
塩竈 和也

シオガマ カズヤ  (shiogama kazuya)


藤田医科大学  医療科学部 臨床教育連携ユニット 病理組織細胞学分野 教授




  • 小林 加奈, 平山 将也, 中嶋 綾香, 池田 美奈, 三浦 香里, 須藤 健助, 今枝 義博, 塚本 徹哉, 安倍 雅人, 塩竈 和也
    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 62(Suppl.1) 269-269 2023年5月  
  • Tatusya Ando, Daisuke Ito, Kazuya Shiogama, Yasuhiro Sakai, Masato Abe, Takayasu Ideta, Ayumu Kanbe, Masahito Shimizu, Hiroyasu Ito
    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 648 44-49 2023年3月12日  査読有り
    A previous study revealed that treatment with the anticoagulant heparin attenuated concanavalin A (ConA)-induced liver injury. The administration of spermidine (SPD) increased urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) levels in the serum. uPA is clinically used for the treatment of some thrombotic diseases such as cerebral infarction. Therefore, SPD may attenuate ConA-induced liver injury that is exacerbated by blood coagulation. The present study investigated the effect of SPD on liver injury in mice with autoimmune hepatopathy induced by ConA. A model of liver injury was created by intravenous injection of ConA into mice. SPD was administered in free drinking water and was biochemically and pathologically examined over time. The administration of SPD to ConA-treated mice significantly reduced liver injury. However, SPD treatment upregulated the mRNA expression of TNF-α and IFN-γ in the livers of ConA-treated mice. In contrast, the mRNA expression of tissue factor in the livers of SPD-treated mice was decreased after ConA injection. The frequency of lymphocytes and lymphocyte activation were not affected by SPD administration in ConA-treated mice. SPD treatment increased uPA levels in the serum and decreased the level of D-dimer in ConA-treated mice. Moreover, SPD decreased fibrin in the livers of ConA-treated mice. These results indicated that SPD treatment increased anticoagulant ability by increasing of uPA and attenuated ConA-induced liver injury.
  • 小栗 海斗, 荒川 敏, 稲田 健一, 平山 将也, 中嶋 綾香, 川島 佳晃, 浦野 誠, 堀口 明彦, 安倍 雅人, 塩竃 和也
    日本病理学会会誌 112(1) 364-364 2023年3月  
  • 白井 留加, 平山 将也, 原田 隼平, 三浦 香里, 須藤 健助, 稲田 健一, 塚本 徹哉, 堤 寛, 安倍 雅人, 塩竈 和也
    日本病理学会会誌 112(1) 387-387 2023年3月  
  • Yasuhiro Sakai, Kazuya Yoshinaga, Ayaka Yoshida, Andri Rezano, Kazuya Shiogama, Yoshiaki Kawashima, Tadashi Yoshizawa, Akihiko Yoshizawa, Shingo Hatakeyama, Chikara Ohyama, Hiroyasu Ito, Masato Abe, Hiroshi Kijima, Yoshiro Otsuki, Akihiko Ito, Toyonori Tsuzuki, Motohiro Takeya, Nobuo Sakaguchi, Kazuhiko Kuwahara
    Cancer Science in press 2022年12月  査読有り
    Testicular teratomas are the major histologic type of testicular germ cell tumors and their incidence continues to grow. Moreover, teratomas can develop from undifferentiated cells in induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell transplantation therapy, seriously hampering the progress of regenerative medicine. Germinal center-associated nuclear protein (GANP) is thought to be important to the biogenetic control of primordial germ cells and is among the genes susceptible to testicular germ cell tumors. Thus, we analyzed the expression of GANP in human testicular postpubertal-type teratomas and established a novel mouse model to reveal the association between GANP and teratomagenesis. We analyzed 31 cases of human testicular postpubertal-type teratomas and, in all cases, GANP was overexpressed. The aberrant expression was also detected in germ cell neoplasia in situ accompanied by the teratoma. GANP expression was particularly high in the epithelia of the epidermis, cutaneous appendages, and trachea-like ciliated epithelium. To further clarify the association between GANP and teratomagenesis, we established a novel teratomagenesis mouse model (CAG-ganpTg mice). In the GANP−teratoma mice, GANP-overexpressing teratomas were more frequent at the testes and the middle portion of the uterus than has been seen in the previously established mouse models. In conclusion, GANP is overexpressed in testicular postpubertal-type teratomas and is an essential teratomagenic factor. We also found that CAG-ganpTg mice are useful mouse models of teratomagenesis that mimics human midline teratomas and that teratomas may originate from the overexpression of GANP in primordial germ cells.
  • Yasuyoshi Mizutani, Kazuya Shiogama, Ken-Ichi Inada, Toshiyuki Takeuchi, Atsuko Niimi, Motoshi Suzuki, Yutaka Tsutsumi
    Acta histochemica et cytochemica 55(5) 129-148 2022年10月28日  
    The enzyme-labeled antigen method is an immunohistochemical technique detecting plasma cells producing specific antibodies in tissue sections. The probe is an antigen labeled with an enzyme or biotin. This immunohistochemical technique is appliable to frozen sections of paraformaldehyde (PFA)-fixed tissues, but it has been difficult to apply it to formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) sections. In the current study, factors inactivating the antibody reactivity during the process of preparing FFPE sections were investigated. Lymph nodes of rats immunized with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or a mixture of keyhole limpet hemocyanin/ovalbumin/bovine serum albumin were employed as experimental models. Plasma cells producing specific antibodies, visualized with HRP (as an antigen with enzymatic activity) or biotinylated proteins in 4% PFA-fixed frozen sections, significantly decreased in unbuffered 10% formalin-fixed frozen sections. The positive cells were further decreased by paraffin embedding following formalin fixation. In paraffin-embedded sections fixed in precipitating fixatives such as ethanol and acetone and those prepared with the AMeX method, the antigen-binding reactivity of antibodies was preserved. Fixation in periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde and Zamboni solution also kept the antigen-binding reactivity in paraffin to some extent. In conclusion, formalin fixation and paraffin embedding were major causes inactivating antibodies. Precipitating fixatives could retain the antigen-binding reactivity of antibodies in paraffin-embedded sections.
  • Ayano Michiba, Kazuya Shiogama, Tetsuya Tsukamoto, Masaya Hirayama, Seiji Yamada, Masato Abe
    Acta histochemica et cytochemica 55(4) 111-118 2022年8月27日  
    Macrophages are classified into two phenotypes, M1 and M2, based on their roles. M2 macrophages suppress inflammation and increase in proportion to the malignancy of brain tumors. Recently, macrophage extracellular traps (METs), which change into a network, have been reported as a unique form of macrophage cell death. In this study, immunohistochemical analysis of macrophages in METs in human glioblastoma was performed. To distinguish between M1 and M2 macrophages, multiple immunostainings with Iba1 combined with CD163 or CD204 were performed. M2 macrophages were present in small amounts in normal and borderline areas but showed an increasing trend as they shifted to tumor areas, and most of them were the activated- or phagocytic-type. We also successfully detected METs coexisting with fibrin and lactoferrin near the border between the tumor and necrotic area. M2 macrophages not only suppressed inflammation but also were involved in the formation of METs. This study found that M2 macrophages play various roles in unstable situations.
  • 原田 隼兵, 平山 将也, 三浦 香里, 東本 祐紀, 金子 千之, 柳田 隆正, 藤井 多久磨, 堤 寛, 安倍 雅人, 塩竈 和也
    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 61(Suppl.1) 188-188 2022年5月  
  • Saori Fukuda, Masanori Kugita, Yuki Higashimoto, Kazuya Shiogama, Hanako Tsujikawa, Kyoko Moriguchi, Naoto Ito, Makoto Sugiyama, Shizuko Nagao, Takayuki Murata, Koki Taniguchi, Satoshi Komoto
    The Journal of general virology 103(5) 2022年5月  
    The group A rotavirus (RVA) genome comprising 11 double-stranded RNAs encodes six structural proteins (VP1-VP4, VP6, and VP7) and six non-structural proteins (NSP1-NSP6). Among these 12 rotaviral proteins, NSP6 has been less studied as to its function. We previously prepared a recombinant NSP6-deficient RVA derived from simian strain SA11-L2 by reverse genetics, and found that the NSP6-deficient virus grew well in cell culture, although its growth was less abundant than that of the parental SA11-L2 strain. In this study, we examined the potency of a recombinant RVA incapable of NSP6 expression to cause diarrhoea in suckling mice. The suckling mice infected with the NSP6-deficient virus apparently experienced diarrhoea, although the symptom was milder and the duration of diarrhoea was shorter than in the mice infected with the authentic SA11-L2 strain. Thus, together with the results obtained for cultured cells in the previous study, it can be concluded that NSP6 is not necessarily required for replication and pathogenicity in vitro and in vivo.
  • Tomoko Kagiya, Kazuya Shiogama, Ken-Ichi Inada, Hirotoshi Utsunomiya, Masayuki Kitano
    Acta histochemica et cytochemica 55(2) 67-73 2022年4月27日  
    Nodular lymphoid hyperplasia (NLH) of the human colon has been associated with multiple diseases and symptoms. Causes include food allergies, infections, inflammatory bowel disease, and immunodeficiency, and gastrectomy is not usually considered to be the etiology. Nine rats two weeks after total gastrectomy and 12 control rats were sacrificed and submitted for histological examination. In the gastrectomy group, we found lymphoid hyperplasia throughout the entire colon mucosa. The cross-sectional area of lymphoid follicles was increased to be five-fold larger than that in the rats in the control group (sham surgery). Lymphoid follicles were classified into primary and secondary follicles according to the presence/absence of germinal centers; the gastrectomy group had a significantly larger number of secondary follicles. When T cell and B cell classification of lymphocytes was performed, there was no difference between gastrectomy and control groups at T:B = 40:60. When the lymphoid follicles were classified, the proportion of T lymphocytes increased in the secondary follicle (T:B = 40:60) compared with in the primary follicle (T:B = 20:80). Gastrectomy significantly activated lymphocytic intestinal immunity by altering the intestinal environment, causing colonic NLH. Gastrectomy in rats is a good animal model for the study of NLH in colorectal diseases.
  • Kumiko Shimoyama, Tomoyuki Niwa, Shogo Furukawa, Naomi Morishita, Yuka Nagakura, Haruka Yonezawa, Masakazu Hatakeyama, Yusuke Okubo, Daisuki Suzuki, Isao Kosugi, Kazuya Shiogama, Noriyoshi Ogawa
    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 61(7) 1077-1083 2022年4月1日  
    We herein report a case of Behçet's disease with renal infarction due to mucormycosis. A 76-year-old man with entero-Behçet's disease had been treated with glucocorticoid and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors. His entero-Behçet's disease was refractory to these treatments, and ileocecal resection was performed. After the operation, renal infarction that was unresponsive to anticoagulation therapy developed. He ultimately died of renal failure due to renal infarction. At the autopsy, histopathology of abundant hyphae in the renal vessel wall revealed mucormycosis. Renal mucormycosis is an important cause of renal failure with renal infarction in immunocompromised patients.
  • Masahiro Izutsu, Takanori Domoto, Shingo Kamoshida, Hiroyuki Ohsaki, Hiroshi Matsuoka, Yusuke Umeki, Kazuya Shiogama, Masaya Hirayama, Koichi Suda, Ichiro Uyama
    World journal of surgical oncology 20(1) 105-105 2022年4月1日  
    BACKGROUND: Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is a highly malignant neoplasm. DNA-damaging drugs, such as cisplatin (CDDP) and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), are most frequently used in preoperative chemotherapy for ESCC. However, the response to preoperative chemotherapy varies among patients. p53, encoded by TP53, participates in apoptotic pathways following chemotherapy with DNA-damaging drugs, and mutation of TP53 contributes to chemoresistance. Organic cation transporter 1 (OCT1) participates in the uptake of CDDP, and its reduced expression is associated with CDDP resistance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive impact of the expression status of p53 and OCT1 in response to preoperative chemotherapy in ESCC. METHODS: We retrospectively assessed 66 ESCC patients who received preoperative chemotherapy with CDDP/5-FU (CF) or docetaxel/CDDP/5-FU (DCF). p53 and OCT1 expression in pretreatment biopsy specimens was immunohistochemically determined and correlated with histological response to preoperative chemotherapy. RESULTS: p53 with wild-type (p53WT-ex) and mutant-type (p53MT-ex) expression patterns was identified in 40.9% and 59.1% of patients, respectively. High expression of OCT1 (OCT1High) was detected in 45.5%, and the remaining 54.5% showed low expression (OCT1Low). In a univariate analysis of the entire cohort, p53MT-ex was significantly correlated with poor response (P = 0.026), whereas OCT1Low showed marginal significance (P = 0.091). In a combined analysis, tumors with either p53MT-ex or OCT1Low showed a significant correlation with poor response compared with tumors with both p53WT-ex and OCT1High (P < 0.001). The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of combined p53/OCT1 were 93.9%, 47.1%, and 81.8%, respectively. Multivariate analysis identified p53 (P = 0.017), OCT1 (P = 0.032), and combined p53/OCT1 (P < 0.001) as independent predictors of histological response. When samples were stratified according to chemotherapy regimen in the univariate analysis, combined p53/OCT1 was the only significant factor for poor response in the CF (P = 0.011) and DCF (P = 0.021) groups, whereas p53 showed no statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that either p53MT-ex or OCT1Low expression in pretreatment biopsy specimens may be a potential predictor of poor response to preoperative chemotherapy with the CF-based regimens in ESCC, although the specificity needs to be improved.
  • Masaya Hirayama, Takanori Onouchi, Kazuya Shiogama, Yoshimitsu Katoh, Kazuo Takahashi, Masato Abe
    Microscopy (Oxford, England) 71(2) 87-92 2022年4月1日  
    Huntingtin-associated protein 1 (HAP1) is abundantly expressed in the neurons of the central nervous system and forms unique intracytoplasmic inclusions of unknown function called 'stigmoid bodies' (STBs). Transmission electron microscopy has revealed that the STBs are aggregates of granules containing cavities with a diameter of 0.5-3 µm. Small STBs fuse to form larger STBs, the size of which is said to vary depending on the developmental growth stage and brain region. Light microscopy can only reveal that these STBs have similar circular shapes due to its limited resolution. Therefore, light microscopy is only fit for the study of the STB distribution and quantitative changes. We, herein, suggest the adoption of correlative light and electron microscopy, which combines confocal laser scanning microscopy and scanning electron microscopy as the method allowing us to identify the huntingtin-associated protein 1-positive STBs in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) sections. This approach allows us to study the three-dimensional morphology of immunolabeled objects in histopathological specimens. The STBs in FFPE sections of murine hypothalami reflected the transmission electron microscopic images of Epon-embedded STBs, although we were not able to observe any organelle covering the STBs of the FFPE sections. Furthermore, we were able to reconstruct the three-dimensional structure of the STB, and we identified it to be of spherical form, covered with mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum, and bearing a cluster of cavities in the centre. In the future, we might gain new insights by comparing the three-dimensional structure of the STB between different neurons and under a variety of conditions.
  • Shu Kato, Yasuhiro Sakai, Asako Okabe, Yoshiaki Kawashima, Kazuhiko Kuwahara, Kazuya Shiogama, Masato Abe, Hiroyasu Ito, Shin'ichiro Morimoto
    Journal of clinical medicine 11(1) 2022年1月4日  
    Sarcoidosis is a rare disease of isolated or diffuse granulomatous inflammation. Although any organs can be affected by sarcoidosis, cardiac sarcoidosis is a fatal disorder, and it is crucial to accurately diagnose it to prevent sudden death due to dysrhythmia. Although endomyocardial biopsy is invasive and has limited sensitivity for identifying granulomas, it is the only modality that yields a definitive diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis. It is imperative to develop novel pathological approaches for the precise diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis. Here, we aimed to discuss commonly used diagnostic criteria for cardiac sarcoidosis and to summarize useful and novel histopathologic criteria of cardiac sarcoidosis. While classical histologic observations including noncaseating granulomas and multinucleated giant cells (typically Langhans type) are the most important findings, others such as microgranulomas, CD68+ CD163- pro-inflammatory (M1) macrophage accumulation, CD4/CD8 T-cell ratio, Cutibacterium acnes components, lymphangiogenesis, confluent fibrosis, and fatty infiltration may help to improve the sensitivity of endomyocardial biopsy for detecting cardiac sarcoidosis. These novel histologic findings are based on the pathology of cardiac sarcoidosis. We also discussed the principal histologic differential diagnoses of cardiac sarcoidosis, such as tuberculosis myocarditis, fungal myocarditis, giant cell myocarditis, and dilated cardiomyopathy.
  • Seiji Yamada, Jun Muto, Sachiko Iba, Kazuya Shiogama, Yuta Tsuyuki, Akira Satou, Shigeo Ohba, Kazuhiro Murayama, Yasuo Sugita, Shigeo Nakamura, Hideaki Yokoo, Akihiro Tomita, Yuichi Hirose, Tetsuya Tsukamoto, Masato Abe
    Neuropathology : official journal of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology 41(5) 335-348 2021年10月  査読有り
    Primary central nervous system lymphomas (PCNSLs) rarely exhibit intratumoral hemorrhage. The differential diagnosis of hemorrhagic neoplasms of the central nervous system (CNS) currently includes metastatic carcinomas, melanomas, choriocarcinomas, oligodendrogliomas, and glioblastomas. Here we present the clinical, radiological, pathological, and molecular genetic features of six cases of PCNSL associated with intratumoral hemorrhage. The median age of patients was 75 years, with male predominance. While conventional PCNSLs were associated with low cerebral blood volume (CBV), perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed elevated CBV in three cases, consistent with vascular proliferation. All six cases were diagnosed pathologically as having diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) with a non-germinal center B-cell-like (non-GCB) phenotype; marked histiocytic infiltrates and abundant non-neoplastic T-cells were observed in most cases. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and CD105 in the lymphoma cells and the small vessels, respectively, suggested angiogenesis within the neoplasms. Neoplastic cells were immunohistochemically negative for programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1), while immune cells in the microenvironment were positive for PD-L1. Mutations in the MYD88 gene (MYD88) (L265P) and the CD79B gene (CD79B) were detected in five and one case, respectively. As therapeutic modalities used for PCNSLs differ from those that target conventional hemorrhagic neoplasms, full tissue diagnoses of all hemorrhagic CNS tumors are clearly warranted.
  • Hanxiao Shi, Atsuko Niimi, Toshiyuki Takeuchi, Kazuya Shiogama, Yasuyoshi Mizutani, Taisuke Kajino, Kenichi Inada, Tetsunari Hase, Takahiro Hatta, Hirofumi Shibata, Takayuki Fukui, Toyofumi Fengshi Chen-Yoshikawa, Kazuki Nagano, Takashi Murate, Yoshiyuki Kawamoto, Shuta Tomida, Takashi Takahashi, Motoshi Suzuki
    Cancer science 112(7) 2770-2780 2021年7月  査読有り
    Ceramide synthase 6 (CERS6) promotes lung cancer metastasis by stimulating cancer cell migration. To examine the underlying mechanisms, we performed luciferase analysis of the CERS6 promoter region and identified the Y-box as a cis-acting element. As a parallel analysis of database records for 149 non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cancer patients, we screened for trans-acting factors with an expression level showing a correlation with CERS6 expression. Among the candidates noted, silencing of either CCAAT enhancer-binding protein γ (CEBPγ) or Y-box binding protein 1 (YBX1) reduced the CERS6 expression level. Following knockdown, CEBPγ and YBX1 were found to be independently associated with reductions in ceramide-dependent lamellipodia formation as well as migration activity, while only CEBPγ may have induced CERS6 expression through specific binding to the Y-box. The mRNA expression levels of CERS6, CEBPγ, and YBX1 were positively correlated with adenocarcinoma invasiveness. YBX1 expression was observed in all 20 examined clinical lung cancer specimens, while 6 of those showed a staining pattern similar to that of CERS6. The present findings suggest promotion of lung cancer migration by possible involvement of the transcription factors CEBPγ and YBX1.
  • Naoko Suga, Akira Murakami, Hideyuki Arimitsu, Kazuya Shiogama, Sarasa Tanaka, Mikiko Ito, Yoji Kato
    Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition 69(1) 61-67 2021年7月  査読有り
    Inflammatory bowel diseases, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, are chronic inflammatory disorders associated with oxidative stress. The intestines produce 5-hydroxytryptamine that may negatively affect disease state under inflammatory conditions when overproduced. 5-Hydroxytryptamine is a substrate for myeloperoxidase and is converted into reactive tryptamine-4,5-dione. Here, an experimental colitis model was established through oral administration of 5% dextran sulfate sodium to ICR mice for 7 days. Furthermore, the formation of tryptamine-4,5-dione in the colorectal mucosa/submucosa and colorectal tissue was analyzed by chemical and immunochemical methodologies. First, free tryptamine-4,5-dione in the homogenate was chemically trapped by o-phenylenediamine and analyzed as the stable phenazine derivative. Tryptamine-4,5-dione localization as adducted proteins in the colorectal tissue was immunohistochemically confirmed, and as demonstrated by both methods, this resulted in the significant increase of tryptamine-4,5-dione in dextran sulfate sodium-challenged mice compared with control mice. Immunohistochemical staining confirmed tryptamine-4,5-dione-positive staining at the myeloperoxidase accumulation site in dextran sulfate sodium-challenged mice colorectal tissue. The tryptamine-4,5-dione locus in the mice was partly matched with that of a specific marker for myeloperoxidase, halogenated tyrosine. Overall, the results possibly indicate that tryptamine-4,5-dione is generated by neutrophil myeloperoxidase in inflammatory tissue and may contribute to the development of inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Makoto Sumitomo, Kiyoshi Takahara, Kenji Zennami, Tomomi Nagakawa, Yasuhiro Maeda, Kazuya Shiogama, Yasuko Yamamoto, Yoshinari Muto, Takuhisa Nukaya, Masashi Takenaka, Kosuke Fukaya, Manabu Ichino, Hitomi Sasaki, Kuniaki Saito, Ryoichi Shiroki
    Cancer science 112(3) 1038-1047 2021年3月  査読有り
    Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) is a key enzyme associated with immunomodulation through its regulation of the tryptophan-kynurenine (Kyn) pathway in advanced cancers, including metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC). However, the failure of IDO1 inhibitors when used in combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), as observed in clinical trials, raises a number of questions. This study aimed to investigate the association of tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) and IDO1 with cancer development and resistance to immunotherapy in patients with RCC. In our analysis of RCC tissue samples, tissue Kyn levels were elevated in advanced-stage RCC and correlated well with TDO expression levels in RCC tumor cells. In patients with mRCC, TDO rather than IDO1 was expressed in RCC tumor cells, showing a strong association with Kyn expression. Furthermore, immunohistochemical staining of TDO was strongly associated with the staining intensity of forkhead box P3, as well as ICI therapy response and survival in patients with mRCC. Our study is the first to show that TDO expression in tumor tissues is associated with progression and survival, confirming its potential as a predictive biomarker of primary resistance to immunotherapy in patients with mRCC. Our findings suggest that strategies aimed at inhibiting TDO, rather than IDO1, in combination with ICI therapy may aid in the control of mRCC progression.
  • Atsushi Teramoto, Ayumi Yamada, Tetsuya Tsukamoto, Yuka Kiriyama, Eiko Sakurai, Kazuya Shiogama, Ayano Michiba, Kazuyoshi Imaizumi, Kuniaki Saito, Hiroshi Fujita
    Heliyon 7(2) e06331-e06331 2021年2月  査読有り
    OBJECTIVE: Papanicolaou and Giemsa stains used in cytology have different characteristics and complementary roles. In this study, we focused on cycle-consistent generative adversarial network (CycleGAN), which is an image translation technique using deep learning, and we conducted mutual stain conversion between Giemsa and Papanicolaou in cytological images using CycleGAN. METHODS: A total of 191 Giemsa-stained images and 209 Papanicolaou-stained images were collected from 63 patients with lung cancer. From those images, 67 images from nine cases were used for testing and the remaining images were used for training. For data augmentation, the number of training images was increased by rotation and inversion, and the images were pipelined to CycleGAN to train the mutual conversion process involving Giemsa- and Papanicolaou-stained images. Three pathologists and three cytotechnologists performed visual evaluations of the authenticity of cell nuclei, cytoplasm, and cell layouts of the test images translated using CycleGAN. RESULTS: As a result of converting Giemsa-stained images into Papanicolaou-stained images, the background red blood cell patterns present in Giemsa-stained images disappeared, and cell patterns that reproduced the shape and staining of the cell nuclei and cytoplasm peculiar to Papanicolaou staining were obtained. Regarding the reverse-translated results, nuclei became larger, and red blood cells that were not evident in Papanicolaou-stained images appeared. After visual evaluation, although actual images exhibited better results than converted images, the results were promising for various applications. DISCUSSION: The stain translation technique investigated in this paper can complement specimens under conditions where only single stained specimens are available; it also has potential applications in the massive training of artificial intelligence systems for cell classification, and can also be used for training cytotechnologist and pathologists.
  • Yutaka Tsutsumi, Kazuya Shiogama, Ken Sakurai, Toru Arase, Hideharu Domoto
    International Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 9(1) 1-8 2021年1月  査読有り
    Senile (atrophic) colpitis is microscopically characterized by the predominance of parabasal squamous cells and the paucity of superficial cells. The activated parabasal cells or dyskeratotic superficial cells may be confused with squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL) in the routine cytology practice. A total of 29 cervical cytology specimens diagnosed as atypical squamous cells (ASC) or SIL were retrospectively sampled from 24 postmenopausal women (age range: 56–84 years, mean: 65.5, median: 65). Cytological diagnoses in the routine services included ASC-US 20, ASC-H 2, LSIL 4 and HSIL 3. All the specimens showed an atrophic background (senile colpitis). There were two microscopic patterns of senile colpitis with atypia: 1) parabasal cells were clustered (n = 23) and 2) dyskeratotic superficial cells were seen in a highly inflamed background (n = 6). Immunostaining for p16-INK4a (p16 in short) was performed, after the cells were transferred to trimethoxy[3-(phenylamino)propyl]silane-coated glass slides. Only three of the 29 cytology specimens (two of the 24 cases) judged as HSIL cytologically revealed p16 positivity in clustered atypical parabasal cells. Biopsy was performed in 11 cases, and chronic cervicitis without p16 expression was seen in nine. Two lesions showed p16-positive dysplasia (one mild dysplasia and another moderate dysplasia). In one lesion in an 84 year-old female, both cytology and histology specimens showed p16 positivity (HSIL). Discrepancy of p16 expression between the cytology and histology specimens was encountered in two lesions, representing sampling errors. It is of note that the overcytodiagnosis is avoidable with the aid of p16 immunostaining. Keywords: Atypical squamous cells (ASC), cell transfer technique, p16-INK4a, senile colpitis, squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL).
  • Aya Yoshimura, Tamio Yamaguchi, Masanori Kugita, Kanako Kumamoto, Kazuya Shiogama, Naomichi Ogitsu, Misao Yoneda, Toshihiro Miura, Yoichi Nagamura, Shizuko Nagao
    Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology 67(4) 243-248 2021年  査読有り
    Daily fat and sugar intake has increased in Japan, while total energy intake has decreased. However, the number of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients has increased, and this often causes renal injury characterized by autophagic vacuoles. Although many studies with comparisons of high fat or sugar versus a normal macronutrient balanced diet have been reported, there are few studies that equalized calorie intake and body weights. In the current study, AIN93M diets (CONT group) with matching energy content with lard derived high saturated fat (LARD group), soybean oil derived unsaturated fat (SOY OIL group) and sucrose (SUCROSE group) were provided to compare their effects on renal morphology in streptozotocin-injected CD-1 mice without causing obesity. The number of renal tubular vacuoles was higher in SUCROSE and slightly higher in LARD compared with CONT mice, and was higher in LARD and SUCROSE compared with SOY OIL mice. Most of those vacuoles were LAMP1-positive, a marker of lysosomal autophagy. These results suggest that despite identical energy contents, diets with high sucrose or saturated fat compared to unsaturated fat may aggravate lysosomal renal injury in a non-obese, streptozotocin-induced model of diabetes mellitus.
  • Yu Takahashi, Yutaka Tsutsumi, Chihiro Takeuchi, Kazuya Shiogama, Yasuyoshi Mizutani, Ken-Ichi Inada, Nobutake Yamamichi, Kazuhiko Koike
    Pathology international 70(9) 644-652 2020年7月5日  査読有り
    Diagnosis of gastric adenocarcinoma using small biopsy samples is occasionally difficult. Various markers have been employed for improving the diagnostic accuracy, but there remains room for improvement. A total of 129 endoscopically biopsied samples were studied, consisting of 104 intramucosal tubular adenocarcinomas, 24 non-cancerous lesions and one cancer sample originally suspected of non-cancer but revised as cancer after immunostaining. We evaluated the association between histopathology and immunohistochemical expression of MUC1, HER2, p53, CEA, E-cadherin, β-catenin and claudin-18. Regarding β-catenin and claudin-18, not only membranous expression (β-catenin(M) and claudin-18(M)) but also nuclear expression (β-catenin(N) and claudin-18(N)) were analyzed. When subtyped with mucin core protein expression, the gastric-type cancers dominantly expressed claudin-18(M), while claudin-18(N) was significantly encountered in intestinal- and mixed-types. Expression of MUC1 (P = 0.0010), HER2 (P = 0.0173), p53 (P = 0.0002), CEA (P = 0.0019) and claudin-18(N) (P < 0.0001) revealed significant correlation with gastric cancers. Negative correlation of claudin-18(M) (P = 0.0125) was also noted. MUC1 and p53 were negative in non-cancer lesions. The non-cancer group exceptionally expressed HER2 and β-catenin(N). Membranous expression of E-cadherin was consistent in both groups. Logistic regression analysis showed that MUC1 (P = 0.0086), p53 (P = 0.0031), claudin-18(M) (P = 0.0158) and claudin-18(N) (P = 0.0190) were independently associated with gastric cancers. Nuclear expression of claudin-18 should be the novel diagnostic marker for gastric cancer.
  • Kentaro Odani, Junya Abe, Yoshiaki Tsuyuki, Soshi Yanagita, Kazuya Shiogama, Mitsuhiro Tachibana, Yutaka Tsutsumi
    Case reports in pathology 2020 8886298-8886298 2020年  査読有り
    An autopsy case (85-year-old Japanese male) of myeloperoxidase- (MPO-) positive acute myeloid leukemia with maturation (M1) accompanying megakaryocytic differentiation is presented. The patient manifested acute coronary syndrome. Even after emergent percutaneous coronary intervention, his performance status remained poor, so no chemotherapy against leukemia was given. The final white blood cell count reached 291,700/μL, and the platelet count was elevated to 510,000/μL. No cytogenetic studies were performed. He died at the 25th day of hospitalization. Autopsy revealed marked leukemic infiltration to the endocardium and subendocardial myocardium. Subendocardial myonecrosis was surrounded or replaced by the leukemic blasts, and neither granulation tissue reaction nor fibrosis was observed. In the cardiovascular lumen, lard-like blood clots were formed and microscopically consisted of leukemic blasts and platelets (leukemic thrombi). Infiltration of leukemic blasts was seen in the body cavities and systemic organs including the lung. The MPO-positive blasts lacked azurophilic granules and expressed the stem cell markers, CD34 and CD117 (c-kit). No features of myelofibrosis were seen in the 100% cellular marrow. In the endocardium, liver, lymph nodes, and bone marrow, megakaryocytic cells (CD42b/CD61+, MPO-) were distributed, while the small-sized blastic cells in the blood and tissues predominantly expressed MPO. The blasts lacked expression of CD42b/CD61. Megakaryocytic differentiation might be stimulated by certain tissue factors. AML accompanying megakaryocytic differentiation in certain tissues and organs should be distinguished from acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. The mechanisms provoking acute coronary syndrome in acute myeloid leukemia are discussed.
  • Yutaka Tsutsumi, Kazuya Shiogama, Hidemi Teramoto, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Riuko Ohashi, Yoichi Ajioka, Makoto Naito
    Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research 22(3) 2019年11月4日  査読有り
  • Hiroya Yamada, Eiji Munetsuna, Mirai Yamazaki, Genki Mizuno, Nao Sadamoto, Yoshitaka Ando, Ryosuke Fujii, Kazuya Shiogama, Hiroaki Ishikawa, Koji Suzuki, Yohei Shimono, Koji Ohashi, Shuji Hashimoto
    FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 33(10) 11431-11442 2019年10月  査読有り
    Fructose consumption is rising globally, but maternal high fructose intake might adversely affect offspring. Our previous report demonstrated that excess maternal fructose intake impairs hippocampal function in offspring, indicating that the hippocampi of offspring are highly sensitive to maternal fructose. Here, we examined the effect of maternal high fructose on mitochondrial physiology and uncoupling protein (UCP) expression. Rat dams received a 20% fructose solution during gestation and lactation. Immediately after weaning, offspring hippocampi were isolated. Maternal high fructose consumption attenuated the mitochondrial O2 consumption rate and stimulated lipid hydroperoxide production in the hippocampi of offspring. Reduced Ucp5 and mitochondrial transcription factor A (Tfam) mRNA levels were also observed after maternal exposure to fructose. We assessed the promoter regions of both genes and found that this treatment enhanced DNA methylation levels. In addition, luciferase assays showed that this DNA methylation could reduce the transcription of both genes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis demonstrated that specificity protein 1 binding to the Ucp5 promoter regions was reduced by DNA methylation. In addition, Ucp5 knockdown induced the up-regulation of reactive oxygen species levels in a rat brain glioma cell line, whereas reduced O2 consumption was observed with Tfam knockdown. Maternal high fructose intake thus induces reduced O2 oxygen consumption and increases oxidative stress in offspring, at least partly through epigenetic mechanisms involving Ucp5 and Tfam.-Yamada, H., Munetsuna, E., Yamazaki, M., Mizuno, G., Sadamoto, N., Ando, Y., Fujii, R., Shiogama, K., Ishikawa, H., Suzuki, K., Shimono, Y., Ohashi, K., Hashimoto, S. Maternal fructose-induced oxidative stress occurs via Tfam and Ucp5 epigenetic regulation in offspring hippocampi.
  • M A Hamed, R H Sayed, K Shiogama, M A Eltaher, K Suzuki, S Nakata
    The Journal of Laryngology & Otology 133(03) 183-186 2019年3月  査読有り
    <title>Abstract</title><sec id="S0022215119000112_sec_a1"><title>Objective</title>To investigate the expression of basic fibroblast growth factor in the matrix of human acquired cholesteatoma compared to the deep meatal skin. This topic does not appear to have been fully investigated before. </sec><sec id="S0022215119000112_sec_a2" sec-type="methods"><title>Methods</title>An immunochemical study was conducted. Cholesteatoma tissues from adult patients were collected during surgery (<italic>n</italic> = 19). Control specimens were taken from the deep meatal skin (<italic>n</italic> = 8) and compared. </sec><sec id="S0022215119000112_sec_a3" sec-type="results"><title>Results</title>A highly significant difference in basic fibroblast growth factor expression was identified between cholesteatoma and skin (mean ± standard error = 58.53 ± 3.6 per cent in cholesteatoma <italic>vs</italic> 40.6 ± 3.5 per cent in skin; <italic>p</italic> = 0.005). Both basal and parabasal keratinocytes were stained positive with basic fibroblast growth factor. Additionally, there was specific staining in the basal columnar middle-ear epithelium and mast cell membrane. </sec><sec id="S0022215119000112_sec_a4" sec-type="conclusion"><title>Conclusion</title>Basic fibroblast growth factor plays an active role in proliferative activity of cholesteatoma through its overexpression in basal and parabasal layers of cholesteatoma matrix. Moreover, its expression in the mast cell membrane supports its role in bone resorption activity. </sec>
  • Yoshiki Sakaguchi, Nobutake Yamamichi, Shuta Tomida, Chihiro Takeuchi, Natsuko Kageyama-Yahara, Yu Takahashi, Kazuya Shiogama, Ken-Ichi Inada, Masao Ichinose, Mitsuhiro Fujishiro, Kazuhiko Koike
    Journal of gastroenterology 54(2) 131-140 2019年2月  査読有り
    Background: The mechanism behind the pathogenesis and carcinogenesis of these neoplasms is not fully understood. The objective of this study was to identify genetic markers and pathways specific to precancerous duodenal adenomas and early stage adenocarcinomas through gene expression analysis. Methods: Gene expression profiling was performed in 4 pairs of duodenal adenoma/adenocarcinomas and corresponding matched normal tissue. Genes with consistent expression differences were identified and confirmed in 7 independent pairs. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) was performed to characterize gene expression profiles of duodenal adenoma/adenocarcinomas, together with immunohistochemical staining of candidate oncogenic genes. Results: 626 probes consistently demonstrated over a twofold expression difference between tumor–normal pairs. Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction of genes with the most prominent difference in expression between tumors and normal mucosa (KLK7, KLK6, CEMIP, MMP7, KRT17, LGR5, G6PC, S100G, APOA1) validated the results of gene expression analysis. GSEA demonstrated a strong association between duodenal adenoma/adenocarcinomas with colorectal adenomas (p &lt 10−5) and gene expression patterns seen after APC gene knockout (p &lt 10−5), suggesting that the Wnt/β-catenin pathway plays a crucial role in the carcinogenesis of these neoplasms. Immunohistochemical staining of an independent group of duodenal adenomas confirmed over-accumulation of β-catenin in 80.0% (16/20). Conclusions: Precancerous duodenal adenomas and early stage adenocarcinomas demonstrate gene expression characteristics with a strong resemblance to colorectal adenomas. The results of this study strongly suggest that upregulation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway is the major factor involved in the initial stages of the carcinogenesis of duodenal adenocarcinomas.
  • Okamura S, Osaki T, Nishimura K, Ohsaki H, Shintani M, Matsuoka H, Maeda K, Shiogama K, Itoh T, Kamoshida S
    Biotechnic & histochemistry : official publication of the Biological Stain Commission 94(1) 60-64 2019年1月  査読有り
  • Kaneko Chiyuki, Katoh Yoshimitsu, Shiogama Kazuya, Yanagida Takamasa, Abe Masato, Kosuge Yuuko, Iwai Muneo, Ikeda Katsuhide
    International journal of analytical bio-science 6(4) 55-59 2018年12月  査読有り
  • Chiemi Nakayama, Nobutake Yamamichi, Shuta Tomida, Yu Takahashi, Natsuko Kageyama-Yahara, Kouhei Sakurai, Chihiro Takeuchi, Ken-Ichi Inada, Kazuya Shiogama, Genta Nagae, Satoshi Ono, Yosuke Tsuji, Keiko Niimi, Mitsuhiro Fujishiro, Hiroyuki Aburatani, Yutaka Tsutsumi, Kazuhiko Koike
    Cancer science 109(12) 3853-3864 2018年12月  査読有り
    Intestinal metaplasia induced by ectopic expression of caudal-type homeobox (CDX)2 and/or CDX1 (CDX) is frequently observed around gastric cancer (GC). Abnormal expression of CDX is also observed in GC and suggests that inappropriate gastrointestinal differentiation plays essential roles in gastric tumorigenesis, but their roles on tumorigenesis remain unelucidated. Publicly available databases show that GC patients with higher CDX expression have significantly better clinical outcomes. We introduced CDX2 and CDX1 genes separately into GC-originated MKN7 and TMK1 cells deficient in CDX. Marked suppression of cell growth and dramatic morphological change into spindle-shaped flat form were observed along with induction of intestinal marker genes. G0-G1 growth arrest was accompanied by changed expression of cell cycle-related genes but not with apoptosis or senescence. Microarray analyses additionally showed decreased expression of gastric marker genes and increased expression of stemness-associated genes. Hierarchical clustering of 111 GC tissues and 21 non-cancerous gastric tissues by selected 18 signature genes based on our transcriptome analyses clearly categorized the 132 tissues into non-cancer, "CDX signature"-positive GC, and "CDX signature"-negative GC. Gene set enrichment analysis indicated that "CDX signature"-positive GC has lower malignant features. Immunohistochemistry of 89 GC specimens showed that 50.6% were CDX2-deficient, 66.3% were CDX1-deficient, and 44.9% were concomitant CDX2/CDX1-deficient, suggesting that potentially targetable GC cases by induced intestinal differentiation are quite common. In conclusion, exogenous expression of CDX2/CDX1 can lead to efficient growth inhibition of CDX-deficient GC cells. It is based on rapidly induced intestinal differentiation, which may be a future therapeutic strategy.
  • Chihiro Minatsuki, Nobutake Yamamichi, Ken-Ichi Inada, Yu Takahashi, Kouhei Sakurai, Takeshi Shimamoto, Yosuke Tsuji, Kazuya Shiogama, Shinya Kodashima, Yoshiki Sakaguchi, Keiko Niimi, Satoshi Ono, Toru Niwa, Ken Ohata, Nobuyuki Matsuhashi, Masao Ichinose, Mitsuhiro Fujishiro, Yutaka Tsutsumi, Kazuhiko Koike
    Digestive diseases and sciences 63(10) 2617-2625 2018年10月  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Sporadic nonampullary duodenal epithelial tumors (NADETs) are uncommon, and thus their clinicopathological features have not been fully assessed. AIMS: In this study, we have analyzed a series of early sporadic NADETs, focusing on various immunohistological features. METHODS: We conducted a multicenter retrospective analysis of 68 patients with endoscopically resected sporadic NADETs. Associations between immunohistological features and clinicopathological features were statistically analyzed. RESULTS: The 68 patients consisted of 46 men (68%) and 22 women (32%) with a mean age of 60.7 ± 12.2 years (range 37-85 years). The 68 tumors were composed of 39 adenomas (57%) and 29 early-stage adenocarcinomas (43%). Duodenal adenocarcinomas were larger in size than adenomas and had papillary architecture in their pathological diagnosis with statistical significance. Duodenal adenocarcinomas also demonstrated a significantly higher expression of gastric markers (MUC5AC and MUC6) and a higher MIB-1 index. Duodenal adenomas were contrastively apt to express intestinal markers (MUC2, CDX1 and CDX2). Of the 68 cases analyzed, there were only 3 tumors positive for p53 staining, all of which were adenocarcinoma. When 7 submucosal invasive cancers and 21 intramucosal cancers were compared, submucosal invasion was positively associated with expression of MUC5AC. Also, submucosal invasion showed strong association with double-positivity of MUC5AC and MUC6. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that immunohistochemical evaluation is useful for predicting malignant potential of NADETs, especially focusing on the expression of gastrointestinal markers.
  • Yu Takahashi, Nobutake Yamamichi, Ken-Ichi Inada, Kazuya Shiogama, Kouhei Sakurai, Chihiro Takeuchi, Yasuyoshi Mizutani, Yutaka Tsutsumi, Kazuhiko Koike
    Pathology international 68(10) 557-562 2018年10月  査読有り
    Gastric cancer (GC) is rich in many different histological types, but how the histological pattern is defined remains to be proved. The relation between GC histological types and the expression of nectin1, which is one of the cell adhesion molecules that composes adherens junction, has not been reported. According to a publicly available database of 406 GC patients, the median overall survival of Nectin1 high expression patients was 55.4 months and that of low expression patients was 25.6 months (P = 0.0246). Using surgically or endoscopically resected GC samples, nectin1 expression was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Nectin1 expressed at adherens junction in all the normal epithelial cells. However, nectin1 expressed not at adherens junction but at apical membrane in epithelial cells in intestinal metaplasia. The expression pattern of nectin1 in intestinal type GC resembled to intestinal metaplasia. In order to analyze the difference in nectin1 expression between GC histological types, a total of 116 intestinal type GC and 33 diffuse type GC. The expression of necitin1 in diffuse type GC (3.0%) was remarkably decreased compared to that in intestinal type GC (65.5%) (P < 0.0001). In conclusion, this is the first report showing an association between nectin1 expression and histological subtypes of GC.
  • Mayuko Ito, Haruki Nishizawa, Makiko Tsutsumi, Asuka Kato, Yoshiko Sakabe, Yoshiteru Noda, Akiko Ohwaki, Jun Miyazaki, Takema Kato, Kazuya Shiogama, Takao Sekiya, Hiroki Kurahashi, Takuma Fujii
    BMC medical genetics 19(1) 166-166 2018年9月14日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Nectins are cell adhesion molecules that play a pivotal role in adherens junctions and tight junctions. Our previous study using whole-genome oligonucleotide microarrays revealed that nectin-4 was upregulated in pre-eclamptic placentas. We investigated the role of nectin-4 in the etiology of pre-eclampsia. METHODS: We investigated the expression of nectin-4 using real-time RT-PCR, western blot and immunostaining. Additionally, we performed matrigel invasion assay and cytotoxicity assay using cells overexpressing the nectin-4. RESULTS: NECTIN4 transcripts were elevated in pre-eclamptic placentas relative to uncomplicated pregnancies. Nectin-4 protein levels in pre-eclamptic placentas were higher on a semi-quantitative western blot. Nectin-4 was localized at the apical cell membrane in syncytiotrophoblast cells and not at the adherens junctions. Nectin-4 was also detected in cytotrophoblasts and a subset of cells in the decidua. Nectin-4 overexpressing trophoblast cells migrated normally in the matrix. However, Natural killer (NK) cells showed a strong cytotoxic effect against nectin-4 overexpressing trophoblast cells. No causative genetic variation was evident in the NECTIN4 gene from a pre-eclamptic placenta. CONCLUSIONS: There are as yet unknown factors that induce nectin-4 overexpression in trophoblast cells that may contribute to abnormal placentation via an aberrant immune response and the onset of a pre-eclamptic pregnancy.
  • Mahmood A. Hamed, Seiichi Nakata, Kazuya Shiogama, Kenji Suzuki, Ramadah H. Sayed, Yoichi Nishimura, Noboru Iwata, Kouhei Sakurai, Badawy S. Bedawy, Ken-ichi Inada, Hayato Tsuge, Yutaka Tsutsumi
    Objectives. Cholesteatoma is a nonneoplastic destructive lesion of the temporal bone with debated pathogenesis and bone resorptive mechanism. Both molecular and cellular events chiefly master its activity. Continued research is necessary to clarify factors related to its aggressiveness. We aimed to investigate the expression of Ki-67, cytokeratin 13 (CK13) and cytokeratin 17 (CK17) in acquired nonrecurrent human cholesteatoma and correlate them with its bone destructive capacity. Methods. A prospective quantitative immunohistochemical study was carried out using fresh acquired cholesteatoma tissues (n=19), collected during cholesteatoma surgery. Deep meatal skin tissues from the same patients were used as control (n=8). Cholesteatoma patients were divided into 2 groups and compared (invasive and noninvasive) according to a grading score for bone resorption based upon clinical, radiologic and intraoperative findings. To our knowledge, the role' of CK17 in cholesteatoma aggressiveness was first investigated in this paper. Results. Both Ki-67 and CK17 were significantly overexpressed in cholesteatoma than control tissues (P &lt;0.001 for both Ki-67 and CK17). In addition, Ki-67 and CK17 were significantly higher in the invasive group than noninvasive group of cholesteatoma (P=0.029, P=0.033, respectively). Furthermore, ki-67 and CK17 showed a moderate positive correlation with bone erosion scores (r= 0.547, P=0.015 and r=0.588, P= 0.008, respectively). In terms of CK13, no significant difference was found between cholesteatoma and skin (P=0.766). Conclusion. Both Ki-67 and CK17 were overexpressed in cholesteatoma tissue and positively correlated with bone resorption activity. The concept that Ki-67 can be a predictor for aggressiveness of cholesteatoma was supported. In addition, this is the first study demonstrating CK17 as a favoring marker in the aggressiveness of acquired cholesteatoma.
  • Ayako Nakano, Hirohisa Ogawa, Yoshinori Nakanishi, Hiromi Fujita, Fumihiko Mahara, Kazuya Shiogama, Yutaka Tsutsumi, Toshiaki Takeichi
    INTERNAL MEDICINE 56(12) 1597-1602 2017年  査読有り
    Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) is an emerging disease caused by a novel Bunyavirus with a high mortality rate. We herein report a fatal case of an 86-year-old woman with SFTS complaining of a fever, fatigue, and bicytopenia. Her condition deteriorated with rapid progression of bleeding tendency, disturbance of consciousness, and multiple organ failure leading to death on Day 6 of her illness. The histopathological findings in the autopsy revealed marked infiltration of macrophages with hemophagocytosis in the bone marrow, liver, and spleen leading to a diagnosis of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). HLH might be a critical pathogenesis in fatal cases of SFTS.
  • Yuta Tamoto, Ryo Ishida, Kazuya Shiogama, Hiroshi Kado, Michitsugu Kamezaki, Yoshiaki Chinen, Yosuke Matsumoto, Tetsuro Kusaba, Eiichi Konishi, Yutaka Tsutsumi, Keiichi Tamagaki
    INTERNAL MEDICINE 56(15) 2007-2012 2017年  査読有り
    A 62-year-old man exhibiting nasal obstruction and glomerulonephritis with proteinase 3-antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (PR3-ANCAs) was diagnosed with extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type (ENKL) with infiltration of neutrophils with apoptosis. Chemoradiotherapy reduced the tumor, improved the renal function, and decreased the PR3-ANCA levels. ANCA-positivity is observed in immunoinsufficient diseases, in which neutrophils lead to apoptosis and translocate intracellular granules, such as PR3, to the cell surface, triggering the production of ANCAs. In our case, the PR3-ANCA production was derived from the expression of PR3 on the cell surface of apoptotic neutrophils. This is the first report on ENKL describing the mechanism of ANCA development.
  • Jun Miyazaki, Haruki Nishizawa, Asuka Kambayashi, Mayuko Ito, Yoshiteru Noda, Sumire Terasawa, Takema Kato, Hironori Miyamura, Kazuya Shiogama, Takao Sekiya, Hiroki Kurahashi, Takuma Fujii
    PLACENTA 48 20-25 2016年12月  査読有り
    Atrial natriuretic peptide is biologically activated by the atrial natriuretic peptide-converting enzyme, corin, and has an important role in regulating blood pressure. We detected elevated serum corin levels in women with pre-eclampsia. Interestingly, the serum corin levels were also found to be elevated in pregnancies with a related disorder, unexplained fetal growth restriction (FGR) without hypertension, suggesting that this phenomenon is not simply a response to maternal hypertension. CORIN mRNA levels were not elevated in placentas from pre-eclampsia or unexplained FGR cases. Likewise, similar signal intensities were found for corin in placental syncytiotrophoblast cells by immunostaining. In contrast, corin signals were higher in maternal decidua cells from pre-eclampsia and unexplained FGR cases. These data suggest that corin may be upregulated in maternal decidua in response to an etiologic pathway that is common to pre-eclampsia and FGR. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Yuka Oshima, Mari Fujii, Kazuya Shiogama, Kazuaki Miyamoto, Hiromi Fujita, Shingo Sato, Soichi Maruyama, Fumihiko Mahara, Yutaka Tsutsumi
    PATHOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 66(3) 177-179 2016年3月  査読有り
  • Satoshi Shimada, Kotaro Aoki, Takeshi Nabeshima, Yu Fuxun, Yohei Kurosaki, Kazuya Shiogama, Takanori Onouchi, Miako Sakaguchi, Takeshi Fuchigami, Hokuto Ono, Kodai Nishi, Guillermo Posadas-Herrera, Leo Uchida, Yuki Takamatsu, Jiro Yasuda, Yutaka Tsutsumi, Hiromi Fujita, Kouichi Morita, Daisuke Hayasaka
    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 6 20213-20213 2016年2月  査読有り
    Ixodid ticks transmit several important viral pathogens. We isolated a new virus (Tofla virus: TFLV) from Heamaphysalis flava and Heamaphysalis formsensis in Japan. The full-genome sequences revealed that TFLV belonged to the genus Nairovirus, family Bunyaviridae. Phylogenetic analyses and neutralization tests suggested that TFLV is closely related to the Hazara virus and that it is classified into the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever group. TFLV caused lethal infection in IFNAR KO mice. The TFLV-infected mice exhibited a gastrointestinal disorder, and positron emission tomography-computed tomography images showed a significant uptake of F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose in the intestinal tract. TFLV was able to infect and propagate in cultured cells of African green monkey-derived Vero E6 cells and human-derived SK-N-SH, T98-G and HEK-293 cells. Although TFLV infections in humans and animals are currently unknown, our findings may provide clues to understand the potential infectivity and to develop of pre-emptive countermeasures against this new tick-borne Nairovirus.
  • Daisuke Hayasaka, Kodai Nishi, Takeshi Fuchigami, Kazuya Shiogama, Takanori Onouchi, Satoshi Shimada, Yutaka Tsutsumi, Kouichi Morita
    ONCOTARGET 7(1) 140-147 2016年1月  査読有り
    Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) is an emerging disease that causes fever, enteritis, thrombocytopenia, and leucopenia and can be fatal in up to 30% of cases. However, the mechanism of severe disease is not fully understood. Molecular imaging approaches, such as positron-emission tomography (PET), are functional in vivo imaging techniques that provide real-time dynamics of disease progression, assessments of pharmacokinetics, and diagnoses for disease progression. Molecular imaging also potentially provides useful approaches to explore the pathogenesis of viral infections. Thus, the purpose of this study was to image the pathological features of SFTSV infection in vivo by PET imaging. In a mouse model, we showed that F-18-FDG accumulations clearly identified the intestinal tract site as a pathological site. We also demonstrated that F-18-FDG PET imaging can assess disease progression and response to antiserum therapy within the same individual. This is the first report demonstrating a molecular imaging strategy for SFTSV infection. Our results provide potentially useful information for preclinical studies such as the elucidation of the mechanism of SFTSV infection in vivo and the assessment of drugs for SFTS treatment.
  • Yasuyoshi Mizutani, Kazuya Shiogama, Takanori Onouchi, Kouhei Sakurai, Ken-ichi Inada, Yutaka Tsutsumi
    ACTA HISTOCHEMICA ET CYTOCHEMICA 49(1) 7-19 2016年  査読有り
    In chronic inflammatory lesions of autoimmune and infectious diseases, plasma cells are frequently observed. Antigens recognized by antibodies produced by the plasma cells mostly remain unclear. A new technique identifying these corresponding antigens may give us a breakthrough for understanding the disease from a pathophysiological viewpoint, simply because the immunocytes are seen within the lesion. We have developed an enzymelabeled antigen method for microscopic identification of the antigen recognized by specific antibodies locally produced in plasma cells in inflammatory lesions. Firstly, target biotinylated antigens were constructed by the wheat germ cell-free protein synthesis system or through chemical biotinylation. Next, proteins reactive to antibodies in tissue extracts were screened and antibody titers were evaluated by the AlphaScreen method. Finally, with the enzymelabeled antigen method using the biotinylated antigens as probes, plasma cells producing specific antibodies were microscopically localized in fixed frozen sections. Our novel approach visualized tissue plasma cells that produced 1) autoantibodies in rheumatoid arthritis, 2) antibodies against major antigens of Porphyromonas gingivalis in periodontitis or radicular cyst, and 3) antibodies against a carbohydrate antigen, Strep A, of Streptococcus pyogenes in recurrent tonsillitis. Evaluation of local specific antibody responses expectedly contributes to clarifying previously unknown processes in inflammatory disorders.
  • Kazuya Shiogama, Takanori Onouchi, Yasuyoshi Mizutani, Kouhei Sakurai, Ken-ichi Inada, Yutaka Tsutsumi
    ACTA HISTOCHEMICA ET CYTOCHEMICA 49(4) 109-116 2016年  査読有り
    Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are extracellular fibrillary structures composed of degraded chromatin and granules of neutrophil origin. In fibrinopurulent inflammation such as pneumonia and abscess, deposition of fibrillar eosinophilic material is a common histopathological finding under hematoxylin-eosin staining. Expectedly, not only fibrin fibrils but also NETs consist of the fibrillar material. The aim of the present study is to analyze immunohistochemically how NETs are involved in the inflammatory process. Archival formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections accompanying marked neutrophilic infiltration were the target of analysis. Neutrophil-associated substances (citrullinated histone H3, lactoferrin, myeloperoxidase and neutrophil elastase) were evaluated as NETs markers, while fibrinogen gamma chain was employed as a fibrin marker. Light microscopically, the fibrils were categorized into three types: thin, thick and clustered thick. Lactoferrin represented a good and stable NETs marker. Thin fibrils belonged to NETs. Thick fibrils are composed of either mixed NETs and fibrin or fibrin alone. Clustered thick fibrils were solely composed of fibrin. Neutrophils were entrapped within the fibrilllar meshwork of the thin and thick types. Apoptotic cells immunoreactive to cleaved caspase 3 and cleaved actin were dispersed in the NETs. In conclusion, NETs and fibrin meshwork were consistently recognizable by immunostaining for lactoferrin and fibrinogen gamma chain.
  • Takanori Onouchi, Kazuya Shiogama, Takahiro Matsui, Yasuyoshi Mizutani, Kouhei Sakurai, Ken-ichi Inada, Yutaka Tsutsumi
    ACTA HISTOCHEMICA ET CYTOCHEMICA 49(4) 117-123 2016年  査読有り
    Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) represent an extracellular, spider's web-like structure resulting from cell death of neutrophils. NETs play an important role in innate immunity against microbial infection, but their roles in human pathological processes remain largely unknown. NETs and fibrin meshwork both showing fibrillar structures are observed at the site of fibrinopurulent inflammation, as described in our sister paper [Acta Histochem. Cytochem. 49; 109-116, 2016]. In the present study, immunoelectron microscopic study was performed for visualizing NETs and fibrin fibrils (thick fibrils in our tongue) in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of autopsied lung tissue of legionnaire's pneumonia. Lactoferrin and fibrinogen gamma chain were utilized as markers of NETs and fibrin, respectively. Analysis of immuno-scanning electron microscopy indicated that NETs constructed thin fibrils and granular materials were attached onto the NETs fibrils. The smooth-surfaced fibrin fibrils were much thicker than the NETs fibrils. Pre-embedding immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that lactoferrin immunoreactivities were visible as dots on the fibrils, whereas fibrinogen gamma chain immunoreactivities were homogeneously observed throughout the fibrils. Usefulness of immunoelectron microscopic analysis of NETs and fibrin fibrils should be emphasized.
  • Takanori Onouchi, Kazuya Shiogama, Yasuyoshi Mizutani, Takashi Takaki, Yutaka Tsutsumi
    ACTA HISTOCHEMICA ET CYTOCHEMICA 49(5) 141-147 2016年  査読有り
    Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) released from dead neutrophils at the site of inflammation represent webs of neutrophilic DNA stretches dotted with granule-derived antimicrobial proteins, including lactoferrin, and play important roles in innate immunity against microbial infection. We have shown the coexistence of NETs and fibrin meshwork in varied fibrinopurulent inflammatory lesions at both light and electron microscopic levels. In the present study, correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) employing confocal laser scanning microscopy and scanning electron microscopy was performed to bridge light and electron microscopic images of NETs and fibrin fibrils in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded, autopsied lung sections of legionnaire's pneumonia. Lactoferrin immunoreactivity and 4'-6diamidino- 2-phenylindole (DAPI) reactivity were used as markers of NETs, and fibrin was probed by fibrinogen gamma chain. Of note is that NETs light microscopically represented as lactoferrin and DAPI-colocalized dots, 2.5 mu m in diameter. CLEM gave super-resolution images of NETs and fibrin fibrils: "Dotted" NETs were ultrastructurally composed of fine filaments and masses of 58 nm-sized globular materials. A fibrin fibril consisted of clusters of smooth-surfaced filaments. NETs filaments (26 nm in diameter) were significantly thinner than fibrin filaments (295 nm in diameter). Of note is that CLEM was applicable to formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of autopsy material.
  • Kazuyoshi Kobayashi, Kouhei Sakurai, Hiroaki Hiramatsu, Ken-ichi Inada, Kazuya Shiogama, Shinya Nakamura, Fumiko Suemasa, Kyosuke Kobayashi, Seiya Imoto, Takeshi Haraguchi, Hiroaki Ito, Aya Ishizaka, Yutaka Tsutsumi, Hideo Iba
    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 5 8428-8428 2015年2月  査読有り
    In epithelial cells, miRNA-199a-5p/-3p and Brm, a catalytic subunit of the SWI/SNF complex were previously shown to form a double-negative feedback loop through EGR1, by which human cancer cell lines tend to fall into either of the steady states, types 1 [miR-199a(2)/Brm(1)/EGR1(2)] and 2 [miR-199a(1)/Brm (2)/EGR1(1)]. We show here, that type 2 cells, unlike type 1, failed to form colonies in soft agar, and that CD44, MET, CAV1 and CAV2 (miR-199a targets), all of which function as plasma membrane sensors and can co-localize in caveolae, are expressed specifically in type 1 cells. Single knockdown of any of them suppressed anchorage-independent growth of type 1 cells, indicating that the miR-199a/Brm/EGR1 axis is a determinant of anchorage-independent growth. Importantly, two coherent feedforward loops are integrated into this axis, supporting the robustness of type 1-specific gene expression and exemplifying how the miRNA-target gene relationship can be stably sustained in a variety of epithelial tumors.
  • Takanori Onouchi, Yasuyoshi Mizutani, Kazuya Shiogama, Ken-ichi Inada, Tatsuyoshi Okada, Kensei Naito, Yutaka Tsutsumi
    MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 59(1) 13-27 2015年1月  査読有り
    Streptococcus pyogenes is the main causative pathogen of recurrent tonsillitis. Histologically, lesions of recurrent tonsillitis contain numerous plasma cells. Strep A is an antigenic carbohydrate molecule on the cell wall of S. pyogenes. As expected, plasma cells in subjects with recurrent tonsillitis secrete antibodies against Strep A. The enzyme-labeled antigen method is a novel histochemical technique that visualizes specific antibody-producing cells in tissue sections by employing a biotin-labeled antigen as a probe. The purpose of the present study was to visualize plasma cells producing antibodies reactive with Strep A in recurrent tonsillitis. Firstly, the lymph nodes of rats immunized with boiled S. pyogenes were paraformaldehyde-fixed and specific plasma cells localized in frozen sections with biotinylated Strep A. Secondly, an enzyme-labeled antigen method was used on human tonsil surgically removed from 12 patients with recurrent tonsillitis. S. pyogenes genomes were PCR-detected in all 12 specimens. The emm genotypes belonged to emm12 in nine specimens and emm1 in three. Plasma cells producing anti-Strep A antibodies were demonstrated in prefixed frozen sections of rat lymph nodes, 8/12 human specimens from patients with recurrent tonsillitis but not in two control tonsils. In human tonsils, Strep A-reactive plasma cells were observed within the reticular squamous mucosa and just below the mucosa, and the specific antibodies belonged to either IgA or IgG classes. Our technique is effective in visualizing immunocytes producing specific antibodies against the bacterial carbohydrate antigen, and is thus a novel histochemical tool for analyzing immune reactions in infectious disorders.
  • Kazuya Shiogama, Kayo Kitazawa, Yasuyoshi Mizutani, Takanori Onouchi, Ken-ichi Inada, Yutaka Tsutsumi
    ACTA HISTOCHEMICA ET CYTOCHEMICA 48(1) 9-14 2015年  査読有り
    We established a new "ecological" Grocott stain for demonstrating fungi, based upon a 4R principle of refusal, reduction, reuse, and recycle of waste management. Conventional Grocott stain employs environmentally harsh 5% chromic acid for oxidization. Initially, we succeeded in reducing the concentration of chromic acid from 5% to 1% by incubating the solution at 60 degrees C and using five-fold diluted chromic acid solution at which point it was reusable. Eventually, we reached the refusal level where 1% periodic acid oxidization was efficient enough, when combined with preheating of sections in the electric jar, microwave oven, or pressure pan. For convenience sake, we recommend pressure pan heating in tap water for 10 min. Stainability of fungi in candidiasis and aspergillosis was comparable with conventional Grocott stain, while Mucor hyphae showed enhanced staining. The modified sequence was further applicable to detecting a variety of mycotic pathogens in paraffin sections. Our environmentally-friendly Grocott stain also has the advantage of avoiding risk of human exposure to hexavalent chromium solution in the histopathology laboratory. The simple stain sequence is can be easily applied worldwide.
  • Takahiro Matsui, Takanori Onouchi, Kazuya Shiogama, Yasuyoshi Mizutani, Ken-ichi Inada, Fuxun Yu, Daisuke Hayasaka, Koichi Morita, Hirohisa Ogawa, Fumihiko Mahara, Yutaka Tsutsumi
    ACTA HISTOCHEMICA ET CYTOCHEMICA 48(5) 153-157 2015年  査読有り
    We performed pre-embedding electron microscopic study for visualizing the antigen and genome of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) virus in the cytoplasm of macrophages of the human splenic red pulp, both requesting preheating treatment of sections. To pursue this, coated glass slides with unique characteristics are needed. Namely, during staining they must prevent detaching off sections, but after staining the sections must be transferred to epoxy resin. Aminopropyltriexoxysilane-coated glass slides, widely used for immunostaining, were resistant to transfer to epoxy resin. In contrast, coated glass slides designated as Thinlayer Advanced Cytology Assay System (TACAS) were suitable for this purpose. The technique is also applicable to the coated glass slide-requiring cytology practice, in which immunocytochemical evaluation is needed after cell transfer to another glass slide.
  • Y. Mizutani, S. Tsuge, S. Tsuge, H. Takeda, Y. Hasegawa, K. Shiogama, T. Onouchi, K. Inada, T. Sawasaki, Y. Tsutsumi
    Molecular Oral Microbiology 29(4) 156-173 2014年8月  査読有り
    Porphyromonas gingivalis is a keystone periodontal pathogen. Histologocally, the gingival tissue in periodontitis shows dense infiltration of plasma cells. However, antigens recognized by antibodies secreted from the immunocytes remain unknown. The enzyme-labeled antigen method was applied to detecting plasma cells producing P. gingivalis-specific antibodies in biopsied gingival tissue of periodontitis. N-terminally biotinylated P. gingivalis antigens, Ag53 and four gingipain domains (Arg-pro, Arg-hgp, Lys-pro and Lys-hgp) were prepared by the cell-free protein synthesis system using wheatgerm extract. With these five labeled proteins as probes, 20 lesions of periodontitis were evaluated. With the AlphaScreen method, antibodies against any one of the five P. gingivalis antigens were detected in 11 (55%) serum samples and 17 (85%) tissue extracts. Using the enzyme-labeled antigen method on paraformaldehyde-fixed frozen sections of gingival tissue, plasma cells were labeled with any one of the five antigens in 17 (94%) of 18 specimens, in which evaluable plasma cells were detected. The positivity rates in periodontitis were significantly higher than those found previously in radicular cysts (20% in sera and 33% in tissue extracts with the AlphaScreen method, and 25% with the enzyme-labeled antigen method). Our findings directly indicate that antibodies reactive to P. gingivalis are locally produced in the gingival lesions, and that inflammatory reactions against P. gingivalis are involved in periodontitis. © 2014 The Authors.
  • Natsuko Kageyama-Yahara, Nobutake Yamamichi, Yu Takahashi, Chiemi Nakayama, Kazuya Shiogama, Ken-ichi Inada, Maki Konno-Shimizu, Shinya Kodashima, Mitsuhiro Fujishiro, Yutaka Tsutsumi, Masao Ichinose, Kazuhiko Koike
    PLOS ONE 9(8) e106106 2014年8月  査読有り
    MUC5AC is a well-known gastric differentiation marker, which has been frequently used for the classification of stomach cancer. Immunohistochemistry revealed that expression of MUC5AC decreases accompanied with increased malignant property of gastric mucosa, which further suggests the importance of MUC5AC gene regulation. Alignment of the 5'-flanking regions of MUC5AC gene of 13 mammal species denoted high homology within 200 bp upstream of the coding region. Luciferase activities of the deletion constructs containing upstream 451 bp or shorter fragments demonstrated that 15 bp region between 2111 and 2125 bp plays a critical role on MUC5AC promoter activity in gastrointestinal cells. We found a putative Gli-binding site in this 15 bp sequence, and named this region a highly conserved region containing a Glibinding site (HCR-Gli). Overexpression of Gli homologs (Gli1, Gli2, and Gli3) clearly enhanced MUC5AC promoter activity. Exogenous modulation of Gli1 and Gli2 also affected the endogenous MUC5AC gene expression in gastrointestinal cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays demonstrated that Gli1 directly binds to HCR-Gli: Gli regulates MUC5AC transcription via direct protein-DNA interaction. Conversely, in the 30 human cancer cell lines and various normal tissues, expression patterns of MUC5AC and Gli did not coincide wholly: MUC5AC showed cell line-specific or tissue-specific expression whereas Gli mostly revealed ubiquitous expression. Luciferase promoter assays suggested that the far distal MUC5AC promoter region containing upstream 4010 bp seems to have several enhancer elements for gene transcription. In addition, treatments with DNA demethylation reagent and/or histone deacetylase inhibitor induced MUC5AC expression in several cell lines that were deficient in MUC5AC expression. These results indicated that Gli is necessary but not sufficient for MUC5AC expression: namely, the multiple regulatory mechanisms should work in the distal promoter region of MUC5AC gene.









