
坂下 玲子

サカシタ レイコ  (Reiko Sakashita)


兵庫県立大学 本部・看護学部: 理事・副学長、教授
保健学博士(1990年3月 東京大学)





  • Manabu Nii, Yoshinori Hirohata, Atsuko Uchinuno, Reiko Sakashita
    International Journal of Intelligent Computing in Medical Sciences and Image Processing 5(1) 57-65 2013年7月  査読有り
    It is very important for us to improve the nursing-care quality. To improve the nursing-care quality, the "Web based Nursing-care Quality Improvement System" have been proposed and operating continuously. In the Web-based system, freestyle Japanese texts, which are called "nursing-care texts," are collected through the Internet in Japan for evaluating actual nursing-care process. The nursing-care experts can evaluate actual nursing-care process by reading the collected nursing-care texts carefully and then recommend some improvements to nurses. However, it is hard to do the above-mentioned evaluation process for a large number of nurses because the number of nursing-care experts who can evaluate the nursing-care texts is a few. In order to assist nursing-care experts in evaluating the nursing-care texts, a computer aided nursing-care text classification system has been developed. In this paper, we propose a novel feature definition for the nursing-care text classification system. Dependency relations between terms are extracted from the nursing-care texts. The extracted dependency relations are used as feature values that represent characteristics of the nursing-care text. © 2013 Copyright TSI® Press.
  • 坂下 玲子, 北島 洋子, 西平 倫子, 宮芝 智子, 西谷 美保, 太尾 元美
    日本看護科学会誌 33(1) 91-97 2013年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 太尾 元美, 坂下 玲子
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要 20 41-53 2013年3月  査読有り最終著者
  • Manabu Nii, Shouta Miyake, Kazunobu Takahama, Atsuko Uchinuno, Reiko Sakashita
    Proceedings - 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2013 1817-1821 2013年  査読有り
    Since Japan is one of the most aging countries, it is very important for us to improve the nursing-care quality. For improving the nursing-care quality, a Web-based nursing-care quality improvement system have been proposed and operating experimentally and continuously. A kind of collected data by the Web-based system is freestyle Japanese text called "nursingcare texts". The nursing-care texts are used for evaluating actual nursing-care process. In order to assist nursing-care experts in evaluating the nursing-care texts, a computer aided nursing-care text classification system has been developed. In this paper, we propose a phrase based feature vector definition for classifying the nursing-care texts. The dependency relation based feature vector definition has been proposed in our previous work. As another feature vector definition method, we propose a phrase based feature vector definition method. Phrases are found by using the dependency relation analysis and stored into a phrase list.We also define a similarity between phrases because each phrase consists of some kinds of words. From experimental results, we show that our phrase based feature vector contributes the classification performance. © 2013 IEEE.
  • 細久保 和美, 中村 博司, 村田 格一, 武儀山 みさき, 桑原 未代子, 武井 典子, 石井 孝典, 高田 康二, 坂下 玲子
    小児歯科学雑誌 50(2) 182-182 2012年4月  査読有り
  • 北島 洋子, 西平 倫子, 西谷 美保, 太尾 元美, 宮芝 智子, 坂下 玲子
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要 19 1-15 2012年3月  
    【目的】本研究の目的は、臨床看護職による学会誌掲載論文の現状を把握し、EBPの推進に寄与できる看護研究の実践に向け、その課題を明らかにすることである。【研究方法】2004年から2008年の5年間に25学術誌に掲載された原著論文、研究報告、実践報告として掲載された論文1,545編を対象とした。それら論文を「研究体制」、「論文の種類」、「研究対象」、「データ収集方法」、「倫理的配慮」、「研究法」、「研究デザイン」の側面から分類し、自作の研究デザイン別チェックリストに従い論文の記述内容を検討した。【結果】臨床看護職が第一著者である論文は210編(全体の13.6%)であり、論文の種類は研究報告、実践報告の占める割合が大きく、原著は42編であった。臨床所属の看護職が第一著者である論文の割合は5年間でやや減少傾向にあった。研究デザイン別にみると質的記述的研究が最も多く、次いで事例研究、実態調査・量的記述的研究であった。質的研究のうち事例研究はResearch Questionが明確でない文献が多かった。実態調査・量的記述的研究のほとんど(85.7%)は標本の代表性に関する記述がなく、便宜的サンプリングが実施されていた。量的研究全般において、収集する変数の説明が明確でなく、自作アンケートによるデータ収集が多かった。倫理的な配慮において、施設等の研究倫理審査を受けた記載のある論文は33編(17.0%)であった。【考察】臨床看護職による研究は看護のエビデンスの構築に充分寄与していないことが示唆された。質的研究のうち事例研究は、ベッドサイドの経験知を積み重ねる臨床看護職に適した研究デザインであるが、Research Questionを明確にし、緻密な研究のプロセスを踏む必要があると考えられた。量的研究は妥当性・信頼性の検討を経た質問票の使用により、より質の高い研究が可能になると考えられた。今後、教育・研究機関との連携等により、科学的研究法に添って研究を実施することで、より一層のEBPへの寄与が可能となることが示唆された。(著者抄録)
  • 新井 香奈子, 太田 千寿, 安成 智子, 坂下 玲子, 片田 範子
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要 19 83-96 2012年3月  
  • 宮芝 智子, 坂下 玲子, 西平 倫子, 高谷 嘉枝, 若村 智子
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要 19 31-40 2012年3月  
  • 新井 香奈子, 坂下 玲子, 上手 道子, 岩崎 小百合, 物部 弘子, 岸本 啓子, 藤田 頼子, 衣笠 端子
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要 19 69-81 2012年3月  
  • 新井 香奈子, 安成 智子, 太田 千寿, 坂下 玲子, 片田 範子
    日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌 35(1) 27-36 2012年3月  
  • Tomoko Nishihira, Miho Nishitani, Takuichi Sato, Yuki Abiko, Kenji Matsushita, Misao Hamada, Motomi Tao, Reiko Sakashita
    Interface Oral Health Science 2011 317-318 2012年1月1日  
    © Springer 2012. This study aimed to evaluate a health promotion program for the elderly to foster self-management of oral health. The results of the first district evaluated among four districts are reviewed. Subjects consisted of 31 people (average age, 73.1 ± 7.4 years). The intervention consisted of a group study and private consulta- tions for 3 months. As a consequence, subjects cleaned their teeth more often than before (P < 0.05). Deposits of plaque and tartar were significantly lower after inter- vention (P < 0.01-0.001), while scores for oral function did not significantly improve. Scores for QOL and cognitive function improved significantly (P < 0.05). These results suggest that this program promotes not only oral self-care, resulting in good oral health conditions, but also improvement of cognitive function of the elderly.
  • Yuki Abiko, Takuichi Sato, Reiko Sakashita, Nobuhiro Takahashi
    Interface Oral Health Science 2011 176-177 2012年1月1日  
    © Springer 2012. This study aimed to quantify Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) in subgingival plaque of periodontitis (P) and periodontally healthy (H) subjects in the elderly. Subsequently, fimA genotypes were determined, and compared between P and H sites in the same subjects. The proportion of Pg was higher in P than in H. The fimA genotypes of P were identified mainly as II and Ib, while those of H were as I-IV. In four out of five subjects in whom Pg was detected in H sites, the fimA genotype was identical between P and H sites, but the proportion of Pg was significantly higher in P sites than in H sites (P < 0.05). This study suggests that the increase of Pg and the specific fimA genotypes are associated with P in the elderly, and that Pg possibly transmits within the oral cavity.
  • Manabu Nii, Yutaka Takahashi, Atsuko Uchinuno, Reiko Sakashita
    World Automation Congress Proceedings 2012年  
    In order to improve the nursing-care quality, freestyle Japanese texts which are called nursing-care texts are collected through the Internet in Japan. The nursing-care experts can evaluate actual nursing-care and recommend some improvements to nurses by reading the collected nursing-care texts carefully. Since the number of nursing-care experts who can evaluate the nursing-care texts is a few, it is hard to do the above mentioned evaluation process for a large number of nurses. To assist nursing-care experts in evaluating the nursing-care texts, a computer aided nursing-care text classification system has been developed. In this paper, we propose a method to improve the classification performance of the computer aided nursing-care text classification system. Conceptual fuzzy sets are constructed from the collected nursing-care texts and used to make feature vectors in our proposed method. © 2012 TSI Press.
  • Manabu Nii, Yoshinori Hirohata, Atsuko Uchinuno, Reiko Sakashita
    Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 2610-2615 2012年  
    Recently, "Web based Nursing-care Quality Improvement System" have been proposed and operating continuously for improving the nursing-care quality in Japan. For evaluating actual nursing-care process, freestyle Japanese texts which are called "nursing-care texts" are collected through the Internet. The nursing-care experts read the collected nursing-care texts carefully to evaluate actual nursing-care process. Then they make a recommendation which includes some improvements, and send it to each nurse. The number of nursing-care experts who can evaluate the nursing-care texts is a few. Hence, it is hard to perform the above mentioned evaluation process because of a large number of nurses. In order to assist nursing-care experts in evaluating the nursing-care texts, we have been developing a computer aided nursing-care text classification system. In this paper, first, we introduce our computer aided nursing-care text classification system. Then we propose a method to improve the classification performance of the nursing-care text classification system. In our proposed method, dependency relation between terms is extracted from the nursing-care text The extracted dependency is used as a feature value which represents characteristics of each nursing-care text. From some experimental results for the actual nursing-care text sets, we show that our proposed feature definition is effective for improving the classification performance. © 2012 IEEE.
  • Reiko Sakashita, Atsuko Uchinuno, Kazuko Kamiizumi, Keiko Tei, Masumi Murakami
    International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET 116-119 2012年  
    A tool for measuring the quality of nursing care was developed in Japan in 1993. This tool consists of three dimensions: structure, process, and outcome. One aspect of the outcome dimension, specifically nursing-sensitive medical incidents such as falls, downfalls, pressure ulcers, hospital infections and drug-related errors was measured. In this study, aspects of nursing care that may influence the frequency of medical incidents were examined. As the above five medical incidents were differentially related to each other, they were summarized under two factors using principal component analysis. Factor 1 comprised falls, downfall, pressure ulcers and drug-related errors. Factor 2 comprised hospital infections and pressure ulcers. All domains of the structure and process of 'incident prevention' were related to factor 1. These variables were able to explain 46.1% of the variance in factor 1. Most of all the domains of structure, and process of 'patient empowerment', 'direct care', and 'incident prevention' were related to factor 2. These variables were able to explain 45.5% of the variance in factor 2. © 2012 IEEE.
  • Manabu Nii, Yoshinori Hirohata, Atsuko Uchinuno, Reiko Sakashita
    International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET 110-115 2012年  
    In order to improve the nursing-care quality, &#x00E2;Web based Nursing-care Quality Improvement System&#x00E2; have been proposed and operating continuously. In the proposed system, for evaluating actual nursing-care process, freestyle Japanese texts which are called &#x00E2;nursing-care texts&#x00E2; are collected through the Internet in Japan. The nursing-care experts can evaluate actual nursing-care process and recommend some improvements to nurses by reading the collected nursing-care texts carefully. Since the number of nursing-care experts who can evaluate the nursing-care texts is a few, it is hard to do the above mentioned evaluation process for a large number of nurses. To assist nursing-care experts in evaluating the nursing-care texts, a computer aided nursing-care text classification system has been developed. In this paper, we propose a method to improve the classification performance of the computer aided nursing-care text classification system. Dependency relation between terms is extracted from the nursing-care text and used the dependency as a feature value which represents characteristics of the nursing-care text. © 2012 IEEE.
  • 武儀山 みさき, 細久保 和美, 川橋 ノゾミ, 桑原 未代子, 武井 典子, 石井 孝典, 高田 康二, 坂下 玲子
    小児歯科学雑誌 49(4) 394-394 2011年10月  
  • 坂下 玲子, 渡邉 佳世, 西平 倫子, 新井 香奈子, 松下 健二, 山川 達也, 小河 宏行, 永坂 美晴, 濱田 三作男
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要 18 11-22 2011年3月  
  • 石川 正夫, 山崎 洋治, 石川 文子, 島田 睦, 田中 良子, 森嶋 清二, 石井 孝典, 高田 康二, 渋谷 耕司, 坂下 玲子, 濱田 三作男
    老年歯科医学 25(4) 367-374 2011年3月  
    高齢者の誤嚥性肺炎は、口腔内細菌数(総細菌数)の増加により罹患リスクが高まると考えられている。しかし、総細菌数を簡便に測定する方法は少ない。今回、唾液の拭い液として洗口吐出液を用いて、吐出液中の総菌数の代用指標としてアンモニアを用いた口腔内総細菌数検査の可能性を調査した。対象者は姫路市在住の自立高齢者で、本調査研究への参加同意が書面で得られた146名である。対象者は口腔清潔度として吐出液中アンモニア濃度と総細菌数の検査を受けた。その結果、吐出液中アンモニア濃度と総細菌数は、相関係数0.577で関連性を示した(p<0.01)。口腔細菌のアンモニア産生能を評価した結果、23種31株中で21種26株がアンモニアを産生し、Porphyromonas gingivalisが最も高かった。日和見細菌は、6種9株を評価し、緑膿菌はじめ肺炎桿菌など5種7株がアンモニアを産生した。これらの結果から、吐出液中アンモニア濃度は、総細菌数と関連性が認められ、また、アンモニアは口腔細菌をはじめ日和見細菌の多くが産生したことから、高齢者における口腔内細菌数の簡易評価指標として有用であることが示唆された。(著者抄録)
  • Manabu Nii, Takafumi Yamaguchi, Yutaka Takahashi, Reiko Sakashita, Atsuko Uchinuno
    International Journal of Intelligent Computing in Medical Sciences and Image Processing 4(2) 119-126 2011年  
    In this paper, we propose two term selection methods for classifying nursing-care texts. In a term selection method based on GA, two objectives which are maximizing correctly classified texts and minimizing selected terms are optimized. The weighted sum of these two objectives was used as the evaluation function. Therefore, GA-based term selection is performed aiming at the improvement in classification performance on testing sets. In a NSGA-II based term selection method, non-dominated solutions are found. As the result, we can have a set of pareto-optimal solutions. These solutions are helpful to analyze classification results from the viewpoint of terms. From experimental results, we show effectiveness of our proposed term selection methods. © 2011, TSI® Press Printed in the USA. All rights reserved.
  • Manabu Nii, Takafumi Yamaguchi, Yusuke Mori, Yutaka Takahashi, Atsuko Uchinuno, Reiko Sakashita
    IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems 1442-1446 2011年  
    In this paper, for improving performance of the nursing-care text classification, we introduce a mechanism of retrieving terms from Web. Every year, the nursing-care texts are collected by using Web application to improve nursing-care quality in Japan. The collected nursing-care texts are decomposed into morphemes (i.e., terms), and then terms are stored as a term list. Each text is represented as a feature vector by using the term list and classified using a SVM based classification system. The training data sets for constructing SVM based classification system are different from the evaluation data sets. That is, there are differences between the term lists of the nursing-care texts because the nursing-care texts are collected and evaluated every year. To cover this difference, we introduce a mechanism of retrieving terms from Web. A new term which appeared in the evaluation data sets is used as a query of a search engine. The terms in the term list are also used as queries. Terms are represented by the search results, and then are compared with each other. We use the most similar term in the term list as an alternative of the new term. From experimental results, we show effectiveness of our proposed method. © 2011 IEEE.
  • 太田 千寿, 新井 香奈子, 安成 智子, 坂下 玲子, 片田 範子
    日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集 30回 434-434 2010年12月  
  • 宮芝 智子, 西平 倫子, 坂下 玲子
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要 17 117-129 2010年3月  
  • Manabu Nii, Takafumi Yamaguchi, Yutaka Takahashi, Atsuko Uchinuno, Reiko Sakashita
    Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 14(2) 142-149 2010年3月  
    In order to reduce evaluation workloads for nursingcare experts, we have proposed a Support Vector Machine (SVM) based classification system. In this paper, for improving the classification performance, we propose a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based attribute selection method. First, we extract nouns and verbs from nursing-care texts by using of the morphological analysis software and store the extracted terms into a "term list." Next, some combinations of terms in the term list are selected by a GA with two objectives; (1) maximizing the number of correctly classified texts and (2) minimizing the number of selected terms. Then, we classify the nursing-care texts with these selected terms by using of a SVM-based classification system. From computer simulations, we show the effectiveness of a GA-based attribute selection method for classifying the nursing-care texts.
  • Sakashita R, Inoue N, Kamegai T, Inoue M, Hamada M, Nishihira T, Watanabe K, Kuwahara M
    Dental Morphology Workship Thirtieth Memorial Edition 76-87 2010年  査読有り
  • Manabu Nii, Takafumi Yamaguchi, Yusuke Mori, Yutaka Takahashi, Reiko Sakashita, Atsuko Uchinuno
    SCIS and ISIS 2010 - Joint 5th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 11th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems 1469-1474 2010年  
    In this paper, for improving classification performance of a term selection based on GA, we modify its evaluation function and mutation operation. In the term selection based on GA, two objectives which are maximizing correctly classified texts and minimizing selected terms are optimized. The weighted sum of these two objectives was used as the evaluation function. Therefore, GA-based term selection is performed aiming at the improvement in classification performance on testing sets. This causes the performance deterioration over completely unseen texts. This is because terms are deleted excessively even when the terms have important role for the classification. First, we use NSGA-II for finding non-dominated solutions. As the result, we can have a set of pareto-optimal solutions. Each individual is evaluated by using SVM with -fold cross validation. In this paper, we also modify the mutation operation. The modified mutation operation uses the statistic information of each term as the mutation probability. From numerical simulation results, we show effectiveness of our modification.
  • Manabu Nii, Takafumi Yamaguchi, Yutaka Takahashi, Reiko Sakashita, Atsuko Uchinuno
    2010 World Automation Congress, WAC 2010 2010年  
    In this paper, classification performance of a term selection based on GA is analyzed. In the term selection based on GA, two objectives which are maximizing correctly classified texts and minimizing selected terms are optimized. An objective function based on the classification per-formance of the SVM with 10-fold cross validation is used for evaluating each individual in GA. Therefore, GA-based term selection is performed aiming at the improvement in classification per-formance on testing text sets. This causes the performance deterioration over unseen texts in actual use by GA-based term selection because terms are deleted excessively even when such terms have important role for the classification. In this paper, relation between the terms deleted by the term se-lection based on GA and the terms which appears in unseen texts is clarified by numerical simulation results. © 2010 TSI Press.
  • Reiko Sakashita, Tomoko Miyashiba, Kumiko Otsuka, Takuichi Sato, Michiko Kamide, Kayo Watanabe, Naomi Takimoto, Mariko Kawaguchi, Tomoko Nishihira
    INTERFACE ORAL HEALTH SCIENCE 2009 346-+ 2010年  
    This study aimed to clarify (1) what kind of symptoms the elderly were aware of, (2) the relationship between those symptoms and oral diseases, and (3) the relationship between those symptoms and oral health behaviors. Subjects consisted of 459 individuals 60 years and over, who were asked about subjective symptoms and oral health behaviors, and given an oral health examination. Findings were: (1) even though most subjects (75.2%) had the subjective symptoms, 55.7% of them did not think of them as health problems, (2) logistic regression analysis revealed that those who had subjective symptoms were at higher risk to have decayed teeth, periodontitis, and missing teeth (p < 0.01-0.05), and (3) the elderly who had oral complaints or the subjective symptoms used an interdental brush or a dental floss much more often than those who did not (p < 0.05). However, the elderly who had the oral complaint showed negative responses towards the visiting dentists (p < 0.05).
  • 宇多 絵里香, 坂下 玲子
    日本咀嚼学会雑誌 19(2) 141-142 2009年11月  
  • 西平 倫子, 宮芝 智子, 大塚 久美子, 坂下 玲子
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要 16 85-95 2009年3月  
  • 坂下 玲子, 大塚 久美子, 渡邉 佳世, 上手 道子, 瀧本 尚美, 川口 真理子, 西平 倫子
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要 16 1-12 2009年3月  
  • Manabu Nii, Takafumi Yamaguchi, Yutaka Takahashi, Atsuko Uchinuno, Reiko Sakashita
    Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic 30-35 2009年  
    The nursing care quality improvement is very important for our life. Currently, nursing-care freestyle texts (nursing-care data) are collected from many hospitals in Japan by using Web applications. The collected nursing-care data are stored into the database. To evaluate nursing-care data, we have already proposed a fuzzy classification system [1], a neural network based system [2], a support vector machine (SVM) based lassification system [3], [4]. Then, in order to improve the classification performance, we have proposed a genetic algorithm (GA) based feature selection method [5] for generating numerical data from collected nursing-care texts. In this paper, we propose a fuzzy rule extraction method from the nursing-care text data. First, features of nursing-care texts are selected by a genetic algorithm based feature selection method. Next, numerical training data are generated by using selected features. Then we train neural networks using generated training data. Finally, fuzzy if-then rules are extracted from the trained neural networks by the parallelized rule extraction method [6], [7]. From computer simulation results, we show the effectiveness of our proposed method. © 2009 IEEE.
  • Reiko Sakashita, Atsuko Uchinuno, Kazuko Kamiizumi, Keiko Tei, Noriko Awaya
    Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic 7-11 2009年  
    The authors have been developing a tool for measuring for the quality of nursing care since 1993. This tool consisted of three dimensions: structure, process, and outcome. Each dimension was constructed from measurements of six domains into which the applicants responses were previously categorized, such as "understanding individuality", "patient empowerment", "family care", "direct care", "medical team coordination " and "incident prevention". It has been developed and posted on a web site for gathering data from, and returning feedback to the participants' units for the quality improvement of nursing. In this study, a fuzzy recommendation system for the feedback was developed through an expert panel then evaluated by participants. © 2009 IEEE.
  • William L. Holzemer, Sachiyo Murashima, Hiromi Eto, Misuzu F. Gregg, Shigeko Horiuchi, Yayoi Iwasaki, Shigeko Izumi, Reiko Makabe, Mitsue Maru, Mieko Ozawa, Reiko Sakashita, Hirofumi Takagi, Toshiaki Takeda, Junko Tashiro, Noriko Yamamoto-Mitani, Seonae Yeo, Akemi Yamazaki
    Japan Journal of Nursing Science 5(1) 1-4 2008年6月  
  • 牧野 佐知子, 荒尾 晴惠, 川崎 優子, 沼田 靖子, 成松 恵, 坂下 玲子, 内布 敦子
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要 15 61-71 2008年3月  
  • 沼田 靖子, 牧野 佐知子, 坂下 玲子, 荒尾 晴惠, 川崎 優子, 成松 恵, 小林 珠実, 内布 敦子
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要 15 73-82 2008年3月  
  • 坂下 玲子, 大塚 久美子, 新井 香奈子, 加治 秀介
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要 15 83-92 2008年3月  
  • 坂下 玲子, 大塚 久美子
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要 15 93-105 2008年3月  
  • 新居 学, 安藤 滋, 高橋 豐, 内布 敦子, 坂下 玲子
    知能と情報 : 日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌 : journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics 20(1) 9-18 2008年2月15日  
  • Manabu Nii, Shigeru Ando, Yutaka Takahashi, Atsuko Uchinuno, Reiko Sakashita
    2008 World Automation Congress, WAC 2008 2008年  
    The nursing care quality improvement is very important in the medical field. Currently, nursingcare freestyle texts (nursing-care data) are collected from many hospitals in Japan by using Web applications and stored into the database. Some nursing-care experts evaluate the collected data to improve nursing care quality. For evaluating the nursing-care data, experts need to read all freestyle texts carefully and then classified them into four classes. However, it is a very hard task for each expert to evaluate the data because of huge number of nursing-care data in the database. In order to reduce workloads evaluating nursing-care data, we have proposed a support vector machine (SVM) based classification system. In this paper, to improve the classification performance, we propose a feature extraction method for generating numerical data from collected nursing-care texts. In our proposed method, the frequency in use of a term in the term list is used for selecting features which contribute to the classification. And then, the nursing-care numerical data are classified by the SVM based classification system. From computer simulation results, we show the effectiveness of our proposed method.
  • 大塚 久美子, 金 外淑, 西平 倫子, 坂下 玲子
    兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要 15 107-118 2008年  
  • Harue Arao, Yasuko Numata, Yuko Kawasaki, Sachiko Makino, Tamami Kobayashi, Reiko Sakashita, Atsuko Uchinuno
    Japan Journal of Nursing Science 4(2) 111-119 2007年12月  
    Aim: The purpose of the study was to identify the actual circumstances of treatment and nursing care for cancer patients during a time of disaster. Methods: The study subjects were 17 nurses working in eight institutions who engaged in nursing activities for cancer patients in the wake of the 1995 Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake at hospitals located in and around the stricken areas. The data were collected through focus group interviews and were analyzed by inductive and qualitative methods to categorize needs. The results were compared with the data categorized by Knowledgeocean, a text-mining tool for analyzing unstructured text in order to examine data validity. Results: The actual circumstances of the treatment and nursing care of cancer patients in disaster situations were divided into three major categories and 10 subcategories. The major categories were: "difficulty in keeping track of patients" undergoing outpatient treatment, "adjustment in treatment" in an effort to continue various therapies for cancer treatment, and "care for patients and their families before and after the last moment" in the case of terminally ill patients. Conclusions: The results suggest that the following issues should be addressed in the future: the need for an information management system for the resumption of interrupted treatment and the transportation of patients, the need for enhancing the self-care ability of cancer patients in ordinary situations so that they can be more self-sufficient in disaster situations, and the need for the creation of a suitable location for dying patients and their families and the development of grief care strategies in disaster situations. © 2007 The Authors.
  • Yuko Kawasaki, Atsuko Uchinuno, Sachiko Makino, Yasuko Numata, Tamami Kobayashi, Reiko Sakashita, Harue Arao
    Japan Journal of Nursing Science 4(1) 39-43 2007年6月  
    Aim: The aim of this study is to develop a care package to help cancer patients improve their self-care abilities and better prepare for a disaster, so that they can continue treatment and perform symptom management strategies in disaster situations. Methods: In this study, the "Care Package for Cancer Patients in Times of Disaster", which comprises four pamphlets, was developed through discussions among the eight members of the study group. The care package was produced by making additions and modifications, based on the findings obtained in the above two steps, to the patient education booklets developed in the area of oncology. Results: Of the areas that cancer patients find difficult in times of disaster, the following six were extracted: difficulty in continuing treatment, the possibility of running out of pain medicines and how to store pain medicines, the possibility of not being able to go to a regular hospital, the shortage of stoma-care appliances and other products, the possibility of exposure to infections at a shelter, and the necessity of providing care for cancer patients and their families before and after death. By incorporating these pieces of information, we developed the four pamphlets. These pamphlets are posted on the website for public use. Conclusion: The newly developed pamphlets incorporate information on how to cope with specific situations in times of disaster, based on the findings obtained from the "Survey on Actual Conditions of Treatment and Nursing Care to Cancer Patients in Disaster Situations". © 2007 The Authors.
  • M. Nii, Y. Takahashi, A. Uchinuno, R. Sakashita
    2007 IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, CME 2007 430-435 2007年  
    Nursing-care data in this paper are Japanese texts written by nurses which consist of answers for questions about nursing-care. The nursing-care data are collected via WWW application from many hospitals in Japan. The collected data are stored into the database. The nursing-care experts evaluate the collected data to improve nursing-care quality. Currently, the collected data are evaluated by experts reading all texts carefully. It is difficult, however, for experts to evaluate the data because there are huge number of nursing-care data in the database. In this paper, to reduce workloads for the evaluation of nursing-care data, neural networks are used for classifying nursing-care data instead of fuzzy classification system. We use standard three-layer feedforward neural networks with back-propagation type learning. First, we extract attribute values (i.e., training data) from texts written by nurses. And then, we train a neural network using the training data. From computer simulations, we show the effectiveness of our proposed system using the leaving-one out method. © 2007 IEEE.
  • Manabu Nii, Shigeru Ando, Yutaka Takahashi, Atsuko Uchinuno, Reiko Sakashita
    Proceedings - 2007 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, GrC 2007 665-668 2007年  
    The nursing care quality improvement is very important in the medical field. Currently, nursing-care freestyle texts (nursing-care data) are collected from many hospitals in Japan by using Web applications. Some nursing-care experts evaluate the collected data to improve nursing care quality. For evaluating the nursing-care data, experts need to read all freestyle texts carefully. However, it is a hard task for an expert to evaluate the data because of huge number of nursing-care data in the database. In order to reduce work-loads evaluating nursing-care data, we propose a support vector machine(SVM) based classification system. © 2007 IEEE.
  • Mikinori Ogura, Abdullah Al-Kalaly, Reiko Sakashita, Tetsuya Kamegai, Shouichi Miyawaki
    American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 130(4) 535-539 2006年10月  
    Introduction: An externally applied force to the cranial vault has been reported to affect the growth of the facial skeleton. However, the effect on the mandible is unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between anteroposterior cranial vault deformation and mandibular morphology. Methods: The study sample included 44 women's crania with intact faces and bases that were excavated from archaeological sites in the Azapa Valley in northern Chile. The crania were divided into anteroposterior deformation (AP) and undeformed (U) groups according to frontal, parietal, and occipital curvatures. The sizes of the cranial vault, middle face, and mandible were measured with calipers. Lateral cephalograms were taken and analyzed according to a conventional method. Results: Cranial base angle, bizygomatic breadth and upper facial height, bicondylar breadth, anterior breadth, and mandibular body length were significantly larger, and the mandibular angle was significantly smaller, in the AP group than in the U group. Conclusions: The anteroposteriorly shorter and wider cranial deformation caused by externally applied forces in infancy might affect the bone-remodeling process of the mandibular angle, leading to a smaller mandibular angle in adulthood. © 2006 American Association of Orthodontists.
  • Reiko Sakashita, Naohiko Inoue, Testuya Kamegai
    Community Dental Health 23(2) 107-115 2006年6月  
    Objective: In an effort to promote adequate development of the masticatory system and prevent dental diseases, the Oral Health Promotion Project (OHPP), which focuses on diet, was started in 1984. The intervention was carried out over eight years and then followed up for a further nine years, in a district with no regular dental service, on Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan. The aims of this study were to evaluate the project's effect on dental caries and masticatory function. Research design: Longitudinal data on the complete deciduous dentitions(IIA) at age 4 (n=163) and on the permanent dentition (IVA) at age 13-15 (n=112) were compared to control age-matched groups, aged 4 (n=105) and aged 13-15 (n=70). The control data were collected from a neighbouring district. Instructions on diet were gradually introduced to those in charge of the subjects' food regimes. Results: Mothers reported that children born after the OHPP was begun took less snacks and caloric drinks (p<0.001) and more fibre-rich food (p<0.05) than those who born before the start of the project. The number of carious teeth decreased significantly among subjects born after the start of the project. The masticatory function was summarized in one factor using chewing performance, bite force, muscle activity duration time (using EMG) and mean amplitude of muscle activity. The factor score was higher for those born after 1984 than for those born in 1981-1983 and for those in the control district (GLM, p<0.001). Conclusion: It is suggested that OHPP can promote the masticatory function and prevent dental caries, but that it would be crucial to begin intervention soon after birth. © BASCD 2006.
  • Atsuko Uchinuno, Noriko Katada, Kazuko Kamiizumi, Noriko Awaya, Reiko Sakashita, Reiko Sakurai, Keiko Tei, Naoko Otsuka
    Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 122 973-973 2006年  
    A model for measuring the quality of nursing care has been developed in Japan since 1993 by Katada. Then a self evaluation model was developed in 2002 by Abe et al. This model consisted of three dimensions: structure, process, and outcome. Each dimension was constructed from measurements of six domains which applicants categorized previously, such as 'understandi individuality', 'patient empowerment', 'family care', 'direct care', 'medical team coordination', and 'incident prevention' In this study, it has been developed and posted on a web site for inspection and examined for its usability. © 2006 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.
  • Reiko Sakashita, Atsuko Uchinuno, Sachiko Makino, Yuko Kawasaki, Yasuko Numata, Tamami Kobayashi, Harue Arao
    Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 122 974-975 2006年  
    With the aim of preparing for disasters, care information packages for the support of patients with cancer and their families during disaster situations were developed in our previous study, and were provided via the internet with a questionnaire asking the face validity and the usefulness of such information. Thirty replies were received. Most subjects thought the care packages were appropriate and useful in the actual settings, however 43.3% of them thought the amount of information was excessive. Many comments and suggestions on the care information packages also could be obtained via the internet. © 2006 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.
  • 坂下 玲子, 内布 敦子, 桐村 智子, 加治 秀介
    兵庫県立大学看護学部紀要 12 23-36 2005年3月  











