General Education

Matsui Taei

  (松井 太衛)

Profile Information

School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medical Technology, Fujita Health University
非常勤講師, 奈良県立医科大学輸血部

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Committee Memberships



  • Atsushi Ogasawara, Hiroki Doi, Taei Matsui, Etsuko Tokunaga, Masao Amakawa, Hidehiko Akiyama
    Fujita medical journal, 9(2) 147-153, May, 2023  
    OBJECTIVES: Agaritine (AGT) is a hydrazine-containing compound derived from the mushroom Agaricus blazei Murill. We previously reported the antitumor effect of AGT on hematological tumor cell lines and suggested that AGT induces apoptosis in U937 cells via caspase activation. However, the antitumor mechanism of AGT has not been fully understood. METHODS: Four hematological tumor cell lines (K562, HL60, THP-1, H929) were used in this study. The cells were incubated in the presence of 50 μM AGT for 24 h and analyzed for cell viability, annexin V positivity, caspase-3/7 activity, mitochondrial membrane depolarization, cell cycle, DNA fragmentation, and the expression of mitochondrial membrane-associated proteins (Bax and cytochrome c). RESULTS: In HL60, K562, and H929 cells, AGT reduced cell viability and increased annexin V- and dead cell-positive rates; however, it did not affect THP-1 cells. In K562 and HL60 cells, caspase-3/7 activity, mitochondrial membrane depolarization, and expression of mitochondrial membrane proteins, Bax and cytochrome c, were all increased by AGT. Cell cycle analysis showed that only K562 exhibited an increase in the proportion of cells in G2/M phase after the addition of AGT. DNA fragmentation was also observed after the addition of AGT. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that AGT induces apoptosis in K562 and HL60 cells, like U937 reported previously, but showed no effect on THP-1 cells. It was suggested that AGT-induced apoptosis involves the expression of Bax and cytochrome c via mitochondrial membrane depolarization.
  • 早川 正樹, 大前 和人, 田中 宏明, 谷山 歩, 田邊 雅世, 馬塲 由美, 下村 志帆, 梅木 弥生, 長谷川 真弓, 松井 太衛, 松本 雅則
    日本輸血細胞治療学会誌, 68(2) 311-311, Apr, 2022  
  • Youhei Nashimoto, Fumio Matsushita, Johannes M Dijkstra, Yuta Nakamura, Hidehiko Akiyama, Jiharu Hamako, Takashi Morita, Satohiko Araki, Taei Matsui
    Toxins, 14(4), Mar 25, 2022  
    Bitiscetin-1 (aka bitiscetin) and bitiscetin-2 are C-type lectin-like proteins purified from the venom of Bitis arietans (puff adder). They bind to von Willebrand factor (VWF) and-at least bitiscetin-1-induce platelet agglutination via enhancement of VWF binding to platelet glycoprotein Ib (GPIb). Bitiscetin-1 and -2 bind the VWF A1 and A3 domains, respectively. The A3 domain includes the major site of VWF for binding collagen, explaining why bitiscetin-2 blocks VWF-to-collagen binding. In the present study, sequences for a novel bitiscetin protein-bitiscetin-3-were identified in cDNA constructed from the B. arietans venom gland. The deduced amino acid sequences of bitiscetin-3 subunits α and β share 79 and 80% identity with those of bitiscetin-1, respectively. Expression vectors for bitiscetin-3α and -3β were co-transfected to 293T cells, producing the heterodimer protein recombinant bitiscetin-3 (rBit-3). Functionally, purified rBit-3 (1) induced platelet agglutination involving VWF and GPIb, (2) did not compete with bitiscetin-1 for binding to VWF, (3) blocked VWF-to-collagen binding, and (4) lost its platelet agglutination inducing ability in the presence of an anti-VWF monoclonal antibody that blocked VWF-to-collagen binding. These combined results suggest that bitiscetin-3 binds to the A3 domain, as does bitiscetin-2. Except for a small N-terminal fragment of a single subunit-which differs from that of both bitiscetin-3 subunits-the sequences of bitiscetin-2 have never been determined. Therefore, by identifying and analyzing bitiscetin-3, the present study is the first to present the full-length α- and β-subunit sequences and recombinant expression of a bitiscetin-family toxin that blocks the binding of VWF to collagen.
  • 日笠 聡, 渥美 達也, 石黒 精, 金子 誠, 高橋 芳右, 野上 恵嗣, 藤井 輝久, 堀内 久徳, 松井 太衛, 毛利 博, 森下 英理子, 松下 正, 朝比奈 俊彦, 天野 景裕, 上田 恭典, 岡本 好司, 小亀 浩市, 佐道 俊幸, 瀧 正志, 長尾 梓, 西尾 健治, 西田 恭治, 西野 正人, 藤村 吉博, 松本 雅則, 宮川 義隆, 八木 秀男, 和田 英夫, von Willebrand病の診療ガイドライン作成委員会
    日本血栓止血学会誌, 32(4) 413-481, Aug, 2021  
  • 日笠 聡, 渥美達也, 石黒 精, 金子 誠, 高橋芳右, 野上恵嗣, 藤井輝久, 堀内久徳, 松井太衛, 毛利博, 森下英理子, 松下 正
    日本血栓止血学会誌, 32(4) 413-481, Aug, 2021  Peer-reviewedInvited



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