Curriculum Vitaes


  (北本 憲永)

Profile Information

Medical Professor, School of Medical Sciences of Clinical Engineering, Fujita Health University

Researcher number
researchmap Member ID


  • 富永滋比古, 太田早紀, 北本憲永ほか
    体外循環技術, 51(2) 149-153, Jun, 2024  Peer-reviewedLast author
  • 大橋 篤, 杉山 征四朗, 家入 璃穂, 高柳 綾子, 北本 憲永
    日本消化器内視鏡技師会会報, (72) 285-286, Mar, 2024  Peer-reviewed
  • 北本 憲永, 内山 明日香, 鈴木 克尚, 佐川 雅俊, 平松 和也, 山内 健至, 豊田 理水, 鳥羽 好恵, 小久保 荘太郎
    日本手術医学会誌, 42(2) 213-220, Jul, 2021  Peer-reviewedLead author
  • 石井 宣大, 木村 政義, 百瀬 直樹, 高木 政雄, 北本 憲永, 佐藤 邦昭, 前川 正樹, 赤嶺 史郎, 岩崎 毅, 本田 靖男, 吉田 靖, 内野 順司, 高道 昭一, 野村 知由樹, 吉岡 淳, 真下 泰, 山下 芳久, 本 明子, 肥田 泰幸, 青木 郁香, 萱嶋 道徳, 本間 崇
    日本臨床工学技士会会誌, (70) 29-32, Sep, 2020  Peer-reviewed
  • Keisuke Hayashi, Takashi Hitosugi, Yoshifumi Kawakubo, Norihisa Kitamoto, Takeshi Yokoyama
    BMC anesthesiology, 20(1) 81-81, Apr 7, 2020  Peer-reviewed
    BACKGROUND: Total hemoglobin (tHb) measurement is indispensable for determining the patient's condition (hemorrhagic vs. ischemic) and need for blood transfusion. Conductivity- and absorbance-based measurement methods are used for blood gas analysis of tHb. For conductivity-based measurement, tHb is calculated after converting blood conductivity into a hematocrit value, whereas absorbance measurement is based on light absorbance after red blood cell hemolysis. Due to changes in plasma electrolytes and hemolysis, there is a possibility that conductivity- and absorbance-based measurement methods may cause a difference in tHb. METHODS: In this study, test samples with controlled electrolyte changes and hemolysis were created by adding sodium chloride, distilled water or hemolytic blood to blood samples collected from healthy volunteers, and tHb values were compared between both methods. RESULTS: Conductivity-based measurement revealed reduced tHb value (from 15.49 to 13.05 g/dl) following the addition of 10% sodium chloride, which was also reduced by the addition of hemolysate. Conversely, the addition of distilled water significantly increased tHb value than the expected value. In the absorbance method, there was no significant change in tHb value due to electrolyte change or hemolysis. CONCLUSIONS: We have to recognize unexpected conductivity changes occur at all times when tHb is measured via conductivity- and absorbance-based measurement methods. The absorbance method should be used when measuring tHb in patients with expected blood conductivity changes. However, when using this method, the added contribution of hemoglobin from hemolytic erythrocytes lacking oxygen carrying capacity must be considered. We recognize that discrepancy can occur between conductivity- and absorbance-based measurement methods when tHb is measured.

