
武尾 正弘

タケオ マサヒロ  (Masahiro Takeo)


兵庫県立大学 大学院 工学研究科 応用化学専攻 教授
Doctor(Engineering)(Osaka University)






  • Abe Y, Takeo M, Sakakibara A, Negoro S
    Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology 39(1) 25-31 2003年3月  査読有り
  • Masahiro Takeo, Takeshi Yasukawa, Yoshikatsu Abe, Sanae Niihara, Yoshimichi Maeda, Seir Negoro
    Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 95(2) 139-45 2003年  査読有り
    A 4-nitrophenol (4-NP)-degrading bacterium was isolated from activated sludge and identified as a Rhodococcus sp. This bacterium, designated as strain PN1, could utilize 4-NP as a sole carbon, nitrogen and energy source. Degradation tests of 4-NP using cell suspensions of strain PN1 revealed that the degradation was induced by 4-NP and that 4-nitrocatechol (4-NC) was one of the metabolites. A gene library was constructed from the total DNA of strain PN1 and introduced into Rhodococcus rhodochrous ATCC 12674. Two recombinant strains showed 4-NP hydroxylase activity, and a 9.1-kb DNA fragment encoding the activity was isolated from one of the strains. In addition, a 2.4-kb smaller fragment expressing the activity was subcloned from the 9.1-kb fragment and sequenced. The sequence analysis showed that the fragment encodes a two-component 4-NP hydroxylase, the predicted amino acid sequence of which exhibits significant similarity to those of phenol hydroxylases and 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-hydroxylases belonging to the two-component flavin diffusible monooxygenase (TC-FDM) family proposed by Galán et al. (J. Bacteriol., 182, 627-636, 2000).
  • Kinya Uchihashi, Takuma Misawa, Masahiro Takeo, Seir Negoro
    Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 95(5) 476-82 2003年  査読有り
    The metabolism of 2,6-naphthalenedisulfonate (26NDS) by Pigmentiphaga sp. NDS-2 was analyzed by isolating a mutant (NDS2-002) which slowly grew on a minimal medium containing 26NDS as the sole source of carbon. Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) analysis of metabolic intermediates in this strain revealed that 5-sulfosalicylate (5SSA) is accumulated during the degradation of 26NDS. To analyze the lower metabolic pathway, a mutant strain NDS2-008, which could not grow either on 26NDS, 5SSA or gentisate, but could on succinate as the carbon source, was isolated. When the resting cells of NDS2-008 were incubated with 5SSA or gentisate, a substance deduced to be maleylpyruvate (Zhou et al., J. Bacteriol., 183, 700-708, 2001) was commonly detected upon HPLC analysis. These results suggest that Pigmentiphaga sp. NDS-2 degrades 26NDS via 5SSA, gentisate and maleylpyruvate as intermediates.
  • Uchihashi K, Takeo M, Negoro S
    Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology 38(4) 219-229 2002年12月  査読有り
  • R Fukae, K Nakata, M Takeo, T Yamamoto, O Sangen
    SEN-I GAKKAISHI 56(5) 254-258 2000年5月  査読有り
    Biodegradation of poly(vinyl alcohol) with high syndiotacticity (s-PVA) was studied under the presence of Pseudomonas sp. as a bacterium. The effects of stereoregularity of s-PVA on its biodegradability were evaluated compared to PVA homologs, Le. atactic PVA (a-PVA) and isotactic PVA (i-PVA). Changes in total organic carbon concentration (TOC) in PVA cultures with incubation time were checked, and pentad tacticity was estimated by C-13 NMR analysis for tacticity contents of degraded PVA. TOC in i-PVA culture decreased rapidly in early stage of the incubation. Sixty-two percent of initial amounts of i-PVA was assimilated in 12 days of incubation. On the contrary, only 13% of the initial amounts of s-PVA was assimilated even after 20 days of incubation. Little changes were observed in H-1 NMR spectrum of s-PVA compared with that of a-PVA or i-PVA after the incubations. it was obviously confirmed in the present work that mmmm sequence is especially subject to degradation in meso sequences on the basis of C-13 NMR analysis and the enzyme engaged in this degradation should have a sequence selectivity at pentad level. Experimental results supports the view that I-PVA having a number of long meso sequences should be susceptible to biodegradation, and s-PVA should not so.
  • M Takeo, T Fujii, K Takenaka, Y Maeda
    A 17.0-kb SacI fragment, which contains a large region just downstream of the aniline dioxygenase genes (atdA1-A5) of Acinetobacter sp. strain YAA, was cloned from YAA plasmid DNA. We determined the nucleotide sequence of a 10.5-kb segment within the fragment, in which eleven genes were found. Eight of the genes, designated atdSBCDEFGH, were homologous to the meta-cleavage pathway genes dmpQBCDEFGH and xylTEGFJQKI the products of which are involved in the phenol and toluene degradation pathways, respectively. The GS-C content of the atdSBCDEFGH genes ranges from 51.1% to 59.5% and is unusual for Acinetobacter genes (38-47%), indicating that the genes originated from other bacteria. In addition, these values are quite different from those of the upstream atdA1-A5 genes (40.1-47.7%). This result suggests that this aniline degradation gene cluster is a hybrid structure.
  • M Takeo, T Fujii, Y Maeda
    The nucleotide (nt) sequence of the genes encoding the oxidation of aniline and o-toluidine to the corresponding catechols was determined in the Acinetobacter sp. strain YAA. The 6293-bp DNA region sequenced contained five genes (atdA1-A5) in one strand. From the deduced amino acid (aa) sequences, the atdA1-A5 genes were predicted to encode a glutamine synthetase-like protein (AtdA1), a glutamine amidotransferase-like protein (AtdA2) and three subunits of benzene-ring hydroxylating oxygenase [the large and small subunits of the terminal dioxygenase component (AtdA3 and AtdA4) and the reductase component (AtdA5)] in this order. A glutamine synthetase ATP-binding motif and a putative glutamine amidotransferase class-I active site were found in AtdA1 and AtdA2, respectively, whereas Rieske-type-and plant ferredoxin-type-[2Fe-2S] binding motifs were found in AtdA3 and AtdA5, respectively. These results suggest that, in aniline oxidation in this strain, the former two gene products (AtdA1 and AtdA2) are involved in the recognition and release of aniline amino-groups, while the latter three (AtdA3, AtdA4 and AtdA5) are involved in dihydroxylation of the benzene-ring. Although this aniline oxidation system has a significant resemblance (31.1-62.0% homology at the aa sequence level) to that from Pseudomonas putida UCC22 (Fukumori and Saint, J. Bacteriol., 179, 399-408, 1997), the G+C content of these Acinetobacter genes (40.1-47.4%) is quite different from that of the Pseudomonas genes, tdnQTA1A2B (63.1-71.2%). Polypeptide analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis confirmed the production of all the above polypeptides with a molecular mass calculated from each aa sequence.
  • 中岡元信, 内田昌宏, 前田嘉道, 武尾正弘
    繊維学会誌 53(11) 507-511 1997年11月  査読有り
  • M Takeo, M Nakaoka, K Hata, E Takata, Y Maeda
    SEN-I GAKKAISHI 53(4) 125-130 1997年4月  査読有り
    To establish a textile dye wastewater treatment methods, the ozonation and the successive biodegradation of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) which was widely used as thickener for textile printing process were investigated. The degradation of CMC by the ozonation was affected by the initial pH, that the higher the initial pH, the lager the reduction of TOC and carboxymethyl group. At the initial pH 12, TOC was reduced to 50% by ozonation for 240 min, and reduced to 95% of initial TOC value by the successive biodegradation. It can be therefore, said that biodegradability of CMC is improved by the ozonation. Further more, by the ozonation with H2O2 and the ozonation with buffer solution for restrained lower initial pH, the oxidation efficiency and biodegradability were more improved. Therefore, ozonation for 120 min was carried out for aqueous CMC solution with pH 7 (buffer solution) under copresence of H2O2 at 100mg/l concentration. The TOC in the solution was reduced to 70% by the ozonation, and reduced to more than 99% of initial value at the successive biodegradation. It was conclusively found that CMC could be completely mineralized by a combined method of the ozonation and the biodegradation.
  • Masahiro Takeo, Takeya Nagayama, Ken Takatani, Yoshimichi Maeda, Motonobu Nakaoka
    Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering 83(5) 505-509 1997年1月  
  • FUJII T.
    Microbiology 143(1) 93-99 1997年1月1日  
  • 高田英資, 広田義和, 前田嘉道, 武尾正弘, 石井泰博, 白井邦郎
    日本畜産学会報 67(11) 1010-1017 1996年11月  査読有り
    回収牛毛を可溶化して,膜などの構造材料として利用出来る分子量の大きい可溶性タンパク質を得るために,亜硫酸ナトリウムで前処理し,パパインまたはトリプシンを用いる酵素還元加水分解法(SP法)およびアルカリ加水分解法により可溶化を行う場合の可溶化条件と可溶化タンパク質の理化学的性質を調べた.また,可溶化タンパク質の酸沈澱における挙動についても検討を加えた.SP法(パパイン)では可溶化率約44%,最終収量は22.2%で可溶化タンパク質を得た.トリプシン使用の場合には,それぞれ39%および8.4%であった.また,アルカリ加水分解法では93%および49%であった.SP法およびアルカリ加水分解法により得られた可溶化タンパク質の酸沈澱における溶解度曲線は異なったパターンを示した.両可溶化タンパク質とも共通して酸不溶性画分(沈澱物)より酸可溶性画分(上澄み液溶解物)の方が多く,また,SP法由来の酸不溶性画分はアルカリ加水分解法由来のそれに比べ,多く存在した.SDS-PAGE, SEC-HPLC分析により分子量組成を調べたところ,それぞれ2~3の画分がみられ,分子量として15KD~25KDのものが多い.アミノ酸組成はSP法による可溶化タンノパク質中にはランチオニンが多く存在し,アルカリ可溶化物では比較的少なかった.SP法とアルカリ可溶化物と比べると,システイン酸,セリンおよびプロリン等が多く,アルカリ可溶化物はセリン,トレオニンおよびランチオニンが少ないことが認められた.
  • 池道彦, 片岡孝治, 武尾正弘, 藤田正憲
    水環境学会誌 19(11) 937-944 1996年11月  査読有り
    Populations of phenol-degrading bacteria in soil and their trichloroethylene (TCE)-degrading capabilities were evaluated to find effective and reasonable in situ bioremediation methods. In eight soil samples, it is observed that bacteria able to grow on inorganic medium including 125 mg·l-1 of phenol accounted for 6 to 20 % of total aerobic heterotrophic bacteria. Further, TCE-degrading capabilities of fourteen phenol-degrading strains including six isolates from the soil samples described above were compared. Under phenol-induced conditions, the majority of the bacteria could reduce 1mg·l-1 of TCE to an undetectable limit, while the rests could not completely remove TCE or at all. However, all the strains with only one exception showed TCE-degrading activity to a certain extent (ultimate TCE removal was 20 to 100%), and their specific degradation rates for TCE corresponded to those for phenol. These results suggest the possibility of TCE removal by in situ biostimulation in the presence of effective native phenol-degrading bacteria.
  • Urakami Y, Maeda Y, Takeo M, Takashima S
    Transaction of the Japan Concrete Institute 15 215-224 1995年10月  査読有り
  • 武尾正弘, 常陰典正, 高田英資, 前田嘉道
    分析化学 44(9) 697-702 1995年9月  査読有り
  • Masanori Fujita, Michihiko Ike, Jun-Ichi Hioki, Koji Kataoka, Masahiro Takeo
    Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering 79(2) 100-106 1995年1月  
  • 中岡元信, 南広己, 前田嘉道, 武尾正弘
    繊維学会誌 51(1) 23-28 1995年  査読有り
  • Ryohei Fukae, Toshiki Fujii, Masahiro Takeo, Tohei Yamamoto, Toshiaki Sato, Yoshimichi Maeda, Osamu Sangen
    Polymer Journal 26(12) 1381-1386 1994年12月  
  • Nakaoka M, Tamura S, Hanayama Y, Takeo M, Maeda Y
    Chemistry Express 8(8) 641-644 1993年8月  査読有り
  • Takeo M, Urakami Y, Inaoka O, Nakajima T, Maeda Y
    Chemistry Express 7(8) 669-672 1992年8月  査読有り
  • 藤田正憲, 橋本奨, 武尾正弘, 萩野貴世
    下水道協会誌 26(297) 16-25 1989年2月  査読有り
  • Masanori Fujita, Susumu Hashimoto, Masahiro Takeo, Kiyoko Hagino
    Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering 67(4) 286-290 1989年1月  









