
佐藤 貴彦

サトウ タカヒコ  (Takahiko Sato)


藤田医科大学 国際再生医療センター 准教授


京都大学アメリカンフットボール部Gangsters出身。それが縁で京都大学再生医科学研究所の笹井芳樹教授に拾ってもらい、理化学研究所CDBにて発生学研究に没頭。2006年京都大学大学院医学研究科博士課程修了(医学博士)。骨格筋発生を学ぶ為、Institut PasteurのMargaret Buckingham研究室に留学し、マウス骨格筋発生研究の薫陶を受ける。帰国後から筋再生の研究をスタートし、ヒト骨格筋発生・再生研究を行う。まずは自分の身体を用いて筋再生、筋肥大の実験に勤しむ。


  • Yurika Ito, Mari Yamagata, Takuya Yamamoto, Katsuya Hirasaka, Takeshi Nikawa, Takahiko Sato
    eLife 12 2023年12月15日  
    Skeletal muscle atrophy and the inhibition of muscle regeneration are known to occur as a natural consequence of aging, yet the underlying mechanisms that lead to these processes in atrophic myofibers remain largely unclear. Our research has revealed that the maintenance of proper mitochondrial-associated endoplasmic reticulum membranes (MAM) is vital for preventing skeletal muscle atrophy in microgravity environments. We discovered that the deletion of the mitochondrial fusion protein Mitofusin2 (MFN2), which serves as a tether for MAM, in human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells or the reduction of MAM in differentiated myotubes caused by microgravity interfered with myogenic differentiation process and an increased susceptibility to muscle atrophy, as well as the activation of the Notch signaling pathway. The atrophic phenotype of differentiated myotubes in microgravity and the regenerative capacity of Mfn2-deficient muscle stem cells in dystrophic mice were both ameliorated by treatment with the gamma-secretase inhibitor DAPT. Our findings demonstrate how the orchestration of mitochondrial morphology in differentiated myotubes and regenerating muscle stem cells plays a crucial role in regulating Notch signaling through the interaction of MAM.
  • Takahiko Sato, Yukito Yamanaka, Morio Ueno, Chie Sotozono
    Methods in Molecular Biology 13-19 2023年3月31日  筆頭著者責任著者
  • Aika Sawada, Takuya Yamamoto, Takahiko Sato
    International journal of molecular sciences 23(4) 2022年2月12日  
    The proliferation and differentiation of skeletal muscle cells are usually controlled by serum components. Myogenic differentiation is induced by a reduction of serum components in vitro. It has been recently reported that serum contains not only various growth factors with specific actions on the proliferation and differentiation of myogenic cells, but also exogenous exosomes, the function of which is poorly understood in myogenesis. We have found that exosomes in fetal bovine serum are capable of exerting an inhibitive effect on the differentiation of C2C12 myogenic cells in vitro. In this process of inhibition, the downregulation of Tceal5 and Tceal7 genes was observed. Expression of these genes is specifically increased in direct proportion to myogenic differentiation. Loss- or gain- of function studies with Tceal5 and Tceal7 indicated that they have the potential to regulate myogenic differentiation via exosomes in fetal bovine serum.
  • Nana Takenaka-Ninagawa, Jinsol Kim, Mingming Zhao, Masae Sato, Tatsuya Jonouchi, Megumi Goto, Clémence Kiho Bourgeois Yoshioka, Rukia Ikeda, Aya Harada, Takahiko Sato, Makoto Ikeya, Akiyoshi Uezumi, Masashi Nakatani, Satoru Noguchi, Hidetoshi Sakurai
    Stem Cell Research & Therapy 12(1) 2021年12月  
    <title>Abstract</title><sec> <title>Background</title> Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) function as supportive cells on skeletal muscle homeostasis through several secretory factors including type 6 collagen (COL6). Several mutations of <italic>COL6A1</italic>, <italic>2</italic>, and <italic>3</italic> genes cause Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy (UCMD). Skeletal muscle regeneration deficiency has been reported as a characteristic phenotype in muscle biopsy samples of human UCMD patients and UCMD model mice. However, little is known about the COL6-dependent mechanism for the occurrence and progression of the deficiency. The purpose of this study was to clarify the pathological mechanism of UCMD by supplementing COL6 through cell transplantation. </sec><sec> <title>Methods</title> To test whether COL6 supplementation has a therapeutic effect for UCMD, in vivo and in vitro experiments were conducted using four types of MSCs: (1) healthy donors derived-primary MSCs (pMSCs), (2) MSCs derived from healthy donor induced pluripotent stem cell (iMSCs), (3) COL6-knockout iMSCs (COL6KO-iMSCs), and (4) UCMD patient-derived iMSCs (UCMD-iMSCs). </sec><sec> <title>Results</title> All four MSC types could engraft for at least 12 weeks when transplanted into the tibialis anterior muscles of immunodeficient UCMD model (<italic>Col6a1</italic>KO) mice. COL6 protein was restored by the MSC transplantation if the MSCs were not COL6-deficient (types 1 and 2). Moreover, muscle regeneration and maturation in <italic>Col6a1</italic>KO mice were promoted with the transplantation of the COL6-producing MSCs only in the region supplemented with COL6. Skeletal muscle satellite cells derived from UCMD model mice (<italic>Col6a1</italic>KO-MuSCs) co-cultured with type 1 or 2 MSCs showed improved proliferation, differentiation, and maturation, whereas those co-cultured with type 3 or 4 MSCs did not. </sec><sec> <title>Conclusions</title> These findings indicate that COL6 supplementation improves muscle regeneration and maturation in UCMD model mice. </sec>
  • 竹中 菜々, Kim Jin Sol, 趙 明明, 佐藤 優江, 城之内 達也, 後藤 萌, 吉岡クレモンス 紀穂, 池田 留輝愛, 池谷 真, 上住 聡芳, 佐藤 貴彦, 野口 悟, 櫻井 英俊
    日本筋学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 6回 69-69 2020年12月  














  • 骨格筋幹細胞誘導法(遺伝子リプログラミング、発生学的分化誘導法) Sato et al., Stem Cell Reports, 2019 ; Sato, J Neuromuscular Diseases, 2020) *本研究シーズに関する産学共同研究の問い合わせは藤田医科大学産学連携推進センター(まで