Dentistry and Oral-Maxillofacial Sugery

相澤 貴子

aizawa takako


藤田医科大学 医学部 医学科 口腔外科 助教



  • Yoshikazu Kobayashi, Koji Satoh, Daisuke Kanamori, Hideki Mizutani, Naoko Fujii, Takako Aizawa, Hiroshi Toyama, Harumoto Yamada
    Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology 29(4) 350-357 2017年7月1日  査読有り
    Objective The usefulness of computed tomography (CT) for measuring bone defect volume in the alveolar cleft has attracted considerable attention in recent years. Moreover, 320-row area detector CT (320-ADCT) is currently widely utilized. This technology helps to acquire smooth three-dimensional images, with a reduced exposure dose and improved image resolution, similar to those of dental cone-beam CT (CBCT). We compared the exposure dose of 320-ADCT with that of dental CBCT, and analyzed the reliability of a volumetric method for measuring bone defects in the alveolar cleft using 320-ADCT, both experimentally and clinically. Methods We performed thermoluminescent dosimeter measurements using an anthropomorphic RANDO phantom. Additionally, we evaluated the reproducibility of the volumetric measurement method for the bone defective volume using CT images of simulated bone defects in pigs. In addition, we evaluated the inter-rater reliability of the volumetrically measured values of bone defects in 20 patients with a unilateral cleft. Results The exposure doses of 320-row area detector CT and CBCT were similar. The errors of volumetric values between calculated and actual bone defects created in pigs were up to 7.6%. Inter-rater reliability of the calculated volumes of bone defect was evaluated as high, according to Bland–Altman analysis. Conclusions CT examination with a low exposure dose and precise analysis is feasible without the use of highly specialized dental CBCT.
  • Koji Satoh, TakakoAizawa, Yoshikazu Kobayashi, TarohOkui
    Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research 3(4) 1-4 2017年4月  査読有り
  • Koji Satoh, Takako Aizawa, Yoshikazu Kobayashi, Hideki Mizutani, Morimasa Yamada
    CLEFT PALATE-CRANIOFACIAL JOURNAL 53(2) 157-160 2016年3月  査読有り
    Objective: Our objective is to determine appropriate specifications for smaller tongue blade for Japanese pediatric patients with cleft palate (CP) and mandibular micrognathia. Patients: We investigated 59 patients who underwent palatoplasty. Patients were divided into two groups: the micrognathia (MG) group consisted of 11 patients and the normognathia (NG) group consisted of 48 patients. Interventions: The following five items were investigated retrospectively: (1) gender, (2) cleft type, (3) age at the time of surgery, (4) weight at the time of surgery, and (5) distance from the tongue blade base to the posterior pharyngeal wall (Dis). Results: There was a significant difference (P < .01) in age at the time of surgery and in Dis between groups, but not in weight. The minimum values were 55 mm for the MG group. As for correlations between age and weight at the time of surgery, the P values for the MG and NG groups were .993 and .052, respectively. As for correlations between weight at the time of surgery and Dis, the P values for the MG and NG groups were .987 and .099, respectively. Conclusions: It was difficult to predict Dis on the basis of the patient's age and weight measured preoperatively. The minimum Dis was 55 mm, equal to the length from the base to the tip of the Dingman Mouth Gag tongue blade currently in use, suggesting that a tongue blade of approximately 50 mm in length, shorter than the current minimum specifications, may be appropriate.
  • Takako Aizawa, Taro Okui, Ken Kitagawa, Yoshikazu Kobayashi, Koji Satoh, Hideki Mizutani
    Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology 28(3) 277-282 2016年3月  査読有り
  • Yoshikazu Kobayashi, Koji Satoh, Takako Aizawa, Makoto Urano, Makoto Kuroda, Hideki Mizutani
    Journal of Medical Case Reports 9(1) 41 2015年12月  査読有り


  • 小林義和, 佐藤公治, 水谷英樹, 北川 健, 相澤貴子, 近藤俊, 今村基尊, 大西智子, 奥本隆行, 吉村陽子, 山田治基
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 40(1) 23-29 2015年4月  査読有り
  • 北川健, 佐藤公治, 奥井太郎, 小林義和, 相澤貴子, 水谷英樹
    藤田学園医学会誌 39(1) 69-71 2015年1月  査読有り
  • 佐藤公治, 相澤貴子, 小林義和, 水谷英樹, 近藤俊, 今村基尊, 大杉育子, 奥本隆行, 吉村陽子
    日口蓋誌 39(1) 1-6 2014年  査読有り
    【緒言】当センターでは顎裂部骨移植術(BG)にあたり,矯正歯科医と口腔外科医が相談,術前矯正治療や手術時期を決定している。今回,われわれの行ってきたBGについて後方視的検討を行った。<br>【方法】2007~2010年にBGを施行した片側性唇顎裂(以下UCLA)27例,片側性唇顎口蓋裂(以下UCLP)58例を対象とし,性別,手術時期,顎裂幅,患側側切歯の有無,手術時患側側切歯の萌出,手術時患側および健側犬歯の萌出,手術時患側および健側犬歯の歯根形成,移植骨量,骨形成について調査し,UCLA群とUCLP群間で比較検討した。<br>【結果】1.UCLA群は男児13例,女児14例,UCLP群は男児35例,女児23例,手術時期はUCLA群118.4±20.5ヶ月(92~171ヶ月),UCLP群119.1±14.7ヶ月(89~168ヶ月)で,両群間に有意差を認めなかった。<br>2.顎裂幅はUCLA群で歯槽頂部5.7±2.3mm,鼻腔底部12.1±4.5mm,UCLP群で歯槽頂部7.3±2.7mm,鼻腔底部14.6±3.9mm,移植骨量はUCLA群2.1±1.0g,UCLP群2.5±1.0gで,両群間に有意差を認めた(<i>p</i> < 0.05)。<br>3.手術時に患側犬歯は,UCLA群8例,UCLP群5例で萌出,手術時にUCLA群で患側犬歯萌出症例が有意に多かった(<i>p</i> < 0.05)。<br>4.犬歯歯根形成が1/2以上であったものは,患側でUCLA群14例,UCLP群11例,健側でUCLA群13例,UCLP群12例で,患側,健側ともUCLA群で犬歯の歯根形成が有意に早かった(<i>p</i> < 0.05)。<br>5.EnemarkらのLevel 2以上は,UCLA群96.3%,UCLP群98.3%で,骨形成は両群間に有意差はなかった。<br>【考察】UCLA群とUCLP群間で顎裂幅,移植骨量,手術時患側犬歯の萌出と,患側および健側の犬歯歯根形成に有意差を認めたが,両群とも骨形成は良好であった。
  • 今村 基尊, 近藤 俊, 吉村 陽子, 奥本 隆行, 水谷 英樹, 佐藤 公治, 相澤 貴子, 小林 義和, 内藤 健晴, 堀部 晴司, 川村 友香
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 38(1) 29-34 2013年  
  • 今村基尊, 近藤俊, 吉村陽子, 奥本隆行, 水谷英樹, 佐藤公治, 相澤貴子, 小林義和, 内藤健晴, 堀部晴司, 川村友香
    日口蓋誌 38(1) 29-34 2013年  査読有り

