
健山 智子

タテヤマ トモコ  (Tomoko Tateyama)


藤田医科大学 医療科学部 研究推進ユニット 知能情報工学分野 准教授






  • Yasuo Takatsu, Tsuyoshi Ueyama, Takahiro Iwasaki, Tomoko Tateyama, Tosiaki Miyati
    Radiological physics and technology 17(2) 536-552 2024年6月  査読有り
    This study elucidated the effects of a three-dimensional k-space trajectory incorporating the partial Fourier (PF) technique on a time-intensity curve (TIC) in a dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of a typical malignant breast tumor using a digital phantom. Images were obtained from the Cancer Imaging Archive Open Data for Breast Cancer, and 1-min scans with high temporal resolution were analyzed. The order of the k-space trajectory was set as Linear (sequential), Low-High (centric), PF (62.5%; Z-, Y-, and both directions), and Low-High Radial. k0 (center of the k-space) timing and TIC shape were affected by the chosen k-space trajectory and implementation of the PF technique. A small TIC gradient was obtained using a Low-High Radial order. If the k-space filling method (particularly the radial method) produces a gentle TIC gradient, misinterpretation could arise during the assessment of tumor malignancy status.
  • Shurong Chai, Rahul Kumar Jain, Jiaqing Liu, Shiyu Teng, Tomoko Tateyama, Yinhao Li, Yen-Wei Chen
    Neurocomputing 580 127482-127482 2024年5月  査読有り
  • Yasuo Takatsu, Hiroshi Ohnishi, Tomoko Tateyama, Tosiaki Miyati
    Physical and engineering sciences in medicine 47(1) 339-350 2024年3月  査読有り
    This initial study aimed at testing whether fat-containing agents can be used for the fat mass estimation methods using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). As an example for clinical application, fat-containing agents (based on soybean oil, 10% and 20%), 100% soybean oil, and saline as reference substances were placed outside the proximal femurs obtained from 14 participants and analyzed by 0.3 T MRI. Fat content was the estimated fat fraction (FF) based on signal intensity (SIeFF, %). The SIeFF values of the femoral bone marrow, including the femoral head, neck, shaft, and trochanter area, were measured. MRI data were compared in terms of bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in the proximal femur. Twelve pig femurs were also used to confirm the correlation between FF by the DIXON method and SIeFF. According to Pearson's correlation coefficient, the SIeFF and total BMC and BMD data revealed strong and moderate negative correlations in the femoral head (r <  - 0.74) and other sites (r =  - 0.66 to - 0.45). FF and SIeFF showed a strong correlation (r = 0.96). This study was an initial investigation of a method for estimating fat mass with fat-containing agents and showed the potential for use in MRI. SIeFF and FF showed a strong correlation, and SIeFF and BMD and BMC showed correlation; however, further studies are needed to use SIeFF as a substitute for DXA.
  • Shiyu TENG, Jiaqing LIU, Yue HUANG, Shurong CHAI, Tomoko TATEYAMA, Xinyin HUANG, Lanfen LIN, Yen-Wei CHEN
    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E107.D(3) 342-353 2024年3月1日  査読有り
  • Shiyu Teng, Shurong Chai, Jiaqing Liu, Tomoko Tateyama, Lanfen Lin, Yen-Wei Chen 0001
    ICCE 1-5 2024年  査読有り













