
嶋田 誠

Shimada Makoto


藤田医科大学 医科学研究センター 講師
中京学院大学 看護学部 非常勤講師

Researcher ID






  • 嶋田 誠
    24(11) 9622 2023年6月1日  査読有り筆頭著者最終著者責任著者
  • Makoto K. Shimada, Tsunetoshi Nishida
    MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION 109 409-414 2017年4月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Felsenstein's PHYLIP package of molecular phylogeny tools has been used globally since 1980. The programs are receiving renewed attention because of their character-based user interface, which has the advantage of being scriptable for use with large-scale data studies based on super-computers or massively parallel computing clusters. However, occasionally we found, the PHYLIP Consense program output text file displays two or more divided bootstrap values for the same cluster in its result table, and when this happens the output Newick tree file incorrectly assigns only the last value to that cluster that disturbs correct estimation of a consensus tree. We ascertained the cause of this aberrant behavior in the bootstrapping calculation. Our rewrite of the Consense program source code outputs bootstrap values, without redundancy, in its result table, and a Newick tree file with appropriate, corresponding bootstrap values. Furthermore, we developed an add-on program and shell script, add_bootstrap.pl and fasta2tre_bs.bsh, to generate a Newick tree containing the topology and branch lengths inferred from the original data along with valid bootstrap values, and to actualize the automated inference of a phylogenetic tree containing the originally inferred topology and branch lengths with bootstrap values, from multiple unaligned sequences, respectively. These programs can be downloaded at: https://github.com/ShimadaMK/PHYLIP_enhance/. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Makoto K. Shimada, Ryoko Sanbonmatsu, Yumi Yamaguchi-Kabata, Chisato Yamasaki, Yoshiyuki Suzuki, Ranajit Chakraborty, Takashi Gojobori, Tadashi Imanishi
    MOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS 291(5) 1851-1869 2016年10月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) comprise repeats of one to several base pairs. Because of the high mutability due to strand slippage during DNA synthesis, rapid evolutionary change in the number of repeating units directly shapes the range of repeat-number variation according to selection pressure. However, the remaining questions include: Why are STRs causing repeat expansion diseases maintained in the human population; and why are these limited to neurodegenerative diseases? By evaluating the genome-wide selection pressure on STRs using the database we constructed, we identified two different patterns of relationship in repeat-number polymorphisms between DNA and amino-acid sequences, although both patterns are evolutionary consequences of avoiding the formation of harmful long STRs. First, a mixture of degenerate codons is represented in poly-proline (poly-P) repeats. Second, long poly-glutamine (poly-Q) repeats are favored at the protein level; however, at the DNA level, STRs encoding long poly-Qs are frequently divided by synonymous SNPs. Furthermore, significant enrichments of apoptosis and neurodevelopment were biological processes found specifically in genes encoding poly-Qs with repeat polymorphism. This suggests the existence of a specific molecular function for polymorphic and/or long poly-Q stretches. Given that the poly-Qs causing expansion diseases were longer than other poly-Qs, even in healthy subjects, our results indicate that the evolutionary benefits of long and/or polymorphic poly-Q stretches outweigh the risks of long CAG repeats predisposing to pathological hyper-expansions. Molecular pathways in neurodevelopment requiring long and polymorphic poly-Q stretches may provide a clue to understanding why poly-Q expansion diseases are limited to neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Makoto K. Shimada, Noriko Sasaki-Haraguchi, Akila Mayeda
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 16(5) 10376-10388 2015年5月  査読有り筆頭著者
    According to the length distribution of human introns, there is a large population of short introns with a threshold of 65 nucleotides (nt) and a peak at 85 nt. Using human genome and transcriptome databases, we investigated the introns shorter than 66 nt, termed ultra-short introns, the identities of which are scarcely known. Here, we provide for the first time a list of bona fide human ultra-short introns, which have never been characterized elsewhere. By conducting BLAST searches of the databases, we screened 22 introns (37-65 nt) with conserved lengths and sequences among closely related species. We then provide experimental and bioinformatic evidence for the splicing of 15 introns, of which 12 introns were remarkably G-rich and 9 introns contained completely inefficient splice sites and/or branch sites. These unorthodox characteristics of ultra-short introns suggest that there are unknown splicing mechanisms that differ from the well-established mechanism.
  • 嶋田誠
    Research Bulletin, Saito Ho-on Kai Museum 78 77-85 2014年3月  招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Craig Alan Gough, Keiichi Homma, Yumi Yamaguchi-Kabata, Makoto K. Shimada, Ranajit Chakraborty, Yasuyuki Fujii, Hisakazu Iwama, Shinsei Minoshima, Shigetaka Sakamoto, Yoshiharu Sato, Yoshiyuki Suzuki, Masahito Tada-Umezaki, Ken Nishikawa, Tadashi Imanishi, Takashi Gojobori
    PLOS ONE 7(11) e50445 2012年11月  査読有り
    The relationship between sequence polymorphisms and human disease has been studied mostly in terms of effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) leading to single amino acid substitutions that change protein structure and function. However, less attention has been paid to more drastic sequence polymorphisms which cause premature termination of a protein's sequence or large changes, insertions, or deletions in the sequence. We have analyzed a large set (n = 512) of insertions and deletions (indels) and single nucleotide polymorphisms causing premature termination of translation in disease-related genes. Prediction of protein-destabilization effects was performed by graphical presentation of the locations of polymorphisms in the protein structure, using the Genomes TO Protein (GTOP) database, and manual annotation with a set of specific criteria. Protein-destabilization was predicted for 44.4% of the nonsense SNPs, 32.4% of the frameshifting indels, and 9.1% of the non-frameshifting indels. A prediction of nonsense-mediated decay allowed to infer which truncated proteins would actually be translated as defective proteins. These cases included the proteins linked to diseases inherited dominantly, suggesting a relation between these diseases and toxic aggregation. Our approach would be useful in identifying potentially aggregation-inducing polymorphisms that may have pathological effects.
  • Shimada, Makoto K
    International Journal of Evolution 1(1) 1 2012年7月  招待有り筆頭著者最終著者責任著者
  • Noriko Sasaki-Haraguchi, Makoto K. Shimada, Ichiro Taniguchi, Mutsuhito Ohno, Akila Mayeda
    It is unknown how very short introns (<65 nt; termed 'ultra-short' introns) could be spliced in a massive spliceosome (>2.7 MDa) without steric hindrance. By screening an annotated human transcriptome database (H-InvDB), we identified three model ultra-short introns: the 56-nt intron in the HNRNPH1 (hnRNP H1) gene, the 49-nt intron in the NDOR1 (NADPH dependent diflavin oxidoreductase 1) gene, and the 43-nt intron in the ESRP2 (epithelial splicing regulatory protein 2) gene. We verified that these endogenous ultra-short introns are spliced, and also recapitulated this in cultured cells transfected with the corresponding mini-genes. The splicing of these ultra-short introns was repressed by a splicing inhibitor, spliceostatin A, suggesting that SF3b (a U2 snRNP component) is involved in their splicing processes. The 56-nt intron containing a pyrimidine-rich tract was spliced out in a lariat form, and this splicing was inhibited by the disruption of U1, U2, or U4 snRNA. In contrast, the 49- and 43-nt introns were purine-rich overall without any pyrimidine-rich tract, and these lariat RNAs were not detectable. Remarkably, shared G-rich intronic sequences in the 49- and 43-nt introns were required for their splicing, suggesting that these ultra-short introns may recruit a novel auxiliary splicing mechanism linked to G-rich intronic splicing enhancers. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Shimada, Makoto K, Kanasashi, Tsutomu
    Nature Precedings 2011年12月  筆頭著者責任著者
    現代人類集団は、混血によって古代人のヒト由来の「古代ハプロタイプ」を含むことが知られている。それらのうちのいくつかは、HapMapのようなヒトゲノム多様性データベースの開発の前に報告されていた。そのため、それらの検査ゲノム領域と現実集団での連鎖不均衡(LD)領域との関係性について情報が不足している。 LD内の遺伝情報は密接に関連しているので、古代ハプロタイプを含むLD領域を知ることは、混血事象の基本パラメータを推定し、古代ハプロタイプと関連した生物学的機能を推測するのに有用である。これらの古代ハプロタイプの1つであるハプロタイプX(hX)は、1.4M年前に発散したXp11.22に位置する10.1kb領域に見出され、低頻度での遺伝子系統および世界分布におけるクラスター内の多様性は低い。我々は、HapMapプロジェクトで得られたLD情報を用いて古代ハプロタイプhXのLD領域を決定した。得られたLD領域には、従来見落とされていた、遺伝子のプロモータ領域を含み、神経および脳機能と関連し得ることを示唆した。
  • Makoto K. Shimada, Yosuke Hayakawa, Jun-ichi Takeda, Takashi Gojobori, Tadashi Imanishi
    BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 10 122 2010年4月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Background: Alternative splicing (AS) is a key molecular process that endows biological functions with diversity and complexity. Generally, functional redundancy leads to the generation of new functions through relaxation of selective pressure in evolution, as exemplified by duplicated genes. It is also known that alternatively spliced exons (ASEs) are subject to relaxed selective pressure. Within consensus sequences at the splice junctions, the most conserved sites are dinucleotides at both ends of introns (splice dinucleotides). However, a small number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) occur at splice dinucleotides. An intriguing question relating to the evolution of AS diversity is whether mutations at splice dinucleotides are maintained as polymorphisms and produce diversity in splice patterns within the human population. We therefore surveyed validated SNPs in the database dbSNP located at splice dinucleotides of all human genes that are defined by the H-Invitational Database. Results: We found 212 validated SNPs at splice dinucleotides (sdSNPs); these were confirmed to be consistent with the GT-AG rule at either allele. Moreover, 53 of them were observed to neighbor ASEs (AE dinucleotides). No significant differences were observed between sdSNPs at AE dinucleotides and those at constitutive exons (CE dinucleotides) in SNP properties including average heterozygosity, SNP density, ratio of predicted alleles consistent with the GT-AG rule, and scores of splice sites formed with the predicted allele. We also found that the proportion of non-conserved exons was higher for exons with sdSNPs than for other exons. Conclusions: sdSNPs are found at CE dinucleotides in addition to those at AE dinucleotides, suggesting two possibilities. First, sdSNPs at CE dinucleotides may be robust against sdSNPs because of unknown mechanisms. Second, similar to sdSNPs at AE dinucleotides, those at CE dinucleotides cause differences in AS patterns because of the arbitrariness in the classification of exons into alternative and constitutive type that varies according to the dataset. Taking into account the absence of differences in sdSNP properties between those at AE and CE dinucleotides, the increased proportion of non-conserved exons found in exons flanked by sdSNPs suggests the hypothesis that sdSNPs are maintained at the splice dinucleotides of newly generated exons at which negative selection pressure is relaxed.
  • Makoto K. Shimada, Sachiko Hayakawa, Shiho Fujita, Yukimaru Sugiyama, Naruya Saitou
    FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 80(1) 19-32 2009年4月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Maternal kinship is important in primate societies because it affects individual behaviour as well as the sustainability of populations. All members of the Bossou chimpanzee community are descended from 8 individuals (herein referred to as original adults) who were already adults or subadults when field observations were initiated in 1976 and whose genetic relationships were unknown. Sequencing of the control region on the maternally inherited mtDNA revealed that 4 (1 male and 3 females) of the 8 original adults shared an identical haplotype. We investigated the effects of the skewed distribution of mtDNA haplotypes on the following two outcomes. First, we demonstrated that the probability of mtDNA haplotype extinction would be increased under such a skewed composition in a small community. Second, the ratio of potential mating candidates to competitors is likely to decrease if chimpanzees become aware of maternal kinship and avoid incest. We estimated that the magnitude of the decrease in the ratio is 10 times greater in males than in females. Here we demonstrate a scenario in which this matrilineal skewness in a small community accelerates extinction of mtDNA haplotype, which will make it more difficult to find a suitable mate within the community. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel
  • Makoto K. Shimada, Ryuzou Matsumoto, Yosuke Hayakawa, Ryoko Sanbonmatsu, Craig Gough, Yumi Yamaguchi-Kabata, Chisato Yamasaki, Tadashi Imanishi, Takashi Gojobori
    NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 37 D810-D815 2009年1月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Creation of a vast variety of proteins is accomplished by genetic variation and a variety of alternative splicing transcripts. Currently, however, the abundant available data on genetic variation and the transcriptome are stored independently and in a dispersed fashion. In order to provide a research resource regarding the effects of human genetic polymorphism on various transcripts, we developed VarySysDB, a genetic polymorphism database based on 187 156 extensively annotated matured mRNA transcripts from 36 073 loci provided by H-InvDB. VarySysDB offers information encompassing published human genetic polymorphisms for each of these transcripts separately. This allows comparisons of effects derived from a polymorphism on different transcripts. The published information we analyzed includes single nucleotide polymorphisms and deletion-insertion polymorphisms from dbSNP, copy number variations from Database of Genomic Variants, short tandem repeats and single amino acid repeats from H-InvDB and linkage disequilibrium regions from D-HaploDB. The information can be searched and retrieved by features, functions and effects of polymorphisms, as well as by keywords. VarySysDB combines two kinds of viewers, GBrowse and Sequence View, to facilitate understanding of the positional relationship among polymorphisms, genome, transcripts, loci and functional domains. We expect that VarySysDB will yield useful information on polymorphisms affecting gene expression and phenotypes. VarySysDB is available at http://h-invitational.jp/varygene/.
  • Yumi Yamaguchi-Kabata, Makoto K. Shimada, Yosuke Hayakawa, Shinsei Minoshima, Ranajit Chakraborty, Takashi Gojobori, Tadashi Imanishi
    PLOS ONE 3(10) e3393 2008年10月  査読有り
    Background: A great amount of data has been accumulated on genetic variations in the human genome, but we still do not know much about how the genetic variations affect gene function. In particular, little is known about the distribution of nonsense polymorphisms in human genes despite their drastic effects on gene products. Methodology/Principal Findings: To detect polymorphisms affecting gene function, we analyzed all publicly available polymorphisms in a database for single nucleotide polymorphisms (dbSNP build 125) located in the exons of 36,712 known and predicted protein-coding genes that were defined in an annotation project of all human genes and transcripts (H-InvDB ver3.8). We found a total of 252,555 single nucleotide polymorphisms ( SNPs) and 8,479 insertion and deletions in the representative transcripts in these genes. The SNPs located in ORFs include 40,484 synonymous and 53,754 nonsynonymous SNPs, and 1,258 SNPs that were predicted to be nonsense SNPs or read-through SNPs. We estimated the density of nonsense SNPs to be 0.85x10(-3) per site, which is lower than that of nonsynonymous SNPs (2.1x10(-3) per site). On average, nonsense SNPs were located 250 codons upstream of the original termination codon, with the substitution occurring most frequently at the first codon position. Of the nonsense SNPs, 581 were predicted to cause nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) of transcripts that would prevent translation. We found that nonsense SNPs causing NMD were more common in genes involving kinase activity and transport. The remaining 602 nonsense SNPs are predicted to produce truncated polypeptides, with an average truncation of 75 amino acids. In addition, 110 read-through SNPs at termination codons were detected. Conclusion/Significance: Our comprehensive exploration of nonsense polymorphisms showed that nonsense SNPs exist at a lower density than nonsynonymous SNPs, suggesting that nonsense mutations have more severe effects than amino acid changes. The correspondence of nonsense SNPs to known pathological variants suggests that phenotypic effects of nonsense SNPs have been reported for only a small fraction of nonsense SNPs, and that nonsense SNPs causing NMD are more likely to be involved in phenotypic variations. These nonsense SNPs may include pathological variants that have not yet been reported. These data are available from Transcript View of H-InvDB and VarySysDB (http://h-invitational.jp/varygene/).
  • Chisato Yamasaki, Katsuhiko Murakami, Yasuyuki Fujii, Yoshiharu Sato, Erimi Harada, Jun-Ichi Takeda, Takayuki Taniya, Ryuichi Sakate, Shingo Kikugawa, Makoto Shimada, Motohiko Tanino, Kanako O. Koyanagi, Roberto A. Barrero, Craig Gough, Hong-Woo Chun, Takuya Habara, Hideki Hanaoka, Yosuke Hayakawa, Phillip B. Hilton, Yayoi Kaneko, Masako Kanno, Yoshihiro Kawahara, Toshiyuki Kawamura, Akihiro Matsuya, Naoki Nagata, Kensaku Nishikata, Akiko Ogura Noda, Shin Nurimoto, Naomi Saichi, Hiroaki Sakai, Ryoko Sanbonmatsu, Rie Shiba, Mami Suzuki, Kazuhiko Takabayashi, Aiko Takahashi, Takuro Tamura, Masayuki Tanaka, Susumu Tanaka, Fusano Todokoro, Kaori Yamaguchi, Naoyuki Yamamoto, Toshihisa Okido, Jun Mashima, Aki Hashizume, Lihua Jin, Kyung-Bum Lee, Yi-Chueh Lin, Asami Nozaki, Katsunaga Sakai, Masahito Tada, Satoru Miyazaki, Takashi Makino, Hajime Ohyanagi, Naoki Osato, Nobuhiko Tanaka, Yoshiyuki Suzuki, Kazuho Ikeo, Naruya Saitou, Hideaki Sugawara, Claire O'Donovan, Tamara Kulikova, Eleanor Whitfield, Brian Halligan, Mary Shimoyama, Simon Twigger, Kei Yura, Kouichi Kimura, Tomohiro Yasuda, Tetsuo Nishikawa, Yutaka Akiyama, Chie Motono, Yuri Mukai, Hideki Nagasaki, Makiko Suwa, Paul Horton, Reiko Kikuno, Osamu Ohara, Doron Lancet, Eric Eveno, Esther Graudens, Sandrine Imbeaud, Marie Anne Debily, Yoshihide Hayashizaki, Clara Amid, Michael Han, Andreas Osanger, Toshinori Endo, Michael A. Thomas, Mika Hirakawa, Wojciech Makalowski, Mitsuteru Nakao, Nam-Soon Kim, Hyang-Sook Yoo, Sandro J. De Souza, Maria de Fatima Bonaldo, Yoshihito Niimura, Vladimir Kuryshev, Ingo Schupp, Stefan Wiemann, Matthew Bellgard, Masafumi Shionyu, Libin Jia, Danielle Thierry-Mieg, Jean Thierry-Mieg, Lukas Wagner, Qinghua Zhang, Mitiko Go, Shinsei Minoshima, Masafumi Ohtsubo, Kousuke Hanada, Peter Tonellato, Takao Isogai, Ji Zhang, Boris Lenhard, Sangsoo Kim, Zhu Chen, Ursula Hinz, Anne Estreicher, Kenta Nakai, Izabela Makalowska, Winston Hide, Nicola Tiffin, Laurens Wilming, Ranajit Chakraborty, Marcelo Bento Soares, Maria Luisa Chiusano, Yutaka Suzuki, Charles Auffray, Yumi Yamaguchi-Kabata, Takeshi Itoh, Teruyoshi Hishiki, Satoshi Fukuchi, Ken Nishikawa, Sumio Sugano, Nobuo Nomura, Yoshio Tateno, Tadashi Imanishi, Takashi Gojobori
    NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 36 D793-D799 2008年1月  査読有り
    Here we report the new features and improvements in our latest release of the H-Invitational Database (H-InvDB; http://www.h-invitational.jp/), a comprehensive annotation resource for human genes and transcripts. H-InvDB, originally developed as an integrated database of the human transcriptome based on extensive annotation of large sets of full-length cDNA (FLcDNA) clones, now provides annotation for 120 558 human mRNAs extracted from the International Nucleotide Sequence Databases (INSD), in addition to 54 978 human FLcDNAs, in the latest release H-InvDB_4.6. We mapped those human transcripts onto the human genome sequences (NCBI build 36.1) and determined 34 699 human gene clusters, which could define 34 057 (98.1%) protein-coding and 642 (1.9%) non-protein-coding loci; 858 (2.5%) transcribed loci overlapped with predicted pseudogenes. For all these transcripts and genes, we provide comprehensive annotation including gene structures, gene functions, alternative splicing variants, functional non-protein-coding RNAs, functional domains, predicted sub cellular localizations, metabolic pathways, predictions of protein 3D structure, mapping of SNPs and microsatellite repeat motifs, co-localization with orphan diseases, gene expression profiles, orthologous genes, proteinprotein interactions (PPI) and annotation for gene families. The current H-InvDB annotation resources consist of two main views: Transcript view and Locus view and eight sub-databases: the DiseaseInfo Viewer, H-ANGEL, the Clustering Viewer, G-integra, the TOPO Viewer, Evola, the PPI view and the Gene family/group.
  • Makoto K. Shimada, Karuna Panchapakesan, Sarah A. Tishkoff, Alejandro Q. Nato, Jody Hey
    MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 24(3) 687-698 2007年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
    The population genetic history of a 10.1-kbp noncoding region of the human X chromosome was studied using the males of the HGDP-CEPH Human Genome Diversity Panel (672 individuals from 52 populations). The geographic distribution of patterns of variation was roughly consistent with previous studies, with the major exception that 1 highly divergent haplotype (haplotype X, hX) was observed at low frequency in widely scattered non-African populations and not at all observed in sub-Saharan African populations. Microsatellite (short tandem repeat) variation within the sequenced region was low among copies of hX, even though the estimated time of ancestry of hX and other sequences was 1.44 Myr. The estimated age of the common ancestor of all hX copies was 5,230 years (95% consistency index: 2,000-75,480 years). To further address the presence of hX in Africa, additional samples from Chad and Tanzania were screened. Five additional copies of hX were observed, consistent with a history in which hX was present in Africa prior to the migration of modern humans out of Africa and with eastern Africa being the source of non-African modern human populations. Taken together, these features of hX-that it is much older than other haplotypes and uncommon and patchily distributed throughout Africa, Europe, and Asia-present a cautionary tale for interpretations of human history.
  • MK Shimada, CG Kim, T Kitano, RE Ferrell, Y Kohara, N Saitou
    CYTOGENETIC AND GENOME RESEARCH 108(1-3) 83-90 2004年11月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Chromosome rearrangement has been considered to be important in the evolutionary process. Here, we demonstrate the evolutionary relationship of the rearranged human chromosome 12 and the corresponding chromosome XII in apes (chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, orangutan, and gibbon) by examining PCR products derived from the breakpoints of inversions and by conducting shotgun sequencing of a gorilla fosmid clone containing the breakpoint and a "duplicated segment" (duplicon). We confirmed that a pair of 23-kb duplicons flank the breakpoints of inversions on the long and short arms of chimpanzee chromosome XII. Although only the 23-kb duplicon on the long arm of chimpanzee chromosome XII and its telomeric flanking sequence are found to be conserved among the hominoids (human, great apes, and gibbons), the duplicon on the short arm of chimpanzee chromosome XII is suggested to be the result of a duplication from that on the long arm. Furthermore, the shotgun sequencing of a gorilla fosmid indicated that the breakpoint on the long arm of the gorilla is located at a different position 1.9 kb from that of chimpanzee. The region is flanked by a sequence homologous to that of human chromosome 6q22. Our findings and sequence analysis suggest a close relationship between segmental duplication and chromosome rearrangement (or breakpoint of inversion) in Hominoidea. The role of the chromosome rearrangement in speciation is also discussed based on our new results. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.
  • MK Shimada, S Hayakawa, T Humle, S Fujita, S Hirata, Y Sugiyama, N Saitou
    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 64(3) 261-275 2004年11月  査読有り筆頭著者
    The chimpanzee populations of the Bossou and Nimba regions in West Africa were genetically surveyed to 1) reveal the genetic relationship between the Bossou and Nimba populations, and 2) elucidate the evolutionary relationship between the Bossou-Nimbi and other West African populations. The chimpanzee group at Bossou is characterized by its small population size, no evidence of contact with neighboring populations, and no female immigration. It is believed that most females and adolescent males emigrate from this population. To reveal the genetic signature of these characteristics, we examined the genetic diversity of Bossou and two neighboring populations (Seringbara and Yeale) in the Nimba Mountains by sequencing approximately 605 by of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region. A total of 20 distinct mtDNA variants were observed from 56 sequences of noninvasively collected, anonymous samples. Nucleotide diversity in the Nimba Mountain populations was 0.03-0.04, and did not differ significantly from that in the Bossou population. Very few mitochondrial variants are shared among the sites sampled, which suggests that there is little gene flow involving mtDNA. Nevertheless, no clear population structures were revealed in either population. A comparison with published sequences from West African chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) indicates that the variants observed in the Bossou and Nimba regions are scattered throughout the subspecies, rather than clustered according to geographic region. This suggests that the Bossou-Nimba populations derived only recently from the common ancestral population of the West African chimpanzees, and did not pass through a bottleneck. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • H Ito, H Nara, M Inoue-Murayama, MK Shimada, A Koshimura, Y Ueda, H Kitagawa, Y Takeuchi, Y Mori, Y Murayama, M Morita, T Iwasaki, K Ota, Y Tanabe, S Ito
    JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL SCIENCE 66(7) 815-820 2004年7月  査読有り
    Various canine breeds are remarkably different from each other not only in their sizes and shapes but also in behavioral traits, suggesting that some of them are under genetic control. Although dopaminergic neurotransmission system is considered to affect animal behavior, little is known about related genes in canine. Relations between specific alleles in polymorphic regions of the dopamine receptor D4 gene (DRD4) and personality or psychiatric disorders have been reported in humans, and we first found polymorphism in exon III region of the gene in 4 canine breeds. In this study we surveyed allele frequency distribution in 23 breeds including a total of 1,535 unrelated individuals. In exon III, 8 alleles including a novel allele were identified. A group of breeds in which the alleles 447b, 498 and 549 were frequent tended toward high scores in aggression-related behavioral traits than that with frequent alleles 435 and 447a. Moreover, a polymorphism based on 24 bp insertion/deletion was found in exon I region for the first time in dogs. This information may be of use for candidate gene studies of behavioral variation in dogs.
  • MK Shimada, M Inoue-Murayama, Y Ueda, M Maejima, Y Murayama, O Takenaka, Hayasaka, I, S Ito
    The dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) has received increasing research attention in behavioral science, psychiatry, and psychopharmacology. However, the number of available genetic markers for primates is still insufficient. We identified a novel variation/polymorphism in the second intron of DRD4 in humans based on the survey of 210 Japanese: a 6 bp insertion (allele frequency: 0.002) and 8 bp deletion (0.024); however, 94 Hungarian Caucasians were found to be monomorphic. Polymorphisms of the homologous region were also found in a survey of 93 specimens from four species of great apes and 51 specimens from seven species of gibbons. The polymorphisms consist of both single nucleotide substitutions and variations in the number of tandem duplications of short GC-rich sequences. Because of usefulness of primates in behavioral science, this polymorphism may be a useful marker for association studies with behavioral traits in both humans and apes. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 篠田 謙一, 鵜殿 俊史, 吉原 耕一郎, 嶋田 誠, 竹中 修
    霊長類研究 = Primate research 19(2) 145-155 2003年9月  査読有り
    One of the primary objectives in the captive management of chimpanzees is to preserve to the greatest extent possible the genetic diversity that still exists in wild gene pools. Furthermore, it is desirable to prevent the occurrence of intersubspecific hybrids. It is possible to sort chimpanzees into their three subspecies (Pan troglodytes verus, P. t. troglodytes, P. t. schweinfurthii) by investigating mitochondrial DNA sequences. Thus, in order to obtain the basic data necessary to establish a future-breeding protocol, we have decided to evaluate the subspecies of all captive chimpanzees living in Japan. At present, a total of 373 animals including 193 known captive-born, 152 known wild-born, and 28 known captive-born from foreign countries have been raised in Japan. Data on the location of capture of most of these apes is unknown. The 249 chimpanzee samples used in the present study were obtained from 43 zoos in Japan. DNA samples from 180 chimpanzees were extracted from follicle-shed hairs: 67 were from blood samples and 2 were from tissues. We used PCR amplification and direct sequencing of the mitochondrial D-loop region. We compared these sequences with chimpanzees of known geographic origin. Finally, the subspecies of 332 chimpanzees that belonged to 217 maternal lineages were identified. The findings clarified that 230 individuals (61.7%) were P. t. verus. Additionally, four chimpanzees were P. t. troglodytes and 15 were P. t. schweinfurthii. The present findings have also confirmed the existence of another previously unrecognized subspecies of chimpanzee in Nigeria (Pan troglodytes vellerosus). Four of the captive chimpanzees we examined are referable to this subspecies. Examination of the registration book of pedigree and DNA data indicated that 56 chimpanzees born in Japan were actually hybrids of these three subspecies. Molecular data must be carefully examined and reconciled in order to establish a viable breeding plan for chimpanzees in Japan.
  • 嶋田 誠, 金 衝坤, 高橋 文, 斎藤 成也, 池尾 一穂, 五條堀 孝, SPITSYN V. A
    DNA多型 10 151-155 2002年6月  筆頭著者
  • T Takemura, M Yamashita, MK Shimada, S Ohkura, T Shotake, M Ikeda, T Miura, M Hayami
    JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY 76(4) 1642-1648 2002年2月  査読有り
    Simian T-cell leukemia viruses (STLVs) are the simian counterparts of human T-cell leukemia viruses (HTLVs). A novel, divergent type of STLV (STLV-L) from captive baboons was reported in 1994, but its natural prevalence remained unclear. We investigated the prevalence of STLV-L in 519 blood samples from wild-living nonhuman primates in Ethiopia. Seropositive monkeys having cross-reactive antibodies against HTLV were found among 22 out of 40 hamadryas baboons, 8 of 96 anubis baboons, 24 of 50 baboons that are hybrids between hamadryas and anubis baboons, and 41 of 177 grivet monkeys, but not in 156 gelada baboons. A Western blotting assay showed that sera obtained from seropositive hamadryas and hybrid baboons exhibited STLV-L-like reactivity. A PCR assay successfully amplified STLV sequences, which were subsequently sequenced and confirmed as being closely related to STLV-L. Surprisingly, further PCR showed that nearly half of the hamadryas (20 out of 40) and hybrid (19 out of 50) baboons had STLV-L DNA sequences. In contrast, most of the seropositive anubis baboons and grivet monkeys carried typical STLV-1 but not STLV-L. These observations demonstrate that STLV-L naturally prevails among hamadryas and hybrid baboons at significantly high rates. STLV-1 and -2, the close relative of STLV-L, are believed to have jumped across simian-human barriers, which resulted in widespread infection of HTLV-1 and -2. Further studies are required to know if STLV-L is spreading into human populations.
  • MK Shimada, K Terao, T Shotake
    JOURNAL OF HEREDITY 93(1) 9-18 2002年1月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Cercopithecus aethiops can be classified into four subspecies by morphology and by geographic distribution. However, the phylogenetic relationship between these subspecies is unclear. We previously found five distinct haplogroups of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the subspecies C. aethiops aethiops at the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) level, and found that those haplogroups are parapatrically distributed in their habitat. To determine the relationship between subspeciation and haplogroup formation in a subspecies, we compared mtDNA control region and 12S rRNA gene sequences (approximately 700 bp) in C. a. aethiops,two other subspecies of C. aethiops, and two species of Cercopithecus. The diversity between haplogroups in C. a. aethiops was almost the same as that between subspecies. This similar level of diversification between and within haplogroups may explain why a previously obtained mtDNA tree did not show monophyletic branching according to subspecies.
  • Shimada MK
    Pan African News 7(1) 7-10 2000年6月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • MK Shimada
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 21(1) 113-129 2000年2月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Since mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are maternally inherited without recombination, geographic distribution of mtDNA in semiterrestrial cercopithecines is considered to be influenced by female philopatry. I examined the effect of sex difference in migration patterns on geographic distribution in a habitat whose environment has changed frequently. I investigated ten groups (Iz 77) of grivets (Cercopithecus aethiops aethiops) along a 600-km stretch of the Awash River, Ethiopia. I examined the mtDNA distribution among natural local populations whose nuclear variation was already shown to have a widely homogeneous distribution. RFLP analysis of whole mtDNA genome using 17 enzymes identified ten haplotypes in five clusters (haplogroups). Sequence divergence within haplogroups ranged from 0.17%-0.38%, while divergence between haplogroups ranged between 1.0%-2.5%. Haplogroups were distributed in blocks which ranged from 120-250 km along rite Awash River. The haplotype distribution pattern of males indicated that they migrate between the boundaries of these blocks. Moreover, a clumped distribution pattern suggests the history of matrilineal distribution bl, group fission and geographic expansion.
  • Shimada MK
    Nilo-Ethiopian Studies 5-6(5) 39-45 2000年  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Grivet monkey populations in central Ethiopia showed a homogeneous distribution of nuclear variations but differentiated distribution in mtDNA. To explain this difference in gene distribution patterns, I examined the effect of male migration on homogenized nuclear variations among populations. If isolation inducing mtDNA differentiation occurred in both sexes, male migration is assumed to have homogenized nuclear gene distribution after isolation, because of female philopatry. Under this assumption, the time required for homogenization is obtained by computer simulation using a migration rate calculated from distribution of nuclear variation under the two-dimensional stepping stone model. The computer simulation indicates that at most 105 years is enough to homogenize nuclear variation via male migration.
  • Shimada MK, Nozawa K, Miwa N, Shotake T
    Journal of Animal Genetics 28(1) 3-12 2000年  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Blood protein variation in 30 loci of 78 humans, 54 chimpanzees, 32 orangutans, and six white handed gibbons were screened in order to compare levels of variability. The values of average heterozygosity over these 30 loci in human, chimpanzee, and orangutan were 6.9%, 2.2%, and 5.8%, respectively. This communication provides information about protein polymorphism on the largest number of orangutans examined to date and will encourage discussion concerning the discrepancies between protein and DNA variability in humans and chimpanzees.
  • Matsuzawa T, Takemoto H, Hayakawa S, Shimada M
    Pan African News 6(1) 10-11 1999年6月  査読有り
  • Shimada MK
    In: Uyenoyama MK, von Haeseler A eds. Proceedings of the Tri-National Workshop on Molecular Evolution. Duke University Publications Group 139-146 1998年  筆頭著者責任著者
  • MK Shimada, T Shotake
    PRIMATES 38(4) 399-414 1997年10月  査読有り筆頭著者
    A population genetic study by blood protein electrophoresis revealed that populations of wild grivet monkeys in central Ethiopia show a comparatively low level of variability and less differentiation among local populations over broad geographical areas. This is evaluated by comparison with other wild primate studies using the same electrophoretic technique. A total of 196 blood samples, collected from 10 local populations comprising 11 troops distributed along approximately 600 km of the Awash River, were examined for 33 genetic loci. The low level of variability was indicated by the proportion of polymorphic loci (Ppoly), which was on average 11% with an average heterozygosity (H) of 3%. A tendency for lower genetic differentiation among local populations was shown by the GST value of 0.09, an average FST of 0.08, and NEI's genetic distance; ranging from 0.002 to 0.023. Considering paleoclimatological studies of the area and ecological traits of this species, these findings can be explained as a consequence of a comparatively recent and repeated series of rapid habitat expansions following severe climatic conditions.
    PRIMATOLOGY TODAY 607-608 1991年  


  • 嶋田 誠
    霊長類研究 40(1) 2024年6月20日  招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 嶋田 誠
    岩波『科学』 91(2) 178-181 2021年2月  招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 杉山 幸丸, 松林 清明, 庄武 孝義, 川本 芳, 嶋田 誠
    霊長類研究 36(2) 67-72 2020年12月20日  
  • Makoto K. Shimada, Tsunetoshi Nishida
    bioRxiv 2020年3月29日  
    <title>Abstract</title>The application of current genome-wide sequencing techniques on human populations helps elucidate the considerable gene flow among genus<italic>Homo</italic>, which includes modern and archaic humans. Gene flow among current human populations has been studied using frequencies of single nucleotide polymorphisms. Unlike single nucleotide polymorphism frequency data, haplotype data are suitable for identifying and tracing rare evolutionary events. Haplotype data can also conveniently detect genomic location and estimate molecular function that may be a target of selection. We analyzed eight loci of the human genome using the same procedure for each locus to infer human haplotype diversity and reevaluate past explanations of the evolutionary mechanisms that affected these loci. These loci have been recognized by separate studies because of their unusual gene genealogy and geographic distributions that are inconsistent with the recent out-of-Africa model. For each locus, we constructed genealogies for haplotypes using sequence data of the 1000 Genomes Project. Then, we performed S* analysis to estimate distinct gene flow events other than out-of-Africa events. Furthermore, we also estimated unevenness of selective pressure between haplotypes by Extended Haplotype Homozygosity analysis. Based on the patterns of results obtained by this combination of analyses, we classified the examined loci without using a specific population model. This simple method helped clarify evolutionary events for each locus, including rare evolutionary events such as introgression, incomplete lineage sorting, selection, and haplotype recombination that may be hard to discriminate from each other.
  • Makoto K. Shimada
    GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS 91(6) 343-343 2016年12月  


  • (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:2章 霊長類の分類・系統・進化, グエノン類(オナガザル科), ヒヒ類(オナガザル科))
    丸善出版 2023年7月 (ISBN: 9784621308042)
  • Shimada, Makoto (Ediotrs, Matsuzawa, Tetsuro, Humle, Tatyana, Sugiyama, Yukimaru, Tetsuro Matsuzawa, Tatyana Humle, Yukimaru Sugiyama (担当:共著, 範囲:Chap. 34, pp339-345, Genetic variation in the chimpanzees of Bossou and Nimba.; Append. E, DNA sequencing data, pp416-419)
    Springer 2011年6月 (ISBN: 4431539204)


  • 嶋田誠
    第75回インシリコ・メガバンク研究会 2016年9月2日 東北大学東北メディカル・メガバンク機構 ゲノム解析部門 バイオメディカル情報解析分野  招待有り
    数塩基の短い塩基配列の反復である、STR (Short Tandem Repeat) は反復数変化が高頻度に起こる。そこで反復数の高変異性を通じて、適応的形質や進化的安定状態を速やかに獲得したとする仮説が提唱されている。反面、ヒトの反復配列には、神経変性疾患の原因となる反復配列が複数知られている。そのような危険な複数の反復配列がなぜ人類集団に維持されているのか、良くわかっていない。我々は自分たちが構築し公開している、遺伝子データベース、H-invDBに多型情報を統合することで、ヒトゲノム中のSTR反復数および反復多型状態を決定した。さらに相互比較することによって、それぞれのSTRにおける選択圧を評価した。その結果、アミノ酸コード領域中STRにはプロリン反復とグルタミン反復をそれぞれ代表例とする二つの機構により、DNA配列レベルで反復を短く抑えながらも、反復アミノ酸配列を実現していることが分かった。さらにグルタミン反復はアミノ酸レベルで長い反復を持つ傾向があり、特に反復多型座位は、脳・神経系の発生調節に関わる遺伝子中に存在する傾向が明らかになった。我々の結果は、これらの反復座位が多型を持つことで脳・神経系の発生調節に関する機能の多様化を促した可能性を示した。さらに、人類進化における社会性の進化とSTRの神経発達調節におけるスイッチ機能の関連を議論したい。
  • 嶋田誠
    武蔵野大学 人間科学研究所シンポジウム 知性はどこから来たか - こころの進化と遺伝 - 2015年12月4日 武蔵野大学 人間科学研究所  招待有り
  • 嶋田誠
    第102回システム自然科学研究科セミナー 2014年5月19日 名古屋市立大学システム自然科学研究科  招待有り
  • 嶋田誠
    科学研究費補助金新学術領域研究「交替劇」第6回研究大会 2013年1月12日 科学研究費補助金新学術領域研究「交替劇」『ネアンデルタールとサピエンス交替劇の真相:学習能力の進化に基づく実証的研究』
  • 嶋田誠
    International Conference on Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans: Testing Evolutionary Models of Learning (RNMH2012) 2012年11月18日 新学術領域「交替劇」










  • 中日新聞社 中日新聞 夕刊 2014年1月11日 新聞・雑誌
    文部科学省科研費 新学術領域(新学術領域「交代劇」・公募研究)研究紹介
  • AAAS Science誌News欄 Science 308: 490-491, 22 April 2005 2005年4月22日 会誌・広報誌
    Shimada et al. (2007) 論文の内容を学会発表(The 74th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physical Anthropologists)した際の、Scienceの記者による報告。




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