
カリオコスキ ミラ

Milla Kalliokoski


国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所





  • Milla Kalliokoski, Kazushi Asamura, Iku Shinohara, Takefumi Mitani, Tomoaki Hori, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Nana Higashio, Takeshi Takashima
  • L. Olifer, S. K. Morley, L. G. Ozeke, I. R. Mann, M. M. H. Kalliokoski, M. G. Henderson, M. R. Carver, A. Hoover
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 2024年5月  
  • Adnane Osmane, Emilia Kilpua, Harriet Elizabeth George, Oliver Allanson, Milla M H Kalliokoski
    Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series 269(2) 2023年12月1日  
  • Milla M H Kalliokoski, Michael G. Henderson, Steven K. Morley, Emilia Kilpua, Adnane Osmane, Leonid Olifer, Drew L. Turner, Allison N. Jaynes, Harriet Elizabeth George, Sanni Hoilijoki, Lucile Turc, Minna Palmroth
    Journal of Geophysical Research 128(2) 2023年2月  
  • Milla M. H. Kalliokoski, Michael G. Henderson, Steven K. Morley, Emilia K. J. Kilpua, Adnane Osmane, Leonid Olifer, Drew L. Turner, Allison N. Jaynes, Harriet George, Sanni Hoilijoki, Lucile Turc, Minna Palmroth
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 2023年2月  
  • Sanni Hoilijoki, Emilia Kilpua, Adnane Osmane, Milla M H Kalliokoski, Harriet George, Mikko Savola, Timo Asikainen
    Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 9 2022年10月19日  
    In this study, we use mutual information from information theory to investigate non-linear correlation between geomagnetic activity indicated by auroral electrojet (AE) index with both the global ultra low frequency (ULF) Pc5 wave power and medium energy (>= 30 keV) electron precipitation at the central outer radiation belt. To investigate the energy and magnetic local time (MLT) dependence of the non-linearity, we calculate the mutual information and Pearson correlation coefficient separately for three different energy ranges (30-100 keV, 100-300 keV and >= 300 keV) and four different MLT sectors (0-6, 6-12, 12-18, 18-24). We compare results from 2 years 2004 and 2007 representing geomagnetically more active and less active years, respectively. The correlation analysis between the AE index and electron precipitation shows a clear MLT and energy dependence in both active and quiet conditions. In the two lowest energy ranges of the medium energy electrons (30-100 keV and 100-300 keV) both non-linear correlation and Pearson correlation indicate strong dependence with the AE index in the dawn sector. The linear dependence indicated by the Pearson correlation coefficient decreases from dawn to dusk while the change in the non-linear correlation is smaller indicating an increase in the non-linearity from dawn to dusk. The non-linearity between the AE index and electron precipitation is larger at all MLT sectors except MLTs 6-12 during geomagnetically more active year when larger amount of the activity is driven by interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) compared to lower activity year with high speed stream (HSS) and stream interaction region (SIR) driven activity. These results indicate that the processes leading to electron precipitation become more non-linear in the dusk and during geomagnetically more active times when the activity is driven by ICMEs. The non-linearity between the AE index and global ULF Pc5 activity is relatively low and seems not to be affected by the difference in the geomagnetic activity during the 2 years studied.
  • H. George, G. Reeves, G. Cunningham, M. M. H. Kalliokoski, E. Kilpua, A. Osmane, M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley, S. Hoilijoki, M. Palmroth
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 2022年10月  
  • H. George, G. Reeves, G. Cunningham, Milla M H Kalliokoski, Emilia Kilpua, A. Osmane, M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley, S. Hoilijoki, Minna Palmroth
    Journal of geophysical research. Space physics 127(10) 2022年10月  
    Dropout events are dramatic decreases in radiation belt electron populations that can occur in as little as 30 minutes. Loss to magnetopause due to a combination of magnetopause shadowing and outward radial transport plays a significant role in these events. We examine the dropout of relativistic electron populations during the October 2012 geomagnetic storm using simulated electron phase space density, evaluating the contribution of different processes to losses across the magnetopause. We compare loss contribution from outward transport calculated using a standard empirical radial diffusion model that assumes a dipolar geomagnetic field to an event-specific radial diffusion model evaluated with a non-dipolar geomagnetic field. We additionally evaluate the contribution of Shabansky type 1 particles, which bounce along magnetic field lines with local equatorial maxima, to the loss calculated during this event. We find that the empirical radial diffusion model with a dipolar background field underestimates the contribution of radial diffusion to this dropout event by up to 10% when compared to the event-specific, non-dipolar radial diffusion model. We additionally find that including Shabansky type 1 particles in the initial electron phase space density, that is, allowing some magnetic field lines distorted from the typical single-minima configuration in drift shell construction, increases the calculated loss by an average of 0.75%. This shows that the treatment of the geomagnetic field significantly impacts the calculation of electron losses to the magnetopause during dropout events, with the non-dipolar treatment of radial diffusion being essential to accurately quantify the loss of outer radiation belt populations.
  • H. George, A. Osmane, Emilia Kilpua, S. Lejosne, Lucile Turc, Maxime Grandin, Milla M H Kalliokoski, Sanni Hoilijoki, U. Ganse, Markku Alho, Markus Battarbee, M. Bussov, M. Dubart, A. Johlander, Talgat Manglayev, K. Papadakis, Yann Pfau-Kempf, Jonas Suni, V. Tarvus, H. Zhou, Minna Palmroth
    Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 9 2022年5月18日  
    <p>Radial diffusion coefficients quantify non-adiabatic transport of energetic particles by electromagnetic field fluctuations in planetary radiation belts. Theoretically, radial diffusion occurs for an ensemble of particles that experience irreversible violation of their third adiabatic invariant, which is equivalent to a change in their Roederer L* parameter. Thus, the Roederer L* coordinate is the fundamental quantity from which radial diffusion coefficients can be computed. In this study, we present a methodology to calculate the Lagrangian derivative of L* from global magnetospheric simulations, and test it with an application to Vlasiator, a hybrid-Vlasov model of near-Earth space. We use a Hamiltonian formalism for particles confined to closed drift shells with conserved first and second adiabatic invariants to compute changes in the guiding center drift paths due to electric and magnetic field fluctuations. We investigate the feasibility of this methodology by computing the time derivative of L* for an equatorial ultrarelativistic electron population travelling along four guiding center drift paths in the outer radiation belt during a 5 minute portion of a Vlasiator simulation. Radial diffusion in this simulation is primarily driven by ultralow frequency waves in the Pc3 range (10-45 s period range) that are generated in the foreshock and transmitted through the magnetopause to the outer radiation belt environment. Our results show that an alternative methodology to compute detailed radial diffusion transport is now available and could form the basis for comparison studies between numerical and observational measurements of radial transport in the Earth's radiation belts.</p>
  • Milla M H Kalliokoski, Emilia Kilpua, Adnane Osmane, Allison N. Jaynes, Drew L. Turner, Harriet George, Lucile Turc, Minna Palmroth
    Journal of geophysical research. Space physics 127(3) 2022年3月  
    Coronal mass ejection driven sheath regions are one of the key drivers of drastic outer radiation belt responses. The response can however be significantly different based on the sheath properties and the associated inner magnetospheric wave activity. We performed two case studies on the effects of sheaths on outer belt electrons of various energies using data from the Van Allen Probes. One sheath caused a major geomagnetic disturbance and the other had only a minor impact. We especially investigated the phase space density (PSD) of seed, core, and ultrarelativistic electrons to determine the dominant energization and loss processes taking place during the events. Both sheaths produced substantial variation in the electron fluxes from tens of kiloelectronvolts up to ultrarelativistic energies. The responses were however the opposite: the geoeffective sheath mainly led to enhancement, while the nongeoeffective one caused a depletion throughout most of the outer belt. The case studies highlight that both inward and outward radial transport driven by ultra-low frequency waves played an important role in both electron energization and loss. Additionally, PSD radial profiles revealed a local peak that indicated significant acceleration to core energies by chorus waves during the geoeffective event. The distinct responses and different mechanisms in action during these events were related to the timing of the peaked solar wind dynamic pressure causing magnetopause compression, and the differing levels of substorm activity. The most remarkable changes in the radiation belt system occurred in key sheath sub-regions near the shock and the ejecta leading edge.
  • Milla M. H. Kalliokoski, Emilia K. J. Kilpua, Adnane Osmane, Allison N. Jaynes, Drew L. Turner, Harriet George, Lucile Turc, Minna Palmroth
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127(3) 2022年3月  
  • Adnane Osmane, Mikko Erik Savola, Emilia Kilpua, Hannu Erkki Juhani Koskinen, Joseph E. Borovsky, Milla M H Kalliokoski
    Annales Geophysicae 40(1) 37-53 2022年1月25日  
    <p>In this study, we use mutual information to characterise statistical dependencies of seed and relativistic electron fluxes in the Earth's radiation belts on ultra-low-frequency (ULF) wave power measured on the ground and at geostationary orbit. The benefit of mutual information, in comparison to measures such as the Pearson correlation, lies in the capacity to distinguish non-linear dependencies from linear ones. After reviewing the property of mutual information and its relationship with the Pearson correlation for Gaussian bivariates, we present a methodology to quantify and distinguish linear and non-linear statistical dependencies that can be generalised to a wide range of solar wind drivers and magnetospheric responses. We present an application of the methodology by revisiting the case events studied by Rostoker et al. (1998). Our results corroborate the conclusions of Rostoker et al. (1998) that ULF wave power and relativistic electron fluxes are statistically dependent upon one another. We also estimate that the Pearson correlation is missing between 20 % and 30 % of the statistical dependency between ULF wave power and relativistic electron fluxes. Thus, the Pearson correlation underestimates the impact of ULF waves on energetic electron fluxes. However, we find that observed enhancements in relativistic electron fluxes correlate modestly, both linearly and non-linearly, with the ULF power spectrum when compared with values found in previous studies (Simms et al., 2014) and with correlational values found between seed electrons and ULF wave power for the same case events. Our results are indicative of the importance of incorporating data analysis tools that can quantify linear and non-linear interdependencies of various solar wind drivers.</p>
  • Adnane Osmane, Mikko Savola, Emilia Kilpua, Hannu Koskinen, Joseph E. Borovsky, Milla Kalliokoski
    Annales Geophysicae 40(1) 37-53 2022年1月25日  
  • Maxime Grandin, Minna Palmroth, Graeme Whipps, Milla Kalliokoski, Mark Ferrier, Larry J. Paxton, Martin G. Mlynczak, Jukka Hilska, Knut Holmseth, Kjetil Vinorum, Barry Whenman
    AGU Advances 2021年6月  
  • Maxime Grandin, Minna Palmroth, Graeme Whipps, Milla M H Kalliokoski, Mark Ferrier, Larry J. Paxton, Martin G. Mlynczak, Jukka Hilska, Knut Holmseth, Kjetil Vinorum, Barry Whenman
    AGU Advances 2021年6月  
    <p>Recently, citizen scientist photographs led to the discovery of a new auroral form called "the dune aurora" which exhibits parallel stripes of brighter emission in the green diffuse aurora at about 100 km altitude. This discovery raised several questions, such as (i) whether the dunes are associated with particle precipitation, (ii) whether their structure arises from spatial inhomogeneities in the precipitating fluxes or in the underlying neutral atmosphere, and (iii) whether they are the auroral manifestation of an atmospheric wave called a mesospheric bore. This study investigates a large-scale dune aurora event on 20 January 2016 above Northern Europe. The dunes were observed from Finland to Scotland, spanning over 1,500 km for at least 4 h. Spacecraft observations indicate that the dunes are associated with particle precipitation and reveal the presence of a temperature inversion layer below the mesopause during the event, creating suitable conditions for mesospheric bore formation. The analysis of a time lapse of pictures by a citizen scientist from Scotland leads to the estimate that, during this event, the dunes propagate toward the west-southwest direction at about 200 m s(-1), presumably indicating strong horizontal winds near the mesopause. These results show that citizen science and dune aurora studies can fill observational gaps and be powerful tools to investigate the least-known region of near-Earth space at altitudes near 100 km.</p>
  • Harriet George, Emilia Kilpua, Adnane Osmane, Timo Asikainen, Milla M H Kalliokoski, Craig J. Rodger, Stepan Dubyagin, Minna Palmroth
    Annales Geophysicae 38(4) 931-951 2020年8月28日  
    <p>Recently, it has been established that interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) can dramatically affect both trapped electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt and precipitating electron fluxes lost from the belt into the atmosphere. Precipitating electron fluxes and energies can vary over a range of timescales during these events. These variations depend on the initial energy and location of the electron population and the ICME characteristics and structures. One important factor controlling electron dynamics is the magnetic field orientation within the ejecta that is an integral part of the ICME. In this study, we examine Van Allen Probes (RBSPs) and Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites (POESs) data to explore trapped and precipitating electron fluxes during two ICMEs. The ejecta in the selected ICMEs have magnetic cloud characteristics that exhibit the opposite sense of the rotation of the north-south magnetic field component (B-Z). RBSP data are used to study trapped electron fluxes in situ, while POES data are used for electron fluxes precipitating into the upper atmosphere. The trapped and precipitating electron fluxes are qualitatively analysed to understand their variation in relation to each other and to the magnetic cloud rotation during these events. Inner magnetospheric wave activity was also estimated using RBSP and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) data. In each event, the largest changes in the location and magnitude of both the trapped and precipitating electron fluxes occurred during the southward portion of the magnetic cloud. Significant changes also occurred during the end of the sheath and at the sheath-ejecta boundary for the cloud with south to north magnetic field rotation, while the ICME with north to south rotation had significant changes at the end boundary of the cloud. The sense of rotation of B-Z and its profile also clearly affects the coherence of the trapped and/or precipitating flux changes, timing of variations with respect to the ICME structures, and flux magnitude of different electron populations. The differing electron responses could therefore imply partly different dominant acceleration mechanisms acting on the outer radiation belt electron populations as a result of opposite magnetic cloud rotation.</p>
  • Harriet George, Emilia Kilpua, Adnane Osmane, Timo Asikainen, Milla M. H. Kalliokoski, Craig J. Rodger, Stepan Dubyagin, Minna Palmroth
    Annales Geophysicae 38(4) 931-951 2020年8月28日  
  • Milla M. H. Kalliokoski, Emilia K. J. Kilpua, Adnane Osmane, Drew L. Turner, Allison N. Jaynes, Lucile Turc, Harriet George, Minna Palmroth
    Annales Geophysicae 38(3) 683-701 2020年6月9日  
  • Milla M H Kalliokoski, Emilia Kilpua, Adnane Osmane, Drew L. Turner, Allison N. Jaynes, Lucile Turc, Harriet George, Minna Palmroth
    Annales Geophysicae 38(3) 683-701 2020年6月9日  
    <p>The energetic electron content in the Van Allen radiation belts surrounding the Earth can vary dramatically at several timescales, and these strong electron fluxes present a hazard for spacecraft traversing the belts. The belt response to solar wind driving is, however, largely unpredictable, and the direct response to specific large-scale heliospheric structures has not been considered previously. We investigate the immediate response of electron fluxes in the outer belt that are driven by sheath regions preceding interplanetary coronal mass ejections and the associated wave activity in the inner magnetosphere. We consider the events recorded from 2012 to 2018 in the Van Allen Probes era to utilise the energy- and radial-distance-resolved electron flux observations of the twin spacecraft mission. We perform a statistical study of the events by using the superposed epoch analysis in which the sheaths are superposed separately from the ejecta and resampled to the same average duration. Our results show that the wave power of ultra-low frequency Pc5 and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves, as measured by a Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES), is higher during the sheath than during the ejecta. However, the level of chorus wave power, as measured by the Van Allen Probes, remains approximately the same due to similar substorm activity during the sheath and ejecta. Electron flux enhancements are common at low energies (&lt;1 MeV) throughout the outer belt (L = 3-6), whereas depletion predominantly occurs at high energies for high radial distances (L &gt; 4). It is distinctive that the depletion extends to lower energies at larger distances. We suggest that this L-shell and energy-dependent depletion results from the magnetopause shadowing that dominates the losses at large distances, while the wave-particle interactions dominate closer to the Earth. We also show that non-geoeffective sheaths cause significant changes in the outer belt electron fluxes.</p>
  • Emilia Kilpua, Liisa Juusola, Maxime Grandin, Antti Kero, Stepan Dubyagin, Noora Partamies, Adnane Osmane, Harriet George, Milla M H Kalliokoski, Tero Raita, Timo Asikainen, Minna Palmroth
    Annales Geophysicae 38(2) 557-574 2020年4月21日  
    <p>We study here energetic-electron (E &gt; 30 keV) precipitation using cosmic noise absorption (CNA) during the sheath and ejecta structures of 61 interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) observed in the near-Earth solar wind between 1997 and 2012. The data come from the Finnish riometer (relative ionospheric opacity meter) chain from stations extending from auroral (IVA, 65.2 degrees N geomagnetic latitude; MLAT) to subauroral (JYV, 59.0 degrees N MLAT) latitudes. We find that sheaths and ejecta lead frequently to enhanced CNA (&gt; 0.5 dB) both at auroral and subauroral latitudes, although the CNA magnitudes stay relatively low (medians around 1 dB). Due to their longer duration, ejecta typically lead to more sustained enhanced CNA periods (on average 6-7 h), but the sheaths and ejecta were found to be equally effective in inducing enhanced CNA when relative-occurrence frequency and CNA magnitude were considered. Only at the lowest-MLAT station, JYV, ejecta were more effective in causing enhanced CNA. Some clear trends of magnetic local time (MLT) and differences between the ejecta and sheaths were found. The occurrence frequency and magnitude of CNA activity was lowest close to midnight, while it peaked for the sheaths in the morning and afternoon/evening sectors and for the ejecta in the morning and noon sectors. These differences may reflect differences in typical MLT distributions of wave modes that precipitate substorm-injected and trapped radiation belt electrons during the sheaths and ejecta. Our study also emphasizes the importance of substorms and magnetospheric ultra-low-frequency (ULF) waves for enhanced CNA.</p>
  • Emilia Kilpua, Liisa Juusola, Maxime Grandin, Antti Kero, Stepan Dubyagin, Noora Partamies, Adnane Osmane, Harriet George, Milla Kalliokoski, Tero Raita, Timo Asikainen, Minna Palmroth
    Annales Geophysicae 38(2) 557-574 2020年4月21日  
  • Emilia Kilpua, Liisa Juusola, Maxime Gr, in, Antti Kero, Stepan Dubyagin, Noora Partamies, Adnane Osmane, Harriet George, Milla Kalliokoski, Tero Raita, Timo Asikainen, Minna Palmroth
  • Milla M. H. Kalliokoski, Emilia K. J. Kilpua, Adnane Osmane, Drew L. Turner, Allison N. Jaynes, Lucile Turc, Harriet George, Minna Palmroth
  • Emilia Kilpua, D. Fontaine, C. Moissard, Matti Ala-Lahti, Erika Palmerio, E. Yordanova, S. W. Good, Erkka Tapio Lumme, A. Osmane, Minna Palmroth, Lucile Turc, Milla M H Kalliokoski
    Space Weather 17(8) 1257-1280 2019年8月  
    We present a statistical study of interplanetary conditions and geospace response to 89 coronal mass ejection-driven sheaths observed during Solar Cycles 23 and 24. We investigate in particular the dependencies on the driver properties and variations across the sheath. We find that the ejecta speed principally controls the sheath geoeffectiveness and shows the highest correlations with sheath parameters, in particular in the region closest to the shock. Sheaths of fast ejecta have on average high solar wind speeds, magnetic (B) field magnitudes, and fluctuations, and they generate efficiently strong out-of-ecliptic fields. Slow-ejecta sheaths are considerably slower and have weaker fields and field fluctuations, and therefore they cause primarily moderate geospace activity. Sheaths of weak and strong B field ejecta have distinct properties, but differences in their geoeffectiveness are less drastic. Sheaths of fast and strong ejecta push the subsolar magnetopause significantly earthward, often even beyond geostationary orbit. Slow-ejecta sheaths also compress the magnetopause significantly due to their large densities that are likely a result of their relatively long propagation times and source near the streamer belt. We find the regions near the shock and ejecta leading edge to be the most geoeffective parts of the sheath. These regions are also associated with the largest B field magnitudes, out-of-ecliptic fields, and field fluctuations as well as largest speeds and densities. The variations, however, depend on driver properties. Forecasting sheath properties is challenging due to their variable nature, but the dependence on ejecta properties determined in this work could help to estimate sheath geoeffectiveness through remote-sensing coronal mass ejection observations.
  • E. K. J. Kilpua, D. Fontaine, C. Moissard, M. Ala‐Lahti, E. Palmerio, E. Yordanova, S. W. Good, M. M. H. Kalliokoski, E. Lumme, A. Osmane, M. Palmroth, L. Turc
    Space Weather 2019年8月  
  • Milla M H Kalliokoski
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 2019年7月31日  
  • Emilia Kilpua, S. W. Good, Erika Palmerio, Eleanna Asvestari, Erkka Tapio Lumme, Matti Ala-Lahti, Milla M H Kalliokoski, Diana E. Morosan, Jens Pomoell, Daniel James Price, Jasmina Magdalenić, Stefaan Poedts, Yoshifumi Futaana
    Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 6 2019年7月18日  
    <p>We report a detailed analysis of interplanetary flux ropes observed at Venus and subsequently at Earth's Lagrange L1 point between June 15 and 17, 2012. The observation points were separated by about 0.28 AU in radial distance and 5 degrees in heliographic longitude at this time. The flux ropes were associated with three coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that erupted from the Sun on June 12-14, 2012 (SOL2012-06-12, SOL2012-06-13, and SOL2012-06-14). We examine the CME-CME interactions using in-situ observations from the almost radially aligned spacecraft at Venus and Earth, as well as using heliospheric modeling and imagery. The June 14 CME reached the June 13 CME near the orbit of Venus and significant interaction occurred before they both reached Earth. The shock driven by the June 14 CME propagated through the June 13 CME and the two CMEs coalesced, creating the signatures of one large, coherent flux rope at L1. We discuss the origin of the strong interplanetary magnetic fields related to this sequence of events, the complexity of interpreting solar wind observations in the case of multiple interacting CMEs, and the coherence of the flux ropes at different observation points.</p>
  • Minna Palmroth, J. Praks, R. Vainio, P. Janhunen, Emilia Kilpua, N. Yu. Ganushkina, A. Afanasiev, Matti Ala-Lahti, A. Alho, T. Asikainen, Eleanna Asvestari, Markus Battarbee, A. Binios, A. Bosser, Thiago Brito, J. Envall, U. Ganse, H. George, J. Gieseler, S. W. Good, Maxime Grandin, S. Haslam, H.-P. Hedman, H. Hietala, N. Jovanovic, S. Kakakhel, Milla M H Kalliokoski, V. V. Kettunen, T. Koskela, Erkka Tapio Lumme, M. Meskanen, Diana E. Morosan, M. Rizwan Mughal, P. Niemelä, S. Nyman, P. Oleynik, A. Osmane, Erika Palmerio, Yann Pfau-Kempf, J. Peltonen, J. Plosila, J. Polkko, S. Poluianov, Jens Pomoell, Daniel James Price, A. Punkkinen, R. Punkkinen, B. Riwanto, L. Salomaa, A. Slavinskis, T. Säntti, J. Tammi, H. Tenhunen, P. Toivanen, J. Tuominen, Lucile Turc, E. Valtonen, P. Virtanen, T. Westerlund, M. Dupart
    Journal of geophysical research. Space physics 124(7) 5783-5799 2019年7月  
    Abstract Today, the near-Earth space is facing a paradigm change as the number of new spacecraft is literally sky-rocketing. Increasing numbers of small satellites threaten the sustainable use of space, as without removal, space debris will eventually make certain critical orbits unusable. A central factor affecting small spacecraft health and leading to debris is the radiation environment, which is unpredictable due to an incomplete understanding of the near-Earth radiation environment itself and its variability driven by the solar wind and outer magnetosphere. This paper presents the FORESAIL-1 nanosatellite mission, having two scientific and one technological objectives. The first scientific objective is to measure the energy and flux of energetic particle loss to the atmosphere with a representative energy and pitch angle resolution over a wide range of magnetic local times. To pave the way to novel model - in situ data comparisons, we also show preliminary results on precipitating electron fluxes obtained with the new global hybrid-Vlasov simulation Vlasiator. The second scientific objective of the FORESAIL-1 mission is to measure energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) of solar origin. The solar ENA flux has the potential to contribute importantly to the knowledge of solar eruption energy budget estimations. The technological objective is to demonstrate a satellite de-orbiting technology, and for the first time, make an orbit manoeuvre with a propellantless nanosatellite. FORESAIL-1 will demonstrate the potential for nanosatellites to make important scientific contributions as well as promote the sustainable utilisation of space by using a cost-efficient de-orbiting technology.
  • Kalliokoski, {Milla Maria Helena}
    Master's thesis