
矢野 創

ヤノ ハジメ  (Hajime Yano)


国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所・学際科学研究系 助教
総合研究大学院大学 先端学術院・宇宙科学コース 助教
慶應義塾大学大学院 システムデザインマネジメント研究科 特別招聘准教授
(兼任)先端生命科学研究所 訪問准教授
法政大学大学院 理工学研究科 連携准教授
九州工業大学 工学部宇宙システム工学科 非常勤講師
マサチューセッツ工科大学 ソルジャーナノテクノロジー研究所 訪問科学者
Ph.D.(宇宙科学)(1995年10月 英国ケント大学)





LDEF、EuReCa、HST、SFU、Leonid-MAC、のぞみ、スターダスト、はやぶさ、イカロス、はやぶさ2、たんぽぽ、みお、たんぽぽ2、エクレウス、たんぽぽ4、ゲートウェイ、DESTINY+、コメットインターセプタなど、多彩な日欧米の宇宙実験・探査プロジェクトに参画。深宇宙探査や宇宙実験等による、未踏・未知のフロンティアへの挑戦を重視している。自ら開発した宇宙観測機器であるLeonid-MAC HDTV-II,はやぶさサンプラ、イカロスALADDIN、たんぽぽ1&2捕集パネル、エクレウスCLOTH、ゲートウェイLVDMのPI(主任研究者)やたんぽぽ2プロジェクトマネージャー等を務めてきた。現在はISAS宇宙工学委員会OPENS WG共同代表を務める。




現在、国際宇宙空間研究委員会(COSPAR)評議員および地球-月システム・惑星・太陽系小天体宇宙研究科学委員会・委員長、国際宇宙航行アカデミー(IAA)・アカデミシャンおよび宇宙物理科学委員会・幹事、日本学術会議・地球惑星科学委員会 国際連携分科会・COSPAR小委員会・幹事、JAXA惑星等保護審査部会・部会長代理。2007年よりPMI認定PMP。2014-2018年、アジア人で初めてCOSPAR惑星保護パネル(PPP)の副委員長を務めた。


小惑星帯に炭素質小惑星(B/Cb)「8906 Yano」(1995 WF2)がある。





  • Motoo ITO, Tatsuaki OKADA, Yoko KEBUKAWA, Jun AOKI, Yosuke KAWAI, Jun MATSUMOTO, Toshihiro CHUJO, Ryosuke NAKAMURA, Hajime YANO, Sho-ichiro YOKOTA, Michisato TOYODA, Hisayoshi YURIMOTO, Motoki WATANABE, Ryota IKEDA, Yuki KUBO, Noel GRAND, Herve COTTIN, Arnaud BUCH, Cyril SZOPA, Osamu MORI
  • Chiho Sugimoto, Eri Tatsumi, Yuichiro Cho, Tomokatsu Morota, Rie Honda, Shingo Kameda, Yosuhiro Yokota, Koki Yumoto, Minami Aoki, Daniella N. DellaGiustina, Tatsuhiro Michikami, Takahiro Hiroi, Deborah L. Domingue, Patrick Michel, Stefan E. Schröder, Tomoki Nakamura, Manabu Yamada, Naoya Sakatani, Toru Kouyama, Chikatoshi Honda, Masahiko Hayakawa, Moe Matsuoka, Hidehiko Suzuki, Kazuo Yoshioka, Kazunori Ogawa, Hirotaka Sawada, Masahiko Arakawa, Takanao Saiki, Hiroshi Imamura, Yasuhiko Takagi, Hajime Yano, Kei Shirai, Chisato Okamoto, Yuichi Tsuda, Satoru Nakazawa, Yuichi Iijima, Seiji Sugita
    Icarus 369 2021年  査読有り
    The near-Earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu displays a Cb-type average spectrum and a very low average normal albedo of 0.04. Although the majority of boulders on Ryugu have reflectance spectra and albedo similar to the Ryugu average, a small fraction of boulders exhibit anomalously high albedo and distinctively different spectra. A previous study (Tatsumi et al., 2021Nature Astronomy, 5, doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41550-020-1179-z) based on the 2.7-km observations and a series of low-altitude (down to 68 m) descent observations conducted prior to the first touchdown have shown that the spectra of these anomalous boulders can be classified into two distinct groups corresponding to S and C type asteroids. The former originate most likely from an impactor that collided with Ryugu's parent body, whereas the latter may be from portions of Ryugu's parent body that experienced a different temperature history than experienced by the majority of boulder materials. In this study, we analyzed images captured after the first touchdown to determine the quantitative properties of these bright boulders on Ryugu. We measured the sizes of more than a thousand bright boulders and characterized the morphologic properties of the largest ones. Analyses revealed many properties of bright boulders important for the evolution of Ryugu and its parent body. First, the size–frequency distributions of S-type and C-type bright boulders follow a power law with exponents of 1.6 ± 1.3 and 3.0 ± 0.7, respectively. Based on these size–frequency distributions, we obtained the ratios of the total volume and surface area of S-type bright boulders to those of average dark boulders on the Ryugu's surface, that is, 7.1−5.0+6.3 × 10−6 and 1.5−1.2+3.2 × 10−6, respectively, over the diameter range of 0.3 to 3 m. Similarly, the ratio of the total volume and surface area of C-type bright boulders to those of average dark boulders are 4.4−2.2+14.0 × 10−5 and 1.3−1.1+9.8 × 10−3, respectively, at a diameter range of 2 cm to 2 m. Second, the number density of bright boulders inside the artificial crater newly made by the Small Carry-on Impactor (SCI) experiment agrees with the outside number density within a factor of two. Third, many of the bright boulders are embedded in a larger substrate boulder, suggesting that they have experienced mixing and conglomeration with darker fragments on Ryugu's parent body, rather than gently landing on Ryugu during or after its formation by reaccumulation. This observation is consistent with the hypothesis that S-type bright boulders were likely mixed during and/or before a catastrophic disruption. C-type bright boulders embedded in substrate boulders suggests a brecciation process after thermal metamorphism. Furthermore, the embedding of S-type clasts in substrate boulders suggests that brecciation did indeed occur even after a large-scale impact on the parent body. If the brecciation on the Ryugu's parent body occurred over such a long period or over many stages of its evolution, breccias may end up being the dominant constituent materials on Ryugu's parent body. Moreover, the preponderance of breccias may contribute to the globally low thermal inertia of Ryugu.
  • E. Tatsumi, C. Sugimoto, L. Riu, S. Sugita, T. Nakamura, T. Hiroi, T. Morota, M. Popescu, T. Michikami, K. Kitazato, M. Matsuoka, S. Kameda, R. Honda, M. Yamada, N. Sakatani, T. Kouyama, Y. Yokota, C. Honda, H. Suzuki, Y. Cho, K. Ogawa, M. Hayakawa, H. Sawada, K. Yoshioka, C. Pilorget, M. Ishida, D. Domingue, N. Hirata, S. Sasaki, J. de León, M. A. Barucci, P. Michel, M. Suemitsu, T. Saiki, S. Tanaka, F. Terui, S. Nakazawa, S. Kikuchi, T. Yamaguchi, N. Ogawa, G. Ono, Y. Mimasu, K. Yoshikawa, T. Takahashi, Y. Takei, A. Fujii, Y. Yamamoto, T. Okada, C. Hirose, S. Hosoda, O. Mori, T. Shimada, S. Soldini, R. Tsukizaki, T. Mizuno, T. Iwata, H. Yano, M. Ozaki, M. Abe, M. Ohtake, N. Namiki, S. Tachibana, M. Arakawa, H. Ikeda, M. Ishiguro, K. Wada, H. Yabuta, H. Takeuchi, Y. Shimaki, K. Shirai, N. Hirata, Y. Iijima, Y. Tsuda, S. Watanabe, M. Yoshikawa
    Nature Astronomy 5(1) 39-45 2021年1月  査読有り
    The asteroid (162173) Ryugu and other rubble-pile asteroids are likely re-accumulated fragments of much larger parent bodies that were disrupted by impacts. However, the collisional and orbital pathways from the original parent bodies to subkilometre rubble-pile asteroids are not yet well understood1–3. Here we use Hayabusa2 observations to show that some of the bright boulders on the dark, carbonaceous (C-type) asteroid Ryugu4 are remnants of an impactor with a different composition as well as an anomalous portion of its parent body. The bright boulders on Ryugu can be classified into two spectral groups: most are featureless and similar to Ryugu’s average spectrum4,5, while others show distinct compositional signatures consistent with ordinary chondrites—a class of meteorites that originate from anhydrous silicate-rich asteroids6. The observed anhydrous silicate-like material is likely the result of collisional mixing between Ryugu’s parent body and one or multiple anhydrous silicate-rich asteroid(s) before and during Ryugu’s formation. In addition, the bright boulders with featureless spectra and less ultraviolet upturn are consistent with thermal metamorphism of carbonaceous meteorites7,8. They might sample different thermal-metamorphosed regions, which the returned sample will allow us to verify. Hence, the bright boulders on Ryugu provide new insights into the collisional evolution and accumulation of subkilometre rubble-pile asteroids.
  • Manabu Nishizawa, Yohei Matsui, Konomi Suda, Takuya Saito, Takazo Shibuya, Ken Takai, Sunao Hasegawa, Hajime Yano
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 125(12) 2020年12月  査読有り最終著者
    Seafloor cratering is an important process that records the impact history of the Earth, affects projectile survivability, and determines the mass of ejecta from benthic rock that is transported to the atmosphere. We report experimental hypervelocity impacts of chondrite and other projectiles (olivine, stainless-steel, polycarbonate) on a water-covered iron target to derive a scaling relationship for benthic cratering. In situ observations of 5-km/s impacts quantify the deceleration of projectiles in the water column by shock-induced deformation and fragmentation. The minimum water depths at which multiple craters appeared on the benthic target were two and four times the projectile diameter for chondrite and stainless steel, respectively. Based on the observed deceleration of projectiles in water, the cratering efficiency of a benthic target for a given impact velocity is predicted to follow an exponential decay law in terms of water depth normalized by projectile diameter (H/d), given by πv ∝ exp(−(H/d)/κ), when a projectile of original mass collides with the target. Comparing the volume of the largest crater in the experiments and that derived from the scaling relation, mass ratios of the largest projectile fragment to original projectile in the 5-km/s impact were calculated to be 0.1–0.3 (H/d = 2–6) and 1.0 ± 0.3 (H/d = 5.5) for chondrite and stainless steel, respectively. Using the scaling relationship, the volume of the transient crater on oceanic crust by an asteroid impact is estimated to be smaller than previously predicted by hydrocode simulation when the asteroid fragmentation in the water column controls seafloor cratering.
  • Yuto Takei, Takanao Saiki, Yukio Yamamoto, Yuya Mimasu, Hiroshi Takeuchi, Hitoshi Ikeda, Naoko Ogawa, Fuyuto Terui, Go Ono, Kent Yoshikawa, Tadateru Takahashi, Hirotaka Sawada, Chikako Hirose, Shota Kikuchi, Atsushi Fujii, Takahiro Iwata, Satoru Nakazawa, Masahiko Hayakawa, Ryudo Tsukizaki, Satoshi Tanaka, Masanori Matsushita, Osamu Mori, Daiki Koda, Takanobu Shimada, Masanobu Ozaki, Masanao Abe, Satoshi Hosoda, Tatsuaki Okada, Hajime Yano, Takaaki Kato, Seiji Yasuda, Kota Matsushima, Tetsuya Masuda, Makoto Yoshikawa, Yuichi Tsuda
    Astrodynamics 4(4) 349-375 2020年12月  査読有り
    The Japanese interplanetary probe Hayabusa2 was launched on December 3, 2014 and the probe arrived at the vicinity of asteroid 162173 Ryugu on June 27, 2018. During its 1.4 years of asteroid proximity phase, the probe successfully accomplished numbers of record-breaking achievements including two touchdowns and one artificial cratering experiment, which are highly expected to have secured surface and subsurface samples from the asteroid inside its sample container for the first time in history. The Hayabusa2 spacecraft was designed not to orbit but to hover above the asteroid along the sub-Earth line. This orbital and geometrical configuration allows the spacecraft to utilize its high-gain antennas for telecommunication with the ground station on Earth while pointing its scientific observation and navigation sensors at the asteroid. This paper focuses on the regular station-keeping operation of Hayabusa2, which is called “home position” (HP)-keeping operation. First, together with the spacecraft design, an operation scheme called HP navigation (HPNAV), which includes a daily trajectory control and scientific observations as regular activities, is introduced. Following the description on the guidance, navigation, and control design as well as the framework of optical and radiometric navigation, the results of the HP-keeping operation including trajectory estimation and delta-V planning during the entire asteroid proximity phase are summarized and evaluated as a first report. Consequently, this paper states that the HP-keeping operation in the framework of HPNAV had succeeded without critical incidents, and the number of trajectory control delta-V was planned efficiently throughout the period.
  • Masanori Kobayashi, Hiromi Shibata, Ken’ichi Nogami, Masayuki Fujii, Sunao Hasegawa, Masatoshi Hirabayashi, Takayuki Hirai, Takeo Iwai, Hiroshi Kimura, Takashi Miyachi, Maki Nakamura, Hideo Ohashi, Sho Sasaki, Seiji Takechi, Hajime Yano, Harald Krüger, Ann Kathrin Lohse, Ralf Srama, Peter Strub, Eberhard Grün
    Space Science Reviews 216(8) 2020年12月  査読有り
    An in-situ cosmic-dust instrument called the Mercury Dust Monitor (MDM) had been developed as a part of the science payload for the Mio (Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter, MMO) stage of the joint European Space Agency (ESA)–JAXA Mercury-exploration mission. The BepiColombo spacecraft was successfully launched by an Ariane 5 rocket on October 20, 2018, and commissioning tests of the science payload were successfully completed in near-earth orbit before injection into a long journey to Mercury. MDM has a sensor consisting of four plates of piezoelectric lead zirconate titanate (PZT), which converts the mechanical stress (or strain) induced by dust-particle impacts into electrical signals. After the commencement of scientific operations, MDM will measure the impact momentum at which dust particles in orbit around the Sun collide with the sensor and record the arrival direction. This paper provides basic information concerning the MDM instrument and its predicted scientific operation as a future reference for scientific articles concerning the MDM’s observational data.
  • Yoshinori Takano, Keita Yamada, Chisato Okamoto, Hirotaka Sawada, Ryuji Okazaki, Kanako Sakamoto, Yoko Kebukawa, Kento Kiryu, Takazo Shibuya, Motoko Igisu, Hajime Yano, Shogo Tachibana
    Earth, Planets and Space 72(1) 2020年12月1日  査読有り
    We report a chemical assessment of the explosive chamber in the projector system used during the sampling operation of the Hayabusa2 project at the surface of the C-type asteroid Ryugu. Although the explosion process was designed as a closed system, volatile combustion gases and semivolatile organics were produced together with quenched carbonaceous product. The chemical compositions of the gases, organics, and inorganics were investigated in the screening analysis. A solid-phase microextraction technique and thermal desorption coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis revealed that aliphatic (< C20n-alkanes) and aromatic (< pyrene) hydrocarbons were produced in the closed chamber system. The aromatic ring compositions of the latter showed a semilogarithmic decrease: one ring > two rings > three rings > four rings, resulting in abiogenic molecular patterns. The most intense inorganic fingerprints were due to potassium (K+) and chloride (Cl–) ions derived from the initial KTB explosive and RK ignition charge. We discuss quality control and quality assurance issues applicable to future sample processes during the Hayabusa2 project.[Figure not available: see fulltext.].
  • Osamu Mori, Jun Matsumoto, Toshihiro Chujo, Masanori Matsushita, Hideki Kato, Takanao Saiki, Yuichi Tsuda, Jun’ichiro Kawaguchi, Fuyuto Terui, Yuya Mimasu, Go Ono, Naoko Ogawa, Yuki Takao, Yuki Kubo, Kaoru Ohashi, Ahmed Kiyoshi Sugihara, Tatsuaki Okada, Takahiro Iwata, Hajime Yano
    Astrodynamics 4(3) 1-16 2020年9月1日  査読有り最終著者
    The solar power sail is an original Japanese concept in which electric power is generated by thin-film solar cells attached on the solar sail membrane. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) successfully demonstrated the world’s first solar power sail technology through IKAROS (Interplanetary Kite-craft Accelerated by Radiation of the Sun) mission in 2010. IKAROS demonstrated photon propulsion and power generation using thin-film solar cells during its interplanetary cruise. Scaled up, solar power sails can generate enough power to drive high specific impulse ion thrusters in the outer planetary region. With this concept, we propose a landing or sample return mission to directly explore a Jupiter Trojan asteroid using solar power sail-craft OKEANOS (Oversize Kite-craft for Exploration and AstroNautics in the Outer Solar System). After rendezvousing with a Trojan asteroid, a lander separates from OKEANOS to collect samples, and perform in-situ analyses in three proposed mission sequences, including sending samples back to Earth. This paper proposes a system design for OKEANOS and includes analyses of the latest mission.
  • T. Morota, S. Sugita, Y. Cho, M. Kanamaru, E. Tatsumi, N. Sakatani, R. Honda, N. Hirata, H. Kikuchi, M. Yamada, Y. Yokota, S. Kameda, M. Matsuoka, H. Sawada, C. Honda, T. Kouyama, K. Ogawa, H. Suzuki, K. Yoshioka, M. Hayakawa, N. Hirata, M. Hirabayashi, H. Miyamoto, T. Michikami, T. Hiroi, R. Hemmi, O. S. Barnouin, C. M. Ernst, K. Kitazato, T. Nakamura, L. Riu, H. Senshu, H. Kobayashi, S. Sasaki, G. Komatsu, N. Tanabe, Y. Fujii, T. Irie, M. Suemitsu, N. Takaki, C. Sugimoto, K. Yumoto, M. Ishida, H. Kato, K. Moroi, D. Domingue, P. Michel, C. Pilorget, T. Iwata, M. Abe, M. Ohtake, Y. Nakauchi, K. Tsumura, H. Yabuta, Y. Ishihara, R. Noguchi, K. Matsumoto, A. Miura, N. Namiki, S. Tachibana, M. Arakawa, H. Ikeda, K. Wada, T. Mizuno, C. Hirose, S. Hosoda, O. Mori, T. Shimada, S. Soldini, R. Tsukizaki, H. Yano, M. Ozaki, H. Takeuchi, Y. Yamamoto, T. Okada, Y. Shimaki, K. Shirai, Y. Iijima, H. Noda, S. Kikuchi, T. Yamaguchi, N. Ogawa, G. Ono, Y. Mimasu, K. Yoshikawa, T. Takahashi, Y. Takei, A. Fujii, S. Nakazawa, F. Terui, S. Tanaka, M. Yoshikawa, T. Saiki, S. Watanabe, Y. Tsuda
    Science 368(6491) 654-659 2020年5月8日  査読有り
    The near-Earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu is thought to be a primitive carbonaceous object that contains hydrated minerals and organic molecules. We report sample collection from Ryugu’s surface by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft on 21 February 2019. Touchdown images and global observations of surface colors are used to investigate the stratigraphy of the surface around the sample location and across Ryugu. Latitudinal color variations suggest the reddening of exposed surface material by solar heating and/or space weathering. Immediately after touchdown, Hayabusa2’s thrusters disturbed dark, fine grains that originate from the redder materials. The stratigraphic relationship between identified craters and the redder material indicates that surface reddening occurred over a short period of time. We suggest that Ryugu previously experienced an orbital excursion near the Sun.
  • Marc Neveu, Ariel D. Anbar, Alfonso F. Davila, Daniel P. Glavin, Shannon M. MacKenzie, Charity M. Phillips-Lander, Brent Sherwood, Yoshinori Takano, Peter Williams, Hajime Yano
    Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 7 doi: 10.3389/fspas.2020.00026. 2020年4月6日  査読有り最終著者
  • M. Arakawa, T. Saiki, K. Wada, K. Ogawa, T. Kadono, K. Shirai, H. Sawada, K. Ishibashi, R. Honda, N. Sakatani, Y. Iijima, C. Okamoto, H. Yano, Y. Takagi, M. Hayakawa, P. Michel, M. Jutzi, Y. Shimaki, S. Kimura, Y. Mimasu, T. Toda, H. Imamura, S. Nakazawa, H. Hayakawa, S. Sugita, T. Morota, S. Kameda, E. Tatsumi, Y. Cho, K. Yoshioka, Y. Yokota, M. Matsuoka, M. Yamada, T. Kouyama, C. Honda, Y. Tsuda, S. Watanabe, M. Yoshikawa, S. Tanaka, F. Terui, S. Kikuchi, T. Yamaguchi, N. Ogawa, G. Ono, K. Yoshikawa, T. Takahashi, Y. Takei, A. Fujii, H. Takeuchi, Y. Yamamoto, T. Okada, C. Hirose, S. Hosoda, O. Mori, T. Shimada, S. Soldini, R. Tsukizaki, T. Iwata, M. Ozaki, M. Abe, N. Namiki, K. Kitazato, S. Tachibana, H. Ikeda, N. Hirata, N. Hirata, R. Noguchi, A. Miura
    Science 368(6486) 2020年4月  査読有り
    The Hayabusa2 spacecraft investigated the small asteroid Ryugu, which has a rubble-pile structure. We describe an impact experiment on Ryugu using Hayabusa2's Small Carry-on Impactor. The impact produced an artificial crater with a diameter >10 meters, which has a semicircular shape, an elevated rim, and a central pit. Images of the impact and resulting ejecta were recorded by the Deployable CAMera 3 for >8 minutes, showing the growth of an ejecta curtain (the outer edge of the ejecta) and deposition of ejecta onto the surface. The ejecta curtain was asymmetric and heterogeneous and it never fully detached from the surface. The crater formed in the gravity-dominated regime; in other words, crater growth was limited by gravity not surface strength. We discuss implications for Ryugu's surface age.
  • Tatsuaki Okada, Tetsuya Fukuhara, Satoshi Tanaka, Makoto Taguchi, Takehiko Arai, Hiroki Senshu, Naoya Sakatani, Yuri Shimaki, Hirohide Demura, Yoshiko Ogawa, Kentaro Suko, Tomohiko Sekiguchi, Toru Kouyama, Jun Takita, Tsuneo Matsunaga, Takeshi Imamura, Takehiko Wada, Sunao Hasegawa, Jörn Helbert, Thomas G. Müller, Axel Hagermann, Jens Biele, Matthias Grott, Maximilian Hamm, Marco Delbo, Naru Hirata, Naoyuki Hirata, Yukio Yamamoto, Seiji Sugita, Noriyuki Namiki, Kohei Kitazato, Masahiko Arakawa, Shogo Tachibana, Hitoshi Ikeda, Masateru Ishiguro, Koji Wada, Chikatoshi Honda, Rie Honda, Yoshiaki Ishihara, Koji Matsumoto, Moe Matsuoka, Tatsuhiro Michikami, Akira Miura, Tomokatsu Morota, Hirotomo Noda, Rina Noguchi, Kazunori Ogawa, Kei Shirai, Eri Tatsumi, Hikaru Yabuta, Yasuhiro Yokota, Manabu Yamada, Masanao Abe, Masahiko Hayakawa, Takahiro Iwata, Masanobu Ozaki, Hajime Yano, Satoshi Hosoda, Osamu Mori, Hirotaka Sawada, Takanobu Shimada, Hiroshi Takeuchi, Ryudo Tsukizaki, Atsushi Fujii, Chikako Hirose, Shota Kikuchi, Yuya Mimasu, Naoko Ogawa, Go Ono, Tadateru Takahashi, Yuto Takei, Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Kent Yoshikawa, Fuyuto Terui, Takanao Saiki, Satoru Nakazawa, Makoto Yoshikawa, Seiichiro Watanabe, Yuichi Tsuda
    Nature 579(7800) 518-522 2020年3月26日  査読有り
    Carbonaceous (C-type) asteroids are relics of the early Solar System that have preserved primitive materials since their formation approximately 4.6 billion years ago. They are probably analogues of carbonaceous chondrites and are essential for understanding planetary formation processes. However, their physical properties remain poorly known because carbonaceous chondrite meteoroids tend not to survive entry to Earth’s atmosphere. Here we report on global one-rotation thermographic images of the C-type asteroid 162173 Ryugu, taken by the thermal infrared imager (TIR) onboard the spacecraft Hayabusa2 , indicating that the asteroid’s boulders and their surroundings have similar temperatures, with a derived thermal inertia of about 300 J m  s  K (300 tiu). Contrary to predictions that the surface consists of regolith and dense boulders, this low thermal inertia suggests that the boulders are more porous than typical carbonaceous chondrites and that their surroundings are covered with porous fragments more than 10 centimetres in diameter. Close-up thermal images confirm the presence of such porous fragments and the flat diurnal temperature profiles suggest a strong surface roughness effect . We also observed in the close-up thermal images boulders that are colder during the day, with thermal inertia exceeding 600 tiu, corresponding to dense boulders similar to typical carbonaceous chondrites . These results constrain the formation history of Ryugu: the asteroid must be a rubble pile formed from impact fragments of a parent body with microporosity of approximately 30 to 50 per cent that experienced a low degree of consolidation. The dense boulders might have originated from the consolidated innermost region or they may have an exogenic origin. This high-porosity asteroid may link cosmic fluffy dust to dense celestial bodies . 1 2,3 4 5 −2 −0.5 −1 6 7,8 6 9 10
  • Ryu Funase, Satoshi Ikari, Kota Miyoshi, Yosuke Kawabata, Shintaro Nakajima, Shunichiro Nomura, Nobuhiro Funabiki, Akihiro Ishikawa, Kota Kakihara, Shuhei Matsushita, Ryohei Takahashi, Kanta Yanagida, Daiko Mori, Yusuke Murata, Toshihiro Shibukawa, Ryo Suzumoto, Masahiro Fujiwara, Kento Tomita, Hiroki Aohama, Keidai Iiyama, Sho Ishiwata, Hirotaka Kondo, Wataru Mikuriya, Hiroto Seki, Hiroyuki Koizumi, Jun Asakawa, Keita Nishii, Akihiro Hattori, Yuji Saito, Kosei Kikuchi, Yuta Kobayashi, Atsushi Tomiki, Wataru Torii, Taichi Ito, Stefano Campagnola, Naoya Ozaki, Nicola Baresi, Ichiro Yoshikawa, Kazuo Yoshioka, Masaki Kuwabara, Reina Hikida, Shogo Arao, Shinsuke Abe, Masahisa Yanagisawa, Ryota Fuse, Yosuke Masuda, Hajime Yano, Takayuki Hirai, Kazuyoshi Arai, Ritsuko Jitsukawa, Eigo Ishioka, Haruki Nakano, Toshinori Ikenaga, Tatsuaki Hashimoto
    IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 35(3) 30-44 2020年3月1日  査読有り
    EQUULEUS (EQUilibriUm Lunar-Earth point 6U Spacecraft) will be the world's smallest spacecraft to explore the Earth-Moon Lagrange point. It is being jointly developed by JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) and the University of Tokyo, and will be launched by NASA's Space Launch System Exploration Mission-1. The spacecraft will fly to a libration orbit around the Earth-Moon L2 point (EML2) and will demonstrate low-energy trajectory-control techniques within the Sun-Earth-Moon region for the first time by a nano-class spacecraft. EQUULEUS also carries three scientific observation missions: imaging of Earth's plasmasphere by extreme ultraviolet wavelength, lunar impact flash observation on the far side of the moon, and micrometeoroid flux measurements in the cis-lunar region. While all these missions have their own scientific objectives, they will also contribute to future human activity and/or infrastructure development in the cis-lunar region. Most parts of the spacecraft system use commercial off-the-shelf components, or are designed based on the experiences of various past space missions, with the exception of the newly developed water resistojet propulsion system. EQUULEUS uses X-band frequency for deep space telecommunication. Japanese deep space antennas (64-m and 34-m) will be nominally used for spacecraft operation, and support from the deep space network of JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) is also being planned, especially for the initial phase of operation. The spacecraft will fly to EML2 in less than one year, and will remain there for scientific observations until shortly before the depletion of the onboard propellant, when the spacecraft will leave the orbit for space-debris compliance.
  • Maximilian Sommer, Hajime Yano, Ralf Srama
    Astronomy and Astrophysics 635 2020年1月21日  査読有り
    Context. Findings by the Helios and STEREO mission have indicated the presence of a resonant circumsolar ring of dust associated with Venus. Attempts to model this phenomenon as an analogue to the resonant ring of Earth - as a result of migrating dust trapped in external mean-motion resonances (MMRs) - have so far been unable to reproduce the observed dust feature. Other theories of origin have recently been put forward. However, the reason for the low trapping efficiency of Venus's external MMRs remains unclear. Aims. Here we look into the nature of the dust trapping resonant phenomena that arise from the multi-planet configuration of the inner Solar System, aiming to add to the existent understanding of resonant dust rings in single planet systems. Methods. We numerically modelled resonant dust features associated with the inner planets and specifically looked into the dependency of these structures and the trapping efficiency of particular resonances on the configuration of planets. Results. Besides Mercury showing no resonant interaction with the migrating dust cloud, we find Venus, Earth, and Mars to considerably interfere with each other's resonances, influencing their ability to form circumsolar rings. We find that the single most important reason for the weakness of Venus's external MMR ring is the perturbing influence of its outer neighbour - Earth. In addition, we find Mercury and Mars to produce crescent-shaped density features, caused by a directed apsidal precession occurring in particles traversing their orbital region.
  • Maiko Yamakawa, Kentaro Watanabe, Hiroumi Tani, Yusuke Maru, Toshihiro Chujo, Jun Matsumoto, Hikaru Eguchi, Keisuke Michigami, Taro Kawano, Hajime Yano, Shingo Kameda, Shujiro Sawai, Osamu Mori, Yuichi Tsuda
    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2020-October 2020年  査読有り
    During the touchdowns of the "Hayabusa2" spacecraft on the asteroid Ryugu, some of the ejected surface materials were scattered toward the spacecraft. Apart from impact sampling by firing a metallic projectile, another mechanism of this phenomenon is surface material ejecta from formation of a crater by RCS thrusts of the spacecraft during its ascent from the asteroid surface after the touchdown. We conducted ground experiments of gas injection into simulated soil under vacuum in order to investigate the interaction between thruster plume and asteroidal regolith.
  • Erika Minakami, Kota Isawa, Yoshitaka Wakui, Masumi Higashide, Sunao Hasegawa, Akihiko Yamagishi, Kazuyoshi Arai, Hajime Yano
    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2020-October 2020年  査読有り最終著者
    Space debris and micrometeoroids are impacting to spacecraft at hypervelocity in low-Earth orbit (LEO). Even a microparticle smaller than 1 mm can cause serious damages to the satellite operations. Thus, it is necessary to continuously monitor and predict the microparticulate environment. At present, no means have been established for observing these microparticles from the ground, and post-flight investigations of hypervelocity impact signatures on retrieved spacecraft such as LDEF (e.g., ref1), EuReCa (e.g., ref2), and SFU (e.g., ref3) were performed to predict the microparticulate environment in 1980's to 1990's. Based on these past measurements, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and ESA (European Space Agency) constructed LEO microparticulate environment models such as ORDEM and MASTER. JAXA and MUSCAT Space Engineering Co., Ltd. have developed a simulation software called TURANDOT (Tactical Utility for Rapid ANalysis of Debris on Orbit Terrestrial) which uses these models to predict impact frequency(ref6.). It is important to continue in-orbit measurements for prediction of the impact risks to operational spacecraft with high accuracy. In the “Tanpopo” and “Tanpopo-2”projects onboard the Kibo Exposure Facility of the International Space Station (ISS), microparticulate collection experiments have been conducted for five consecutive years since 2015. There is a epochal gap of three solar cycles between the past orbital measurements in1980's-1990's and the Tanpopo projects. By comparing these two datasets, it is possible to witness long-term changes of the microparticulate environment in LEO. Comparison between LDEF impact frequency and that of Tanpopo shows that at least the micrometeoroid flux in LEO has not changed significantly in the last three decades while orbital debris flux might have fluctuated more frequently. In this work, the impact fluxes were derived from the number of impact craters on aluminium targets, exposure period, and exposure area for the Tanpopo capture panels from 2015 to 2019 to capture short-term changes of the microparticulate environment in LEO. The difference between the Tanpopo project and past in-orbit measurement projects is that many of the past projects are long term or one-time only. The model constructed from these data is suitable for predicting long-term fluctuations of the microparticulate environment. OSince the Tanpopo capture panels were annually exchanged and retrieved, the space measurements lead to more accurate prediction of dynamic variation of the microparticulate impact fluxes in LEO than the existing static models based on the averaged flux measurements by the past spacecraft in 1980's to 1990's. From the above, this study verifies of the existing model and improves the prediction accuracy by comparing the direct measurements in space from 2015 to 2018 with the model prediction..
  • Masahiro Fujiwara, Satoshi Ikari, Hirotaka Kondo, Ryota Fuse, Yosuke Masuda, Shinsuke Abe, Masahisa Yanagisawa, Kenji Yamamoto, Hajime Yano, Ryu Funase
    Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences 63(6) 265-271 2020年  査読有り
    DELPHINUS is a camera system mounted on EQUULEUS, which is planned to be launched using NASA’s Space Launch System EM-1 in 2021. DELPHINUS aims to investigate size distribution, influx ratio, and daily variation of meteoroids in the cislunar space through observations of lunar impact flashes (LIFs) from the far side of the moon. DELPHINUS will observe the moon’s surface with the 60-fps camera modules to capture the flashes that are short duration phenomena. All image data cannot be downlinked due to constraints in memory size and communication capability. Therefore, an on-board image processing algorithm was developed to reduce downlinked data size by extracting only necessary pixel data including LIFs. Three experiments using three simulators were demonstrated to verify the real-time processing performance and detection capability. This paper reports the details of the proposed algorithm and the verification results.
  • Juliana Cherston, David Veysset, Yuchen Sun, Hajime Yano, Keith A. Nelson, Shobha Murari, Joseph A. Paradiso
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 11379 2020年  査読有り
    Aerospace-grade textiles have decades of flight heritage for protection against harsh elements of the space environment. However, these substrates have remained electrically passive despite occupying useful large-area real-estate on the exterior walls of persistent spacecraft. By leveraging electronic textiles in an aerospace context, hybrid fabrics can be developed that simultaneously protect spacecraft while also detecting debris or micrometeoroid hypervelocity impactors. Specifically, this paper describes prototype development and preflight testing of piezoelectric Beta cloth ahead of a scheduled late 2020 material resiliency test on the International Space Station. Two accessible manufacturing methods for piezoelectric fiber are introduced based on modifications to piezoelectric cable that reduce diameter, increase mechanical flexibility of the fiber, and improve compatibility with textile weft insertion techniques. A Beta cloth simulant with piezoelectric fiber is introduced and custom ultra low power readout electronics are specified, which allow for a first-order power consumption estimate for scaling of this material across large-area spacecraft walls. Finally, high-velocity impact sensor data measured using the Laser Induced Particle Impact Test (LIPIT) facility is presented, building towards an accurate prediction of impactor velocity.
  • Kosuke Fujishima, Szymon Dziomba, Hajime Yano, Seydina I. Kebe, Mohamed Guerrouache, Benjamin Carbonnier, Lynn J. Rothschild
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ASTROBIOLOGY 18(6) 562-574 2019年12月  査読有り
    The in situ detection of organic molecules in space is key to understanding the variety and the distribution of the building blocks of life, and possibly the detection of extraterrestrial life itself. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) has been the most sensitive analytical strategy for organic analyses in flight, and was used on missions from NASA's Viking, Phoenix, Curiosity missions to ESA's Rosetta space probe. While pyrolysis GC-MS revealed the first organics on Mars, this step alters or degrades certain fragile molecules that are excellent biosignatures including polypeptides, oligonucleotides and polysaccharides, rendering the intact precursors undetectable. We have identified a solution tailored to the detection of biopolymers and other biomarkers by the use of liquid-based capillary electrophoresis and electrochromatography. In this study, we show that a capillary electrochromatography approach using monolithic stationary phases with tailor-made surface chemistry can separate and identify various polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nucleobases and aromatic acids that could be formed under astrophysically relevant conditions. In order to simulate flyby organic sample capture, we conducted hypervelocity impact experiments which consisted of accelerating peptide-soaked montmorillonite particles to a speed of 5.6 km s(-1), and capturing them in an amorphous silica aerogel of 10 mg cm(-3) bulk density. Bulk peptide extraction from aerogel followed by capillary zone electrophoresis led to the detection of only two stereoisomeric peptide peaks. The recovery rates of each step of the extraction procedure after the hypervelocity impact suggest that major peptide loss occurred during the impact. Our study provides initial exploration of feasibility of this approach for capturing intact peptides, and subsequently detecting candidate biomolecules during flight missions that would be missed by GC-MS alone. As the monolith-based electrochromatography technology could be customized to detect specific classes of compounds as well as miniaturized, these results demonstrate the potential of the instrumentation for future astrobiology-related spaceflight missions.
  • D. Hestroffer, P. Sánchez, L. Staron, A. Campo Bagatin, S. Eggl, W. Losert, N. Murdoch, E. Opsomer, F. Radjai, D. C. Richardson, M. Salazar, D. J. Scheeres, S. Schwartz, N. Taberlet, H. Yano
    Astronomy and Astrophysics Review 27(1) 2019年12月1日  査読有り最終著者
    Asteroids and other Small Solar System Bodies (SSSBs) are of high general and scientific interest in many aspects. The origin, formation, and evolution of our Solar System (and other planetary systems) can be better understood by analysing the constitution and physical properties of small bodies in the Solar System. Currently, two space missions (Hayabusa2, OSIRIS-REx) have recently arrived at their respective targets and will bring a sample of the asteroids back to Earth. Other small body missions have also been selected by, or proposed to, space agencies. The threat posed to our planet by near-Earth objects (NEOs) is also considered at the international level, and this has prompted dedicated research on possible mitigation techniques. The DART mission, for example, will test the kinetic impact technique. Even ideas for industrial exploitation have risen during the last years. Lastly, the origin of water and life on Earth appears to be connected to asteroids. Hence, future space mission projects will undoubtedly target some asteroids or other SSSBs. In all these cases and research topics, specific knowledge of the structure and mechanical behaviour of the surface as well as the bulk of those celestial bodies is crucial. In contrast to large telluric planets and dwarf planets, a large proportion of such small bodies is believed to consist of gravitational aggregates (‘rubble piles’) with no—or low—internal cohesion, with varying macro-porosity and surface properties (from smooth regolith covered terrain, to very rough collection of boulders), and varying topography (craters, depressions, ridges). Bodies with such structure can sustain some plastic deformation without being disrupted in contrast to the classical visco-elastic models that are generally valid for planets, dwarf planets, and large satellites. These SSSBs are hence better described through granular mechanics theories, which have been a subject of intense theoretical, experimental, and numerical research over the last four decades. This being the case, it has been necessary to use the theoretical, numerical and experimental tools developed within soil mechanics, granular dynamics, celestial mechanics, chemistry, condensed matter physics, planetary and computer sciences, to name the main ones, in order to understand the data collected and analysed by observational astronomy (visible, thermal, and radio), and different space missions. In this paper, we present a review of the multi-disciplinary research carried out by these different scientific communities in an effort to study SSSBs.
  • M. Grott, J. Knollenberg, M. Hamm, K. Ogawa, R. Jaumann, K. A. Otto, M. Delbo, P. Michel, J. Biele, W. Neumann, M. Knapmeyer, E. Kührt, H. Senshu, T. Okada, J. Helbert, A. Maturilli, N. Müller, A. Hagermann, N. Sakatani, S. Tanaka, T. Arai, S. Mottola, S. Tachibana, I. Pelivan, L. Drube, J. B. Vincent, H. Yano, C. Pilorget, K. D. Matz, N. Schmitz, A. Koncz, S. E. Schröder, F. Trauthan, M. Schlotterer, C. Krause, T. M. Ho, A. Moussi-Soffys
    Nature Astronomy 3(11) 971-976 2019年11月1日  査読有り
    © 2019, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited. C-type asteroids are among the most pristine objects in the Solar System, but little is known about their interior structure and surface properties. Telescopic thermal infrared observations have so far been interpreted in terms of a regolith-covered surface with low thermal conductivity and particle sizes in the centimetre range. This includes observations of C-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu1–3. However, on arrival of the Hayabusa2 spacecraft at Ryugu, a regolith cover of sand- to pebble-sized particles was found to be absent4,5 (R.J. et al., manuscript in preparation). Rather, the surface is largely covered by cobbles and boulders, seemingly incompatible with the remote-sensing infrared observations. Here we report on in situ thermal infrared observations of a boulder on the C-type asteroid Ryugu. We found that the boulder’s thermal inertia was much lower than anticipated based on laboratory measurements of meteorites, and that a surface covered by such low-conductivity boulders would be consistent with remote-sensing observations. Our results furthermore indicate high boulder porosities as well as a low tensile strength in the few hundred kilopascal range. The predicted low tensile strength confirms the suspected observational bias6 in our meteorite collections, as such asteroidal material would be too frail to survive atmospheric entry7.
  • G. Abdellaoui, S. Abe, J. H. Adams, A. Ahriche, D. Allard, L. Allen, G. Alonso, L. Anchordoqui, A. Anzalone, Y. Arai, K. Asano, R. Attallah, H. Attoui, M. Ave Pernas, S. Bacholle, M. Bakiri, P. Baragatti, P. Barrillon, S. Bartocci, J. Bayer, B. Beldjilali, T. Belenguer, N. Belkhalfa, R. Bellotti, A. Belov, K. Belov, K. Benmessai, M. Bertaina, P. L. Biermann, S. Biktemerova, F. Bisconti, N. Blanc, J. Błȩcki, S. Blin-Bondil, P. Bobik, M. Bogomilov, E. Bozzo, S. Briz, A. Bruno, K. S. Caballero, F. Cafagna, D. Campana, J. N. Capdevielle, F. Capel, A. Caramete, L. Caramete, P. Carlson, R. Caruso, M. Casolino, C. Cassardo, A. Castellina, C. Catalano, O. Catalano, A. Cellino, M. Chikawa, G. Chiritoi, M. J. Christl, V. Connaughton, L. Conti, G. Cordero, G. Cotto, H. J. Crawford, R. Cremonini, S. Csorna, A. Cummings, S. Dagoret-Campagne, A. J. de Castro, C. De Donato, C. de la Taille, C. De Santis, L. del Peral, M. Di Martino, A. Diaz Damian, T. Djemil, I. Dutan, A. Ebersoldt, T. Ebisuzaki, R. Engel, J. Eser, F. Fenu, S. Fernández-González, S. Ferrarese, M. Flamini, C. Fornaro, M. Fouka, A. Franceschi, S. Franchini, C. Fuglesang, T. Fujii, J. Fujimoto, M. Fukushima, P. Galeotti, E. García-Ortega, G. Garipov, E. Gascón, J. Genci, G. Giraudo, C. González Alvarado, P. Gorodetzky, R. Greg
    Astroparticle Physics 111 54-71 2019年9月  査読有り
    © 2018 The JEM-EUSO (Joint Experiment Missions for the Extreme Universe Space Observatory) program aims at developing Ultra-Violet (UV) fluorescence telescopes for efficient detections of Extensive Air Showers (EASs) induced by Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) from satellite orbit. In order to demonstrate key technologies for JEM-EUSO, we constructed the EUSO-Balloon instrument that consists of a ∼1 m 2 refractive telescope with two Fresnel lenses and an array of multi-anode photo-multiplier tubes at the focus. Distinguishing it from the former balloon-borne experiments, EUSO-Balloon has the capabilities of single photon counting with a gate time of 2.3 µs and of imaging with a total of 2304 pixels. As a pathfinder mission, the instrument was launched for an 8 h stratospheric flight on a moonless night in August 2014 over Timmins, Canada. In this work, we analyze the count rates over ∼2.5 h intervals. The measurements are of diffuse light, e.g. of airglow emission, back-scattered from the Earth's atmosphere as well as artificial light sources. Count rates from such diffuse light are a background for EAS detections in future missions and relevant factor for the analysis of EAS events. We also obtain the geographical distribution of the count rates over a ∼780 km 2 area along the balloon trajectory. In developed areas, light sources such as the airport, mines, and factories are clearly identified. This demonstrates the correct location of signals that will be required for the EAS analysis in future missions. Although a precise determination of count rates is relevant for the existing instruments, the absolute intensity of diffuse light is deduced for the limited conditions by assuming spectra models and considering simulations of the instrument response. Based on the study of diffuse light by EUSO-Balloon, we also discuss the implications for coming pathfinders and future space-based UHECR observation missions.
  • R. Jaumann, N. Schmitz, T. M. Ho, S. E. Schröder, K. A. Otto, K. Stephan, S. Elgner, K. Krohn, F. Preusker, F. Scholten, J. Biele, S. Ulamec, C. Krause, S. Sugita, K. D. Matz, T. Roatsch, R. Parekh, S. Mottola, M. Grott, P. Michel, F. Trauthan, A. Koncz, H. Michaelis, C. Lange, J. T. Grundmann, M. Maibaum, K. Sasaki, F. Wolff, J. Reill, A. Moussi-Soffys, L. Lorda, W. Neumann, J. B. Vincent, R. Wagner, J. P. Bibring, S. Kameda, H. Yano, S. Watanabe, M. Yoshikawa, Y. Tsuda, T. Okada, T. Yoshimitsu, Y. Mimasu, T. Saiki, H. Yabuta, H. Rauer, R. Honda, T. Morota, Y. Yokota, T. Kouyama
    Science 365(6455) 817-820 2019年8月23日  査読有り
    © 2017 The Authors. The near-Earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu is a 900-m-diameter dark object expected to contain primordial material from the solar nebula. The Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout (MASCOT) landed on Ryugu’s surface on 3 October 2018. We present images from the MASCOT camera (MASCam) taken during the descent and while on the surface. The surface is covered by decimeter- to meter-sized rocks, with no deposits of fine-grained material. Rocks appear either bright, with smooth faces and sharp edges, or dark, with a cauliflower-like, crumbly surface. Close-up images of a rock of the latter type reveal a dark matrix with small, bright, spectrally different inclusions, implying that it did not experience extensive aqueous alteration. The inclusions appear similar to those in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites.
  • Satoshi Ikari, Masahiro Fujiwara, Hirotaka Kondo, Shuhei Matsushita, Ichiro Yoshikawa, Kazuo Yoshioka, Reina Hikida, Yosuke Kawabata, Shintaro Nakajima, Ryu Funase, Masaki Kuwabara, Hajime Yano, Kota Miyoshi, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Shinsuke Abe, Ryota Fuse, Yosuke Masuda, Shosaku Harima, Masahisa Yanagisawa, Kenji Yamamoto, Ryuji Shimada, Takayuki Hirai, Haruki Nakano, Kosuke Kando, Kazuyoshi Arai, Masayuki Fujii
    33rd Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites SSC19(WKV-04) 1-9 2019年8月3日  査読有り
  • Kebukawa Y, Koga M, Sakon I, Endo I, Kobayashi K, Matsuoka M, Ito M, Zolensky M. E, Alexander C. M. O'D, Mita H, Yano H
    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE 54 id.6160 2019年8月  査読有り最終著者
  • Nishi Mizuho, Akira Tsuchiyama, Hajime Yano, Hikaru Yabuta, Kyoko Okudaira, Junya Matsuno, Masayuki Uesugi, Kentaro Uesugi, Tukasa Nakano, Takaaki Noguchi, Hajime Mita, Akihiko Yamagishi
    Meteoritics & Planetary Science 54 1 2019年8月  査読有り
  • M. Grott, J. Knollenberg, M. Hamm, K. Ogawa, R. Jaumann, K. Otto, K. D. Matz, N. Schmitz, A. Koncz, F. Trauthan, H. Senshu, T. Okada, E. Kührt, J. Biele, W. Neumann, M. Knapmeyer, J. Helbert, A. Maturilli, N. Müller, A. Hagermann, N. Sakatani, S. Tanaka, T. Arai, S. Mottola, I. Pelivan, L. Drube, J.-B. Vincent, M. Delbo, P. Michel, H. Yano, C. Pilorget, M. Schlotterer, K. Krause, T.-M. Ho, A. Moussi-Soffys
    Proceedings of Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 50 1267 2019年3月  
  • Satoshi Sasaki, Jun-ya Imani, Hajime Yano
    Biological Sciences in Space 33 7-11 2019年  査読有り最終著者
  • S. Sugita, R. Honda, T. Morota, S. Kameda, H. Sawada, E. Tatsumi, M. Yamada, C. Honda, Y. Yokota, T. Kouyama, N. Sakatani, K. Ogawa, H. Suzuki, T. Okada, N. Namiki, S. Tanaka, Y. Iijima, K. Yoshioka, M. Hayakawa, Y. Cho, M. Matsuoka, N. Hirata, N. Hirata, H. Miyamoto, D. Domingue, M. Hirabayashi, T. Nakamura, T. Hiroi, T. Michikami, P. Michel, R. L. Ballouz, O. S. Barnouin, C. M. Ernst, S. E. Schröder, H. Kikuchi, R. Hemmi, G. Komatsu, T. Fukuhara, M. Taguchi, T. Arai, H. Senshu, H. Demura, Y. Ogawa, Y. Shimaki, T. Sekiguchi, T. G. Müller, A. Hagermann, T. Mizuno, H. Noda, K. Matsumoto, R. Yamada, Y. Ishihara, H. Ikeda, H. Araki, K. Yamamoto, S. Abe, F. Yoshida, A. Higuchi, S. Sasaki, S. Oshigami, S. Tsuruta, K. Asari, S. Tazawa, M. Shizugami, J. Kimura, T. Otsubo, H. Yabuta, S. Hasegawa, M. Ishiguro, S. Tachibana, E. Palmer, R. Gaskell, L. Le Corre, R. Jaumann, K. Otto, N. Schmitz, P. A. Abell, M. A. Barucci, M. E. Zolensky, F. Vilas, F. Thuillet, C. Sugimoto, N. Takaki, Y. Suzuki, H. Kamiyoshihara, M. Okada, K. Nagata, M. Fujimoto, M. Yoshikawa, Y. Yamamoto, K. Shirai, R. Noguchi, N. Ogawa, F. Terui, S. Kikuchi, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Oki, Y. Takao, H. Takeuchi, G. Ono, H. Yano, S. Watanabe
    Science 364(6437) 2019年  査読有り
  • Ryota Fuse, Shinsuke Abe, Masahisa Yanagisawa, Ryu Funase, Hajime Yano
    Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan 17 1-6 2019年1月  査読有り最終著者
  • Yoko Kebukawa, Kyoko Okudaira, Hikaru Yabuta, Sunao Hasegawa, Makoto Tabata, Yoshihiro Furukawa, Motoo Ito, Aiko Nakato, A. L. David Kilcoyne, Kensei Kobayashi, Shin-ichi Yokobori, Eiichi Imai, Yuko Kawaguchi, Hajime Yano, Akihiko Yamagishi
    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 53(1) 53-67 2019年  査読有り
    The Tanpopo mission is an astrobiology space experiment at the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) 'Kibo' on the International Space Station (ISS). One of the sub-divided themes of the Tanpopo mission is for the intact capture of organic bearing micrometeoroids in low Earth orbit using ultralow density silica aerogel (0.01 g/cm(3)). In order to evaluate damage to organic matter in micrometeoroids during hyper velocity impacts into the aerogel, Murchison meteorite powdered samples, analogs of organic bearing micrometeoroids, were fired into flight-grade silica aerogel (0.01 g/cm(3)) using a two-stage light-gas gun with velocities of 4.4 and 5.9 km/s. The recovered Murchison grains were analyzed using scanning transmission X-ray microscopy/X-ray absorption near edge structure (STXM/XANES), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS). TEM observation did not show significant modifications of the recovered Murchison grains. Carbon-XANES spectra, however, showed a large depletion of the organic matter after the 5.9 km/s impact, but no such effects nor any significant hydrogen isotopic fractionation were observed after the 4.4 km/s impact.
  • S. Watanabe, M. Hirabayashi, N. Hirata, N. Hirata, R. Noguchi, Y. Shimaki, H. Ikeda, E. Tatsumi, M. Yoshikawa, S. Kikuchi, H. Yabuta, T. Nakamura, S. Tachibana, Y. Ishihara, T. Morota, K. Kitazato, N. Sakatani, K. Matsumoto, K. Wada, H. Senshu, C. Honda, T. Michikami, H. Takeuchi, T. Kouyama, R. Honda, S. Kameda, T. Fuse, H. Miyamoto, G. Komatsu, S. Sugita, T. Okada, N. Namiki, M. Arakawa, M. Ishiguro, M. Abe, R. Gaskell, E. Palmer, O. S. Barnouin, P. Michel, A. S. French, J. W. McMahon, D. J. Scheeres, P. A. Abell, Y. Yamamoto, S. Tanaka, K. Shirai, M. Matsuoka, M. Yamada, Y. Yokota, H. Suzuki, K. Yoshioka, Y. Cho, S. Tanaka, N. Nishikawa, T. Sugiyama, H. Kikuchi, R. Hemmi, T. Yamaguchi, N. Ogawa, G. Ono, Y. Mimasu, K. Yoshikawa, T. Takahashi, Y. Takei, A. Fujii, C. Hirose, T. Iwata, M. Hayakawa, S. Hosoda, O. Mori, H. Sawada, T. Shimada, S. Soldini, H. Yano, R. Tsukizaki, M. Ozaki, Y. Iijima, K. Ogawa, M. Fujimoto, T. M. Ho, A. Moussi, R. Jaumann, J. P. Bibring, C. Krause, F. Terui, T. Saiki, S. Nakazawa, Y. Tsuda
    Science 364(6437) 268-272 2019年  査読有り
    © 2019 American Association for the Advancement of Science. All rights reserved. The Hayabusa2 spacecraft arrived at the near-Earth carbonaceous asteroid 162173 Ryugu in 2018.We present Hayabusa2 observations of Ryugu's shape, mass, and geomorphology. Ryugu has an oblate "spinning top" shape, with a prominent circular equatorial ridge. Its bulk density, 1.19 ± 0.02 grams per cubic centimeter, indicates a high-porosity (>50%) interior. Large surface boulders suggest a rubble-pile structure. Surface slope analysis shows Ryugu's shape may have been produced from having once spun at twice the current rate. Coupled with the observed global material homogeneity, this suggests that Ryugu was reshaped by centrifugally induced deformation during a period of rapid rotation. From these remote-sensing investigations, we identified a suitable sample collection site on the equatorial ridge.
  • Akihiko Yamagishi, Yuko Kawaguchi, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Hajime Yano, Eiichi Imai, Satoshi Kodaira, Yukio Uchihori, Kazumichi Nakagawa
    ASTROBIOLOGY 18(11) 1369-1374 2018年11月  査読有り
    The Tanpopo mission has two objectives: (1) test the panspermia hypothesis and (2) test whether organic compounds may have been transferred to Earth before the origin of life. We developed an exposure panel (EP) designed to expose microbes and organic compounds to the space environment and a capture panel designed to capture high-velocity particles on the International Space Station (ISS) using aerogel contained in an aluminum container. The panels returned after 1 year of exposure at the Exposure Facility of the Japan Experimental Module, ISS. In this communication, we report the measurements of temperature, radiation dosimeter and vacuum ultraviolet dosimeter in the EP, and survival data of Deinococcus aetherius. The environmental data are consistent with survival data of microbes and organic compounds, which will be presented elsewhere in detail.
  • Tatsuaki Okada, Yoko Kebukawa, Jun Aoki, Jun Matsumoto, Hajime Yano, Takahiro Iwata, Osamu Mori, Jean-Pierre Bibring, Stephan Ulamec, Ralf Jaumann
    PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE 161 99-106 2018年10月  査読有り
    An engineering mission OKEANOS to explore a Jupiter Trojan asteroid, using a Solar Power Sail is currently under study. After a decade-long cruise, it will rendezvous with the target asteroid, conduct global mapping of the asteroid from the spacecraft, and in situ measurements on the surface, using a lander. Science goals and enabling instruments of the mission are introduced, as the results of the joint study between the scientists and engineers from Japan and Europe.
  • Abe, S, Funase, R, Yano, H, Yanagisawa, M
    42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly B0.2-10 18 2018年7月  
  • 山岸明彦, 河口優子, 横堀伸一, 橋本博文, 矢野創, 今井栄一, 田端誠, 小林憲正, 三田肇
    日本航空宇宙学会誌 66(6) 173-179 2018年6月  査読有り招待有り
  • Abdellaoui, G., Abe, S., Adams, J.H., Ahriche, A., Allard, D., Allen, L., Alonso, G., Anchordoqui, L., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Attallah, R., Attoui, H., Ave Pernas, M., Bacholle, S., Bakiri, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Bartocci, S., Bayer, J., Beldjilali, B., Belenguer, T., Belkhalfa, N., Bellotti, R., Belov, A., Belov, K., Belz, J.W., Benmessai, K., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Bisconti, F., Blanc, N., Blecki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bozzo, E., Bruno, A., Caballero, K.S., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Capel, F., Caramete, A., Caramete, L., Carlson, P., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellina, A., Catalano, O., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Chiritoi, G., Christl, M.J., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Cotto, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Cummings, A., Dagoret-Campagne, S., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Di Martino, M., Djemil, T., Dutan, I., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Eser, J., Fenu, F., Fernández-González, S., Fernández-Soriano, J., Ferrarese, S., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Fouka, M., Franceschi, A., Franchini, S., Fuglesang, C., Fujii, T., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., García-Ortega, E., Garipov, G., Gascón, E., Genci, J., Giraudo, G., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Greg, R., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Haiduc, M., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Hidber Cruz, W., Ikeda, D., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Jammer, T., Jeong, S., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Jochum, J., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kalli, S., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Kedadra, A., Khales, H., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Krantz, H., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., La Barbera, A., Lachaud, C., Lahmar, H., Lakhdari, F., Larsson, O., Lee, J., Licandro, J., López Campano, L., Maccarone, M.C., Mackovjak, S., Mahdi, M., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marcos, J.L., Marini, A., Marszal, W., Martens, K., Martín, Y., Martinez, O., Martucci, M., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Mustafa, M., Matev, R., Matthews, J.N., Mebarki, N., Medina-Tanco, G., Mendoza, M.A., Menshikov, A., Merino, A., Meseguer, J., Meyer, S.S., Mimouni, J., Miyamoto, H., Mizumoto, Y., Monaco, A., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Nagataki, S., Naitamor, S., Napolitano, T., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Pagliaro, A., Painter, W., Panasyuk, M.I., Panico, B., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pérez-Grande, I., Perfetto, F., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pindado, S., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Placidi, L., Plebaniak, Z., Pliego, S., Pollini, A., Polonski, Z., Popescu, E.M., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Puehlhofer, G., Putis, M., Rabanal, J., Radu, A.A., Reyes, M., Rezazadeh, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Sahnoune, Z., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Salazar, H., Sanchez Balanzar, J.C., Sánchez, J.L., Santangelo, A., Sanz-Andrés, A., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shimizu, H.M., Shin, H.S., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Sokolsky, P., Spataro, B., Stan, I., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Talai, M.C., Tameda, Y., Tenzer, C., Thomas, S.B., Thomson, G.B., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Traïche, M., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tubbs, J., Turriziani, S., Uchihori, Y., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., Vlcek, B., von Ballmoos, P., Vrabel, M., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weigand Muñoz, R., Weindl, A., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zgura, I.S., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Astroparticle Physics 102 98-111 2018年  査読有り
    EUSO-TA is a ground-based telescope, installed at the Telescope Array (TA) site in Black Rock Mesa, Utah, USA. This is the first detector to successfully use a Fresnel lens based optical system and multi-anode photomultipliers (64 channels per tube, 2304 channels encompassing a 10.6° × 10.6° field of view) for detection of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR). The telescope is located in front of one of the fluorescence detectors of the TA experiment. Since its installation in 2013, the detector has observed several ultra-high energy cosmic ray events and, in addition, meteors. The limiting magnitude of 5.5 on summed frames (∼ 3 ms) has been established. Measurements of the UV night sky emission in different conditions and moon phases and positions have been completed. The performed observations serve as a proof of concept for the future application of this detector technology.
  • 阿部新助, 柳澤正久, 矢野創, 船瀬龍, 五十里哲, 布施綾太, 増田陽介, 島田隆司, 山本健司, 小林凌, EQUULEUS Project Team
    第18回宇宙科学シンポジウム 講演集 18 2018年1月  
  • 山岸明彦, 河口優子, 横堀伸一, 橋本博文, 矢野創, 今井栄一, 田端誠, 小林憲正, 三田肇
    日本航空宇宙学会誌 66(6) 173-179 2018年  査読有り
  • Chujo, T., Mori, O., Kawaguchi, J., Yano, H.
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474(4) 4447-4459 2018年  査読有り最終著者
    Due to its important role in the sorting of particles on microgravity bodies by size, Brazil nut effect (BNE) is a major subject of study for understanding the evolution of planetesimals. Recent studies have revealed that the mechanism for the BNE on microgravity bodies is the percolation of particles or void-filling, rather than granular convection. This study also considers the mechanism for the BNE under 'less-convective' conditions and introduces three categories of behaviour for particles that mainly depend on the dimensionless acceleration of vibration Gamma (ratio of maximum acceleration to gravitational acceleration), using a simplified analytical model. The conditions for Gamma proposed by the model for each category are verified by both numerical simulations and laboratory experiments. 'Less-convective' conditions are realized by reducing the friction force between particles and the wall. We found three distinct behaviours of the particles when Gamma > 1: the (i) 'slow BNE', (ii) 'fast BNE', and (iii) 'fluid motion' (the reverse BNE may be induced), and the thresholds for Gamma correspond well with those proposed by the simple model. We also applied this categorization to low-gravity environments and found that the categorization scales with gravity level. These results imply that laboratory experiments can provide knowledge of granular mobility on the surface of microgravity bodies.
  • Abdellaoui, G., Abe, S., Adams, J.H., Ahriche, A., Allard, D., Allen, L., Alonso, G., Anchordoqui, L., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Asano, K., Attallah, R., Attoui, H., Pernas, M.A., Bacholle, S., Bakiri, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Bartocci, S., Bayer, J., Beldjilali, B., Belenguer, T., Belkhalfa, N., Bellotti, R., Belov, A., Belov, K., Benmessai, K., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Bisconti, F., Blanc, N., Błcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bozzo, E., Bruno, A., Caballero, K.S., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Capel, F., Caramete, A., Caramete, L., Carlson, P., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellina, A., Catalano, C., Catalano, O., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Chiritoi, G., Christl, M.J., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Cotto, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Cummings, A., Dagoret-Campagne, S., Donato, C.D., Taille, C.D.L., Santis, C.D., Peral, L.D., Martino, M.D., Damian, A.D., Djemil, T., Dutan, I., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Eser, J., Fenu, F., Fernández-González, S., Fernández-Soriano, J., Ferrarese, S., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Fouka, M., Franceschi, A., Franchini, S., Fuglesang, C., Fujii, T., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., García-Ortega, E., Garipov, G., Gascón, E., Genci, J., Giraudo, G., Alvarado, C.G., Gorodetzky, P., Greg, R., Guarino, F., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Haiduc, M., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Carretero, J.H., Cruz, W.H., Ikeda, D., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Jammer, T., Jeong, S., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Jochum, J., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kalli, S., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Kedadra, A., Khales, H., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Krantz, H., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Barbera, A.L., Lachaud, C., Lahmar, H., Lakhdari, F., Larson, R., Larsson, O., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Campano, L.L., Maccarone, M.C., Mackovjak, S., Mahdi, M., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marcos, J.L., Marini, A., Marszał, W., Martens, K., Martín, Y., Martinez, O., Martucci, M., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Mastafa, M., Matev, R., Matthews, J.N., Mebarki, N., Medina-Tanco, G., Mendoza, M.A., Menshikov, A., Merino, A., Meseguer, J., Meyer, S.S., Mimouni, J., Miyamoto, H., Mizumoto, Y., Monaco, A., Ríos, J.A.M.D.L., Moretto, C., Nagataki, S., Naitamor, S., Napolitano, T., Naslund, W., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Pagliaro, A., Painter, W., Panasyuk, M.I., Panico, B., Pasqualino, G., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pérez-Grande, I., Perfetto, F., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pindado, S., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Placidi, L., Plebaniak, Z., Pliego, S., Pollini, A., Polonski, Z., Popescu, E.M., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Puehlhofer, G., Putis, M., Rabanal, J., Radu, A.A., Reyes, M., Rezazadeh, M., Ricci, M., Frías, M.D.R., Rodencal, M., Ronga, F., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Cano, G.S., Sagawa, H., Sahnoune, Z., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Salazar, H., Balanzar, J.C.S., Sánchez, J.L., Santangelo, A., Sanz-Andrés, A., Palomino, M.S., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Spataro, B., Stan, I., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Talai, M.C., Tenzer, C., Thomas, S.B., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Traïche, M., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tubbs, J., Turriziani, S., Uchihori, Y., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., Vlcek, B., Ballmoos, P.V., Vrabel, M., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watts, J., Weber, M., Muñoz, R.W., Weindl, A., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zgura, I.S., Zotov, M.Y., Marchi, A.Z.
    Journal of Instrumentation 13(5) 2018年  査読有り
    © 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab. EUSO-Balloon is a pathfinder mission for the Extreme Universe Space Observatory onboard the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM-EUSO). It was launched on the moonless night of the 25th of August 2014 from Timmins, Canada. The flight ended successfully after maintaining the target altitude of 38 km for five hours. One part of the mission was a 2.5 hour underflight using a helicopter equipped with three UV light sources (LED, xenon flasher and laser) to perform an inflight calibration and examine the detectors capability to measure tracks moving at the speed of light. We describe the helicopter laser system and details of the underflight as well as how the laser tracks were recorded and found in the data. These are the first recorded laser tracks measured from a fluorescence detector looking down on the atmosphere. Finally, we present a first reconstruction of the direction of the laser tracks relative to the detector.
  • Kminek, G, Conley, C, Hipkin, V, Yano, H
    Space Research Today 200 2017年12月  最終著者
  • Hirotaka Sawada, Ryuji Okazaki, Shogo Tachibana, Kanako Sakamoto, Yoshinori Takano, Chisato Okamoto, Hajime Yano, Yayoi Miura, Masanao Abe, Sunao Hasegawa, Takaaki Noguchi
    SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS 208(1-4) 81-106 2017年7月  査読有り
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launched the asteroid exploration probe "Hayabusa2" in December 3rd, 2014, following the 1st Hayabusa mission. With technological and scientific improvements from the Hayabusa probe, we plan to visit the C-type asteroid 162137 Ryugu (1999 JU3), and to sample surface materials of the C-type asteroid that is likely to be different from the S-type asteroid Itokawa and contain more pristine materials, including organic matter and/or hydrated minerals, than S-type asteroids. We developed the Hayabusa2 sampler to collect a minimum of 100 mg of surface samples including several mm-sized particles at three surface locations without any severe terrestrial contamination. The basic configuration of the sampler design is mainly as same as the 1st Hayabusa (Yano et al. in Science, 312(5778):1350-1353, 2006), with several minor but important modifications based on lessons learned from the Hayabusa to fulfill the scientific requirements and to raise the scientific value of the returned samples.In this paper, we will report the details of the sampling system of Hayabusa2 with results of performance tests during the development and the current status of the sampling system.
  • Ryuji Okazaki, Hirotaka Sawada, Shinji Yamanouchi, Shogo Tachibana, Yayoi N. Miura, Kanako Sakamoto, Yoshinori Takano, Masanao Abe, Shoichi Itoh, Keita Yamada, Hikaru Yabuta, Chisato Okamoto, Hajime Yano, Takaaki Noguchi, Tomoki Nakamura, Keisuke Nagao
    SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS 208(1-4) 107-124 2017年7月  査読有り
    The spacecraft Hayabusa2 was launched on December 3, 2014, to collect and return samples from a C-type asteroid, 162173 Ryugu (provisional designation, 1999 JU(3)). It is expected that the samples collected contain organic matter and water-bearing minerals and have key information to elucidate the origin and history of the Solar System and the evolution of bio-related organics prior to delivery to the early Earth. In order to obtain samples with volatile species without terrestrial contamination, based on lessons learned from the Hayabusa mission, the sample catcher and container of Hayabusa2 were refined from those used in Hayabusa. The improvements include (1) a mirror finish of the inner wall surface of the sample catcher and the container, (2) adoption of an aluminum metal sealing system, and (3) addition of a gas-sampling interface for gas collection and evacuation. The former two improvements were made to limit contamination of the samples by terrestrial atmosphere below 1 Pa after the container is sealed. The gas-sampling interface will be used to promptly collect volatile species released from the samples in the sample container after sealing of the container. These improvements maintain the value of the returned samples.
  • 山岸 明彦, 矢野 創
    Space Science Reviews 209(1-4) 83-181 2017年7月  査読有り
  • Daniel Hestroffer, Adriano Campo Bagatín, Wolfgang Losert, Eric Opsomer, Paul Sánchez, Daniel J. Scheeres, Lydie Staron, Nicolas Taberlet, Hajime Yano, Siegfried Eggl, Charles-Edouard Lecomte, Naomi Murdoch, Fahrang Radjai, Derek C. Richardson, Marcos Salazar, Stephen R. Schwartz, Paolo Tanga
    EPJ Web of Conferences 140 2017年6月30日  査読有り
    Asteroids and other Small Solar System Bodies (SSSBs) are currently of great scientific and even industrial interest. Asteroids exist as the permanent record of the formation of the Solar System and therefore hold many clues to its understanding as a whole, as well as insights into the formation of planetary bodies. Additionally, SSSBs are being investigated in the context of impact risks for the Earth, space situational awareness and their possible industrial exploitation (asteroid mining). In all these aspects, the knowledge of the geophysical characteristics of SSSB surface and internal structure are of great importance. Given their size, constitution, and the evidence that many SSSBs are not simple monoliths, these bodies should be studied and modelled as self-gravitating granular systems in general, or as granular systems in micro-gravity environments in particular contexts. As such, the study of the geophysical characteristics of SSSBs is a multi-disciplinary effort that lies at the crossroads between Granular Mechanics, Celestial Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Aerospace Engineering and Computer Sciences.
  • Takayuki Hirai, Hajime Yano, Masayuki Fujii, Sunao Hasegawa, Nobuhiro Moriyama, Chisato Okamoto, Makoto Tanaka
    ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH 59(6) 1450-1459 2017年3月  査読有り
    We describe data screening and reduction procedures for dust impact measurements performed by the Arrayed Large-Area Dust Detectors in INterplanetary space (ALADDIN) during its observation period of about 300 days in 2010-2011. The ALADDIN is a polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)-based in-situ dust impact detector onboard the IKAROS solar sail. Its main scientific objective is to reveal the distribution of dust particles larger than 10 mu m in the interplanetary space between 0.72 AU and 1.1 AU with higher time space resolution than any former in-situ dust detectors. Among the downlinked 4427 events, there were some apparent and potential non-impact events. After screening the non-impact events, 1773 events were identified as the most promising dust impact events. In order to deduce the mass of impacted dust particles from the downlinked amplitude value, dV, we investigated both analog and digital characteristics of the ALADDIN electronics. The analog response was assessed by laboratory impact experiments with the ALADDIN flight spares. According to the developed calibration estimate, the mass range of the impacted dust particles corresponding to the dynamic range of analog peak amplitude is from 6.3 x 10(-14) kg to 1.2 x 10(-11) kg (4-22 mu m diameter at the density of 2.0 g/cm(3)) at the typical impact velocity at 1 AU from the Sun. In addition, it was found that the digital characteristics, i.e., slow signal-sampling rate, leads a probabilistic effect on the interpretation of the recorded dV values. For an example, the data set of dV higher than 1 V at 1 AU from the Sun includes similar to 50% of the true impact number of dust particles with masses of 1.4 x 10(-11) kg, and similar to 100% of the impacts with particle masses above 4.7 x 10(-10) kg. Even though the ALADDIN has undetectable range in the detection of smaller particles due to the sampling effect, it was proven that the ALADDIN is well suited to observe the distribution of dust particles larger than 10 mu m in the Earth Venus region. (C) 2016 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Arakawa, M., Wada, K., Saiki, T., Kadono, T., Takagi, Y., Shirai, K., Okamoto, C., Yano, H., Hayakawa, M., Nakazawa, S., Hirata, N., Kobayashi, M., Michel, P., Jutzi, M., Imamura, H., Ogawa, K., Sakatani, N., Iijima, Y., Honda, R., Ishibashi, K., Hayakawa, H., Sawada, H.
    Space Science Reviews 208(1-4) 187-212 2017年  査読有り
    The Small Carry-on Impactor (SCI) equipped on Hayabusa2 was developed to produce an artificial impact crater on the primitive Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) 162173 Ryugu (Ryugu) in order to explore the asteroid subsurface material unaffected by space weathering and thermal alteration by solar radiation. An exposed fresh surface by the impactor and/or the ejecta deposit excavated from the crater will be observed by remote sensing instruments, and a subsurface fresh sample of the asteroid will be collected there. The SCI impact experiment will be observed by a Deployable CAMera 3-D (DCAM3-D) at a distance of similar to 1 km from the impact point, and the time evolution of the ejecta curtain will be observed by this camera to confirm the impact point on the asteroid surface. As a result of the observation of the ejecta curtain by DCAM3-D and the crater morphology by onboard cameras, the subsurface structure and the physical properties of the constituting materials will be derived from crater scaling laws. Moreover, the SCI experiment on Ryugu gives us a precious opportunity to clarify effects of microgravity on the cratering process and to validate numerical simulations and models of the cratering process.
  • Saiki, T., Imamura, H., Arakawa, M., Wada, K., Takagi, Y., Hayakawa, M., Shirai, K., Yano, H., Okamoto, C.
    Space Science Reviews 208(1-4) 165-186 2017年  査読有り
    Hayabusa2 is a sample return mission of JAXA launched on 3 December 2014. Hayabusa2 is the successor of Hayabusa, which returned samples from the asteroid Itokawa to the Earth. Although the design of Hayabusa2 follows that of Hayabusa, the former is equipped with some new components. The small carry-on impactor (SCI) is one of those components. The SCI is a compact kinetic impactor designed to remove the asteroid surface regolith locally and create an artificial crater. One of the most important scientific objectives of Hayabusa2 is to investigate the chemical and physical properties of the internal materials and structures of the target body, asteroid Ryugu. Hayabusa2 will attempt to observe the resultant crater with some scientific instruments and to get samples from around the crater. High kinetic energy is required to create a meaningful crater, however, the impact system design needs to fit within strict constraints. Complicated functions, such as a guidance and control system, are not permitted. A special type of shaped charge is used for the acceleration of the impactor of the SCI in order to make system simpler. Using this explosion technique makes it possible to accelerate the impactor very quickly and to hit the asteroid without a guidance system. However, the impact operation will be complicated because the explosive is very powerful and it scatters high-speed debris at the detonation. This paper describes an overview of the SCI system, the results of the development testing and an outline of the impact experiment of the Hayabusa2 mission.
  • Abdellaoui, G., Abe, S., Acheli, A., Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Ahriche, A., Albert, J.-N., Allard, D., Alonso, G., Anchordoqui, L., Andreev, V., Anzalone, A., Aouimeur, W., Arai, Y., Arsene, N., Asano, K., Attallah, R., Attoui, H., Ave Pernas, M., Bacholle, S., Bakiri, M., Baragatti, P., Barrillon, P., Bartocci, S., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Bechini, R., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Belov, A., Belov, K., Benadda, B., Benmessai, K., Berlind, A.A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P.L., Biktemerova, S., Bisconti, F., Blanc, N., Błȩcki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Boudaoud, R., Bozzo, E., Briggs, M.S., Bruno, A., Caballero, K.S., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J.-N., Capel, F., Caramete, A., Caramete, L., Carlson, P., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellina, A., Castellini, G., Catalano, C., Catalano, O., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Chiritoi, G., Christl, M.J., Connaughton, V., Conti, L., Cordero, G., Crawford, H.J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., Dagoret-Campagne, S., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Santis, C., del Peral, L., Di Martino, M., Djemil, T., Djenas, S.A., Dulucq, F., Dupieux, M., Dutan, I., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Eser, J., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernández-González, S., Fernández-Soriano, J., Ferrarese, S., Finco, D., Flamini, M., Fornaro, C., Fouka, M., Franceschi, A., Franchini, S., Fuglesang, C., Fujimoto, J., Fukushima, M., Galeotti, P., García-Ortega, E., Garipov, G., Gascón, E., Geary, J., Gelmini, G., Genci, J., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., González Alvarado, C., Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guehaz, R., Guzmán, A., Hachisu, Y., Haiduc, M., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Hernández Carretero, J., Hidber, W., Higashide, K., Ikeda, D., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Isgrò, F., Itow, Y., Jammer, T., Joven, E., Judd, E.G., Jung, A., Jochum, J., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kalli, S., Kaneko, I., Kang, D., Kanouni, F., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Karus, M., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Kedadra, A., Khales, H., Khrenov, B.A., Kim, J.-S., Kim, S.-W., Kim, S.-W., Kleifges, M., Klimov, P.A., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kusenko, A., Kuznetsov, E., Lacombe, M., Lachaud, C., Lahmar, H., Lakhdari, F., Larsson, O., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., López Campano, L., Maccarone, M.C., Mackovjak, S., Mahdi, M., Maravilla, D., Marcelli, L., Marcos, J.L., Marini, A., Martens, K., Martín, Y., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Matthews, J.N., Mebarki, N., Medina-Tanco, G., Mehrad, L., Mendoza, M.A., Merino, A., Mernik, T., Meseguer, J., Messaoud, S., Micu, O., Mimouni, J., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monaco, A., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Morales de los Ríos, J.A., Moretto, C., Morozenko, V.S., Mot, B., Murakami, T., Nadji, B., Nagano, M., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Napolitano, T., Nardelli, A., Naumov, D., Nava, R., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Nonaka, T., Ogawa, T., Ogio, S., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A.V., Orleański, P., Osteria, G., Painter, W., Panasyuk, M.I., Panico, B., Parizot, E., Park, I.H., Park, H.W., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Perdichizzi, M., Pérez-Grande, I., Perfetto, F., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pierog, T., Pindado, S., Piotrowski, L.W., Piraino, S., Placidi, L., Plebaniak, Z., Pliego, S., Pollini, A., Popescu, E.M., Prat, P., Prévôt, G., Prieto, H., Putis, M., Rabanal, J., Radu, A.A., Rahmani, M., Reardon, P., Reyes, M., Rezazadeh, M., Ricci, M., Rodríguez Frías, M.D., Ronga, F., Roth, M., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczyński, M., Sabau, M.D., Sáez Cano, G., Sagawa, H., Sahnoune, Z., Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sanchez, J.C., Sánchez, J.L., Santangelo, A., Santiago Crúz, L., Sanz-Andrés, A., Sanz Palomino, M., Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H.M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G., Sledd, J., Słomińska, K., Sobey, A., Stan, I., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tahi, H., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Talai, M.C., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tokuno, H., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Toscano, S., Traïche, M., Tsenov, R., Tsunesada, Y., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Unger, M., Vaduvescu, O., Valdés-Galicia, J.F., Vallania, P., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villaseñor, L., Vlcek, B., von Ballmoos, P., Vrabel, M., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weigand Muñoz, R., Weindl, A., Weiler, T.J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Włodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I.V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zgura, I.S., Zotov, M.Y., Zuccaro Marchi, A.
    Planetary and Space Science 143 245-255 2017年  査読有り
    We summarize the state of the art of a program of UV observations from space of meteor phenomena, a secondary objective of the JEM-EUSO international collaboration. Our preliminary analysis indicates that JEM-EUSO, taking advantage of its large FOV and good sensitivity, should be able to detect meteors down to absolute magnitude close to 7. This means that JEM-EUSO should be able to record a statistically significant flux of meteors, including both sporadic ones, and events produced by different meteor streams. Being unaffected by adverse weather conditions, JEM-EUSO can also be a very important facility for the detection of bright meteors and fireballs, as these events can be detected even in conditions of very high sky background. In the case of bright events, moreover, exhibiting some persistence of the meteor train, preliminary simulations show that it should be possible to exploit the motion of the ISS itself and derive at least a rough 3D reconstruction of the meteor trajectory. Moreover, the observing strategy developed to detect meteors may also be applied to the detection of nuclearites, exotic particles whose existence has been suggested by some theoretical investigations. Nuclearites are expected to move at higher velocities than meteoroids, and to exhibit a wider range of possible trajectories, including particles moving upward after crossing the Earth. Some pilot studies, including the approved Mini-EUSO mission, a precursor of JEM-EUSO, are currently operational or in preparation. We are doing simulations to assess the performance of Mini-EUSO for meteor studies, while a few meteor events have been already detected using the ground-based facility EUSO-TA.






















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    COSPAR Student Travel Grant Award、COSPAR, 彗星サンプルリターンを目指したCNT微粒子捕集材の実験的研究と数値解析による形状設計
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● 指導学生の顕著な論文

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    岩田 翔也
    著者名, ジャーナル名, 巻号ページ(出版年)
    Smart MLI宇宙実証機の地上校正による有効性検証と地球―月圏ダスト分布計測
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    Francesc TINTO
    著者名, ジャーナル名, 巻号ページ(出版年)
    ISUーMSS修士論文 Individual Project Report (2002)
    Evaluation of Effects of Regolith Size Distribution on Visible Near IR Asteroid Spectroscopy
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    Serina DINIEGA
    著者名, ジャーナル名, 巻号ページ(出版年)
    ISUーMSS修士論文 Individual Project Report (2004)
    Regolith Distribution Model for Sub-kilometer Ellipsoidal Asteroids
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    寺元 啓介
    著者名, ジャーナル名, 巻号ページ(出版年)
    Measurements of Sound Speed in Granular Materials Simulated Regolith
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    奥平 恭子
    著者名, ジャーナル名, 巻号ページ(出版年)
    Evaluation of Micrometeoroid Analogs Alteration on Capturing by Aerogel
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    真壁 輝夫
    著者名, ジャーナル名, 巻号ページ(出版年)
    The Determination of Projectile Shape for Asteroid Impact Sampling System
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    平井 隆之
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    A New Cosmic Dust Distribution Model inside the Earth’s Orbit Based on IKAROS-ALADDIN Results
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    望月 悠行
    著者名, ジャーナル名, 巻号ページ(出版年)
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    Maximilian SOMMER
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    Modelling Resonant Features in the Zodiacal Cloud
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    實川 律子
    著者名, ジャーナル名, 巻号ページ(出版年)
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    石岡 英悟
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    Maximilian EITEL
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    Tanpopo Particle Impact Analysis
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    山本 啓太
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    大泉 柊人
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    中野 晴貴
    著者名, ジャーナル名, 巻号ページ(出版年)
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    神門 宏祐
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    水上 恵利香
    著者名, ジャーナル名, 巻号ページ(出版年)
    微粒子環境モデルの更新に向けたたんぽぽ捕集パネル 構造部上の衝突痕分析
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    芹澤 遼太
    著者名, ジャーナル名, 巻号ページ(出版年)
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    武田 悠希
    著者名, ジャーナル名, 巻号ページ(出版年)
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    膽澤 宏太
    著者名, ジャーナル名, 巻号ページ(出版年)

● 専任大学名

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● 所属する所内委員会

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    2006年4月 - 2019年3月 大学共同利用スペースプラズマ(現・超高速衝突実験)専門委員会・委員
  • 所内委員会名
    2016年12月 - 2018年12月 宇宙理工学合同委員会下・宇宙科学の今後20年の構想を検討する委員会・委員
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    2023年6月ー現在 科学データ利用委員会・委員