
Hideki Kato

  (加藤 秀起)

Profile Information

School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Radiological Technology, Fujita Health University

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  • 加藤秀起
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌, 70(10) 1181-1187, 2014  Invited
  • 平岡 武, 加藤秀起, 石川剛弘, 酢屋徳啓, 河合直士, 今関 等
    放射線医学総合研究所技術報告書, 6 6-12, 2012  
  • SUZUKI Yusuke, AOYAMA Takahiro, TAKAHASHI Hiroki, KATO Hideki, FUKUMA Hiroshi, ISOYAMA Shigeru, KAWANO Makoto
    Jpn. J. Radiol. Technol., 66(6) 599-608, 2010  
    In medical linear accelerators, radioactivation is induced on the target and neighborhood parts by photoneutrons accompanying a photo-nuclear reaction and leading to higher acceleration energy. We measured the residual radiation from the radioactivated materials according to the time, and tried to identify radioactivated nuclides and their relative quantities by means of measurement results. It was presumed that the main source of residual radiations was the Target, Flattening filter and Primary collimator in the linac head. Among those materials (copper, tungsten), we calculated decrement curves of residual radiations from radioactivated nuclides generated with photo-nuclear reaction or thermal neutron capture reaction by various ratios, and we investigated the ratio that best fit the measured data. Consequently, it was presumed that 66Cu generated with thermal neutron capture reaction contributed the most to residual radiation, followed by 62Cu generated with photo-nuclear reaction contributed. It is important to understand various characteristics of these nuclides and to undertake management of the device.
  • FUKUMA Hiroshi, EGUCHI Yuta, ISOYAMA Shigeru, KAWANO Makoto, SUZUKI Yusuke, AOYAMA Takahiro, KATO Hideki
    Jpn. J. Radiol. Technol., 66(5) 495-501, 2010  
    The characteristics of activation after high-energy X-rays have been generated by medical linear accelerators were measured using an ionization chamber. Radiation doses increased with rising X-ray energy, based on 10 MV, 15 MV, and 18 MVX-ray measurements. When the total irradiation dose was changed, radiation dose increased with total irradiation dose. When the collimator opened, the radiation dose at a position 15 cm from the isocenter reached about the maximum, which was 2.2 times the dose at the isocenter. The radiation dose became about 0.3 times its level at a position 40 cm from the isocenter, in the outer irradiation field. The dose distribution in the treatment room became almost the same dose extending from the isocenter to 200 cm. Radiation dose decreased gradually while moving away from the target on the treatment beam axis. But it increased again as it approached the floor face. The occupational exposure dose, which was presumed from measurements of the radiation dose 50 cm from the isocenter, was about 0.9 mSv during a year, assuming 600 MU for 1 person, 8 people a day, and 245 days a year. Radiation dose changed with X-ray energy in the machine used, and it was a geometrical constituent in the treatment room. It is important to understand the characteristics of radiation generated by medical linear accelerators.


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