Faculty of Medical Technology

刑部 恵介

オサカベ ケイスケ  (Keisuke Osakabe)


藤田医科大学 医療科学部 臨床検査学科 臨床生理・画像情報解析学領域 准教授





  • 川部 直人, 刑部 恵介, 杉山 博子, 市野 直浩, 田中 浩敬, 中岡 和徳, 中野 卓二, 大野 栄三郎, 葛谷 貞二, 廣岡 芳樹
    超音波医学 51(Suppl.) S173-S173 2024年4月  
  • 刑部 恵介, 杉山 博子, 笹木 優賢, 朝田 和佳奈, 佐野 友亮, 市野 直浩, 川部 直人, 葛谷 貞二, 廣岡 芳樹
    超音波医学 51(Suppl.) S181-S181 2024年4月  
  • Keisuke Maeda, Nami Hosoda, Junichi Fukumoto, Shun Kawai, Mizuki Hayafuji, Himari Tsuboi, Shiho Fujita, Naohiro Ichino, Keisuke Osakabe, Keiko Sugimoto, Naoko Ishihara
    Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society 2023年10月30日  
    INTRODUCTION: High-frequency oscillation (HFO) in scalp electroencephalography is a promising new noninvasive prognostic epilepsy biomarker, but further data are needed to ascertain the utility of this parameter. The present work investigated the association between epileptic activity and scalp HFO in pediatric patients with various types of epilepsy, using multivariable regression models to correct for possible confounding factors. METHODS: The authors analyzed 97 subjects who were divided into groups with active epilepsy (within 1 year of seizure), seizure-free epilepsy (>1 year without seizure), and nonepilepsy. Regarding the frequency of seizure occurrence as an indicator of epileptic activity, we categorized subjects into four groups (Daily/Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, and Rarely). RESULTS: Multiple linear regression analysis showed that the scalp HFO detection rate was significantly higher in patients with active epilepsy than in those with nonepilepsy (β [95% confidence interval] = 2.77 [1.79-4.29]; P < 0.001). The association between scalp HFO detection rate and frequency of seizure occurrence was highest in the Daily/Weekly group (β [95% confidence interval] = 3.38 [1.57-7.27]; P = 0.002), followed by Monthly and Yearly groups (β [95% confidence interval] = 2.42 [1.02-5.73]; P = 0.046 and 0.36 [0.16-0.83]; P = 0.017). In addition, HFO duration, number of peaks, and number of channels detected were significantly higher in patients with active epilepsy. CONCLUSIONS: Pediatric patients with active epilepsy and high frequency of seizure occurrence exhibited a higher scalp HFO detection rate. These results may help to establish HFO detectable by noninvasive scalp electroencephalography as a biomarker of active epilepsy in pediatric patients.
  • 高井 洋次, 市野 直浩, 杉本 恵子, 刑部 恵介, 鈴木 康司
    日本超音波医学会関西地方会学術集会 50回 54-54 2023年10月  
  • 前田 圭介, 細田 奈未, 福本 純一, 河合 駿, 廣中 瑞希, 内藤 穂乃華, 坪井 日茉里, 工藤 千明, 藤田 志保, 市野 直浩, 刑部 恵介, 杉本 恵子, 石原 尚子
    臨床神経生理学 51(5) 564-564 2023年10月  











