学会春季講演論文集 2002年
  • 日本塑性加工学会連合講演会講演論文集 2002年
  • 日本塑性加工学会連合講演会講演論文集 2002年
  • 日本塑性加工学会連合講演会講演論文集 2002年
  • 日本溶射協会中部支部溶射技術研究会 2002年
  • 日本塑性加工学会春季講演論文集 2002年
  • 日本機械学会東海支部豊橋地区講演会 2002年
  • 日本機械学会東海支部豊橋地区講演会 2002年
  • 日本機械学会東海支部豊橋地区講演会 2002年
  • 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集、材料とプロセス 2002年
  • 牧 清二郎, 近藤 望, 中村 雅勇
    材料試験技術 2002年1月
  • Takashi Kanamori, Toshitsugu Maruta, Yoshihisa Matsumoto, Yasunori Harada, Yoshinori Murata, Masahiko Morinaga
    Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals 2002年1月1日
    Experiments were performed with high purity chromium to make a search for some method for improving the ductility at room temperature. The ductile-to-brittle temperature (DBTT) was about 555 K for as-sintered specimens. However, it was lowered by about 200 K using proper thermomechanical treatment. For example, the rolling at 973 K to reduce the specimen thickness by 15% per pass, and the subsequent annealing at 1273-1373 K were repeated until the total reduction of specimen thickness reached 85%, followed by the final annealing at 1473 K. When such thermomechanically treated specimens were then pre-strained by 2-5%, polycrystalline chromium exhibited a fracture elongation 20% even at room temperature.
  • Kenji Shimada, Fumi Matsumoto, Yasunori Harada, Yasuyuki Naito
    Japanese Journal of Clinical Urology 2002年1月1日
  • Ken Ichiro Mori, Takuji Murao, Yasunori Harada
    Technical Paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers. MF 2002年1月1日
    Long pure titanium cups with an excellent resistance to corrosion were formed by preventing seizure in multi-stage deep drawing processes of titanium sheets. The titanium sheets have sufficient ductility and high r-vale for the deep drawing, whereas the seizure tends to occur during the deep drawing due to high reactivity with other materials. For the prevention, pure titanium sheets were treated by electrochemical and heating oxide coatings. The effects of the coating methods and conditions and die materials on the occurrence of seizure in the multi-stage deep drawing were examined. Long pure titanium cups with the height which is 6 times larger than the diameter were successfully formed by using bronze dies or oxide re-coating.
  • Kenji Shimada, Fumi Matsumoto, Akira Tohda, Yasunori Harada, Yasuyuki Naitoh
    International Journal of Urology 2002年1月1日
    Background: Pediatric urinary incontinence secondary to anatomical anomalies of the bladder outlet is relatively rare, and there is no consensus on its surgical treatment. We reviewed the clinical courses and surgical management of children with this pathology. Methods: From 1991 to 2001, we performed bladder neck reconstruction on seven children (three boys and four girls). The mean age at the first intervention was 7 years (range 5-12 years). The underlying diagnosis was bladder exstrophy in two children, pseudoureterocele-type ectopic ureter in three, bladder neck incompetence from unknown etiology in one boy with hypospadias, and bilateral single ectopic ureter associated with cloacal malformations in one child. Lower urinary tract was evaluated through various imagings, endoscopy, and urodynamic studies. Results: The methods used to reconstruct the bladder neck was the Young-Dees-Leadbetter procedure (performed on four children); the Kropp procedure (two children); and the Pippi-Salle procedure (one child). Bladder augmentation with intestinal segment was performed on four children; Mitrofanoff continent stoma was created in all patients. Urethral catheterization could not be routinely used in all patients, because of pain, stricture, or complicated urethral anatomy. All patients achieved urinary continence. Conclusion: The treatment of pediatric urinary incontinence from anatomical anomalies is technically challenging. Depending on the underlying disorders and anatomy, one needs to decide which method of reconstruction to perform. It would be safer to employ simultaneous augmentation and to create catheterizable continent stoma.
  • Yasunori Harada, Masanobu Ohmori
    Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals 2002年1月1日
    High purity chromium powders were sintered into a block by means of hot isostatic pressing. Pieces taken from the sintered block were thermo-mechanically treated, i.e., repeatedly rolled at 973 K up to 50 and 85% in total reduction, with and without intermediate annealing at 1273 K. The ductile-brittle transition temperature, DBTT, was determined by a tension test with the specimens cut from the as-sintered block and the roiled sheets. DBTT for the specimen rolled without intermediate annealing was about 600 K, while DBTT of the specimen rolled with the annealing was 400 K much lower than the above temperature 600 K and the temperature 500 K which was found in the as-sintered material. The reduction in DBTT through the thermo-mechanical treatment probably comes from the decrease of susceptibility to the occurrence of brittle fracture at grain boundaries.
  • S. Maki, Y. Harada, K. Mori
    Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2001年12月20日
    Resistance sintering performance of copper powder mixed with alumina particles was examined, including effect of post-electrification pressing. Simultaneous joining of the composites to a SUS304 stainless steel disk and forming in the sinter process were also attempted from the standpoint of effective use of the heat and pressure. Results obtained were summarized as follows: (1) green compacts containing alumina particle up to 40 mass% were able to be resistance-sintered, and the post-electrification pressing increased the density of the sintered compacts, (2) the simultaneous joining of the composites to the stainless steel was successfully performed when heat input was sufficient, and the post-electrification pressing operated to increase the bond strength, and (3) the simultaneous forming of the composite was possible when the green compact was sufficiently heated under low pressure. ? 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • S. Maki, Y. Harada, K. Mori
    International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 2001年12月1日
    The feasibility of a resistance sinter-forming method newly designed for parts production of ceramic particle dispersed metal matrix composites was investigated. SiC particle dispersed copper matrix composites were taken up as an example, and basic resistance sintering and sinter-upsetting experiments were conducted using copper powders mixed with abrasive SiC powders. The success of resistance sintering depended on the magnitude of the electrical resistance of mixed powders. The results of resistance sinter-upsetting experiment using a green compact billet strongly depended on electrifying conditions including the applied pressure. Experimental resistance sinter-forging using shaped electrodes was successfully performed, thereby demonstrating a high feasibility of the method.
  • Y. Harada, M. Ohmori, M. Yoshida, S. Maki, K. Mori
    International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 2001年12月1日
    Small cylindrical billets of sintered chromium and cast one, being very difficult-to-form materials, were isothermally extruded at warm temperatures to examine the effect of pressurization on the workability using two types of dyes, single-reduction dyes and double-reduction ones. Ductile-to-brittle transition temperature determined in tension for the sintered material was somewhat lowered by pressurization at 7,000 to 10,000 atmospheres. Differently from upsetting workability, extrusion workability was poorly improved only for the sintered chromium by pressurization at 10,000 atmospheres. The use of double-reduction dies was advantageous to the decrease in extrusion temperature above which the successful extrusion could be performed.
  • Kazuo Nishimura, Kazuo Nishimura, Norio Nonomura, Eiichi Satoh, Yasunori Harada, Masashi Nakayama, Takashi Tokizane, Tatsunari Fukui, Yutaka Ono, Hitoshi Inoue, Masaru Shin, Yuichi Tsujimoto, Hitoshi Takayama, Katsuyuki Aozasa, Akihiko Okuyama
    Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2001年11月21日
    Background: Dexamethasone, a synthetic glucocorticoid, has clinical benefit in patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer (HRPC), but the mechanisms responsible for its effects are unknown. The nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB)-dependent cytokine interleukin (IL) 6 (IL-6) is thought to stimulate growth of HRPC. Because dexamethasone interferes with NF-κB activation, we determined whether dexamethasone inhibits prostate cancer growth by working through the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) to interfere with NF-κB-IL-6 pathway. Methods: Three human prostate cancer cell lines (DU145, PC-3, and LNCaP) were assessed for GR expression and responsiveness to dexamethasone. Levels of GR, NF-κB, and the cytoplasmic NF-κB inhibitor IκBα were determined by western blotting and of IL-6 by enzyme immunoassay. The subcellular localization of NF-κB was analyzed by immunofluorescence. The effects of dexamethasone (thrice weekly injections of 1 μg/mouse) on DU145 xenografts in nude and severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice were evaluated. GR expression in human prostate cancers was assessed by immunohistochemistry. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results: Dexamethasone dose dependently decreased GR levels and inhibited the growth of DU145 and PC-3 but not LNCaP cells (DU145 cells, P<.001; PC-3 cells, P = .009). Dexamethasone increased IκBα protein levels and the cytosolic accumulation of NF-κB in DU145 cells and decreased secreted IL-6 levels to 37 pg/mL (95% confidence interval [CI] = 33 pg/mL to 41 pg/mL), compared with 164 pg/mL (95% CI = 162 pg/mL to 166 pg/mL) secreted by ethanol-treated control cells. Dexamethasone inhibited the growth of DU145 xenografts in nude (P = .006) and SCID (P = .026) mice without affecting GR levels. Eight of 16 human prostate cancers expressed GR at high levels (?30% GR-positive cells). Conclusion: Dexamethasone inhibited the growth of GR-positive cancers, possibly through the disruption of the NF-κB-IL-6 pathway.
  • Kenji Shimada, Kenji Shimada, Syozo Hosokawa, Fumi Matsumoto, Kazuyosi Johnin, Yasuyuki Naitoh, Yasunori Harada
    International Journal of Urology 2001年9月17日
    Background: A cloacal anomaly results from incomplete urorectal division and is frequently associated with genitourinary abnormalities. Experience of the urological reconstruction of this entity is reported. Methods: Nine girls with cloacal malformation have been treated at the Osaka Medical Center in the past 9 years. Seven patients were detected by prenatal ultrasonography as having: megacystis (two patients); hydronephrosis (two patients); or hydrometrocolpos (three patients). Two patients underwent prenatal shunt placement between the enlarged bladder and the amniotic space. Results: For neonatal urinary diversion, four patients received cystostomy. Six of seven patients with associated hydrocolpos required intermittent catheterization to decompress an enlarged vagina. Vesicoureteral reflux was detected in 12 ureters of seven patients. Antireflux surgery was indicated in four patients before definitive repair. Definitive reconstruction was performed on eight patients. The posterior sagittal approach was used in all patients. Vaginal reconstruction was done utilizing a perineal skin flap (one patient), a tubularized vaginal flap (three patients), distal rectum (three patients) and total urogenital mobilization (one patient). Postoperatively, urethrovaginal fistula was created in one patient and complete occlusion was seen in one patient. Conclusion: The anatomical variety of this entity determines the management options from in utero. It involves not only the creation of three perineal orifices, but also a continent, catheterizable urethra under the stabilization of renal function. Accomplishment of the definitive repair requires the combined expertise of experienced pediatric surgeons and pediatric urologists.
  • 牧 清二郎, 鵜原 和広, 原田 泰典
    材料試験技術 2001年4月
  • 原田 泰典, 藤岡 武洋, 森謙 一郎, 牧清 二郎, 竹田 仁, 太田 訓郎
    材料とプロセス : 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集 = Current advances in materials and processes : report of the ISIJ meeting 2001年3月1日
  • 牧 清二郎, 竹田 貴博, 原田 泰典, 森 謙一郎, 中村 雅勇
    塑性と加工 2001年2月25日
  • 原田 泰典, 森 謙一郎, 原 政明, 牧 清二郎
    塑性と加工 2001年1月25日
  • 牧 清二郎, 青山 直樹, 原田 泰典, 森 謙一郎
    塑性と加工 2001年1月25日
  • Kazuo Nishimura, Kazuo Nishimura, N. Nonomura, Y. Ono, M. Nozawa, T. Fukui, Y. Harada, T. Imazu, N. Takaha, H. Sugao, T. Miki, A. Okuyama
    Oncology 2001年1月17日
    Objective: To evaluate the clinical usefulness of an oral combination of cyclophosphamide, uracil plus tegafur (UFT) and estramustine in the treatment of patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer (HRPC). Methods: Twenty-one patients were treated with oral administration of cyclophosphamide (100 mg/day), UFT (400 mg/day) and estramustine phosphate (560 mg/day). The median age of the patients was 70 years. Twelve patients had symptomatic bone metastasis, 6 had asymptomatic bone metastasis, 5 had lymph node metastasis, while 2 had only biochemical progression evaluated by prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Results: Twelve (57%) out of 21 patients showed a PSA decline of 50% or greater. The median response duration was 7 months (range 2-15 months). Among the 20 patients assessable for bone pain, 2 (10%) improved, 12 (60%) remained stable and 6 (30%) progressed. Among the 10 patients assessable for bone metastasis, 1 (10%) improved, 5 (50%) were stable and 4 (40%) progressed on bone scan. Among 3 patients assessable for measurable disease (lymph node metastasis), 2 (67%) showed partial response and 1 (33%) progression. Most toxicities were mild. Conclusions: The combination of cyclophosphamide, UFT and estramustine is an active and well-tolerated regimen for HRPC. To evaluate the survival benefit, further randomized studies are required. Copyright ? 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.
  • 日本塑性加工学会連合講演会講演論文集 2001年
  • 日本塑性加工学会春季講演論文集 2001年
  • 福田 泉, 田中 裕一, 段本 智則, 原田 泰典
    日本機械学会九州支部講演論文集 2001年
    The effect of the level of plastic deformation on the ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT: T_c) of sintered molybdenum was examined by the tensile testing. Specimens with four levels of 0, 10, 25 and 50% in thickness reduction (R) were prepared by a rolling at 873 K and tensile tests for smooth and notched specimens were carried out at any desired temperatures between 163 K and 473 K and at a strain rate of 5.5×10^<-3> s^<-1>. The results obtained in this work are summarized as follows: In both the smooth and notched specimens, the transition temperatures were monotonously lowered with increasing the thickness reduction. The presence of an edge notch causes the transition temperature to increase by about 120 K to 160 K over the thickness reduction range of 0% to 50%.
  • T. Fukui, N. Nonomura, T. Tokizane, E. Sato, Y. Ono, Y. Harada, K. Nishimura, S. Takahara, A. Okuyama
    Molecular Urology 2001年1月1日
    Purpose: We examined the expression of mRNA of human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT), a catalytic subunit of the telomerase complex, in bladder washings as a tumor marker for the detection of bladder cancer. Materials and Methods: Bladder washings were obtained from 63 patients. We examined the expression of hTERT mRNA by the nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method and also measured the relative expressions of hTERT mRNA and β2-microglobulin (β2-MG) in these samples by RT-PCR analysis. Correlations between the relative expression of hTERT mRNA and clinical features were analyzed. We also compared the sensitivity of this assay with that of urinary cytology. Results: By nested RT-PCR, we detected three false-positive cases (11%) in the control group. Therefore, the relative expression values of hTERT mRNA and β2-MG correlated strongly with tumor size, but not with multiplicity or histologic grade. When the cut-off value of the expression was fixed at 0.27%, the sensitivity and specificity of this assay were 74% and 93%, respectively. This assay was more sensitive than urinary cytology for the detection of bladder cancer. Conclusion: These results suggest that the relative expression of hTERT mRNA in bladder washings is useful in screening for bladder cancer. Relative expression is of assistance in diagnosing bladder cancer.
  • Y. Ono, N. Nonomura, Y. Harada, T. Fukui, T. Tokizane, E. Sato, M. Nakayama, K. Nishimura, S. Takahara, A. Okuyama
    Molecular Urology 2001年1月1日
    Background: Cisplatin (CDDP) plays an important role in the treatment of transitional-cell carcinoma (TCC), but resistance develops. The mechanism is not entirely understood. Methods: To assess acquired resistance to CDDP, we established a CDDP-resistant subclone, CL8-2, of T24, which is a bladder cancer cell line. We examined the changes in the various pathways leading to apoptosis in the parent line and CL8-2. Results: The drug caused apoptosis of T24 cells but not CL8-2 cells. The CL8-2 cells were 6.4 times more resistant to CDDP than was T24. In both cell lines, the mismatch repair genes hMLH-1 and hMSH-2 were expressed at high levels. The p53 protein was not detected in either cell line but p73 protein was induced by CDDP treatment in T24 cells, which was followed by activation of caspases 3, 8, and 9. This phenomenon was not observed in CL8-2 cells. Conclusion: These results suggest that loss of p73 induction may lead to CDDP resistance of TCC.



