
大山 聖

オオヤマ アキラ  (Akira Oyama)


国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所 教授
東京大学大学院 教授
東京理科大学 理工学研究科機械工学専攻 客員教授
博士(工学)(2000年3月 東北大学大学院)







  • 森穂高, 大山聖, 丸祐介, 坂本勇樹, 小林弘明, 江口光
    日本航空宇宙学会年会講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 54th 2023年  
  • 遠藤桜, 大山聖, 山田和彦
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 67th 2023年  
  • 岸, 祐希, 金崎, 雅博, 杉浦, 正彦, 田辺, 安忠, 大山, 聖, 佐藤, 允, KISHI, Yuki, KANAZAKI, Masahiro, SUGIURA, Masahiko, TANABE, Yasutada, Oyama, Akira, SATO, Makoto
    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料: 第53回流体力学講演会/第39回航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム論文集 = JAXA Special Publication: Proceedings of the 53rd Fluid Dynamics Conference / the 39th Aerospace Numerical Simulation Symposium JAXA-SP-21-008 149-155 2022年2月14日  
    第53回流体力学講演会/第39回航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム (2021年6月30日-7月2日. 日本航空宇宙学会 : 宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)オンライン会議) The 53rd Fluid Dynamics Conference / the 39th Aerospace Numerical Simulation Symposium (June 30 - July 2, 2021. The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences : Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Online meeting) In this paper, aerodynamic characteristics around the blade of the hexacopter ''HAMILTON (HexAcopter for Martian pIt crater exploraTiON)'' for Mars exploration are investigated to obtain design knowledge regarding multicopter drone flying in Martian atmosphere. Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes simulation with the moving overlapped grid was employed for aerodynamic evaluation of two cases; one is hexa-rotor case and the other is single rotor case in order to compare single rotor case and hexa-rotor case and reveal unique characteristics of multirotor case. According to computational results, in both cases, hexa-rotor and single rotor, the maximum figure of merit could be observed at higher hovering thrust conditions. It is suggested that the baseline blade geometry could generate thrust efficiently at higher thrust conditions. The flow structure around the hexa-rotor can be classified into three groups; turn-in side where the flow was drawn the inside by blades rotation, turn-out side where the flow was put out to the outside by blades rotation, and the center side which was located between the turn-in and turn-out sides. The rotors of the center side took the low figure of merit compared with the other rotors because of aerodynamic interference from the turn-in side and the turn-out side rotors. Therefore, the total figure of merit of all rotors increased when the distance among rotors is increased. 形態: カラー図版あり Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations 資料番号: AA2130027012 レポート番号: JAXA-SP-21-008
  • 大山聖
    計算工学 27(2) 2022年  
  • 大山聖
    自動車技術 75(4) 2021年  招待有り


  • Akira Oyama
    Springer Verlag 2009年  Refereed
    Constraint-handling techniques for evolutionary multiobjective aerodynamic and multidisciplinary designs are focused. Because number of evaluations is strictly limited in aerodynamic or multidisciplinary design optimization due to expensive computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations for aerodynamic evaluations, very efficient and robust constraint-handling technique is required for aerodynamic and multidisciplinary design optimizations. First, in Section 2, features of aerodynamic design optimization problems are discussed. Then, in Section 3 constraint-handling techniques used for aerodynamic and multidisciplinary designs are overviewed. Then, an efficient constraint-handling technique suitable to aerodynamic and multidisciplinary designs is introduced with real-world aerodynamic and multidisciplinary applications. Finally, an efficient geometry-constraint-handling technique commonly used for aerodynamic design optimizations is presented. © 2009 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.



