
新居 学

Manabu Nii


兵庫県立大学 大学院 工学研究科 電子情報工学専攻 准教授



  • Yuko Kawasaki, Kei Hirai, Manabu Nii, Yoshiyuki Kizawa, Atsuko Uchinuno
    Cancer diagnosis & prognosis 4(1) 57-65 2024年1月  査読有り
    BACKGROUND/AIM: Patients diagnosed with cancer are expected to choose one or more treatment modalities after receiving corresponding explanations of the options. When making these choices, patients consider the effects of treatment and aspects related to their quality of life. These concerns can cause confusion and conflict owing to the complicated information provided by medical caregivers. The objective of the study was to identify perceptions of cancer treatment in patients with cancer and the decision-making factors affecting their treatment choices. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this observational (cross-sectional) study, an online questionnaire survey was administered to 194 Japanese cancer patients with treatment experience. Patient information, perceptions of explanations provided by healthcare professionals, treatment views, and reasons for treatment decisions were subjected to a simple tabulation. Content and factor analysis was conducted to determine important treatment selection elements. RESULTS: Regarding treatment perception, 60.3% of respondents (n=117) considered treatment a financial and family burden, 47.4% (n=92) had concerns about physical pain, and 40.2% (n=78) were worried about increased stress. Regarding decision-making quality, 95.9% determined their preferred treatment within one week, 49.0% reported difficulties in making their decisions, and 83.0% chose their treatment themselves. Major decisive factors were prolonging life, opinions of medical staff, and accepting treatment risks (68.0%, 68.6%, and 60.3% of patients, respectively). The main attitudes toward treatment were anxiety, expectations of benefit, and expectations of support and care. CONCLUSION: SDM should enable patients to visualize the changes that their bodies will experience and include discussions on prognosis. Psychological care should be prioritized to alleviate anxiety and improve readiness for decision-making; attention should be paid to the extent and timing of information provision.
  • 粟村 健司, 新居 学, 渡邊 里香, 中西 永子, 真鍋 雅史, 河野 孝典, 芳賀 邦子, 撫養 真紀子, 坂下 玲子, 小野 博史
    日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌 46(4) 132-141 2023年12月20日  査読有り
    目的:看護小規模多機能型居宅介護(看多機)に特徴的なサービス情報の発信と運営状況との関係を明らかにする. 方法:介護サービス情報公開システムに公表された全国の看多機のテキスト情報を厚生労働省から入手し,KH Coderを用いて語の使われ方の特徴を分析した.看多機に特徴的である医療依存度や看取りに関する語を使用していた事業所とそれ以外に分け,利用者数や従業員数,サービスの実施状況を比較した. 結果:医療依存度や看取りに関する語を使用していた事業所は,使用していない事業所よりも要介護5の利用者数,看護職員の常勤人数が有意に多く,処置の実施率も人工肛門の1項目を除く,12項目で有意に高かった. 結論:医療依存度や看取りに関する語を発信していた事業所は,より多くの利用者を確保し多様なサービスを展開していることが示唆された.今後は事業所管理者が看多機サービスの理解を深め,運営に反映できるような支援が求められる.
  • 中出 麻紀子, 森本 雅和, 新居 学, 中西 永子, 笹嶋 宗彦, 小野 博史, 河野 孝典, 谷田 恵子, 坂下 玲子
    Phenomena in Nursing 7(1) R10-R19 2023年12月  査読有り
  • 渡邊 里香, 撫養 真紀子, 中西 永子, 芳賀 邦子, 小野 博史, 粟村 健司, 真鍋 雅史, 新居 学, 河野 孝典, 坂下 玲子
    Phenomena in Nursing 7(1) R20-R29 2023年12月  査読有り
  • 中出 麻紀子, 森本 雅和, 新居 学, 中西 永子, 笹嶋 宗彦, 小野 博史, 河野 孝典, 谷田 恵子, 坂下 玲子
    Phenomena in Nursing 7(1) R10-R19 2023年12月  査読有り
  • Yuko Kawasaki, Kei Hirai, Manabu Nii, Yoshiyuki Kizawa, Atsuko Uchinuno
    Future oncology (London, England) 19(33) 2263-2272 2023年10月31日  査読有り
    Background: We investigated factors involved in decision-making support provided by physicians, nurses, pharmacists and medical and psychiatric social workers involved in cancer care. Materials & methods: A questionnaire survey on decision-making support was conducted. The level of clinician support was classified as 'supporting patients' 'decision-making process regarding cancer treatment', 'no support for patients' 'decision-making process regarding cancer treatment' or 'team-based support for patients' 'decision-making process regarding cancer treatment'. Results: Physicians estimated that 83.7% of patients made a cancer treatment decision within 1 week, but 45.4% of patients had difficulty making a decision. Conclusion: Medical personnel should support patients who have difficulty making decisions, establish a screening method to identify those needing support and develop a system providing decision-making support through interprofessional work.
  • 撫養 真紀子, 渡邊 里香, 小野 博史, 中西 永子, 芳賀 邦子, 粟村 健司, 新居 学, 真鍋 雅史, 河野 孝典, 坂下 玲子
    社会医学研究 40(2) 150-165 2023年10月  査読有り
  • Hiroshi Ono, Kuniko Haga, Eiko Nakanishi, Rika Watanabe, Masashi Manabe, Kenji Awamura, Takanori Kawano, Manabu Nii, Makiko Muya, Reiko Sakashita
    Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal 7 e45779-e45779 2023年5月9日  査読有り
    Background Japan is a superaging society unparalleled in the world. Elderly people who need medical care do not receive adequate support in the community. As a new service to address this issue, a small-scale multifunctional in-home care nursing service called Kantaki was created in 2012. Kantaki, in collaboration with a primary physician, operates 24 hours a day and provides various nursing services (home visits, home care, day care, and overnight stays) to older people living in the community. The Japanese Nursing Association is working hard to promote this system; however, its low utilization rate is an issue. Objective This study aimed to determine factors influencing the utilization rate of Kantaki facilities. Methods This was a cross-sectional study. A questionnaire on the operation of Kantaki was sent to all administrators of Kantaki facilities operating in Japan from October 1 to December 31, 2020. A multiple regression analysis was used to determine factors associated with a high utilization rate. Results Responses from 154 of the 593 facilities were analyzed. The average utilization rate for all valid responding facilities was 79.4%. The average number of actual users and the break-even point were almost equal, resulting in little surplus profit from facility operations. A multiple regression analysis showed that factors that had a significant impact on the utilization rate included the break-even point, a surplus of users relative to the break-even point (ie, the margin of revenues), the number of months in office of the administrator, the type of corporation (ie, nonprofit), and Kantaki’s profit from operating home-visit nursing offices. The break-even point, a surplus of users relative to the break-even point, and the number of months in office of the administrator were robust. In addition, support for reducing the burden on family helpers, a service sought by the system, significantly and negatively affected the utilization rate. In the analysis that removed the most influential factors, the cooperation of the home-visit nursing office, Kantaki’s profit from operating the home-visit nursing office, and the number of full-time care workers were significantly related. Conclusions To improve the utilization rate, managers need to stabilize their organization and increase profitability. However, a positive relationship was found between the break-even point and utilization rate, suggesting that simply increasing users did not contribute to cost reduction. Moreover, providing services that meet the needs of individual clients may result in lower utilization rates. These results, which are inconsistent with common sense, reflect the divergence between the assumptions underlying the system’s design and actual conditions. To solve these issues, institutional reforms, such as an increase in nursing care fee points, may be necessary.
  • AHMED Solaiman, NII Manabu
    International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences: the official journal of the Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association 27(1) 1-12 2022年12月  査読有り
    Multiple accelerometers (chest and wrist) and physiological sensors (electrocardiogram (ECG) and electrodermal activity (EDA)) based activity classification systems have been proposed to classify those activities which are too abstruse to classify with the accelerometer-based system only. “ActiGraph” count value as well as several features of ECG and EDA were extracted from 14 persons with an open-source dataset named “PPG Field Study Dataset”. The activities were considered as different types (type A, type B, type C) based on the movement intensity of the wrist and the chest. The features were fitted to machine learning (ML) algorithms with accelerometer features only and both (count and physiological feature). In the case of type A activities (no chest and wrist movement), classification with accelerometers only and both, the accuracy was 89.3% with weighted K-NN and 100% with linear regression, respectively. In the case of classification between type B (hand soccer, cycling, driving, lunch) activities with accelerometers only and both, the accuracy was 66.1% and 89.3% with linear and quadratic support vector machine (SVM) respectively. In the case of classification between type C activities (stair and walk) with accelerometers only and both, the accuracy was 64.3% and 82.1% with linear discrimination and SVM (linear) classifier respectively. All the results for type A and type C activities classification were generated with leave one out cross-validation, and classification between type B activities was classified with 50-fold cross-validation to avoid overfitting where Bayesian optimizer tuned the hyperparameters of the ML classifiers.
  • 坂下 玲子, 森本 雅和, 新居 学, 中西 永子, 小野 博史, 谷田 恵子, 河野 孝典, 笹嶋 宗彦, 中出 麻紀子
    Phenomena in Nursing 6(1) S5-S11 2022年12月  査読有り
  • Solaiman Ahmed, Tanveer Ahmed Bhuiyan, Manabu Nii
    J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Informatics 26(1) 58-66 2022年1月  査読有り
  • 坂下 玲子, 撫養 真紀子, 小野 博史, 渡邊 里香, 芳賀 邦子, 粟村 健司, 真鍋 雅史, 新居 学, 中西 永子, 河野 孝典
    日本看護科学会誌 41 665-673 2021年12月  査読有り
  • WATANABE Rika, NAKANISHI Eiko, HAGA Kuniko, ONO Hiroshi, MUYA Makiko, AWAMURA Kenji, MANABE Masashi, NII Manabu, KAWANO Takanori, SAKASHITA Reiko
    Asian Journal of Human Services (Web) 20 2021年10月30日  査読有り
  • WATANABE Rika, NAKANISHI Eiko, HAGA Kuniko, ONO Hiroshi, MUYA Makiko, AWAMURA Kenji, MANABE Masashi, NII Manabu, KAWANO Takanori, SAKASHITA Reiko
    Asian Journal of Human Services 20 34-47 2021年10月30日  査読有り
    Objectives: In order to cope with a rapidly aging national population, the Japanese government promotes the use of a comprehensive community care system known as Kantaki, which was established in 2012. Aimed at older populations, Kantaki offers a variety of services, including home-visit nursing care, day care, and overnight care. This study clarified the factors that affect the estimated revenue of Kantaki services through a secondary analysis of detailed information released by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW). Our goal was to provide information that may facilitate the stable management of Kantaki operations across Japan. Methods: We conducted a secondary analysis of official statistics data and detailed information released by the MHLW in April 2020. As such, we calculated the estimated revenue for Kantaki services. We then conducted a logistic regression analysis with estimated revenue set as the dependent variable in order to assess the magnitude of each influencing factor. Results: A total of 594 multifunctional in-home long-term care services were established. Of these, 506 met the requirements for Kantaki set in this study’s analysis. The logistic regression analysis showed that items with large odds ratios included tube feeding (2.59), enhanced working conditions for care workers (I) (2.58), and colostomy/ileostomy care (1.76). Conclusion: To achieve stable management practices for Kantaki, it is important to handle at-home medical needs through the use of skilled care workers, who must be properly trained and ensured stable employment.
  • Solaiman Ahmed, Tanveer Ahmed Bhuiyan, Taiki Kishi, Manabu Nii, Syoji Kobashi
    Applied Sciences 11(16) 7230-7230 2021年8月5日  査読有り
  • Ren Morita, Saya Ando, Daisuke Fujita, Manabu Nii, Kumiko Ando, Reiichi Ishikura, Syoji Kobashi
    ICMLC 1-6 2021年  査読有り
  • Kota Motoki, Fahad Parvez Mahdi, Naomi Yagi, Manabu Nii, Syoji Kobashi
    2020 Joint 11th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 21st International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS-ISIS) 1-5 2020年12月5日  査読有り
  • Kento Morita, Manabu Nii, Min-Sung Koh, Kaori Kashiwa, Hiroshi Nakayama, Shunichiro Kambara, Shinichi Yoshiya, Syoji Kobashi
    Current Medical Imaging Formerly Current Medical Imaging Reviews 16(5) 491-498 2020年5月29日  査読有り
    <sec> <title>Background:</title> Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury causes knee instability which affects sports activity involving cutting and twisting motions. The ACL reconstruction surgery replaces the damaged ACL with artificial one which is fixed to the bone tunnels opened by the surgeon. The outcome of the ACL reconstruction is strongly related to the placement of the bone tunnels, therefore, the optimization of tunnel drilling technique is an important factor to obtain satisfactory surgical results. </sec> <sec> <title>Aims:</title> The quadrant method is used for the post-operative evaluation of the ACL reconstruction surgery, which evaluates the bone tunnel opening sites on the lateral 2D X-ray radiograph. </sec> <sec> <title>Methods:</title> For the purpose of applying the quadrant method to the pre-operative knee MRI, we have synthesized the pseudo lateral 2D X-ray radiograph from the patients' knee MRI. This paper proposes a computer-aided surgical planning system for the ACL reconstruction. The proposed system estimates appropriate bone tunnel opening sites on the pseudo lateral 2D X-ray radiograph synthesized from the pre-operative knee MRI. </sec> <sec> <title>Results:</title> In the experiment, the proposed method was applied to 98 subjects including subjects with osteoarthritis. The experimental results showed that the proposed method can estimate the bone tunnel opening sites accurately. The other experiment using 36 healthy patients showed that the proposed method is robust to the knee shape deformation caused by disease. </sec> <sec> <title>Conclusion:</title> It is verified that the proposed method can be applied to subjects with osteoarthritis. </sec>
  • Shoichi Nishio, Belayat Hossain, Naomi Yagi, Manabu Nii, Takafumi Hiranaka, Syoji Kobashi
    LifeTech 2020 - 2020 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies 8-10 2020年3月  査読有り
    © 2020 IEEE. The procedure of orthopedic surgery is quite complicated, and many kinds of equipment have been used. Operating room nurses who deliver surgical instruments to surgeon are supposed to be forced to incur a heavy burden. There are some studies to recognize surgical phase with convolutional neural network (CNN) in minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery only. Previously, we proposed a computer-aided orthopedic surgery (CAOS)-AI navigation system based on CNN. However, the work propose a method to improve accuracy of phase recognition by considering temporal dependency of orthopedic surgery video acquired from surgeon-wearable video camera. The method estimates current surgical phase by combining both temporal dependency and convolutional-long-short term memory network (CNN-LSTM). Experimental results shows a phase recognition accuracy of 59.9% by the proposed method applied in unicomapartmenatal knee arthroplasty (UKA).
  • Shoichi NISHIO, Belayat HOSSAIN, Manabu NII, Naomi YAGI, Takafumi HIRANAKA, Syoji KOBASHI
    International Journal of Affective Engineering 19(2) 137-143 2020年  査読有り
  • 渡邊 里香, 小野 博史, 芳賀 邦子, 真鍋 雅史, 粟村 健司, 撫養 真紀子, 新居 学, 中西 永子, 坂下 玲子
    Phenomena in Nursing 4(1) O11-O19 2020年  査読有り
  • Binte Alam, Manabu Nii, Akinobu Shimizu, Syoji Kobashi
    Current Medical Imaging Reviews 16(5) 499-506 2020年  査読有り
    © 2020, Bentham Science Publishers. All rights reserved. Background: This study presents a novel method of constructing a spatiotemporal statistical shape model (st-SSM) for adult brain. St-SSM is an extension of statistical shape model (SSM) in the temporal domain which will represent the statistical variability of shape as well as the temporal change of statistical variance with respect to time. Aims: Expectation-Maximization (EM) based weighted principal component analysis (WPCA) using a temporal weight function is applied where the eigenvalues of each data are estimated by Estep using temporal eigenvectors, and M-step updates Eigenvectors in order to maximize the variance. Both E and M-step are iterated until updating vectors reaches the convergence point. A weight parameter for each subject is allocated in accordance with the subject’s age to calculate the weighted variance. A Gaussian function is utilized to define the weight function. The center of the function is a time point while the variance is a predefined parameter. Methods: The proposed method constructs adult brain st-SSM by changing the time point between minimum to maximum age range with a small interval. Here, the eigenvectors changes with aging. The feature vector of representing adult brain shape is extracted through a level set algorithm. To validate the method, this study employed 103 adult subjects (age: 22 to 93 y.o. with Mean ± SD = 59.32±16.89) from OASIS database. st-SSM was constructed for time point 40 to 90 with a step of 2. Results: We calculated the temporal deformation change between two-time points and evaluated the corresponding difference to investigate the influence of analysis parameter. An application of the proposed model is also introduced which involves Alzheimer’s disease (AD) identification utilizing support vector machine.
  • Saadia Binte Alam, Manabu Nii, Akinobu Shimizu, Syoji Kobashi
    Current medical imaging 16(5) 499-506 2020年  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: This study presents a novel method of constructing a spatiotemporal statistical shape model (st-SSM) for adult brain. St-SSM is an extension of statistical shape model (SSM) in the temporal domain which will represent the statistical variability of shape as well as the temporal change of statistical variance with respect to time. AIMS: Expectation-Maximization (EM) based weighted principal component analysis (WPCA) using a temporal weight function is applied where the eigenvalues of each data are estimated by Estep using temporal eigenvectors, and M-step updates Eigenvectors in order to maximize the variance. Both E and M-step are iterated until updating vectors reaches the convergence point. A weight parameter for each subject is allocated in accordance with the subject's age to calculate the weighted variance. A Gaussian function is utilized to define the weight function. The center of the function is a time point while the variance is a predefined parameter. METHODS: The proposed method constructs adult brain st-SSM by changing the time point between minimum to maximum age range with a small interval. Here, the eigenvectors changes with aging. The feature vector of representing adult brain shape is extracted through a level set algorithm. To validate the method, this study employed 103 adult subjects (age: 22 to 93 y.o. with Mean ± SD = 59.32±16.89) from OASIS database. st-SSM was constructed for time point 40 to 90 with a step of 2. RESULTS: We calculated the temporal deformation change between two-time points and evaluated the corresponding difference to investigate the influence of analysis parameter. An application of the proposed model is also introduced which involves Alzheimer's disease (AD) identification utilizing support vector machine. CONCLUSION: In this study, st-SSM based adult brain shape feature extraction and classification techniques are introduced to classify between normal and AD subject as an application.
  • Soichi Nishio, Md Belayat Hossain, Naomi Yagi, Manabu Nii, Takafumi Hiranaka, Syoji Kobashi
    2nd IEEE Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies(LifeTech) 8-10 2020年  査読有り
  • Yuki Kubo, Manabu Nii, Tomoyuki Muto, Hiroshi Tanaka, Hiroaki Inui, Naomi Yagi, Katsuya Nobuhara, Syoji Kobashi
    2nd IEEE Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies(LifeTech) 5-7 2020年  査読有り
  • Solaiman Ahmed, Taiki Kishi, Manabu Nii, Kohei Higuchi, Syoji Kobashi
    Proceedings - International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2019-July 2019年7月  査読有り
    © 2019 IEEE. Human activities like stay, walk, squat, jogging, stair up and down have been estimated by our proposed fuzzy classification system. Data obtained by a wearable biometric sensor device have been used for estimating human activities. The sensor device can obtain electrocardiograms (ECG), 3-axis acceleration, body surface temperature, humidity, ambient temperature, and atmospheric pressure. Calculated body-angle, body vibration, and amount of change of pressure from sensor data have been used for making fuzzy rules. FIR filters have been used for pre-processing of data. Components of the attitude were extracted from the acceleration data. Five-fold and three-fold cross-validation methods have been used when the same person dataset and different person datasets were used for validation, respectively. MHEALTH datasets has also been validated on the fuzzy classification system. Three movements(stay, walk and jogging) have been classified with this system. From the experimental results, in every cases, every movement has been classified with more than 93% accuracy by our proposed method.
  • Belayat Hossain, Takatoshi Morooka, Makiko Okuno, Manabu Nii, Shinichi Yoshiya, Syoji Kobashi
    Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 25(1) 105-116 2019年3月1日  査読有り
    © 2019 TSI® Press. This work aimed to predict postoperative knee functions of a new patient prior to total knee arthroplasty (TKA) surgery using machine learning, because such prediction is essential for surgical planning and for patients to better understand the TKA outcome. However, the main difficulty is to determine the relationships among individual varieties of preoperative and postoperative knee kinematics. The problem was solved by constructing predictive models from the knee kinematics data of 35 osteoarthritis patients, operated by posterior stabilized implant, based on generalized linear regression (GLR) analysis. Two prediction methods (without and with principal component analysis followed by GLR) along with their sub-classes were proposed, and they were finally evaluated by a leaveone- out cross-validation procedure. The best method can predict the postoperative outcome of a new patient with a Pearson’s correlation coefficient (cc) of 0.84±0.15 (mean±SD) and a root-mean-squared-error (RMSE) of 3.27±1.42 mm for anterior-posterior vs. flexion/extension (A-P pattern), and a cc of 0.89±0.15 and RMSE of 4.25±1.92° for internal-external vs. flexion/extension (i-e pattern). Although these were validated for one type of prosthesis, they could be applicable to other implants, because the definition of knee kinematics, measured by a navigation system, is appropriate for other implants
  • Belayat Hossain, Takatoshi Morooka, Makiko Okuno, Manabu Nii, Shinichi Yoshiya, Syoji Kobashi
    2018 Joint 7th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision and 2nd International Conference on Imaging, Vision and Pattern Recognition, ICIEV-IVPR 2018 544-549 2019年2月12日  査読有り
    © 2018 IEEE. Knee implantation is a popular knee surgery to replace damaged knee joint in Total knee arthroplasty (TKA). It is essential to predict postoperative knee kinematic before the surgery for patient-specific TKA surgical planning because outcome of the TKA operation strongly depends on types of prosthesis and surgical methods. Previously, we proposed postoperative kinematics (A-P and i-e patterns) prediction method based on generalized linear regression (GLR). However, this study mainly focuses on comparative performance analysis of the two popular machine learning methods (SVR and NN) in predictive model construction for postoperative kinematics prediction using PCA-based feature extraction, then compared with GLR method. It was found that predictive model&#039;s prediction performance slightly varies from each other&#039;s because the characteristics features of the kinematic patterns differs from each type. Therefore, this study recommends the best ML method (NN for A-P pattern and GLM for i-e pattern) with high prediction performance for predicting TKA outcome.
  • Manabu Nii, Yusuke Kato, Masakazu Morimoto, Shoji Kobashi, Naotake Kamiura, Yutaka Hata, Setsuro Imawaki, Tomomoto Ishikawa, Hidehiko Matsubayashi
    2018 Joint 7th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision and 2nd International Conference on Imaging, Vision and Pattern Recognition, ICIEV-IVPR 2018 222-227 2019年2月12日  査読有り
    © 2018 IEEE. In this paper, we propose a new approach to classify ovarian follicles into two classes. A smoothing filter which is designed to consider speckle patterns under the resolution of the ultrasound devices is applied for filtering ovarian follicle images. Then, convolutional neural networks are used for extracting features from the filtered ovarian follicle images. Finally, both features extracted by CNNs from the filtered ovarian follicle images and numerical features defined by our previous works are used for classification. From experimental results, we show the effectiveness of our proposed method.
  • Jun Shimada, Masakazu Morimoto, Manabu Nii, Yutaka Hata, Tomomoto Ishikawa, Hidehiko Matsubayashi
    Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2018 3899-3902 2019年1月16日  査読有り
    © 2018 IEEE. In order to estimate the existence of ovum in ovarian follicle from ultrasound images, we reconstruct three-dimensional follicle model by using acceleration sensor. Because the ovum is too small to see in ultrasound image, so we are going to estimate its existence from shape and texture features of the follicle by using some AI methods. First, we obtain ultrasound images and rotation angle of probe simultaneously by attaching acceleration sensor on the probe. Then, we reconstruct the follicle as three-dimensional point cloud information. From the follicle point clouds, we can achieve arbitrary cross-sectional images. Then, we extracted shape feature quantity and compare them with actual cross-sectional image. As a result, we showed that we can extract shape feature quantities in arbitrary cross section. We also clarified that if the rotation speed of the ultrasonic probe is sufficiently slow, it can reproduce texture features as well as shape features.
  • NISHIO Shoichi, HOSSAIN Belayat, NII Manabu, HIRANAKA Takafumi, KOBASHI Syoji
    International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering (Web) ISASE2019 2019年  査読有り
  • Naomi Yagi, Manabu Nii, Syoji Kobashi
    2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC 2019, Bari, Italy, October 6-9, 2019 1210-1214 2019年  査読有り
  • 盛田 健人, 田下 徳起, 新居 学, 小橋 昌司
    MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY 36(5) 238-242 2018年11月  査読有り
    本邦には約70万人の慢性関節リウマチ患者が存在し、また毎年数万人が発病する。リウマチは早期治療による予後の著しい改善がみられるが、リウマチの進行度に応じた適切な治療を行う必要がある。リウマチ進行度診断では、年に数回関節レントゲン画像を撮影し、関節破壊進行度mTSスコアを算出しているが、手動であるため膨大な作業時間を要し、また、スコアは主観的評価であるため自動化、定量化の需要が高まっている。本稿では、mTSスコアの自動推定を目的とした手X線画像からの手指関節自動検出法を提案する。また、サポートベクター回帰による手関節X線画像からのmTSスコア推定とその評価を行う。特徴量として関節周辺画素のHOG(histograms of oriented gradient)を用いた。90名のリウマチ患者手X線画像に提案法を適用した結果、81.4%の精度で手指関節を自動認識できた。また、mTSスコア推定結果から、サポートベクター回帰によるmTSスコアの推定が可能であることが示唆された。(著者抄録)
  • Manabu Nii, Shota Okajima, Reiko Sakashita, Misao Hamada, Syoji Kobashi
    2017 6th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision and 2017 7th International Symposium in Computational Medical and Health Technology, ICIEV-ISCMHT 2017 2018-January 1-6 2018年4月16日  査読有り
    © 2017 IEEE. Nurses who engaged in elderly care would like to assess their ability of chewing and swallowing because deterioration of the ability of chewing and swallowing will cause pulmonary aspiration. Currently, nurses can not assess the chewing and swallowing ability quantitatively. In this paper, to quantitatively assess the ability of chewing and swallowing, electromyography (EMG) signals around the lower jaw and the neck are obtained by some electrodes when the subject persons vocalize some Japanese pronunciations. Then, the obtained EMG signals are classified by some machine learning methods. fc-nearest neighbor methods show better classification results for the obtained EMG signals.
  • Atsuki Tashita, Kento Morita, Kento Morita, Manabu Nii, Natsuko Nakagawa, Syoji Kobashi
    2017 6th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision and 2017 7th International Symposium in Computational Medical and Health Technology, ICIEV-ISCMHT 2017 2018-January 1-5 2018年4月16日  査読有り
    © 2017 IEEE. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) damages joints, and the destructed and/or deformed joint causes the pain and reduces the joint function. The prognosis can be improved by early treatment, but it requires accurate evaluation of the degree of RA progression to apply appropriate treatment. The modified total sharp (mTS) score in hand or foot X-ray image has been used to quantitatively evaluate the RA progression evaluation. However, the mTS score measurement takes huge labor and it is very time consuming method because a physician should evaluate progression grade for all hand joints, and the evaluation is subjective. This paper proposes an automated finger joint detection and mTS score estimation method using support vector machine. The experiment in 45 RA patients shows that the proposed method succeeded in detecting the finger joint and estimating the mTS score. As the number of learning data increases, the proposed method can estimate the mTS score with higher accuracy.
  • Manabu Nii, Yuya Tsuchida, Yusuke Kato, Atsuko Uchinuno, Reiko Sakashita
    2017 6th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision and 2017 7th International Symposium in Computational Medical and Health Technology, ICIEV-ISCMHT 2017 2018-January 1-6 2018年4月  査読有り
    © 2017 IEEE. In this paper, a convolutional neural network (CNN) based classification method is proposed. In computer vision and speech recognition areas, CNNs have obtained strong performance. Recently, CNNs have been applied to sentence classification. We have studied nursing-care text classification [5]-[17] for improving nursing-care quality. In our former works, several types of feature definitions were proposed and examined by some classification models. In this paper, a CNN is used for classification of nursing-care texts and then we analyze the trained CNN for extracting important part for decision of classification. First, each nursing-care text is represented as a concatenated word vectors. Then, every nursing-care text is classified using CNN-based classification methods. Next, we examined the structure of the trained CNN for extracting important parts of the nursing-care texts. From our experimental results, the proposed CNN-based method obtained better performance than our former works. And also the results suggest that the extracted part of each nursing-care text has importance for deciding its quality of nursing.
  • Marin Yasugi, Belayat Hossain, Manabu Nii, Syoji Kobashi
    Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 22(2) 249-255 2018年3月1日  査読有り
    Lifestyle and genetics are known to be the major factors causing cerebral aneurysms, but some studies suggest that the shape of cerebral arteries might be correlated with the risk of aneurysm occurrence. This study focuses on the shape of cerebral arteries where cerebral aneurysms tend to occur. First, it extracts the shape feature of the cerebral artery ring, which is a predilection site of cerebral aneurysm, from 3-D magnetic resonance angiography images, and calculates four types of shape feature vectors - 3-D shape, bifurcation angle, degree ofmeandering, and direction of the branch points. Then, it estimates the risk of cerebral aneurysms occurring, based on the extracted features using support vector machine. To validate the proposed method, we conducted a leave-one-out cross validation test using 80 subjects (40 subjects with and 40 subjects without cerebral aneurysms). The method using a 3-D artery shape achieved 75% sensitivity and 75% specificity the one using the bifurcation angle showed 47% sensitivity and 41% specificity. The method using the degree of meandering showed 55% sensitivity and 53% specificity, and the one that used the direction of the six branch points showed 30% sensitivity and 27% specificity. These results show that the 3-D artery shape could be a possible indicator for predicting the risk of developing cerebral aneurysms.
  • Manabu Nii, Yuya Tsuchida, Yusuke Kato, Atsuko Uchinuno, Reiko Sakashita
    In this paper, a convolution neural network (CNN) based text classification method is proposed. CNNs show strong performance for computer vision and speech recognition applications. Recently, in some researches, CNNs have been applied to sentence classification applications. Currently, we have studied nursing-care text classification to improve nursing-care quality in Japan. In our former works, several types of feature definitions have been proposed and examined by some classification models like SVMs. In this paper, a single layer CNN is used for classifying nursing-care texts. Each nursing-care text is represented as a concatenated word vectors. Each word is represented as a fixed length word vector which is obtained by the word2vec [1]-[4]. Then, nursing-care texts are classified using a two-dimensional CNN-based classification method. The proposed CNN has a new kind of filters which extracts dependency relation between words. From our experimental results, the proposed CNN-based method obtained better performance than our former works.
  • Kento Morita, Manabu Nii, Norikazu Ikoma, Takatoshi Morooka, Shinichi Yoshiya, Syoji Kobashi
    Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 22(1) 113-120 2018年1月1日  査読有り
    Implanted knee kinematics recognition is required in total knee arthroplasty (TKA), which replaces damaged knee joint with artificial one. The 3-D kinematics of implanted knee in-vivo is used to quantify the knee function for diagnosis of TKA patients and to evaluate the design of TKA prosthesis and surgical techniques. There are some methods for the implanted knee kinematics estimation, however, those methods are classified into still image analysis. The discontinuous knee kinematics estimated by the still image analysis is not considered as the actual knee kinematics. This paper proposes an kinematics recognition method for implanted knee using particle filter. The proposed method estimates the 3-D pose/position parameters, which are varying in time, based on a priori knowledge of time evolution of the parameters represented by random walk models and utilizing similarity between acquired DR image frame and synthesized DR image based on hypothesized value of the parameters. The experimental results showed that the proposed method successfully estimated the 3-D implanted knee kinematics with an accuracy of 1.61 mm and 0.32°.
  • Wataru Marui, Shigenobu Kan, Manabu Nii, Masahiko Shibata, Syoji Kobashi
    2018 World Automation Congress, WAC 2018, Stevenson, WA, USA, June 3-6, 2018 1-5 2018年  査読有り
  • Yuki Kubo, M, Belayat Hossain, Manabu Nii, Tomoyuki Muto, Hiroshi Tanaka, Hiroaki Inui, Katsuya Nobuhara, Syoji Kobashi
    2018 World Automation Congress, WAC 2018, Stevenson, WA, USA, June 3-6, 2018 1-5 2018年  査読有り
  • Kento Morit, Patrick Chan, Manabu Nii, Natsuko Nakagawa, Syoji Kobashi
    IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan, October 7-10, 2018 1315-1320 2018年  査読有り
  • Soichi Nishio, Moazzem Hossain, Md Belayat Hossain, Manabu Nii, Takafumi Hiranaka, Syoji Kobashi
    IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan, October 7-10, 2018 379-384 2018年  査読有り
  • Kento Morita, Manabu Nii, Norikazu Ikoma, Takatoshi Morooka, Shinichi Yoshiya, Syoji Kobashi
    2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2017 2017- 3095-3100 2017年11月27日  査読有り
    Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) improves patient's Quality of Life (QoL) whose knee has pain caused by aging and diseases. During the TKA surgery, the physician subjectively selects the size and type of the TKA prosthesis. The implanted knee kinematics in-vivo is essential for the evaluation of its function after the surgery. The 2-D/3-D still image registration based conventional methods do not consider the temporal continuity of the knee kinematics. This study proposes a kinematics analysis method for implanted knee using particle filter. Particle filter algorithm requires high computational cost for the accurate outcome. This paper proposes the new prediction model which evaluates the relative pose/position of the femoral and the tibial implants. The experimental results showed that the smooth estimation results were obtained with low computational time.
  • Kento Morita, Atsuki Tashita, Manabu Nii, Syoji Kobashi
    Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, ICMLC 2017 2 357-360 2017年11月14日  査読有り
    There are 700,000 Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients in Japan, and the number of patients is increased by 30,000 annually. The early detection and appropriate treatment according to the progression of RA are effective to improve the patient's prognosis. The modified Total Sharp (mTS) score is widely used for the progression evaluation of Rheumatoid Arthritis. The mTS score assessments on hand or foot X-ray image is required several times a year, and it takes very long time. The automatic mTS score calculation system is required. This paper proposes the finger joint detection method and the mTS score estimation method using support vector machine. Experimental results on 45 RA patient's X-ray images showed that the proposed method detects finger joints with accuracy of 81.4 %, and estimated the erosion and JSN score with accuracy of 50.9, 64.3 %, respectively.
  • 井城 一輝, 盛田 健人, 新居 学, 田中 洋, 小橋 昌司, 信原 克哉
    臨床バイオメカニクス 38 113-118 2017年10月  査読有り
  • Manabu Nii, Yuya Tsuchida, Yusuke Kato, Atsuko Uchinuno, Reiko Sakashita
    IFSA-SCIS 2017 - Joint 17th World Congress of International Fuzzy Systems Association and 9th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems 1-5 2017年8月30日  査読有り
    In this paper, we propose a convolutional neural network (CNN) based classification method for nursing-care classification. CNNs have obtained strong performance in computer vision speech recognition areas. Recently, CNNs have been also applied sentence classification. We have studied nursing-care text classification [6]-[18]. In our former works, we proposed several types of feature definitions and examined some classification models. In this paper, each text is represented as a concatenated word vector. Then, every text is classified using CNN-based classification methods. We examined some classification models at the classification layer in CNNs. From our experimental results, the proposed CNN-based method obtained better performance than our former works.
  • Naotake Kamiura, Shoji Kobashi, Manabu Nii, Takayuki Yumoto, Ichiro Yamamoto
    In this paper, we present a method of analyzing relationships between items in specific health examination data, as one of the basic researches to address increases of lifestyle-related diseases. We use self-organizing maps, and pick up the data from the examination dataset according to the condition specified by some item values. We then focus on twelve items such as hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (gamma-GTP), and triglyceride (TG). We generate training data presented to a map by calculating the difference between item values associated with successive two years and normalizing the values of this calculation. We label neurons in the map on condition that one of the item values of training data is employed as a parameter. We finally examine the relationships between items by comparing results of labeling (clusters formed in the map) to each other. From experimental results, we separately reveal the relationships among HbA1c, AST, ALT, gamma-GTP and TG in the unfavorable case of HbA1c value increasing and those in the favorable case of HbA1c value decreasing.
  • NII Manabu, NII Manabu, KASHIWAKI Riku, MORIMOTO Masakazu, KOBASHI Syoji, KAMIURA Naotake, HATA Yutaka, IMAWAKI Seturo, ISHIKAWA Tomomoto, MATSUBAYASHI Hidehiko
    International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences 22(1) 19‐28 2017年7月  査読有り
  • Syoji Kobashi, Belayat Hossain, Manabu Nii, Syunichiro Kambara, Takatoshi Morooka, Makiko Okuno, Shiichi Yoshiya
    Proceedings - International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 1 195-200 2017年2月21日  査読有り
    Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is one of the common knee surgeries. Because there are some types of TKA implant, it is hard to select appropriate type of TKA implant for individual patient. For the sake of pre-operative planning, this study presents a novel approach, which predicts post-operative implanted knee function of individuals. It is based on a clinical big data analysis. The big data is composed by a set of pre-operative knee mobility function and post-operative knee function. The method constructs a post-operative knee function prediction model by means of a machine learning approach. It extracts features using principal component analysis, and constructs a mapping function from pre-operative feature space to post-operative feature space. The method was validated by applying to prediction of post-operative anterior-posterior translation in 52 TKA operated knees. Leave-one-out cross validation test revealed the prediction performances with a mean correlation coefficients of 0.79 and a mean root-mean-squared-error of 3.44 mm.


  • 新居 学, 川崎 優子, 西岡 英菜, 清原 花
    第43回日本看護科学学術集会 2023年12月9日  
  • 川崎 優子, 新居 学, 西岡 英菜, 清原 花
    第43回日本看護科学学術集会 2023年12月9日  
  • 寒風朋也, 新居学, 中西永子
    ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 39th 2023年9月5日  
  • 山崎邦之, 新居学
    インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集 = FAN Symposium : fuzzy, artificial intelligence, neural networks and computational intelligence 2022年9月  
  • 岡 和範, 新居 学, 藤田 大輔, 小橋 昌司
    日本医用画像工学会大会予稿集 41回 172-173 2022年7月  







