
石川 充

イシカワ ミツル  (Ishikawa Mitsuru)


藤田医科大学 精神・神経病態解明センター  神経再生・創薬研究部門 講師 (博士(薬学))
慶應義塾大学 医学部 生理学教室 訪問講師


ヒトの神経細胞を「作る・育てる・見る・操作する」ことで、さまざまな遺伝性神経難病や神経系common diseaseの病態解析と創薬を行っています。特に以下の研究開発、および技術指導・提供を行っています。

1) 疾患特異的iPS細胞技術を用いた神経難病研究
  1)-1 精神疾患研究
  1)-2 小児神経疾患・てんかん脳症研究
  1)-3 認知症研究
  1)-4 ALS研究

2) 安定で確実なiPS細胞樹立と品質管理法 / 技術指導

3) スクリーニング向けヒト神経細胞の調製技術
  3)-1 超均一「興奮性」神経細胞の迅速作出法 / 技術指導
  3)-2 超均一「抑制性」神経細胞の迅速作出法 / 技術指導
  3)-3 迅速脳オルガノイド培養法開発

4) iPS細胞を介さない直接的な神経系誘導技術開発


6) ヒト神経細胞を用いた「光操作と光計測」 開発

7) 遺伝子エンハンサー同定技術応用(CAGE-SEQ)

8) ヒトiPS細胞へのゲノム編集技術開発と技術指導

9) 霊長類進化とゲノム、脳機能の研究

10) 核酸医薬


  • Nicolas Leventoux, Satoru Morimoto, Mitsuru Ishikawa, Shiho Nakamura, Fumiko Ozawa, Reona Kobayashi, Hirotaka Watanabe, Sopak Supakul, Satoshi Okamoto, Zhi Zhou, Hiroya Kobayashi, Chris Kato, Yoshifumi Hirokawa, Ikuko Aiba, Shinichi Takahashi, Shinsuke Shibata, Masaki Takao, Mari Yoshida, Fumito Endo, Koji Yamanaka, Yasumasa Kokubo, Hideyuki Okano
    Acta neuropathologica 147(1) 84-84 2024年5月15日  
    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/Parkinsonism-Dementia Complex (ALS/PDC), a rare and complex neurological disorder, is predominantly observed in the Western Pacific islands, including regions of Japan, Guam, and Papua. This enigmatic condition continues to capture medical attention due to affected patients displaying symptoms that parallel those seen in either classical amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Parkinson's disease (PD). Distinctly, postmortem examinations of the brains of affected individuals have shown the presence of α-synuclein aggregates and TDP-43, which are hallmarks of PD and classical ALS, respectively. These observations are further complicated by the detection of phosphorylated tau, accentuating the multifaceted proteinopathic nature of ALS/PDC. The etiological foundations of this disease remain undetermined, and genetic investigations have yet to provide conclusive answers. However, emerging evidence has implicated the contribution of astrocytes, pivotal cells for maintaining brain health, to neurodegenerative onset, and likely to play a significant role in the pathogenesis of ALS/PDC. Leveraging advanced induced pluripotent stem cell technology, our team cultivated multiple astrocyte lines to further investigate the Japanese variant of ALS/PDC (Kii ALS/PDC). CHCHD2 emerged as a significantly dysregulated gene when disease astrocytes were compared to healthy controls. Our analyses also revealed imbalances in the activation of specific pathways: those associated with astrocytic cilium dysfunction, known to be involved in neurodegeneration, and those related to major neurological disorders, including classical ALS and PD. Further in-depth examinations revealed abnormalities in the mitochondrial morphology and metabolic processes of the affected astrocytes. A particularly striking observation was the reduced expression of CHCHD2 in the spinal cord, motor cortex, and oculomotor nuclei of patients with Kii ALS/PDC. In summary, our findings suggest a potential reduction in the support Kii ALS/PDC astrocytes provide to neurons, emphasizing the need to explore the role of CHCHD2 in maintaining mitochondrial health and its implications for the disease.
  • Ryohei Takada, Michihiro Toritsuka, Takahira Yamauchi, Rio Ishida, Yoshinori Kayashima, Yuki Nishi, Mitsuru Ishikawa, Kazuhiko Yamamuro, Minobu Ikehara, Takashi Komori, Yuki Noriyama, Kohei Kamikawa, Yasuhiko Saito, Hideyuki Okano, Manabu Makinodan
    Molecular autism 15(1) 10-10 2024年2月21日  
    BACKGROUND: A growing body of evidence suggests that immune dysfunction and inflammation in the peripheral tissues as well as the central nervous system are associated with the neurodevelopmental deficits observed in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Elevated expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the plasma, serum, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells of ASD has been reported. These cytokine expression levels are associated with the severity of behavioral impairments and symptoms in ASD. In a prior study, our group reported that tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) expression in granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor-induced macrophages (GM-CSF MΦ) and the TNF-α expression ratio in GM-CSF MΦ/M-CSF MΦ (macrophage colony-stimulating factor-induced macrophages) was markedly higher in individuals with ASD than in typically developed (TD) individuals. However, the mechanisms of how the macrophages and the highly expressed cytokines affect neurons remain to be addressed. METHODS: To elucidate the effect of macrophages on human neurons, we used a co-culture system of control human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons and differentiated macrophages obtained from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of five TD individuals and five individuals with ASD. All participants were male and ethnically Japanese. RESULTS: Our results of co-culture experiments showed that GM-CSF MΦ affect the dendritic outgrowth of neurons through the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, interleukin-1α and TNF-α. Macrophages derived from individuals with ASD exerted more severe effects than those derived from TD individuals. LIMITATIONS: The main limitations of our study were the small sample size with a gender bias toward males, the use of artificially polarized macrophages, and the inability to directly observe the interaction between neurons and macrophages from the same individuals. CONCLUSIONS: Our co-culture system revealed the non-cell autonomous adverse effects of GM-CSF MΦ in individuals with ASD on neurons, mediated by interleukin-1α and TNF-α. These results may support the immune dysfunction hypothesis of ASD, providing new insights into its pathology.
  • Hiroya Kobayashi, Koji Ueda, Satoru Morimoto, Mitsuru Ishikawa, Nicolas Leventoux, Ryogen Sasaki, Yoshifumi Hirokawa, Yasumasa Kokubo, Hideyuki Okano
    Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology 44(12) 4511-4516 2023年12月  
    BACKGROUND: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/Parkinsonism-dementia complex in Kii peninsula, Japan (Kii ALS/PDC), is an endemic neurodegenerative disease whose causes and pathogenesis remain unknown. However, astrocytes in autopsied cases of Kii ALS/PDC show characteristic lesions. In addition, relationships between extracellular vesicles (EVs) and neurodegenerative diseases are increasingly apparent. Therefore, we focused on proteins in EVs derived from Kii ALS/PDC astrocytes in the present study. METHODS: Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from three healthy controls (HCs) and three patients with Kii ALS/PDC were differentiated into astrocytes. EVs in the culture medium of astrocytes were collected and subjected to quantitative proteome analysis. RESULTS: Our proteome analysis reveals that EV-containing proteins derived from astrocytes of patients with Kii ALS/PDC show distinctive patterns compared with those of HCs. Moreover, EVs derived from Kii ALS/PDC astrocytes display increased proteins related to proteostasis and decreased proteins related to anti-inflammation. DISCUSSION: Proteins contained in EVs from astrocytes unveil protective support to neurons and may reflect the molecular pathomechanism of Kii ALS/PDC; accordingly, they may be potential biomarker candidates of Kii ALS/PDC.
  • 喜山 公輔, 渡部 博貴, 石川 充, 小林 菜々子, 篠崎 宗久, 嶋田 弘子, 岡野 栄之
    Dementia Japan 37(4) 678-678 2023年10月  
  • Tosho Kondo, Ihori Ebinuma, Hirotaka Tanaka, Yukitoshi Nishikawa, Takaki Komiya, Mitsuru Ishikawa, Hideyuki Okano
    International journal of molecular sciences 24(8) 2023年4月10日  
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a major life-threatening disease caused by motor neuron degeneration. More effective treatments through drug discovery are urgently needed. Here, we established an effective high-throughput screening system using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Using a Tet-On-dependent transcription factor expression system carried on the PiggyBac vector, motor neurons were efficiently and rapidly generated from iPSCs by a single-step induction method. Induced iPSC transcripts displayed characteristics similar to those of spinal cord neurons. iPSC-generated motor neurons carried a mutation in fused in sarcoma (FUS) and superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) genes and had abnormal protein accumulation corresponding to each mutation. Calcium imaging and multiple electrode array (MEA) recordings demonstrated that ALS neurons were abnormally hyperexcitable. Noticeably, protein accumulation and hyperexcitability were ameliorated by treatment with rapamycin (mTOR inhibitor) and retigabine (Kv7 channel activator), respectively. Furthermore, rapamycin suppressed ALS neuronal death and hyperexcitability, suggesting that protein aggregate clearance through the activation of autophagy effectively normalized activity and improved neuronal survival. Our culture system reproduced several ALS phenotypes, including protein accumulation, hyperexcitability, and neuronal death. This rapid and robust phenotypic screening system will likely facilitate the discovery of novel ALS therapeutics and stratified and personalized medicine for sporadic motor neuron diseases.







