
石原 尚子

イシハラ ナオコ  (Naoko Ishihara)


藤田医科大学 医学部 医学科 小児科学 准教授



  • 河村 吉紀, 水谷 泰彰, 長尾 龍之介, 朝倉 真生, 小澤 慶, 古川 源, 吉兼 綾美, 石原 尚子, 渡辺 宏久, 吉川 哲史
    NEUROINFECTION 27(2) 228-228 2022年10月  
  • Yuji Ito, Yuki Maki, Yu Okai, Hiroyuki Kidokoro, Epifanio Bagarinao, Tomoya Takeuchi, Atsuko Ohno, Tomohiko Nakata, Naoko Ishihara, Akihisa Okumura, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Satoshi Maesawa, Jun Natsume
    Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society 64(1) e15001 2021年9月25日  
    BACKGROUND: We aimed to investigate electroencephalography (EEG)-functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) findings to elucidate the interictal epileptiform discharge (IED)-related functional alterations in deep brain structures as well as the neocortex in childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (CECTS). METHODS: Ten children with CECTS (median age; 8.2 years) referred to our hospital within a year of onset were eligible for inclusion. They underwent EEG-fMRI recording during sleep. In addition, longitudinal evaluations, including medical examinations, intelligence tests, and questionnaires about developmental disabilities, were performed. The initial evaluation was performed at the same time as the EEG-fMRI, and the second evaluation was performed over 2 years after the initial evaluation. RESULTS: Three children were unable to maintain sleep during the EEG-fMRI recording, and the remaining seven children were eligible for further assessment. All patients showed unilateral-dominant centrotemporal spikes during scans. One patient had only positive hemodynamic responses, while the others had both positive and negative hemodynamic responses. All patients showed IED-related hemodynamic responses in the bilateral neocortex. For deep brain structures, IED-related hemodynamic responses were observed in the cingulate gyrus (n=4), basal ganglia (n=3), thalamus (n=2), and default mode network (n=1). Seizure frequencies at the second evaluation were infrequent or absent, and the longitudinal results of intelligence tests and questionnaires were within normal ranges. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated that IEDs affect broad brain areas, including deep brain structures such as cingulate gyrus, basal ganglia, and thalamus. Deep brain structures may play an important role in the pathophysiology of CECTS.
  • 吉兼 綾美, 古川 源, 河村 吉紀, 工藤 寿子, 吉川 哲史, 石原 尚子
    脳と発達 53(Suppl.) S266-S266 2021年5月  
  • 古川 源, 木曽原 悟, 河村 吉紀, 石原 尚子, 吉川 哲史
    脳と発達 53(Suppl.) S216-S216 2021年5月  
  • 吉兼 綾美, 石原 尚子, 三宅 未紗, 石丸 聡一郎, 河村 吉紀, 吉川 哲史
    日本小児科学会雑誌 125(2) 272-272 2021年2月  
  • 吉兼 綾美, 石原 尚子, 古川 源, 石丸 聡一郎, 三宅 未紗, 河村 吉紀, 吉川 哲史
    臨床神経生理学 48(5) 530-530 2020年10月  
  • 古川 源, 石原 尚子, 高亀 弘隆, 村山 和宏, 石丸 聡一郎, 河村 吉紀, 松本 省二, 中原 一郎, 吉川 哲史
    脳と発達 52(5) 335-336 2020年9月  
  • Misa Miyake, Yoshiki Kawamura, Fumihiko Hattori, Hiroki Miura, Naoko Ishihara, Tetsushi Yoshikawa
    Pediatric neurology 109 52-55 2020年8月  
    BACKGROUND: It is well known that febrile seizures are commonly occur in children with exanthem subitum. In this study, we compared the clinical features and backgrounds of patients with complex febrile seizures with and without primary human herpesvirus 6B infection. METHODS: Sixty-two patients were enrolled after experiencing their first febrile seizure. Primary human herpesvirus 6B infection was confirmed when human herpesvirus 6B DNA was detected and human herpesvirus 6B antibody was negative in serum obtained during the acute phase of infection. Patient age, gender, and features of seizures were evaluated between patients with and without human herpesvirus 6B infection. RESULTS: Thirty patients with complex febrile seizure were diagnosed with primary human herpesvirus 6B infection. Those with primary human herpesvirus 6B infection (median, 13 months; range, seven to 39 months) were significantly younger than those without primary human herpesvirus 6B infection (median, 19 months; range, 10 to 59 months) (P = 0.001), and the proportion of males was significantly higher in patients without primary human herpesvirus 6B infection (male/female, 25/7) than in those with the infection (male/female, 14/16) (P = 0.017). An interval between fever onset and seizures of more than 24 hours was significantly more common in patients with primary human herpesvirus 6B infection (15 of the 30 patients) than in those without primary HHV-6B infection (two of 32 patients) (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: A younger age at onset, a different gender ratio compared with febrile seizure due to other causes, and the length of interval between fever and seizures were features of complex febrile seizure associated human herpesvirus 6B infection. These findings may suggest a mechanism of complex febrile seizure onset different from that due to other causes.
  • 須藤 湧太, 三浦 浩樹, 小澤 慶, 河村 吉紀, 石丸 聡一郎, 赤松 北斗, 田中 真己人, 石原 尚子, 工藤 寿子, 吉川 哲史
    日本小児科学会雑誌 124(3) 594-594 2020年3月  
  • 小澤 慶, 石丸 聡一郎, 三浦 浩樹, 河村 吉紀, 田中 真己人, 石原 尚子, 工藤 寿子, 吉川 哲史
    NEUROINFECTION 24(2) 152-152 2019年9月  
  • 古川 源, 石原 尚子, 石丸 聡一郎, 三宅 未紗, 河村 吉紀, 吉川 哲史
    てんかん研究 37(2) 593-593 2019年9月  
  • 石原 尚子, 石丸 聡一郎, 河村 吉紀, 吉川 哲史
    脳と発達 51(Suppl.) S331-S331 2019年5月  
  • 石丸 聡一郎, 河村 吉紀, 小澤 慶, 三浦 浩樹, 石原 尚子, 島 さゆり, 武藤 多津郎, 吉川 哲史
    脳と発達 51(Suppl.) S238-S238 2019年5月  
  • 石丸 聡一郎, 河村 吉紀, 小澤 慶, 三浦 浩樹, 石原 尚子, 島 さゆり, 武藤 多津郎, 吉川 哲史
    NEUROINFECTION 23(2) 186-186 2018年10月  
  • 市野 学, 佐々木 ひと美, 深谷 孝介, 引地 克, 高原 健, 深見 直彦, 日下 守, 石原 尚子, 倉橋 浩樹, 白木 良一
    日本小児泌尿器科学会雑誌 27(2) 228-228 2018年6月  
  • Chikako Ogawa, Hiroyuki Kidokoro, Tatsuya Fukasawa, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Naoko Ishihara, Yuji Ito, Yoko Sakaguchi, Yu Okai, Atsuko Ohno, Tomohiko Nakata, Yoshiteru Azuma, Ayako Hattori, Tetsuo Kubota, Takeshi Tsuji, Akihiro Hirakawa, Hisashi Kawai, Jun Natsume
    Epilepsia 59(2) 440-448 2018年2月  
    OBJECTIVE: To clarify longitudinal changes in white matter microstructures from the onset of disease in patients with West syndrome (WS) of unknown etiology. METHODS: Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was prospectively performed at onset and at 12 and 24 months old in 17 children with WS of unknown etiology. DTI was analyzed using tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) and tract-specific analysis (TSA) of 13 fiber tracts, and fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) were compared with those of 42 age-matched controls. Correlations of FA and MD with developmental quotient (DQ) at age 24 months were analyzed. Multiple comparisons were adjusted for using the false discovery rate (q-value). RESULTS: TBSS analysis at onset showed higher FA and lower MD in the corpus callosum and brainstem in patients. TSA showed lower MD in bilateral uncinate fasciculi (UF) (right: q < 0.001; left: q = 0.03) at onset in patients. TBSS showed a negative correlation between FA at onset and DQ in the right frontal lobe, whereas FA at 24 months old exhibited a positive correlation with DQ in the diffuse white matter. MD for bilateral UF at 24 months old on TSA correlated positively with DQ (q = 0.04, both). SIGNIFICANCE: These findings may indicate the existence of cytotoxic edema in the immature white matter and dorsal brainstem at onset, and subsequent alterations in the diffuse white matter in WS of unknown etiology. Microstructural development in the UF might play important roles in cognitive development in WS.
  • Tomoya Takeuchi, Jun Natsume, Hiroyuki Kidokoro, Naoko Ishihara, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Yoshiteru Azuma, Yuji Ito, Naoko Kurahashi, Takeshi Tsuji, Motomasa Suzuki, Kazuya Itomi, Keitaro Yamada, Hirokazu Kurahashi, Shinpei Abe, Akihisa Okumura, Koichi Maruyama, Tamiko Negoro, Kazuyoshi Watanabe, Seiji Kojima
    BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 38(8) 723-730 2016年9月  査読有り
    Purpose: Although it has been reported that some antiepileptic drugs have inducing or inhibiting effects on lamotrigine (LTG) clearance, whether they have the same effects in Asian epilepsy patients as in those in other countries has not been clarified, especially in children. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of co-medications on LTG clearance in Japanese children with epilepsy. Methods: A total of 342 routine serum concentration measurements of LTG in 102 Japanese epilepsy patients under 20 years of age were reviewed. The dose-corrected concentration (DCC) of LTG was calculated as [concentration]/[dose/(body weight)], and the DCC of LTG was compared by co-medication. The difference in the DCC of LTG was compared between patients with and without valproic acid (VPA) and between those with and without drugs inducing glucuronic acid conjugation (phenytoin (PHT), carbamazepine (CBZ), and phenobarbital (PB)). Results: The DCC of LTG was significantly higher in patients on VPA and significantly lower in patients on drugs inducing glucuronic acid conjugation than in patients on LTG monotherapy. The DCC of LTG was significantly higher in patients on CBZ than in patients on PHT or PB. There was no correlation between the DCC of LTG and the concentration of VPA or metabolic inducers within the therapeutic range. Other antiepileptic drugs including clobazam, clonazepam, zonisamide, and levetiracetam had little effect on LTG concentration. Conclusion: LTG concentration changes dramatically with concomitant antiepileptic drugs in Japanese children, as previously reported from other countries, and special attention is required. Although the dose of LTG should be adjusted when starting or discontinuing VPA or metabolic inducers, no adjustment is needed when changing the dose of VPA or metabolic inducers in the therapeutic range. (C) 2016 The Japanese Society of Child Neurology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Jun Natsume, Chikako Ogawa, Tatsuya Fukasawa, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Naoko Ishihara, Yoko Sakaguchi, Yuji Ito, Tomoya Takeuchi, Yoshiki Azuma, Naoki Ando, Tetsuo Kubota, Takeshi Tuji, Hisashi Kawai, Shinji Naganawa, Hiroyuki Kidokoro
    AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2015年11月  
  • 竹内 智哉, 夏目 淳, 伊藤 祐史, 小川 千香子, 大野 敦子, 城所 博之, 石原 尚子, 根来 民子, 渡邊 一功
    てんかん研究 33(2) 505-505 2015年9月  
  • 夏目 淳, 石原 尚子, 東 慶輝, 竹内 智哉, 伊藤 祐史, 小川 千香子, 坂口 陽子, 大野 敦子, 城所 博之, 根来 民子, 渡邊 一功
    てんかん研究 33(2) 579-579 2015年9月  
  • 小川 千香子, 夏目 淳, 竹内 智哉, 伊藤 祐史, 大野 敦子, 城所 博之, 大萱 俊介, 倉橋 宏和, 辻 健史, 鈴木 基正, 久保田 哲夫, 服部 文子, 石原 尚子, 根来 民子, 渡邊 一功
    てんかん研究 33(2) 578-578 2015年9月  
  • Yuji Ito, Jun Natsume, Hiroyuki Kidokoro, Naoko Ishihara, Yoshiteru Azuma, Takeshi Tsuji, Akihisa Okumura, Tetsuo Kubota, Naoki Ando, Shinji Saitoh, Kiyokuni Miura, Tamiko Negoro, Kazuyoshi Watanabe, Seiji Kojima
    EPILEPSIA 56(8) 1286-1293 2015年8月  査読有り
    ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to clarify characteristics of post-encephalopathic epilepsy (PEE) in children after acute encephalopathy with biphasic seizures and late reduced diffusion (AESD), paying particular attention to precise diagnosis of seizure types. MethodsAmong 262 children with acute encephalopathy/encephalitis registered in a database of the Tokai Pediatric Neurology Society between 2005 and 2012, 44 were diagnosed with AESD according to the clinical course and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings and were included in this study. Medical records were reviewed to investigate clinical data, MRI findings, neurologic outcomes, and presence or absence of PEE. Seizure types of PEE were determined by both clinical observation by pediatric neurologists and ictal video-electroencephalography (EEG) recordings. ResultsOf the 44 patients after AESD, 10 (23%) had PEE. The period between the onset of encephalopathy and PEE ranged from 2 to 39months (median 8.5months). Cognitive impairment was more severe in patients with PEE than in those without. Biphasic seizures and status epilepticus during the acute phase of encephalopathy did not influence the risk of PEE. The most common seizure type of PEE on clinical observation was focal seizures (n=5), followed by epileptic spasms (n=4), myoclonic seizures (n=3), and tonic seizures (n=2). In six patients with PEE, seizures were induced by sudden unexpected sounds. Seizure types confirmed by ictal video-EEG recordings were epileptic spasms and focal seizures with frontal onset, and all focal seizures were startle seizures induced by sudden acoustic stimulation. Intractable daily seizures remain in six patients with PEE. SignificanceWe demonstrate seizure characteristics of PEE in children after AESD. Epileptic spasms and startle focal seizures are common seizure types. The specific seizure types may be determined by the pattern of diffuse subcortical white matter injury in AESD and age-dependent reorganization of the brain network.
  • 岡井 佑, 夏目 淳, 小川 千香子, 伊藤 祐史, 城所 博之, 石原 尚子, 東 慶輝, 竹内 智哉, 横井 摂理, 山本 啓之, 高田 弘幸, 三浦 清邦, 根来 民子, 渡邊 一功, 小島 勢二
    日本小児科学会雑誌 119(3) 649-649 2015年3月  
  • 伊藤 祐史, 夏目 淳, 坂口 陽子, 小川 千香子, 竹内 智哉, 横井 摂理, 東 慶輝, 城所 博之, 石原 尚子, 三浦 清邦, 根来 民子, 渡邊 一功
    てんかん研究 32(3) 608-608 2015年1月  
  • 伊藤 祐史, 小川 千香子, 竹内 智哉, 横井 摂理, 東 慶輝, 城所 博之, 石原 尚子, 夏目 淳, 三浦 清邦, 根来 民子, 渡邊 一功
    てんかん研究 32(2) 401-401 2014年9月  
  • Yasukazu Yamada, Noriko Nomura, Kenichiro Yamada, Mari Matsuo, Yuka Suzuki, Kiyoko Sameshima, Reiko Kimura, Yuto Yamamoto, Daisuke Fukushi, Yayoi Fukuhara, Naoko Ishihara, Eriko Nishi, George Imataka, Hiroshi Suzumura, Shin-Ichiro Hamano, Kenji Shimizu, Mie Iwakoshi, Kazunori Ohama, Akira Ohta, Hiroyuki Wakamoto, Mitsuharu Kajita, Kiyokuni Miura, Kenji Yokochi, Kenjiro Kosaki, Tatsuo Kuroda, Rika Kosaki, Yoko Hiraki, Kayoko Saito, Seiji Mizuno, Kenji Kurosawa, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Nobuaki Wakamatsu
    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART A 164(8) 1899-1908 2014年8月  査読有り
    Mowat-Wilson syndrome (MWS) is a multiple congenital anomaly syndrome characterized by moderate or severe intellectual disability, a characteristic facial appearance, microcephaly, epilepsy, agenesis or hypoplasia of the corpus callosum, congenital heart defects, Hirschsprung disease, and urogenital/renal anomalies. It is caused by de novo heterozygous loss of function mutations including nonsense mutations, frameshift mutations, and deletions in ZEB2 at 2q22. ZEB2 encodes the zinc finger Ebox binding homeobox 2 protein consisting of 1,214 amino acids. Herein, we report 13 nonsense and 27 frameshift mutations from 40 newly identified MWS patients in Japan. Although the clinical findings of all the Japanese MWS patients with nonsense and frameshift mutations were quite similar to the previous review reports of MWS caused by nonsense mutations, frameshift mutations and deletions of ZEB2, the frequencies of microcephaly, Hirschsprung disease, and urogenital/renal anomalies were small. Patients harbored mutations spanning the region between the amino acids 55 and 1,204 in wild-type ZEB2. There was no obvious genotype-phenotype correlation among the patients. A transfection study demonstrated that the cellular level of the longest form of the mutant ZEB2 protein harboring the p.D1204Rfs*29 mutation was remarkably low. The results showed that the 3'-end frameshift mutation of ZEB2 causes MWS due to ZEB2 instability. (C) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • 坂口 陽子, 小川 千香子, 伊藤 祐史, 山本 啓之, 竹内 智哉, 横井 摂理, 細川 洋輔, 辻 健史, 城所 博之, 東 慶輝, 石原 尚子, 三浦 清邦, 根来 民子, 渡邊 一功, 夏目 淳
    脳と発達 46(Suppl.) S261-S261 2014年5月  
  • 東 慶輝, 辻 健史, 久保田 哲夫, 伊藤 祐史, 小川 千香子, 城所 博之, 石原 尚子, 根来 民子, 渡邊 一功, 夏目 淳
    脳と発達 46(Suppl.) S251-S251 2014年5月  
  • 石原 尚子, 竹内 智哉, 小川 千香子, 伊藤 祐史, 東 慶輝, 城所 博之, 三浦 清邦, 根来 民子, 渡邊 一功, 夏目 淳
    脳と発達 46(Suppl.) S267-S267 2014年5月  










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    症例提示pp53-56, pp71-77, pp84-93, pp118-122を分担執筆
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