
伊東 昌広

イトウ マサヒロ  (ito masahiro)


藤田医科大学 医学部 医学科 安全管理室 消化器外科 教授
板文種報徳會病院 消化器外科 教授



日本外科学会認定医、日本外科学会専門医 、日本外科学会指導医
日本医師会 医療安全推進者、日本旅行学会認定医、日本旅行学会留学安全管理者、日本腹部救急学会腹部救急認定医、日本内視鏡学会上部内視鏡スクリーニング認定医、専門胃瘻造設者、認定胃瘻教育者、日本病院機能評価機構 評価者(サーベイヤー)、愛知県医師会医療安全支援センター委員長、認定医療メディエーター

 所属学会 :
日本腹部救急学会 評議員
日本肝胆膵外科学会 評議員
日本内視鏡外科学会 評議員
International Society of Surgery Active Menber,
The Cell Transplantation Society(CTS) Active Menber,
賞 罰 :
2007年9月 Cell transplant Society travel grant Award ( CTX 学会賞受賞)
2010年9月 日本胆道学学術集会 会長奨励賞受賞
職 歴 :
1992年6月〜1994年3月 春日井市民病院 研修医
1994年4月〜1995年5月 春日井市民病院 外科
1995年6月〜1996年3月 東海市民病院 外科
1996年4月〜1997年8月 藤田保健衛生大学病院 病院助手
1997年8月〜2000年8月 米国 University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), Dep. Of Transplantation Surgery, Reserch Fellow
2000年9月〜2004年3月 藤田保健衛生大学 消化器外科第2科 助手
2004年3月〜2008年3月 藤田保健衛生大学 胆膵外科 定員外講師
2008年4月〜2015年8月 藤田保健衛生大学 総合外科・膵臓外科 准教授
2015年9月〜 藤田保健衛生大学 医療の質安全管理部 室長・消化器外科 教授


  • Hiroyuki Kato, Yukio Asano, Masahiro Ito, Satoshi Arakawa, Akihiko Horiguchi
    Annals of gastroenterological surgery 8(1) 8-20 2024年1月  
    In this review article, we focus on recent papers on organ-preserving pancreatectomy procedures published since 2010. When comparing central pancreatectomy (CP) and distal pancreatectomy (DP), most studies have concluded that the CP group exhibited significantly lower incidence of new-onset diabetes or diabetes exacerbation than the DP group postoperatively. However, because of increased incidence of morbidities such as pancreatic fistula, the surgeon faces a considerable trade-off between increased short-term morbidity and long-term preservation of endocrine function. When the outcomes of two types of spleen-preserving DP (Kimura and Warshaw procedures) are compared, most studies mentioned the low incidence of postoperative gastric varices and splenic infarction with the Kimura procedure. Although there are several reports regarding the effect of spleen preservation on prevention of postoperative infections, no report on the contribution of spleen preservation to the prevention of overwhelming post-splenectomy infection is seen. The advantages of duodenum-preserving pancreatic head resection (DPPHR) concerning endocrine and exocrine functions continue to be subjects of discussion, mainly due to the limited number of institutions that have adopted this approach; however, DPPHR should be presented as an option for patients due to its low incidence of postoperative cholangitis. Organ-preserving pancreatectomy requires meticulous surgical techniques, and postoperative complications may increase with this surgery compared with standard pancreatectomy, which may be influenced by the surgeon's skill and the surgical facility where the procedure is performed. Nonetheless, this technique has significant long-term advantages in terms of endocrine and exocrine functions and its wider adoption in the future is expected.
  • 谷 大輝, 加藤 宏之, 浅野 之夫, 伊東 昌広, 荒川 敏, 志村 正博, 小池 大助, 越智 隆之, 神尾 健士郎, 河合 永季, 安岡 宏展, 東口 貴彦, 国村 祥樹, 堀口 和真, 永田 英俊, 近藤 ゆか, 加藤 悠太郎, 花井 恒一, 佐藤 美信, 堀口 明彦
    癌と化学療法 50(8) 929-932 2023年8月  
    局所進行切除不能膵癌に対してFOLFIRINOX+放射線療法を行った後,conversion surgeryを施行した1例について報告する。症例は70歳代,女性。食後の腹痛を主訴に近医を受診し,腹部造影CTを撮影したところ,膵鉤部に上腸間膜動脈,第1空腸動脈,第2空腸動脈浸潤(>180°)を伴う不整形腫瘤を認めた。画像上,UR-LA(sm),cT4N0M0,cStage IIIの膵癌と診断され,mFOLFIRINOX 5コース施行した。その後,局所制御を目的として,放射線療法50.4Gy(三次元原体照射)を追加した。CA19-9は394.1U/mLから10.5U/mLへ低下した。治療効果はRECIST:partial responseと判定した。この後,根治術可能と判断し,初回治療から8ヵ月後に亜全胃温存膵頭十二指腸切除術を施行した。腫瘍は3×2mm相当とごくわずかな範囲に認められ,pStage IA,R0,術前化学療法の治療効果判定はEvans Grade IIIであった。患者は術後5ヵ月無再発生存中である。(著者抄録)
  • 常喜 栄太, 加藤 宏之, 谷 大輝, 浅野 之夫, 伊東 昌広, 荒川 敏, 志村 正博, 小池 大助, 越智 隆之, 神尾 健士郎, 河合 永季, 安岡 宏展, 東口 貴彦, 国村 祥樹, 堀口 和真, 永田 英俊, 近藤 ゆか, 佐藤 美信, 加藤 悠太郎, 花井 恒一, 堀口 明彦
    癌と化学療法 50(8) 933-936 2023年8月  
    S状結腸癌および多発肝転移に対して化学療法後,肝切除術を施行し病理結果で完全寛解を得たが,化学療法中止後肝局所再発を来したため再肝切除を行った1例を報告する。下腹部痛で当院救急外来を受診した。大腸内視鏡では全周性のII型腫瘍を認め生検にて高分化型腺癌と診断された。根治目的にて腹腔鏡下S状結腸切除+D3リンパ節郭清を施行した。術後CTにてS5,S7,S8に肝転移を認め,Bev+modified FOLFOX(mFOLFOX)を11サイクル施行した。肝転移はいずれの部位でも縮小し肝右葉切除術を施行した。切除標本からはviableな癌組織は認めず完全寛解と考えられた。術後Bev+mFOLFOXを6サイクル再開し寛解を維持していたが,化学療法を中止した3ヵ月後,肝切除後1年6ヵ月後のフォローアップCTにて肝断端の局所再発を認め,肝転移局所再発と診断し開腹肝部分切除を行った。患者は術後9ヵ月現在,無再発生存中でありmFOLFOXを再開している。(著者抄録)
  • Hiroki Tani, Hiroyuki Kato, Yukio Asano, Masahiro Ito, Satoshi Arakawa, Masahiro Shimura, Daisuke Koike, Takayuki Ochi, Kenshiro Kamio, Toki Kawai, Hironobu Yasuoka, Takahiko Higashiguchi, Yoshiki Kunimura, Kazuma Horiguchi, Hidetoshi Nagata, Yuka Kondo, Yutaro Kato, Tsunekazu Hanai, Harunobu Sato, Akihiko Horiguchi
    Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 50(8) 929-932 2023年8月  
    We report a case of a woman in her 70s who underwent conversion surgery after FOLFIRINOX, followed by radiation therapy for initially locally advanced unresectable pancreatic cancer. She visited her local doctor with a chief complaint of upper abdominal pain. Contrast-enhanced CT scan of the abdomen revealed an irregular mass invading the superior mesenteric artery, and the first and second jejunal arteries(>180°)in the pancreatic uncinate region. Based on imaging, she was diagnosed as UR-LA(sm), cT4N0M0, cStage Ⅲ pancreatic cancer, and underwent 5 courses of modified FOLFIRINOX. Radiation therapy of 50.4 Gy was added for local control, and CA19-9 decreased from 394.1 U/mL to 10.5 U/mL. The treatment effect was judged as RECIST: partial response. The tumor was considered to be potentially curative, and a subtotal stomach preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy was performed 8 months after the initial treatment. The tumor was found to be 3× 2 mm in size, pStage ⅠA, R0, and the response to preoperative chemotherapy: Evans Grade Ⅲ. The patient is alive at 5 months postoperatively without recurrence.
  • Eita Joki, Hiroyuki Kato, Hiroki Tani, Yukio Asano, Masahiro Ito, Satoshi Arakawa, Masahiro Shimura, Daisuke Koike, Takayuki Ochi, Kenshiro Kamio, Toki Kawai, Hironobu Yasuoka, Takahiko Higashiguchi, Yoshiki Kunimura, Kazuma Horiguchi, Hidetoshi Nagata, Yuka Kondo, Harunobu Sato, Yutaro Kato, Tsunekazu Hanai, Akihiko Horiguchi
    Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 50(8) 933-936 2023年8月  
    We report a case of a patient with sigmoid colon cancer and multiple liver metastases who underwent hepatectomy after chemotherapy and pathological results showed complete remission. However, after chemotherapy was discontinued, the patient developed a local recurrence of the liver metastasis and underwent rehepatectomy. The patient came to our hospital with lower abdominal pain. Colonoscopy revealed a circumferential type Ⅱ, well-differentiated adenocarcinoma. Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy with lymph node dissection was performed. Postoperative CT scan showed multiple liver metastases at S5, S7, and S8. 11 cycles of bevacizumab plus modified FOLFOX(mFOLFOX)were subsequently performed. The liver metastases shrank at all sites, and the patient underwent right hepatectomy. The resected specimen was considered to be in complete remission, with no evidence of viable malignant cells. Postoperatively, bevacizumab plus mFOLFOX was resumed for 6 cycles and the patient remained in remission. However, 3 months after stopping chemotherapy and 1 year and 6 months after hepatectomy, a follow-up CT scan showed local recurrence of the liver edge, and a diagnosis of local recurrence of liver metastasis was made, and a partial hepatectomy was performed. The patient is recurrence-free and resuming modified FOLFOX 9 months after surgery.
  • Daisuke Koike, Takahiro Nishimura, Yusuke Suka, Motoki Nagai, Yukihiro Nomura, Hiroyuki Kato, Yukio Asano, Masahiro Ito, Satoshi Arakawa, Takuma Ishihara, Akihiko Horiguchi
    PloS one 18(9) e0291698 2023年  
    INTRODUCTION: Non-technical skills are essential for surgical patient safety and are implemented in clinical practice. However, training for non-technical skills has not been thoroughly investigated. This study aimed to evaluate the learning curve for non-technical skill-based education in herniorrhaphy. METHODS: Quality improvement initiatives, including non-technical skill-based intervention, were performed in the department of surgery. The intervention included declaring the patient safety policy, briefing and debriefing, and criterion for the switching of places of the trainee and instructor as defined by the department. Patients who underwent herniorrhaphy from April 2014 to September 2017 were included. RESULTS: A total of 14 trainees and nine instructors in the pre-intervention period and 14 trainees and seven instructors in the intervention period were included in this study. The median experience of each trainee was 28 and 15 cases in the pre-intervention and intervention groups, respectively. A total of 749 patients were included: 473 in the pre-intervention period and 328 in the intervention period. Demographics and hernia types were mostly similar between groups, and morbidity was not statistically different between the two groups (3.4 vs. 1.2%, p = 0.054). The nonlinear regression model showed an early decline and deep plateau phase of the learning curve in the intervention group. A significant difference was observed in the plateau operation time (61 min in the pre-intervention group and 52 min in the intervention group). CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated the effectiveness of non-technical skill-based intervention for surgical training. An early decline and deep plateau of the learning curve can be achieved with well-implemented quality improvement initiatives. Nonetheless, further studies are needed to establish a training program for non-technical skill-based learning.
  • Daisuke Koike, Hiroyuki Kato, Yukio Asano, Masahiro Ito, Satoshi Arakawa, Norihiko Kawabe, Masahiro Shimura, Chihiro Hayashi, Takayuki Ochi, Kenshiro Kamio, Toki Kawai, Hironobu Yasuoka, Takahiko Higashiguchi, Akihiko Horiguchi
    BMC Gastroenterology 22(1) 2022年12月  
    The natural history of intracholecystic papillary neoplasm (ICPN), especially the speed of growth from small benign to a carcinomatous lesion, is quite unrevealed. Here, we report an extremely rare case of ICPN, in which the papillary lesion was observed transforming from small and benign to malignant using abdominal ultrasound (AUS) over 2 years during routine health checks. A 44-year-old man underwent a routine health check-up. The initial AUS showed a small sessile polyp in the gallbladder, which enlarged slightly at the next AUS, a year later. In the third year, the polypoid lesion enlarged markedly, with a maximum diameter of 10 × 9 × 7 mm. Therefore, a laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed. Microscopically, the 10 mm tumor had intracytoplasmic mucus, and a clear cytoplasm compatible with gastric-type features. Immunohistochemical analysis showed positive staining of atypical cells for MUC6 and PAS. These findings led to the diagnosis of ICPN with high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia of the gastric type. In conclusion, sessile polyps with rapid growth might be a crucial finding in the early stage of ICPN.
  • Hiroyuki Kato, Yukio Asano, Masahiro Ito, Satoshi Arakawa, Masahiro Shimura, Daisuke Koike, Chihiro Hayashi, Kenshiro Kamio, Toki Kawai, Akihiko Horiguchi
    Annals of gastroenterological surgery 6(6) 851-861 2022年11月  
    AIM: This study aimed to compare the incidence of postoperative nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), postoperative cholangitis, and fibrosis-4 (FIB)-4 index in patients who underwent duodenum-preserving pancreatic head resection (DPPHR) and pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) for low-grade malignant tumors and verify the usefulness of DPPHR in preventing the occurrence of these disorders. METHODS: This retrospective study included 70 patients who underwent PD (n = 39) and DPPHR (n = 31) between 2006 and 2018 for benign or low-grade malignant tumors. The present study compared the preoperative background, cumulative incidence of postoperative NAFLD and cholangitis, and other biochemical markers, including the FIB-4 index. Subanalysis by propensity score matching (PSM) analysis was conducted to minimize treatment selection bias. RESULTS: In terms of the cumulative incidence of NAFLD, the 5-y incidence was significantly lower in the DPPHR group than in the PD group both before (10% vs 38%, P = .002) and after (13% vs 38%, P = .008) matching. Multivariate analyses identified DPPHR as the only independent preventive factor for postoperative NAFLD (hazard ratio: 0.160, 95% confidence intervals: 0.034-0.76, P = .021). The 5-y cumulative incidence of postoperative cholangitis was significantly higher in the PD group than in the DPPHR group before (51% vs 3%, P < .001) and after (49% vs 4%, P < .001) matching. The FIB-4 index at 12 mo postoperatively was significantly better in the DPPHR group than in the PD group (1.45 vs 2.35, P = .006) before matching. CONCLUSION: Preservation of the duodenum and bile duct may contribute to preventing long-term postoperative NAFLD and cholangitis, and liver fibrosis for benign or low-grade malignant pancreatic head tumors.
  • Hiroyuki Kato, Yukio Asano, Masahiro Ito, Satoshi Arakawa, Masahiro Shimura, Daisuke Koike, Kenshiro Kamio, Toki Kawai, Makoto Urano, Akihiko Horiguchi
    Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology 15(5) 1018-1025 2022年10月  
    Herein, we report an extremely rare case of intraductal tubulopapillary carcinoma (ITPC) that was detected due to the pancreatic duct dilatation newly appeared on CT after surgery for gallbladder cancer associated with pancreaticobiliary maljunction. Present case: a 77-year-old female. Extended cholecystectomy, extra-bile duct resection, and hepaticojejunostomy was performed and resected specimen showed that this gallbladder tumor was papillary adenocarcinoma, pT2(ss), pN0, pDM0, pHM0, pEM0. Thereafter, the follow-up CT scan 2 years after surgery detected the dilatation of main pancreatic duct (MPD) and the elevation of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level was pointed out (4.9 to 5.9 ng/ml). Moreover, pancreatic juice cytology revealed adenocarcinoma cells. Thus, distal pancreatectomy was performed based on the diagnosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma associated with pancreaticobiliary maljunction (PBM). Histologically, proliferation of highly columnar atypical cells in the dilated main pancreatic duct with marked papillary and irregular tubular structures is seen. No mucus production is observed. Based on immunohistochemistry, Mucin (MUC) 1, 2 and 5AC were focal weak positive, negative and negative, respectively. Taken together of these findings, we could diagnose this tumor with ITPC without invasive component. The patient is alive without any recurrence for 36 months after a second surgery. In conclusion, it is essential to be fully aware that PBM is a disease in which there is still a possibility that pancreatic or biliary tract cancer may occur in the future, and that careful routine follow-up for a long period after diversion surgery may lead to early detection of complicated cancers.
  • Yukio Asano, Hiroyuki Kato, Satoshi Arakawa, Masahiro Ito, Masahiro Shimura, Daisuke Koike, Chihiro Hayashi, Toki Kawai, Takahiko Higashiguchi, Akihiko Horiguchi
    Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology 15(5) 1012-1017 2022年10月  
    A 50-year-old woman was hospitalized for fainting caused by hypoglycemia. Her blood glucose level was low (40 mg/dL), immunoreactive insulin was 16.9 μU/mL, and C-peptide level was high (4.8 ng/mL). Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a 7-mm tumor in the uncinate process of the pancreas. A selective arterial calcium injection test indicated an increase in the superior mesenteric artery. Insulinoma of the uncinate process of the pancreas was diagnosed, and tumor enucleation was planned using an artificial pancreas for intraoperative and postoperative blood glucose control. Hypoglycemia (blood glucose, 38 mg/dL) was observed from the onset of surgery. An artificial pancreas cannot be used if the blood glucose level is ≤ 70 mg/dL; thus, continuous glucose infusion was administered. The sudden rise in blood glucose prompted insulin infusion from the device, causing hypoglycemia. Controlling blood glucose levels is challenging when introducing the artificial pancreas. However, altering the device’s blood glucose control algorithm controlled the fluctuating blood glucose level, and, intraoperative average blood glucose was raised to 94.8 ± 21.1 mg/dL, thereby avoiding hypoglycemia, that is, a blood glucose level of ≤ 70 mg/dL. We report a case in which an artificial pancreas was used for glycemic control during surgery for an insulinoma.
  • 安岡 宏展, 加藤 宏之, 伊東 昌広, 永田 英俊, 浅野 之夫, 近藤 ゆか, 荒川 敏, 小池 大助, 志村 正博, 林 千紘, 越智 隆之, 神尾 健士郎, 河合 永季, 東口 貴彦, 菊池 健司, 勝野 秀稔, 守瀬 善一, 堀口 明彦
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 55(Suppl.2) 260-260 2022年10月  
  • Hiroyuki Kato, Yukio Asano, Masahiro Ito, Satoshi Arakawa, Masahiro Shimura, Daisuke Koike, Takayuki Ochi, Hironobu Yasuoka, Toki Kawai, Takahiko Higashiguchi, Hiroki Tani, Yoshiki Kunimura, Yuka Kondo, Hidetoshi Nagata, Harunobu Sato, Akihiko Horiguchi
    World journal of surgical oncology 20(1) 278-278 2022年9月3日  
    In this report, we describe a case of highly advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with tumor thrombosis extending into the main portal vein of the pancreas that was successfully treated with adjuvant lenvatinib after right hepatic resection with thrombectomy. A 70-year-old woman was referred from the clinic because of elevated hepatobiliary enzymes. The patient was positive for the hepatitis B virus antigen at our hospital. The tumor markers were highly elevated with alpha-fetoprotein (14.5 U/mL) and protein induced by vitamin K absence (PIVKAII) (1545 ng/mL), suggesting hepatocellular carcinoma. Dynamic abdominal computed tomography showed an early enhanced tumor approximately 6 cm in size and portal vein tumor thrombosis filling the main portal vein, but not extending into the splenic or superior mesenteric vein (SMV). On magnetic resonance imaging 1 week after CT, portal vein tumor thrombosis had extended to the confluence of the splenic vein with the SMV, indicating rapid tumor growth. Thus, we performed emergent right hepatectomy with tumor thrombectomy. Postoperatively, we treated the patient with lenvatinib for a tumor reduction surgery. Fortunately, the patient was alive 2 years postoperatively without recurrence. This case report suggests that a favorable outcome may be achieved with multidisciplinary treatment including resection and postoperative treatment with lenvatinib.
  • Yukio Asano, Hiroyuki Kato, Satoshi Arakawa, Masahiro Ito, Takukazu Nagakawa, Akimasa Nakao, Tetsuo Ohta, Hiroki Yamaue, Masakazu Yamamoto, Sohei Satoi, Yasuhiro Kodera, Yoshifumi Takeyama, Masayuki Ohtsuka, Itaru Endo, Tadahiro Takada, Akihiko Horiguchi
    Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences 29(8) 898-910 2022年8月  
    BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Whether organ-preserving pancreatic surgery has an advantage in postoperative short- and long-term outcomes or not is still unknown because only small case series studies have been available to date. In this multicenter retrospective study, we aimed to elucidate the clinical advantage and disadvantage of organ-preserving pancreatectomy among patients with low-grade malignant pancreatic tumors and benign pancreatic diseases. METHODS: We included patients diagnosed with benign or low-malignant pancreatic tumor who underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) in 621 cases, duodenum-preserving pancreatic head resection (DPPHR) in 31 cases, middle pancreatectomy (MP) in 148 cases, distal pancreatectomy (DP) in 814 cases, and spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy (SPDP) in 259 cases between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2017. Preoperative backgrounds, surgical outcomes and pre- and postoperative (3, 6, 12, 24, and 36 months) nutritional status were compared between these procedures. RESULTS: In terms of short-term outcomes, the incidence of pancreatic fistula in patients who underwent MP was significantly higher than in patients with standard pancreatectomy. As for the long-term pancreatic functions in the cases of head or body lesion, both exocrine and endocrine functions after MP were significantly favorable compared with the PD group from 3 to 36 months after surgery. In pancreatic body or tail lesion, significant advantage of endocrine function, but not exocrine function, was found in the MP group compared to standard DP at all time points. CONCLUSIONS: MP may contribute to the improvement of postoperative quality of life for patients with pancreatic body low-malignant tumors, rather than PD or DP; however, reducing the incidence of short-term complications such as pancreatic fistula is a future challenge.
  • 国村 祥樹, 加藤 宏之, 浅野 之夫, 伊東 昌広, 川辺 則彦, 永田 英俊, 近藤 ゆか, 荒川 敏, 志村 正博, 栃井 大輔, 小池 大助, 林 千紘, 越智 隆之, 神尾 健士郎, 河合 永季, 安岡 宏展, 東口 貴彦, 内海 俊明, 守瀬 善一, 堀口 明彦
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 122回 RS-3 2022年4月  
  • Hiroyuki Kato, Yukio Asano, Masahiro Ito, Norihiko Kawabe, Satoshi Arakawa, Masahiro Shimura, Daisuke Koike, Chihiro Hayashi, Kenshiro Kamio, Toki Kawai, Takayuki Ochi, Hironobu Yasuoka, Takahiko Higashiguchi, Daisuke Tochii, Yuka Kondo, Hidetoshi Nagata, Toshiaki Utsumi, Akihiko Horiguchi
    BMC surgery 22(1) 49-49 2022年2月11日  
    BACKGROUND: The association between pancreatic fistula (PF) after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) and preoperative exocrine function is yet to be elucidated. This study aimed to evaluate the association between the preoperative results of the 13C-trioctanoin breath test and the occurrence of PF, showing the clinical relevance of the breath test in predicting PF. METHOD: A total of 80 patients who underwent 13C-trioctanoin breath tests prior to PD from 2006 to 2018 were included in this study. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted to reveal the preoperative predictors of PF, showing the association between 13C-trioctanoin absorption and PF incidence. RESULTS: Among 80 patients (age, 68.0 ± 11.9 years, 46 males and 34 females; 30 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma [PDAC]/50 non-PDAC patients), the incidence of PF was 12.5% (10/80). Logistic regression analysis results revealed that the frequency of PF increased significantly as the 13C-trioctanoin breath test value (Aa% dose/h) increased (odd's ratio: 1.082, 95% confidence interval: 1.007-1.162, p = 0.032). Moreover, the optimal cutoff value of the preoperative fat absorption level to predict PF was 38.0 (sensitivity, 90%; specificity, 74%; area under the curve, 0.78; p = 0.005). Indeed, the incidence of PF was extremely higher in patients whose breath test value was greater than 38.0 (33%, 9/27) compared with that in patients with values less than 38.0 (1.8%, 1/53). CONCLUSIONS: Favorable preoperative fat absorption evaluated using the 13C-trioctanoin breath test is a feasible and objective predictor of PF after PD.
  • Hironobu Yasuoka, Hiroyuki Kato, Yukio Asano, Masahiro Ito, Satoshi Arakawa, Norihiko Kawabe, Masahiro Shimura, Daisuke Koike, Chihiro Hayashi, Takayuki Ochi, Kenshiro Kamio, Toki Kawai, Takahiko Higashiguchi, Yuka Kiriyama, Makoto Urano, Akihiko Horiguchi
    Clinical journal of gastroenterology 2022年1月20日  
    The two patterns of pathogenesis for pancreatic colloid carcinoma are reported; (1) progression from ordinary ductal adenocarcinoma, a subtype of invasive pancreatic ductal carcinoma, and (2) progression from papillary adenocarcinoma derived from intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) or mucinous cystic neoplasm (MCN). Whether these two conditions are the same disease remains controversial. Case Report 1. An 81-year-old woman was evaluated for an increased carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9) value (130 U/mL) detected at 4-year follow-up after distal pancreatectomy for IPMN. Based on the image findings, a local recurrence of IPMN was diagnosed, and the patient underwent a remnant total pancreatectomy. Histopathologic findings showed marked mucus production from the tumor, also noteworthy because mucous nodule formation occurs in more than 80% of tumor. Fibrosis around the mucous cavity was noted, and a low papillary lesion was found in part of the cyst wall, which was contiguous to a flat, basal area; its nucleus was enlarged and heterogeneous in size, which is considered to be a component of intraductal papillary mucinous (IPMC). Therefore, the patient was diagnosed with pancreatic colloid carcinoma derived from IPMN. Case report 2 a 71-year-old man was evaluated for jaundice. Based on the image findings, a diagnosis of pancreatic head cancer was made, and a substomach preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy was performed. Histologically, marked mucus production and floating cuboidal masses of atypical cells without mucinous nodules were seen. Mucinous nodule formation is observed in more than 80% of tumor, but there was no IPMN component, which led to the diagnosis of pancreatic colloid carcinoma. In conclusion, there might be two types of colloid carcinoma of the pancreas, and further study is needed to determine whether these diseases are truly the same or not.
  • Hiroyuki Kato, Yukio Asano, Masahiro Ito, Satoshi Arakawa, Norihiko Kawabe, Masahiro Shimura, Daisuke Koike, Chihiro Hayashi, Takayuki Ochi, Kenshiro Kamio, Toki Kawai, Hironobu Yasuoka, Takahiko Higashiguchi, Akihiko Horiguchi
    BMC surgery 22(1) 17-17 2022年1月15日  
    BACKGROUND: Performing major hepatectomy for patients with marginal hepatic function is challenging. In some cases, the procedure is contraindicated owing to the threat of postoperative liver failure. In this case report, we present the first case of marginal liver function (indocyanine green clearance retention rate at 15 min [ICGR15]: 28%) successfully treated with right hepatectomy, resulting in total caudate lobe preservation. CASE PRESENTATION: A 71-year-old man was diagnosed with sigmoid colon cancer with three liver metastases (S5, S7, and S8). All of metastatic lesions shrunk after chemotherapy, but his ICGR15 and indocyanine green clearance rate (ICGK) were 21% and 0.12, respectively. Moreover, the remnant liver volume was only 39%. Therefore, portal venous embolism (PVE) of the right portal vein was suggested. Portography showed divergence of the considerably preserved right caudate lobe branch (PV1R) from the root of the right portal vein. The liver function was reevaluated 18 days after PVE was suggested. During this time, the ICGR15 (21-28%) and ICGK rate (0.12-0.10) deteriorated. The right caudate lobe was significantly enlarged; thus, a total caudate lobe-preserving hepatectomy (TCPRx) was performed. Patients eligible for TCPRx included those with (1) hepatocellular carcinoma or metastatic liver cancer, (2) no tumor in the caudate lobe, (3) marginal liver function (ICG Krem greater than 0.05 if TCPRx was adapted; otherwise, less than 0.05) and Child-Pugh classification category A, and (4) preserved PV1R and right caudate bile duct branch. The procedure was performed through (A) precise estimation of the remnant liver volume preoperatively, (B) repeated intraoperative cholangiography to confirm the biliary branch of the right caudate lobe (B1R) conservation, and (C) stapler division of posterior and anterior Glisson's pedicles laterally to avoid injuries to the PV1R and B1R. CONCLUSIONS: Right hepatectomy with total caudate lobe preservation, following PVE, was a safe and viable surgical technique for patients with marginal liver function.
  • Takahiko Higashiguchi, Hiroyuki Kato, Hironobu Yasuoka, Masahiro Ito, Yukio Asano, Norihiko Kawabe, Satoshi Arakawa, Masahiro Shimura, Daisuke Koike, Chihiro Hayashi, Takayuki Ochi, Kenshiro Kamio, Toki Kawai, Toshiaki Utsumi, Hidetoshi Nagata, Yuka Kondo, Daisuke Tochii, Akihiko Horiguchi
    Surgery today 2021年9月16日  
    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to elucidate the association between pancreatic fistula (PF) and the sequential changes in the perioperative exocrine function after pancreatectomy. METHODS: The subjects were 96 patients who underwent a 13C-trioctanoin breath test before and 1 month after pancreatectomy, between 2006 and 2018. We retrospectively compared the pre- and postoperative fat absorption levels between patients with PF (PF group; n = 17) and without PF (non-PF group; n = 79) using the breath test. RESULTS: The preoperative level of 13C-trioctanoin absorption (%dose/h) was comparable between the non-PF and PF groups (36.5 vs. 36.9). In the non-PF group, 13C-trioctanoin absorption was significantly decreased after surgery in comparison to the preoperative setting (post-operative 28.5; pre-operative 36.5; p < 0.0001), whereas these values were comparable (post-operative 36.9; pre-operative 34.5; p = 0.129) in the PF group. Moreover, postoperative absorption in the PF group was significantly better than that in the non-PF group (34.5 vs. 28.5%, p = 0.0003). The maximum drain amylase level was significantly higher in patients with a 13C-trioctanoin absorption level (%dose/h) of ≥ 30 in comparison to patients with levels of < 30 (2502 vs. 398 U/L, p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: PF did not exacerbate the pancreatic exocrine function in the early postoperative period, and the acceleration or preservation of the exocrine function after surgery may be an important cause of PF.
  • Hiroyuki Kato, Yukio Asano, Satoshi Arakawa, Masahiro Ito, Norihiko Kawabe, Masahiro Shimura, Chihiro Hayashi, Takayuki Ochi, Hironobu Yasuoka, Takahiko Higashiguchi, Yuka Kondo, Hidetoshi Nagata, Akihiko Horiguchi
    World journal of clinical cases 9(18) 4460-4466 2021年6月26日  
    The spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in 2020 has had a significant impact on the treatment of cancer worldwide. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the biggest challenge for pancreatic surgeons is the difficulty in providing oncological care. In this review article, from the standpoint of surgeons, we explain the concept of triaging of patients with pancreatic tumors under the COVID-19 pandemic, and the actual impact of COVID-19 on the treatment of patients with pancreatic tumors. The most vital points in selecting the best therapeutic approach for patients with pancreatic tumors during this pandemic are (1) Oncologists need to tailor the treatment plan based on the COVID-19 phase, tumor malignant potential, and patients' comorbidities; and (2) Optimal treatment for pancreatic cancer should be planned according to the condition of each patient and tumor resectability based on national comprehensive cancer network resectability criteria. To choose the best therapeutic approach for patients with pancreatic tumors during this pandemic, we need to tailor the treatment plan based on elective surgery acuity scale (ESAS). Newly established ESAS for pancreatic tumor and flowchart indicating the treatment strategy of pancreatic cancer, are feasible to overcome this situation.
  • Hiroyuki Kato, Akihiko Horiguchi, Masahiro Ito, Yukio Asano, Satoshi Arakawa
    Annals of gastroenterological surgery 5(2) 132-151 2021年3月  
    Overall survival of patients with localized pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is extremely poor. Therefore, the establishment of multimodal treatment strategies is indispensable for PDAC patients because surgical treatment alone could not contribute to the improvement of survival. In this review article, we focus on the current topics and advancement of the treatments for localized PDAC including resectable, borderline resectable, and locally advanced PDAC in accordance with the articles mainly published from 2019 to 2020. Reviewing the articles, the recent progress of multimodal treatments notably improves the prognosis of patients with localized PDAC. For resectable PDAC, neoadjuvant chemo or chemoradiation therapy, rather than upfront surgery, plays a key role, especially in patients with a large tumor, poor performance status, high tumor marker levels, peripancreatic lymph nodes metastasis, or neural invasion suspected on preoperative imaging. For borderline resectable PDAC, neoadjuvant treatments followed by surgery is a desirable approach, and maintenance of immunonutritional status during the treatments are also important. For locally advanced disease, conversion surgery has a central role in improving a survival outcome; however, its indication should be standardized.
  • Masanao Kurata, Yukio Iwashita, Tetsuji Ohyama, Itaru Endo, Taizo Hibi, Akiko Umezawa, Kenji Suzuki, Manabu Watanabe, Koji Asai, Yasuhisa Mori, Masaharu Higashida, Yusuke Kumamoto, Junichi Shindoh, Masahiro Yoshida, Goro Honda, Takeyuki Misawa, Yuta Abe, Yuichi Nagakawa, Naoyuki Toyota, Shigetoshi Yamada, Shinji Norimizu, Naoki Matsumura, Naohiro Sata, Hiroki Sunagawa, Masahiro Ito, Yutaka Takeda, Yoshiharu Nakamura, Toshiki Rikiyama, Ryota Higuchi, Takeshi Gocho, Kimihiko Ueno, Yuko Kumagai, Shingo Kanaji, Tadahiro Takada, Masakazu Yamamoto
    Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences 28(3) 255-262 2021年3月  
    BACKGROUND: To explore best practices for acute cholecystitis, it is necessary to construct a system to assess the difficulty of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) based on intraoperative findings. In this study, multiple evaluators assessed videos of LC to assemble a library of typical video clips for 25 intraoperative findings. METHODS: We have previously identified 25 items that contribute to surgical difficulty in LC. For each item, roughly 30-second video clips were submitted from videos of LC performed at member institutions. We then selected one typical video from the collected clips based on simple tabulation of the instances of agreement. Inter-rater agreement was assessed with Fleiss's κ and Gwet's agreement coefficient (AC). RESULTS: Except in the case of two assessment items ("edematous change" and "easy bleeding"), κ or AC significantly exceeded 0.5 and the typical videos were judged to be applicable. For the two remaining items, the evaluation was repeated after clarifying the definitions of positive and negative findings. Eventually, they were recognized as typical. The completed video clip library contains 31 clips and is divided into five categories (http://www.jshbps.jp/modules/project/index.php?content_id=13). CONCLUSIONS: This clip library may be highly useful in clinical settings as a more objective standard for assessing surgical difficulty in LC.
  • Yukio Asano, Satoshi Arakawa, Masahiro Ito, Hiroyuki Kato, Masahiro Shimura, Chihiro Hayashi, Takayuki Ochi, Kenshiro Kamio, Toki Kawai, Hironobu Yasuoka, Takahiko Higashiguchi, Akihiko Horiguchi
    Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 47(10) 1501-1504 2020年10月  
    We present the case of a 66-year-old female diagnosed with gallbladder cancer that was initially discovered with contrast enhanced computed tomography. The primary gall bladder tumor displayed heterogeneous enhancement. The patient underwent cholecystectomy with full-thickness excision of the gallbladder cancer. After 3 rounds of adjuvant chemotherapy with the oral fluoropyrimidine derivative, S-1(administered for 4 weeks at 120 mg/day and then stopped for 2 weeks), a metastasis measuring 15 mm in diameter emerged within hepatic segment 5. The chemotherapy regimen was altered to include 6 months of combination therapy with gemcitabine(1,000 mg/m2)and cisplatin(25 mg/m2)given once every week for 2 weeks and then stopped for 1 week. The hepatic metastasis decreased in size to 8 mm in diameter, and a partial liver resection was performed. After hepatectomy, the patient remains alive and without disease recurrence.
  • 稲葉 一樹, 中村 謙一, 田島 陽介, 柴崎 晋, 小島 正之, 棚橋 義直, 蘆田 啓吾, 菊地 健司, 勝野 秀稔, 升森 宏次, 須田 康一, 加藤 悠太郎, 花井 恒一, 杉岡 篤, 宇山 一朗, 須田 隆, 星川 康, 鈴木 達也, 安田 あゆ子, 伊東 昌広
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 120回 SF-4 2020年8月  
  • 稲葉 一樹, 中村 謙一, 田島 陽介, 柴崎 晋, 小島 正之, 棚橋 義直, 蘆田 啓吾, 菊地 健司, 勝野 秀稔, 升森 宏次, 須田 康一, 加藤 悠太郎, 花井 恒一, 杉岡 篤, 宇山 一朗, 須田 隆, 星川 康, 鈴木 達也, 安田 あゆ子, 伊東 昌広
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 120回 SF-4 2020年8月  
  • 浅野 之夫, 伊東 昌広, 石原 慎, 志村 正博, 林 千紘, 越智 隆之, 河合 永季, 安岡 宏展, 東口 貴彦, 三好 広尚, 乾 和郎, 堀口 明彦
    膵臓 35(3) A223-A223 2020年7月  
  • 安岡 宏展, 浅野 之夫, 伊東 昌広, 石原 慎, 志村 正博, 林 千紘, 越智 隆之, 神尾 健士郎, 河合 永季, 東口 貴彦, 三好 広尚, 乾 和郎, 堀口 明彦
    膵臓 35(3) A436-A436 2020年7月  
  • Satoshi Arakawa, Yukio Asano, Norihiko Kawabe, Hidetoshi Nagata, Yuka Kondo, Shinpei Furuta, Masahiro Shimura, Chihiro Hayashi, Takayuki Ochi, Kenshiro Kamio, Toki Kawai, Hironobu Yasuoka, Takahiko Higashiguchi, Shin Ishihara, Masahiro Ito, Yoshihiro Imaeda, Akihiko Horiguchi
    Surgical case reports 6(1) 139-139 2020年6月17日  
    BACKGROUND: We present a case of pancreatic and splenic metastases following alveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS), which was successfully treated by surgery. CASE PRESENTATION: A 41-year-old male was referred to our hospital in 2012. Computed tomography (CT) showed the presence of a pancreatic tumor. In 2002, the patient had undergone surgical resection of an ASPS of the anal region. In 2009, during follow-up, CT revealed lung metastases, which prompted surgical resection of the lung, followed by resection of the head skin in 2011. Abdominal ultrasonography (US) revealed the presence of isodense masses sized 34 mm in the pancreatic head and 60 mm within the spleen. The contrast-enhanced US revealed a solitary lesion with enhancement. Contrast-enhanced CT revealed solitary lesions with enhancement within the pancreatic head, spleen, and liver. The patient underwent metastasectomies from the pancreas, spleen, and liver. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 22 without recurrence for 18 months after metastasectomy. Twelve years after primary resection and 2 years after metastasectomy, the patient died as a consequence of multiple metastases. CONCLUSIONS: We have presented a rare case of pancreatic and spleen metastases from ASPS. Resection by radical metastasectomy was successful without morbidity. Thus, for improved survival of patients with multiple metastases from ASPS, metastasectomy may be indicated. If multiple metastases are resectable, surgical approaches may be the preferred treatment.
  • N Kawabe, T Higashiguchi, H Yasuoka, T Kawai, K Kamio, T Ochi, C Hayashi, M Shimura, S Furuta, S Arakawa, Y Kondo, Y Asano, H Nagata, M Ito, A Horiguchi, Z Morise
    Fujita Medical Journal 6(1) 21-26 2020年  査読有り
    Hepatocellular adenoma (HCA) is a benign hepatocyte-derived epithelial tumor. HCA is associated with oral contraceptive use among Caucasian populations. We report a case of hepatocellular adenoma with a pedunculated protuberance and high protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonist-II (PIVKA-II) levels, which made diagnosis challenging. The patient was a 22-year-old woman. In a medical check-up, a high γ-GTP level was detected and a 115-mm solid mass was found in her lower abdomen via abdominal ultrasonography. A blood test showed a high PIVKA-II level. Abdominal CT showed a tumor in the lower abdomen. Contrast-enhanced CT showed a blood vessel thought to be the left hepatic artery connecting to the mass, and a blood vessel thought to be the left hepatic vein returning from the mass to the inferior vena cava. In EOB-MRI, uneven enhancement was observed after contrast imaging, but washout in the equilibrium phase was unclear. Parenchymal hepatocyte phases showed a pale, non-uniform, high signal. These findings indicated that the tumor was derived from the left lobe of the liver and was suggestive of HCC. Surgical resection was then performed. A pathological examination led to a diagnosis of HCA, corresponding to unclassified HCA. The WHO classification of tumors of the digestive system based on an immunohistological examination includes HNF1α-inactivated HCA, β-catenin-activated HCA, inflammatory HCA, and unclassified HCA. In summary, our patient had a large HCA with pedunculated protrusion into the extrahepatic pelvic cavity. This case was challenging to diagnose because of abnormally high PIVKA-II levels, and it was resected laparoscopically.
  • T Kawai, M Ito, C Hayashi, N Yamamoto, Y Asano, S Arakawa, A Horiguchi
    Fujita Medical Journal 6(1) 7-11 2020年  査読有り責任著者
  • 稲葉 一樹, 柴崎 晋, 菊地 健司, 勝野 秀稔, 升森 宏次, 須田 康一, 加藤 悠太郎, 花井 恒一, 杉岡 篤, 宇山 一朗, 須田 隆, 守瀬 善一, 安田 あゆ子, 伊東 昌広, 白木 良一
    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌 24(7) MO335-4 2019年12月  
  • 浅野 之夫, 荒川 敏, 伊東 昌広, 川辺 則彦, 古田 晋平, 志村 正博, 林 千紘, 越智 隆之, 神尾 健士郎, 河合 永季, 安岡 宏展, 東口 貴彦, 山本 智支, 三好 広尚, 乾 和郎, 堀口 明彦
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 52(Suppl.2) 239-239 2019年11月  
  • 浅野 之夫, 伊東 昌広, 荒川 敏, 志村 正博, 林 千紘, 堀口 明彦
    手術 73(7) 1067-1073 2019年6月  
  • 堀口 明彦, 伊東 昌広, 浅野 之夫, 荒川 敏, 古田 晋平, 志村 正博, 越智 隆之, 林 千紘, 神尾 健士郎, 河合 永季, 安岡 宏展, 東口 貴彦, 宇山 一朗
    外科 81(5) 568-572 2019年4月  
  • 浅野 之夫, 伊東 昌広, 荒川 敏, 志村 正博, 古田 晋平, 林 千紘, 神尾 健士郎, 河合 永季, 安岡 宏展, 東口 貴彦, 堀口 明彦
    臨床外科 74(4) 481-484 2019年4月  
    <文献概要>ポイント ◆可能な限り,早い段階で脾動脈確保を安全に施行することが,出血コントロールで重要である.◆膵切離では,切離前に膵圧挫用クリップでしっかり圧挫し,自動縫合器にてゆっくり切離する.◆出血したら,まずガーゼ圧迫と脾動脈テープを牽引する.脾動脈の枝からの出血ならクリップ,脾動脈本幹からの出血なら縫合閉鎖する.
  • 石原 慎, 伊東 昌広, 浅野 之夫, 堀口 明彦
    臨床消化器内科 34(2) 205-209 2019年1月  
    <文献概要>早期胆嚢癌(early gallbladder cancer)の定義はたいへん難しい.なぜなら,何をもって早期とするのかは,個々人の感覚により左右されるからである.そこで,ここでは局所進展度(contiguous extent)がT1の胆嚢癌を早期と定義した.日本の胆道癌登録の成績ではT1aの5年生存率は92.5%,T1bは87.2%であった.T1でリンパ節転移のないStageIの5年生存率(5 year survivalrate)は91.1%であった.領域リンパ節(regional lymph node)に転移を認める症例は,5年生存率が28.5%であった.リンパ節転移がある症例を早期とするか否かは議論が残るところである.T1a胆嚢癌の治療法は,全層胆嚢摘出術(simplecholecystectomy)でコンセンサスがある.T1b胆嚢癌では,切除範囲やリンパ節郭清の有無につきコンセンサスがない.腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術(laparoscopic cholecystectomy)に関しては,大規模研究の結果が待たれる.今後,早期の定義については,専門家集団による議論が必要である.
  • Y Asano, A Horiguchi, M Ito, S Arakawa, S Furuta, M Shimura, C Hayashi, K Kamio, T Kawai, H Yasuoka, T Higashiguchi.
    Fujita Medical Journal 5(3) 63-66 2019年  査読有り
  • 荒川 敏, 浅野 之夫, 志村 正博, 清水 謙太郎, 林 千紘, 神尾 健士郎, 河合 永季, 安岡 宏展, 東口 貴彦, 石原 慎, 伊東 昌広, 堀口 明彦
    日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 38(7) 1203-1207 2018年11月  
  • 堀口 明彦, 伊東 昌広, 石原 慎, 浅野 之夫, 荒川 敏, 古田 晋平, 志村 正博, 林 千紘, 神尾 健士郎, 安岡 宏展, 河合 永季, 東口 貴彦
    胆と膵 39(11) 1201-1205 2018年11月  
    膵体尾部の病変に対する術式において注意すべき外科解剖につき概説した。膵体部は頭側が胃膵間膜、尾部が横行結腸間膜前葉に連続する膜に包まれた組織内に位置する。また、膵腹側は膵前筋膜、背側は膵後筋膜からなっている。膵後面と腎全面の膜はGerota筋膜と称され、膵後筋膜とこのGerota筋膜の間にはToldtの癒合筋膜(Toldt&#039;s fusion fascia)が存在する。MDCTによるDPAの分岐形態の検討では、脾動脈から分岐するタイプが40%、総肝動脈から分岐するタイプが25.7%、上腸間膜動脈から分岐するタイプが20.0%であった。膵体尾部の静脈は膵実質から脾静脈へ直接流入する数本の細い静脈とcentro-inferior pancreatic veinが重要である。centro-inferior pancreatic veinは膵体部下縁実質から脾静脈あるいは上腸間膜静脈へ流入する静脈であり、横行膵静脈と吻合枝を形成する症例もある。また、下腸間膜静脈が脾静脈へ流入する頻度は34%、脾静脈と上腸間膜静脈の合流部に流入する頻度は24%、上腸間膜静脈へ流入する頻度は42%と報告されている。(著者抄録)
  • R. Ito, M. Ito, Y. Asano, A. Murakumo, N. Yamamoto, A. Horiguchi
    Transplantation Proceedings 50(5) 1525-1531 2018年6月1日  査読有り
    Introduction: Hepatocyte transplantation is a promising alternate for the treatment of hepatic diseases. Hypothermic preservation of isolated human hepatocytes is potentially a simple and convenient strategy to provide on-demand hepatocytes in the quantity sufficient and the quality required for biotherapy. Isolated fresh hepatocytes include damaged cells that are also early apoptotic cells, which is not ideal for hepatocyte transplantation. However, this does not reflect cell viability, although it is considered that it adversely affects cell survival after transplantation. We aimed to harvest these hepatocytes and filter the apoptotic cells using a magnetic method to provide a transplantation source. Materials and Methods: Rat hepatocytes were isolated from caudate lobes using manual enzymatic perfusion. The hepatocyte yield was 5.3 ± 0.66 × 109 cells/g of liver tissue, with a viability of 82.3 ± 3.5%. Two samples of hepatocytes were freshly isolated, one using the magnetic method, and the other without. The magnetic method was performed using DynaMag-15 Magnet, and Annexin V Antibody was used on the early apoptotic cells. We evaluated the viability and plate efficiency of the cells after 24 hours at 37°C. Hepatocytes were isolated using cell separation method, and 30 × 106 cells were mixed with 1.0 mL of Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM) and directly injected into the spleen of Lewis rats (150–250 g) using 24-gauge needles. Blood samples were collected on days 0, 3, 7, and 14, and the blood albumin level was measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA):G1, control (medium injection) G2, fresh hepatocyte transplant using the magnetic method and G3, fresh hepatocyte transplant without the magnetic method. Results: The viability was 84.9 ± 2% for fresh hepatocytes and 80.7 ± 1.2% for hepatocytes isolated using the magnetic method. The magnetic method does not damage the cells (73.5 ± 2% vs 35.2 ± 2% after 24 hours), preserving hepatocyte. The albumin level accepted significantly increased in the magnet-treated group compared with the nonmagnet group. Simultaneously, the spleen in which these hepatocytes were transplanted could be used to observe the hepatocytes the cells were transplanted 14 days later, and the magnet-treated group had significantly higher levels of hepatocytes than the nonmagnet group. Conclusion: We developed an effective technique for hepatocyte isolation for short-term preservation. As a result, we believe that transplantation not only improves the cell transplantation effect but also allows the cells to be stored efficiently using the magnetic method. These results demonstrate the usefulness of hepatocyte hypothermic preservation for cell transplantation.
  • 浅野之夫, 石原慎, 伊東昌広, 荒川敏, 古田晋平, 志村正博, 林千紘, 神尾健士郎, 河合永季, 安岡宏展, 東口貴彦, 堀口明彦
    膵臓 33(3) 375 2018年5月31日  
  • 浅野 之夫, 守瀬 善一, 伊東 昌広, 荒川 敏, 古田 晋平, 志村 正博, 林 千紘, 神尾 健士郎, 河合 永季, 安岡 宏展, 東口 貴彦, 堀口 明彦
    日本外科系連合学会誌 43(3) 415-415 2018年5月  
  • Takayama T, Ozawa T, Sanada A, Watanabe T, Ito M, Hirono S, Aizawa Y, Minamino T
    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 57(6) 823-827 2018年  査読有り
  • Ryutaro Ikegami, Kazuyuki Ozaki, Takuya Ozawa, Satoru Hirono, Masahiro Ito, Tohru Minamino
    Internal Medicine 57(10) 1421-1424 2018年  査読有り
    Left main coronary compression syndrome rarely occurs in patients with severe pulmonary hypertension. A 65-year-old woman with severe pulmonary hypertension due to an atrial septal defect suffered from angina on effort. Cardiac computed-tomography and coronary angiography revealed considerable stenosis of the left main coronary artery (LMA) caused by compression between the dilated main pulmonary artery trunk and the sinus of valsalva. Stenting of the LMA under intravascular ultrasound imaging was effective for the treatment of angina. We herein report the diagnosis and management of this condition with a brief literature review.
  • 稲葉 一樹, 菊地 健司, 角谷 慎一, 勝野 秀稔, 松岡 宏, 加藤 悠太郎, 升森 宏次, 守瀬 善一, 花井 恒一, 杉岡 篤, 宇山 一朗, 安田 あゆ子, 伊東 昌広, 鈴木 達也, 白木 良一
    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌 22(7) SF074-03 2017年12月  
  • 浅野 之夫, 石原 慎, 伊東 昌広, 川辺 則彦, 荒川 敏, 伊藤 良太郎, 清水 謙太郎, 伊勢谷 昌志, 神尾 健士郎, 河合 永季, 安岡 宏展, 三好 広尚, 山本 智支, 乾 和郎, 堀口 明彦
    胆道 31(3) 628-628 2017年8月  
  • Yukio Iwashita, Taizo Hibi, Tetsuji Ohyama, Goro Honda, Masahiro Yoshida, Fumihiko Miura, Tadahiro Takada, Ho-Seong Han, Tsann-Long Hwang, Satoshi Shinya, Kenji Suzuki, Akiko Umezawa, Yoo-Seok Yoon, In-Seok Choi, Wayne Shih-Wei Huang, Kuo-Hsin Chen, Manabu Watanabe, Yuta Abe, Takeyuki Misawa, Yuichi Nagakawa, Dong-Sup Yoon, Jin-Young Jang, Hee Chul Yu, Keun Soo Ahn, Song Cheol Kim, In Sang Song, Ji Hoon Kim, Sung Su Yun, Seong Ho Choi, Yi-Yin Jan, Yan-Shen Shan, Chen-Guo Ker, De-Chuan Chan, Cheng-Chung Wu, King-Teh Lee, Naoyuki Toyota, Ryota Higuchi, Yoshiharu Nakamura, Yoshiaki Mizuguchi, Yutaka Takeda, Masahiro Ito, Shinji Norimizu, Shigetoshi Yamada, Naoki Matsumura, Junichi Shindoh, Hiroki Sunagawa, Takeshi Gocho, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Toshiki Rikiyama, Naohiro Sata, Nobuyasu Kano, Seigo Kitano, Hiromi Tokumura, Yuichi Yamashita, Goro Watanabe, Kunitoshi Nakagawa, Taizo Kimura, Tatsuo Yamakawa, Go Wakabayashi, Rintaro Mori, Itaru Endo, Masaru Miyazaki, Masakazu Yamamoto
    Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences 24(4) 191-198 2017年4月  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: We previously identified 25 intraoperative findings during laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) as potential indicators of surgical difficulty per nominal group technique. This study aimed to build a consensus among expert LC surgeons on the impact of each item on surgical difficulty. METHODS: Surgeons from Japan, Korea, and Taiwan (n = 554) participated in a Delphi process and graded the 25 items on a seven-stage scale (range, 0-6). Consensus was defined as (1) the interquartile range (IQR) of overall responses ≤2 and (2) ≥66% of the responses concentrated within a median ± 1 after stratification by workplace and LC experience level. RESULTS: Response rates for the first and the second-round Delphi were 92.6% and 90.3%, respectively. Final consensus was reached for all the 25 items. 'Diffuse scarring in the Calot's triangle area' in the 'Factors related to inflammation of the gallbladder' category had the strongest impact on surgical difficulty (median, 5; IQR, 1). Surgeons agreed that the surgical difficulty increases as more fibrotic change and scarring develop. The median point for each item was set as the difficulty score. CONCLUSIONS: A Delphi consensus was reached among expert LC surgeons on the impact of intraoperative findings on surgical difficulty.
  • M Ito*1, Yukio Yuzawa*2, Yuichi Hirose*1, Chizuru Fujita*1, Noriko Hamaguchi*1, Terumi Kinoshita*1, Junichi Yamagami*1, Yoshitaka Katou*1, Keiko Tomomatu*1, Atushi Sugioka*3, Kiyotaka Hoshinaga*
    Journal of Medical Safety 1349-1352 2017年  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Taizo Hibi, Yukio Iwashita, Tetsuji Ohyama, Goro Honda, Masahiro Yoshida, Tadahiro Takada, Ho-Seong Han, Tsann-Long Hwang, Satoshi Shinya, Kenji Suzuki, Akiko Umezawa, Yoo-Seok Yoon, In-Seok Choi, Wayne Shih-Wei Huang, Kuo-Hsin Chen, Fumihiko Miura, Manabu Watanabe, Yuta Abe, Takeyuki Misawa, Yuichi Nagakawa, Dong-Sup Yoon, Jin-Young Jang, Hee Chul Yu, Keun Soo Ahn, Song Cheol Kim, In Sang Song, Ji Hoon Kim, Sung Su Yun, Seong Ho Choi, Yi-Yin Jan, Shyr-Ming Sheen-Chen, Yan-Shen Shan, Chen-Guo Ker, De-Chuan Chan, Cheng-Chung Wu, Naoyuki Toyota, Ryota Higuchi, Yoshiharu Nakamura, Yoshiaki Mizuguchi, Yutaka Takeda, Masahiro Ito, Shinji Norimizu, Shigetoshi Yamada, Naoki Matsumura, Junichi Shindoh, Hiroki Sunagawa, Takeshi Gocho, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Toshiki Rikiyama, Naohiro Sata, Nobuyasu Kano, Seigo Kitano, Hiromi Tokumura, Yuichi Yamashita, Goro Watanabe, Kunitoshi Nakagawa, Taizo Kimura, Tatsuo Yamakawa, Go Wakabayashi, Itaru Endo, Masaru Miyazaki, Masakazu Yamamoto
    Background Generally, surgeons' perceptions of surgical safety are based on experience and institutional policy. Our recent pilot survey demonstrated that the acceptable duration of surgery and criteria for open conversion during laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) vary among workplaces. Methods A web-based survey was distributed to 554 expert LC surgeons in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. The questionnaire covered LC experience, safety measures and recognition of landmarks, decision-making regarding conversion to open/partial cholecystectomy and the implications of this decision. Overall responses were compared among nations, and then stratified by LC experience level (lifetime cases 200-499, 500-999, and &gt;= 1,000). Results The response rate was 92.6% (513/554); 67 surgeons with &lt;= 199 LCs were excluded, and responses from 446 surgeons were analyzed. We observed significant differences among nations on almost all questions. Differences that remained after stratification by LC experience were on questions related to acceptable duration of surgery, adoption rates of intraoperative cholangiography, the "critical view of safety" technique, identification of Rouviere's sulcus, recognition of the SS-Inner layer theory, and intraoperative judgment to abandon conventional LC. Conclusions Even among experts, surgeons' perceptions during LC are workplacedependent. A novel grading system of surgical difficulty and standardized LC procedures are paramount to generate high-level evidence.
  • 稲葉 一樹, 伊東 昌広, 鈴木 達也, 柴崎 晋, 菊池 健司, 中村 哲也, 角谷 慎一, 石田 善敬, 升森 宏次, 勝野 秀稔, 花井 恒一, 守瀬 善一, 前田 耕太郎, 杉岡 篤, 宇山 一朗
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 77(増刊) 389-389 2016年10月  
  • Yukio Iwashita, Tetsuji Ohyama, Goro Honda, Taizo Hibi, Masahiro Yoshida, Fumihiko Miura, Tadahiro Takada, Ho-Seong Han, Tsann-Long Hwang, Satoshi Shinya, Kenji Suzuki, Akiko Umezawa, Yoo-Seok Yoon, In-Seok Choi, Wayne Shih-Wei Huang, Kuo-Hsin Chen, Manabu Watanabe, Yuta Abe, Takeyuki Misawa, Yuichi Nagakawa, Dong-Sup Yoon, Jin-Young Jang, Hee Chul Yu, Keun Soo Ahn, Song Cheol Kim, In Sang Song, Ji Hoon Kim, Sung Su Yun, Seong Ho Choi, Yi-Yin Jan, Shyr-Ming Sheen-Chen, Yan-Shen Shan, Chen-Guo Ker, De-Chuan Chan, King-Teh Lee, Naoyuki Toyota, Ryota Higuchi, Yoshiharu Nakamura, Yoshiaki Mizuguchi, Yutaka Takeda, Masahiro Ito, Shinji Norimizu, Shigetoshi Yamada, Naoki Matsumura, Junichi Shindoh, Hiroki Sunagawa, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Toshiki Rikiyama, Naohiro Sata, Nobuyasu Kano, Seigo Kitano, Hiromi Tokumura, Yuichi Yamashita, Goro Watanabe, Kunitoshi Nakagawa, Taizo Kimura, Tatsuo Yamakawa, Go Wakabayashi, Itaru Endo, Masaru Miyazaki, Masakazu Yamamoto
    BackgroundSerious complications continue to occur in laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). The commonly used indicators of surgical difficulty such as the duration of surgery are insufficient because they are surgeon and institution dependent. We aimed to identify appropriate indicators of surgical difficulty during LC. MethodsA total of 26 Japanese expert LC surgeons discussed using the nominal group technique (NGT) to generate a list of intraoperative findings that contribute to surgical difficulty. Thereafter, a survey was circulated to 61 experts in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. The questionnaire addressed LC experience, surgical strategy, and perceptions of 30 intraoperative findings listed by the NGT. ResultsThe response rate of the survey was 100%. There was a statistically significant difference among nations regarding the duration of surgery and adoption rate of safety measures and recognition of landmarks. The criteria for conversion to an open or subtotal cholecystectomy were at the discretion of each surgeon. In contrast, perceptions of the impact of 30 intraoperative findings on surgical difficulty (categorized by factors related to inflammation and additional findings of the gallbladder and other intra-abdominal factors) were consistent among surgeons. ConclusionsIntraoperative findings are objective and considered to be appropriate indicators of surgical difficulty during LC.



