
秋山 茉莉子

アキヤマ マリコ  (Mariko Akiyama)


国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所
博士(工学)(2023年3月 東京大学)



  • Keita Nishii, Mariko Akiyama, Hiroyuki Koizumi, Kimiya Komurasaki
    Combustion Science and Technology 195(10) 1-17 2021年12月28日  
  • Mariko AKIYAMA, Keita NISHII, Yoshihito MANNAMI, Masaya MUROHARA, Hiroyuki KOIZUMI, Kimiya KOMURASAKI
  • Keita Nishii, Jun Asakawa, Kosei Kikuchi, Mariko Akiyama, Qihang Wang, Masaya Murohara, Yasuho Ataka, Hiroyuki Koizumi, Ryu Funase, Kimiya Komurasaki
    The University of Tokyo has proposed a water resistojet thruster with a high certainty of liquid-vapor separation and low power consumption. In this propulsion system, liquid water is periodically vaporized in a pulsating manner to generate thrust. A vaporization chamber with a labyrinth-shaped flow path catches droplets using their surface tension to separate the liquid and vapor, and the droplets vaporize under normal temperature to reduce the input power by reusing the heat from the surrounding components. In this study, we designed and fabricated a flight model of the proposed propulsion system for 6U CubeSat and evaluated the performance of this propulsion system, including the control method. The results confirm the concept of the proposed liquid-vapor separation method and its low power consumption. Moreover, we revealed the relationships between the vaporizing duty cycle, input power, and thrust.


  • 秋山茉莉子, 西井啓太, 小泉宏之, 小紫公也
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2021年
  • 万浪義史, 西井啓太, 秋山茉莉子, 室原昌弥, 小泉宏之, 小紫公也
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2020年
  • 万浪 義史, 西井 啓太, 秋山 茉莉子, 室原 昌弥, 小泉 宏之, 小紫 公也
    令和元年度宇宙輸送シンポジウム(2020年1月16日-17日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000147035レポート番号: STCP-2019-035
  • Keita Nishii, Yoshihito Mannami, Mariko Akiyama, Masaya Murohara, Koizumi Hiroyuki, Kimiya Komurasaki
    AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2020 Forum 2020年
    The combustion of aluminum and magnesium is an attractive power source. Many practical tests have been conducted as a composite propellant of metal powder and water. However, because the safety and the ease of handling are required to be launched into space, it is desirable that nonpowder metal is used as fuel and stored separately from oxidizer. Heat loss has a significant impact on the combustion of bulk metals. Though combustion behavior of bulk metals differs from that of powders, little has been reported on the combustion of bulk metal with water. This study, first, considered two types of ignition method: Joule heating and induction heating and investigated their feasibility in the scale of small spacecraft. Then, two types of experiments were carried out. The former is the wire combustion experiment using Joule heating. This experiment revealed that the characteristics of millimeter scale bulk metal combustion with water vapor. The latter experiment is the induction heating of a magnesium rod as an initial test of the ignition system for centimeter scale fuel. This test demonstrated the heating of the metal and identified the rooms for improvement to ignite the fuel.
  • 室原 昌弥, 西井 啓太, 菊池 航世, 秋山 茉莉子, 王 啓航, 安宅 泰穂, 服部 旭大, 浅川 純, 小泉 宏之, 船瀬 龍, 小紫 公也
  • 秋山 茉莉子, 西井 啓太, 菊池 航世, 室原 昌弥, 王 啓航, 安宅 泰穂, 齋藤 勇士, 服部 旭大, 浅川 純, 小泉 宏之, 柿原 浩太, 柳田 幹太, 鈴本 遼, 飯山 敬大, 船瀬 龍, 小紫 公也
  • 西井啓太, 秋山茉莉子, 室原昌弥, 万浪義史, 小泉宏之
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2019年
  • 秋山茉莉子, 西井啓太, 菊池航世, 室原昌弥, WANG Qihang, 安宅泰穂, 齋藤勇士, 服部旭大, 浅川純, 小泉宏之, 柿原浩太, 柳田幹太, 鈴本遼, 飯山敬大, 船瀬龍, 小紫公也
    日本航空宇宙学会年会講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2019年
  • 室原昌弥, 西井啓太, 菊池航世, 秋山茉莉子, WANG Qihang, 安宅泰穂, 服部旭大, 浅川純, 小泉宏之, 船瀬龍, 小紫公也
    日本航空宇宙学会年会講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2019年
  • Kosei Kikuchi, Keita Nishii, Mariko Akiyama, Qihang Wang, Masaya Murohara, Yasuho Ataka, Akihiro Hattori, Jun Asakawa, Hiroyuki Koizumi, Kota Kakihara, Kanta Yanagida, Ryo Suzumoto, Ryu Funase, Kimiya Komurasaki
    AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum and Exposition, 2019 2019年
    Water is one of the most suitable propellants for small spacecraft because it can be stored at low pressure, is safe and abundant on earth. Although propulsion systems using water as a propellant were already operated in space, but the desired thrust was not obtained because the gas-liquid separation was not successful, The University of Tokyo has developed a propulsion system with a vaporization chamber for gas-liquid separation, AQUARIUS. In this research, it was demonstrated whether the required performance could be obtained by changing the method of supplying the propellant to the propulsion system provided with the vaporization chamber.
  • Mariko Akiyama, Keita Nishii, Kosei Kikuchi, Qihang Wang, Masaya Murohara, Yasuho Ataka, Jun Asakawa, Hiroyuki Koizumi, Kota Kakihara, Kanta Yanagida, Ryo Suzumoto, Ryu Funase, Kimiya Komurasaki
    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2019年
    For the realization of the complicating missions by small spacecrafts, it is necessary to establish the micro-propulsion technology. AQUARIUS (AQUA ResIstojet propUlsion System) is a micro-propulsion system which is going to be installed on a 6U CubeSat EQUULEUS (EQUilibriUm Lunar-Earth point 6U Spacecraft) and launched in 2020. AQUARIUS uses water as a propellant. The advantages of using water mainly come from two points. First, it exits as a liquid in standard state. Second, it is non-toxic substance. These advantages lead to the easier handling, which results in the cost reduction and the period shortening of the development. However, one of the major disadvantages is that its latent heat 2400 J/g is large compared to the other propellants used in resistojet thrusters. In AQUARIUS, the waste heat of the high temperature devices was reutilized to compensate the latent heat. AQUARIUS is composed of mainly three components: a tank for containing water, a vaporization chamber for vaporization of water, and a thruster head for thrust generation. Up to now, AQUARIUS Flight Model was assembled, and the several kinds of experiments were conducted. In this study, the latest development status of it was shown, mainly focusing on the two types of thrust measurement because the thermal environment was different between AQUARIUS alone and that installed on the spacecraft. From the results, it was estimated that the operational parameters were appropriately chosen, and that the reutilization of the waste heat was successfully conducted in the spacecraft.
  • 西井啓太, 服部旭大, 浅川純, 小泉宏之, 船瀬龍, 齋藤勇士, 菊池航世, 秋山茉莉子, 王啓航, 安宅泰穂, 小紫公也
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2018年
  • Jun Asakawa, Keita Nishii, Akihiro Hattori, Hiroyuki Koizumi, Yuji Saito, Kosei Kikuchi, Mariko Akiyama, Qihang Wang, Yasuho Ataka, Komurasaki Kimiya
    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2018年
    Flight model of a micro-water resistojet propulsion system, named AQUARIUS (AQUA ResIstojet propUlsion System) was designed for a deep space exploration by 6U Cubesat. Ultra green propellant: water was used as propellant, which allowed for low pressure feeding system and a safe and easy handling. In addition, water has been arousing interest as a potential resource for future deep space exploration. AQUARIUS has a gas-liquid separation device, named vaporization chamber, where liquid water evaporates at a standard temperature. Waste heat of transponders is reused at the vaporization chamber. MEOP (Maximum Expected Operating Pressure) was designed to be approximately 60 kPa. Flight model was assembled, and operation test was conducted in a vacuum chamber. Thrust performance was measured by using thrust balance. Averaged thrust of more than 4 mN was achieved in a first operation.





